Make Me Beg [BL]

By morgansluvbot

818K 39.4K 39.5K

Being in love with your roommate wasn't exactly ideal. Being in love with your roommate and a stranger you m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Extra : Chapter 1

Chapter 3

29.3K 1.3K 1.7K
By morgansluvbot

QOTD: if you had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would it be 👁👄👁

Lucas tapped me under the counter for the second time. I ignored it again and nodded along to what Paul was saying, pretty smile happily displayed and fake laugher following right behind.

He was going on and on about some trip he took recently and just how wonderful the grass was for golfing. I couldn't give less of a fuck about how rich white men spent their free time but he was a regular and he tipped well.

So, if I needed to stand here and flash him a pretty smile while showing a little skin, I would happily do so.

I saw his eyes dart down again, trying to secretly look at my exposed chest that was barely covered by the silk vest that quickly became unbuttoned when I hit the two hour mark of my shift.

Every now and then, his eyes would dip lower, as if he could magically see through the bar. Unfortunately for him, I was wearing pants. Though, they were the standard black skinny jeans that all the male bartenders had to wear, so he wasn't too unlucky.

They clung onto our bodies tightly, basically a second skin, and they were a bitch to get off. Especially when I was trying to get a quickie.

Some nights, I dressed more modestly, but it wasn't usually up to me. When my general manager noticed that I didn't mind showing skin, unlike Lucas, they assigned me outfits that displayed as much as possible.

Luckily for Paul, tonight happened to be a night where I showed more skin. Lucas even had his shirt unbuttoned and I could see his dick print. His bow tie, that matched mine, was loose around his neck and about to fall off.

When Paul's hand slowly creeped over to mine and tickled my fingers, I had to simply ignore it and continued smiling. He tips well, he tips well, he tips so well that I can buy that necklace I've been wanting for weeks.

"It sucks that I can't come more, you guys make the best margaritas." He squeezed my fingers, but wasn't bold enough to grab my whole hand. "And the service is really good."

I didn't dislike him by any means, I'd just rather be doing anything else than talking to him. He was honestly pretty sweet but he definitely had some weird fetish for younger guys. I'm not sure 25 qualifies for that but he's considerably older so I'll say it does.

When he gets talking, it's like he never stops. To be fair, he involved me in the conversation as much as possible. Asking me about my day, how my family's doing, if my job is treating me well, anything that comes to his mind.

It was sweet sometimes, but there were other people to serve and I couldn't when he went on for so long which meant less tips. I couldn't rely on my hourly pay since it was so low, we all relied on the tips we made.

Wanting to cut the conversation off, I grabbed his hand and squeezed. He immediately went still with shock since it was the first time I'd ever touched him, and went positively pink. Finally, he shut up.

"You'll have to show me pictures next time, yeah? I'd love to see them." I squeezed his hand again and leaned forward to give him a better view of my exposed torso. He shyly drank in the sight so I gave him a few more seconds to look. "I've got a few other people to serve but I'll come back so we can chat a little more."

"Oh." He suddenly blinked and looked down at his watch. He usually leaves around this time, he should say he's about to leave. "It's actually getting a little late for me." He looked really apologetic.

"Oh, really?" I frowned. "That's too bad. You'll have to come back next weekend, alright?" With a final, soft squeeze to his hand, I pulled away.

He nodded frantically and reached into his pocket for his wallet. "You promise? I'll be disappointed if I don't see your face at least once next week."

"I'll try to come twice." Paul, he always goes above and beyond for me. If he were forty years younger and a little hotter, he might've had a chance. "This is for you."

I slipped the tip between my fingers, not looking at the bill so I didn't come off as greedy and impolite, before slipping it into my vest pocket. "You always spoil me~ Next time, your drink's on me, alright? Don't you even try to pay."

"I couldn't." He refused with a blush. Thankfully, he didn't linger long and was already standing up to leave. "Have a good night and get home safe."

"You too, hopefully I'll see you real soon. Don't forget your promise~" I waved my fingers at him and saw him give a last look at my chest. One for the road, right?

He left looking flushed, maybe I teased him too much.

After making sure nobody needed to be served, I turned around and grabbed the tip from my pocket. What the fuck-

"Lucas!" I hissed his name and tried not to jump on him from excitement. "Look, look! Look how much." I displayed the bills proudly and his eyes bugged.

"He gave 150?!"

I take every bad thing I said about Paul back. Pushing 70 or not, he has a chance. He has a really big chance if he wants me.

"I know. He's my best tipper." I slid the bills back in my pocket while trying not to sob in pure bliss. I'm so fucking rich now, I should just walk out and go home.

"Let me serve him next time."

"You know he asks for me~" Typically, he'd tip me 50. If I knew I just had to hold his hand a little to get him to tip me an extra 100 dollars, I would've done it a long time ago. "What did you want? You kept tapping me."

"It doesn't really matter anymore." He brushed off. "I didn't know if you wanted your little boy toy or whatever to see you flirting with old men but you didn't listen~"

"Boy toy?" It took a few seconds to click. I mentally went through all my past hookups that Lucas knew about but the only recent one could've been Chet.

Lucas' seen him briefly when I came in last week for my check and he listened to me go on about how I wanted his dick, after I got home from their place.

"You fucked his roommate?"

"What? No, I didn't fuck his roommate."

"But you want to?"

"I want to fuck him and his roommate."

"Then just do it?"

"I'm trying, it's not that easy."

"Just ask them. What're they gonna say? No?"

I honestly did think about just being straight up but squashed the thought quickly after. I'm actually starting to like Chet, more than just for how cute he is. For the past week and a half, he's been texting me nonstop.

He's asked me to go out a few times, just for coffee he said, but our times have never matched up. It was a little hard since I worked nights and he went to school during the day.

His texts were random. The day after I left their place, I woke up to a good morning text and a picture of his dog that I've yet to meet. "He likes Kyler a lot so he sleeps in his room sometimes." Is what he told me when I'd asked where his famous dog, that I'd heard so much about, actually was.

He sent me random pictures of things. A plant he thought was pretty, something he ate, cute little selfies that I took my time staring at, and lots of pictures of Kyler. In most of them, he was unaware that his picture was being taken, while others, he stared at the camera blankly.

Chet's good morning and goodnight texts were becoming routine, along with the plethora of other ones he sent.

I was a little surprised at how bold he was coming across, especially when he started facetiming me whenever he wanted. Though, I'm sure he would do it with anyone else and was just overly friendly.

Just last night, more like morning, it was 3am when I got off work and finally crashed in my bed, feeling exhausted from my nine hour shift. Just as I was about to sleep, my phone lit up with a facetime call from him.

What the fuck, I thought when I saw Chet's name flash across my screen. Why is he calling me at 3am? Even though I was exhausted, I still accepted the call, "What's up?"

I heard him fumble around for a moment. "You're awake!"

"Mhm," I hummed sleepily, "I just got home from work."

"Oh, were you about to sleep?" I could hear the frown on his face and the hint of guilt in his tone, probably thinking he disrupted me.

To be fair, he did.

"No, it's alright. What's up?"

"My dog learned another trick! Wanna see?"

Of fucking course he called me just to show me that.

How fucking cute. Of course I wanna see.

"Yeah, show me." I rolled over in my bed and forced my eyes open more, still trying not to fall asleep.

When he flipped the camera around, I instantly felt myself wake up when I saw Kyler sitting across from him on the floor. Chet's dog was sitting in the middle while Kyler petted him. "Hey." He greeted casually, like they weren't teaching a dog some trick at 3am. "I tried to stop him from calling you, sorry."

"It's fine." I blinked at my screen.

Is this what Chet gets to see everyday?

Kyler was shirtless again with a pair of sweats around his hips. Moving in suddenly seemed so appealing. I might have to steal Lucas' spot instead.

Kyler and I texted a few times but it was just to talk about Lucas moving in with them. I thought about sending him a more casual text but decided against it.

I wasn't sure how that'd come across to Chet if he found out.

"See!" Chet had his dog, Sammy, do a circle. "Isn't he smart! Kyler taught him that."

I never had a dog growing up. Is that supposed to be impressive? I wasn't sure so I made a small noise, showing my fake amazement. "He's pretty smart."

"Right?" Chet nodded in agreement.

"He's really not." Kyler stroked the top of Sammy's head. "It took me an hour to get him to do that, he's pretty stupid actually."

"Don't say that." Chet protested. "He's smart for his breed." Kyler was silent but he looked up at the camera and shook his head. "He's never even peed in the house."

"Cause I'd whoop his ass if he did-"

"Don't say that! He'll think you're serious." Chet reached over and rubbed Sammy's back. "He wouldn't do that, Sammy, it's okay. He loves you."

The dog looked around the room, seeming clueless about where he even was.

He does look kind of stupid.

When Chet turned the camera back around, I had to refrain from getting up, packing a bag, and going over to their apartment to offer my ass right then and there.

He's shirtless too. They're both so built and walking around displaying their bodies without me to see. It's unfair, I wanted a hot roommate too. Instead, I got Lucas- and he's moving out soon.

I stared at his nipples for a second, not able to help myself. They're pink. Sometimes I forgot people had pink nipples instead of brown.

"Let him go to sleep." Kyler told Chet while playing with Sammy, letting the large dog bite and nip at his hands playfully.

"Ah," Chet frowned while looking at his screen, "do you need to go? It's late.." He trailed off, as if just realizing.

"It's okay." I laid back against my pillows and listened to his dog growl at Kyler as they playfully wrestled with each other.

To my humiliation, I fell asleep five minutes later while still on the phone. When I woke up, there was a text from both Chet and Kyler.

Chet: sorry for calling u so lateeee. i hope u sleep well and sammy says goodnight !! [image attached] 😴🐶

Kyler: cute snores

I looked over to where Lucas subtly gestured to and saw Chet sitting at the bar again with a drink already set in front of him. He did say he wanted to try drinking again sometime- this isn't what I thought he meant though.

I didn't notice Kyler was there with him until he turned his head and nodded to whatever Kyler said. Oh no, they're both so hot- I can't have them here at work with the potential risk of losing my job. I almost wanted to tell Lucas to hold me back just in case I tried to jump them right here.

"Did they see me flirting with Paul?"

"The hybrid's been staring at you the whole time. The other guy's been on his phone."

Oh well, I brushed off, it's just for work.

"I gave the hybrid a drink for free but I took some of your tips from earlier~" I rolled my eyes, whatever, he can keep that sweaty 5 dollar bill some girl pulled out of her bra.

"'Kay, thanks." He walked off with a content hum, probably happy that I didn't try and take it back.

After serving two drinks to this couple, I stopped in front of Chet and Kyler and leaned against the counter. "Hey."

Chet, as if waiting for me to give him attention, perked up in his seat. I faintly noticed his tail wagging faster behind him. "Hi~" He greeted happily. "We came to see you."

We, huh?

"Yeah?" My eyes drifted over to Kyler when he slipped his phone in his pocket and gave us his attention. His greeting quietly reached my ears. "Sorry, it's been a little busy."

"It's okay!" Chet quickly insisted. "You make drinks really fast, it's so cool."

"Do you like this one?" I gestured to the drink Lucas made for him. It's one of our stronger options, I highly doubt he did.

"Yeah." He nodded without much thought, but I could subtly see his nose scrunch. He's such a people pleaser, it's not gonna hurt my feelings if he doesn't like it. I didn't comment on how he slowly pushed it towards Kyler.

"You didn't tell me you were coming~"

[before the bar]

When I looked this up- I thought maybe an article would come up, or maybe a youtube video explaining it.

I jolted when I felt Kyler wrap his arms around my
neck after leaning over the couch. "Why are you watching porn on the couch?" He peered over my shoulder to see my phone. "Go jerk off in your room."

My face flushed from how close we were and he did technically see me looking up porn. "I'm not- I didn't mean to."

He seemed to doubt me. "You can jerk off-"

"I'm not!" I hurriedly insisted. I wouldn't jerk off on the couch, I'd go in my room to do that.

"-It's totally normally." He continued. "Everyone does it, I do it, but don't do it on the couch. I get it, you wanna get off. You're young and it's good for you, so go-" Oh my god, I felt myself flush more.

"I wasn't." There was a soft whine in my tone. "I was looking something up and porn came up." Kyler slid his arms off my shoulders to sit next to me instead. I saw him look down at my lap for a second, and he must've believed me since I wasn't hard. "..You jerk off?" I suddenly registered his words.

"Sometimes." He shrugged.

Kyler jerks off. My mind instantly started thinking about it, not able to help myself. Kyler said he jerks off, he jerks off in our apartment, in his room he jerks off- he could jerk off when I'm in the house. Kyler jerks off.

I blinked, suddenly torn from my thoughts, when he thumped my head. "Why do you look so surprised?"

"Um," how do I say he has sex all the time without being mean- "I don't know." I trailed off. "Sometimes you bring people home.."

It wasn't that often. Though, that could've been since he goes to their place sometimes.

Whenever he brought someone home, I usually didn't even know until I saw them the next morning or faintly heard their voices talking. He was usually pretty quiet, especially since his room was across the hall, but there was one night where I heard him.

It was only a few weeks ago and he probably didn't think I was home since I told him I was spending the night at my friends place. When they canceled last minute, I sulked in my room the whole night since I'd been ready for hours~

When I heard Kyler come home with some guy, I mentally panicked. Should I tell him I'm home? What if he comes in my room and tries to fuck on my bed? Random thoughts had popped into my head. Wait- he wouldn't do that, but should I still tell him? Or would that be weird?

No, I finally decided, I'll just pretend I'm sleeping if he somehow finds out.

Judging from how vocal the other guy was, and how Kyler didn't try to quiet him, it was safe to say he didn't find out. I remember staring at my phone while under my covers, trying to focus on anything but his moans. My airpods are in the kitchen, I mentally whined.

They fucked for a lot longer than I thought they would. Or is this normal? Porn videos weren't usually this long and I've never had sex so I wasn't sure.

That night, I figured out I might've been interested in guys too. I'd never thought about it before, but after listening to their moans and quiet words that I couldn't make out, I started getting hard.

I remember feeling shocked. Why are you getting hard from listening to guys having sex? I mentally panicked. That's weird to eavesdrop- and you're not even gay.

The next morning, I couldn't look Kyler in the eye when I came out of my room, too hungry to ignore my rumbling stomach anymore. Every time I looked at him, I thought about his low groans and how I spent the rest of the night looking at gay porn videos for educational purposes.

After getting turned on from them, I didn't think I was that straight anymore. Maybe bi is the right word. I'll have to ask Harrison.

I'm having gay thoughts about you, I thought every time I looked at Kyler that next day.

"You were home?" He startled when he turned around from the stove and saw me. I nodded silently, trying not to die from embarrassment.

I thought about your dick last night, and this morning- and right now.

"Shit, my bad." He turned back around and pushed his eggs around with a spatula. "Sorry about that, I didn't know you were." I was hoping he'd pretend that maybe I didn't hear but maybe it was a little unrealistic, considering how loud and vocal they were.

"It's okay." It wasn't okay, it wasn't okay at all. Now I'm having gay thoughts and picturing your dick every time I look at you.

Honestly, I still thought about his dick sometimes but it was considerably less now so I'd say it's a win.

"Why were you looking up," Kyler leaned over and looked at my search bar when I clicked off the porn site, "'how to safely have gay sex'." My shoulders hunched, suddenly feeling shy when his eyes wandered to my face. "Chet~ Why didn't you just ask me~?"

"'Cause," I mumbled, "I can just look it up."

He let out a soft hum and leaned back against the couch. "Are you and Rylan dating now?" Dating? My tail twitched from the thought. It's almost been two weeks of talking to him but I really liked him so far. I was surprised how fast he caught my interest, maybe cause I'm bi now.

I wanna see him more but he's always busy~

"No, not dating." My hair got in my face when I shook my head. "But, um, when he came over- he talked about sex once, so he probably wants to have sex, right?" I looked over at Kyler. "He said maybe after I take him out on a date but he's been busy with work- but when he's not busy we will- so then we'll have sex, right?"

"Maybe." Kyler reached over and dropped his hand on my head, softly ruffling my hair. "Don't be so nervous about it, just let it happen. See how your date goes and just go from there."

My head tilted in his direction as my tail started wagging. He always pets me the best, his touch is my favorite- actually my mom's is- but then Kyler's.

He doesn't have that faint smell of cigarettes on him today, even though it was already dark out. He usually has one before he showers at night but I could only smell his natural scent. He smells good.

"Does gay sex hurt for humans?"

"Not if you do it right- and call it anal weirdo."

"How do you have anal," I forced the word out and it sounded awkward on my tongue, "sex with humans? You don't even have slick, doesn't it hurt?"

"That's why you use lube and you prep them before putting your dick in. Don't you prep yourself during your heats?"

My shoulders hunched again. Whenever I had my heats, I'm sure he could hear. It's not like I could kick him out for days and tell him to stay away.

Though, he did try to accommodate me as much as possible. He'd leave food outside my door sometimes and promised he had his headphones on. He tried staying out later on days that I had my heat too. It wasn't perfect privacy, but it was pretty close considering we were living together.

"I don't need to prep that much." I settled for, instead of telling him my body was made to take something up my ass easily.

"Well, it's the same but you prep more and use lube instead of slick." He explained in simple terms. "Do you think you like bottoming or topping more?"

I made a soft noise while I thought about it. I thought I'd be on top with women, but now that I liked men too, I wasn't sure. I've been a little interested in women being on top, pegging I think it was, if I were to have sex with one, so maybe it's the same with men. "I don't care. Both seem nice."

"You're probably a switch then, so just leave it up to whatever Rylan is more comfortable with."

"'Kay." I mumbled, and he scratched behind my ears, making my tail thump against the couch softly.

"Anything else? I'm about to leave."

"You're leaving?" My ears drooped. "Why?"

He ruffled my hair, silently trying to cheer me up. He was used to how easily my mood changed by now. "All the managers are having a meeting so I have to go."

"Can I come too?" Seeing that he was about to say no, "I just wanna run, promise! I won't bother you at all." Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes-

"Okay, but only running. You already worked out this morning so eat a protein bar before we go." He stood up and my tail started wagging excitedly as I followed him.

We're gonna spend more time together~


"What did I tell you?"

I startled, almost dropping the bar in my hands, when I heard Kyler's voice above me. His hands were already positioned under the bar to catch it just in case I dropped it.

Thankfully, I didn't and set it back on the bars.

Taking out my airpods, I smiled sheepishly when I saw the displeased expression on his face. "I was just-"

"You were just what?" He mused, already starting to take the added weights off the sides. "Straining your muscles and over working yourself even when I said not to?"

"Um.." I trailed off, not having an actual excuse.

"Tomorrow, we're just gonna do cardio." He grabbed a wipe and started cleaning off the bench press. "You need to let your muscles rest sometimes or you'll end up straining them, you'll eventually get weaker this way-" Weaker? If he was hoping to scare me, it was definitely working.

He lightly thumped my head with the back of his hand. "You need to listen to me and let your body rest. We just targeted your upper body this morning and upped your weights."

My ears flattened while he went on to scold me more. I guessss he's right but when I saw someone just left their weight plates on the bar, I couldn't help myself.

After I'd showered and apologized profusely, Kyler finally stopped scolding me. Though, he did make me load his car with new equipment that he used for his clients.

I didn't mind much, especially since I got to see all the new things we could possibly use. None of his other clients have seen them yet, I thought happily, I'm special.

Kyler's been my personal trainer for a while now, a lot longer than I've been living with him. Maybe seven months?

He was the best~ He helps me train really well and he goes on runs with me in the morning, even though it's not part of our agreement.

When I first met him, I had to do a double take.

"Hey, I'm Kyler. You're Chet, right?"

I blinked at him in amazement as he held out his hand. "Woah, you're really tall!"

He looked me up and down and laughed softly. "I think we're the same height, no?"

"But you're so big!" I stared at his arms while I shook his hand quickly, watching as they flexed with the movement. "Can you make me have arms like yours?"

"Definitely." He promised with complete confidence.

Seven months later, and three months after I moved in with him- to my recent knowledge, I still didn't have as much muscle as him. It was more comparable than when I first started, but he was still considerably more built than me.

Soon, though! We just upped my weights so they're gonna build more~

Kyler's probably my motivation for working out so much. I liked exercising on my own, even before joining a gym, but after meeting him, it's been a lot more fun. Sometimes, he pushes me a lot and I feel like never lifting again, but after seeing all the progress he's helped me achieve, I just wanted to do more and more.

He had to stop me a lot of the time, having me cool down and promising we were gonna come back tomorrow, the weights will still be here next time, is what he usually said.

He's so cool.

He's so tall and he can beat anyone up if he wanted. I see him box at the gym sometimes, only when he was exercising on his own. Every time I did, I only thought he was even more cool.

I wanna be like him.

"Ah," my head turned to look out the window when Kyler drove past The Lounge , "that's where Rylan works."

He glanced over at the brightly lit club before focusing on the road again. "Yeah."

My lips pursed. "..Can we go?"

"While he's working?"

"I won't bother him."

"Do you even know if he's working?"

"He is! He texted me when he went on his break earlier~"

"Alright, alright." Noticing I was gonna be pushy about it, he did a u-turn to park in the clubs parking lot.

While waiting in the short line, Kyler was busy typing on his phone but he mumbled something about me not getting my hopes up since Rylan's probably busy. Though, all I registered was Rylan's name so my tail started wagging.

I bet he'll be surprised, I hummed happily to myself after I showed my ID to the security. Kyler did the same before I followed him inside.

It's busy. It is the weekend, I guess it's expected.

Kyler glanced over his shoulder to look at me, making me blink at him in question. I didn't question why he stopped just to stare at me, I was just happy that his attention was on me.

"Ah." I let out a soft noise when he wrapped his hand around my wrist and started guiding me along with him. He's holding my hand- well my wrist but it's close enough.

He's so cool.

I felt a little disappointed when he let go after we made it to the bar but he did pull out a bar stool for me and basically pushed me down on it. Sitting next to me, he pulled his phone out and started typing again.

It had me sulking for a moment- pay attention to me- before I perked up when I saw Rylan. He was hard to miss since there were only four bartenders behind the counter.

I felt my mind go blank when I saw what he was wearing. That's their uniform?? His entire upper body was basically exposed, barely covered by the silk, unbuttoned vest that hung by his sides, and the bow tie wrapped around his neck. I like it, I like their uniform a lot.

"We should come here more." I told Kyler after turning my head back to him.

"Hm?" He looked up from his phone. "Why? You don't even like drinking."

"Cause." I stressed. "We just should." I think I'd be too nervous to come on my own, unsure about what to do.

Kyler's eyes flicked over to the bartenders and stopped on Rylan. Considering his expression, he didn't expect their uniform either. "Alright." He agreed, eyes looking Rylan up and down.

"He's hot, right?"

"Yeah, he's hot." He immediately agreed, sounding as if the question was ridiculous to ask when I could just look over and see how attractive Rylan was. Still, my ears twitched, happy that I was right.

Kyler dropped his head in his palm and watched me. "..How much do you like him?"

It took a few moments for me to understand his suggestive gaze. "You can't fuck him." I frowned and his lips twitched up. "I met him first."

"Hey~" He pretended to be hurt. "What makes you think I just wanna fuck him? Maybe I wanna take him out on a date~"

Kyler actually has money, if he takes Rylan out on an expensive date and Rylan sees how cool he is- I'm done for. "You can't." My ears twitched. "I'm already gonna take him out."

"No?" I'm sure he's just teasing me, Kyler wouldn't do that but I still eyed him warily. "What if he wants to?"

"Well-" I stopped short. What if he notices how cool Kyler is? It's not like I can tell him what to do. "If he wants to, then I guess it's okay." What if he's already noticed?

Kyler watched me for a moment before letting out a small huff of amusement. "I'm just teasing~ I have to keep my schedule wide open for a date I've been promised for a month now."

Ah, he's still going on about me taking him out. I shouldn't have let Mia eat everything when she came over.

Wait- he called it a date. He's never called it a date before. It's usually him reminding me of my promise to take him out somewhere to eat, and most times, he was just teasing since he knew how broke I was.

A date? A date, we'd be going on a date.

Ah, friends go on dates, don't they?

The realization was a little disappointing. Why do I feel let down? Of course we wouldn't go on a date. "When I get more money." I huffed. "I have my interview soon!" Of course he knew- he helped me set it up.

"You better get the job or we'll both be homeless."

"I will." I nodded deeply, feeling a sudden surge of determination course through me. "And I'll pay you back for rent, I promise."

"I already told you, you don't have to. Just start paying all of it after you get a job."

"No, I'm going to." I turned my head away and looked back at Rylan, knowing we were just going to go back and forth if we continued.

I'd tell him I was gonna pay him back and he would always refuse, telling me that I helped him by moving in, in the first place.

It happened by chance, really. I happened to be complaining about needing to find a place to live outside of my dorm while he was helping me stretch, and it just so happened that his roommates had moved out without a proper notice.

When he told me where he lived, I felt my soul leave my body. He lives in the expensive part of town, I could never afford that with the little savings from my old part-time job.

He coaxed me into moving in with him, saying I only needed to pay half of the usual rent until I got a proper job. I sold some of the sculptures I made on the side and that money helped a lot but I wanted a real job so I could pay him back in full.

I felt bad since he was basically paying the entire rent and he was still in need of another roommate besides me. But Rylan's friend should be moving in! So hopefully he won't be stressed about money.

"He's very pretty, yes, but stop staring." Kyler guided my head back to him instead. I didn't even realize I was staring at Rylan so hard.

"I wasn't." I defended but, I totally was.

He's so pretty, just like Kyler said. I couldn't help it, but I'd been staring at him hold some old guy's hand more than actually staring at him.

He can hold my hand, why is he holding some old guys hand? I have a perfectly good hand here. When I saw the guy pass Rylan a tip, I understood he was just doing his job but I still felt sulky. I wanna hold his hand too.

"Give me money." I demanded after turning back to Kyler. "I'll pay you back."

"He's not gonna hold your hand for money."

My lips parted. "How'd you know?"

"Because you're staring at him like some pervert."

"Pervert? I'm not a pervert." If anything, Kyler is.

At some point, another bartender came over and started talking to Kyler. Ah, so he's Lucas. I didn't realize I'd already met him until he was standing in front of me again. He made me a drink last time.

They introduced themselves, probably having seen pictures of each other, and Lucas briefly introduced himself to me before discussing more details about moving in with Kyler.

He offered us a drink for free, even after Kyler insisted on paying. "It's okay," Lucas waved off, "Rylan's paying for it."

It was disgusting and burned when it went down my throat, making me cringe and suck in a harsh breath. Kyler laughed, of course, and lightly patted my back. "Why do you even try? You know you won't like it."

It was left untouched after that.

Only a few minutes later, Rylan came over and rested his arms around the counter. "Hey." Don't look at his chest, don't look at his chest, don't look at his chest.

I had to force myself to make eye contact when I greeted him. Kyler finally put his phone back in his pocket and greeted him quietly. Though, he didn't hide the eyeful he took of Rylan's torso now that he was right in front of us, and leaning over like that.

"You didn't tell me you were coming~"



idk how to make them actually get in a relationship lmao. in pet and praise me I had two of them already in a relationship so it was easier to write and add the third person.

i feel like it's coming off awkward and i really wish i had put two of them in a relationship ahhh

but i hope you liked it~ these chapters are a lot longer than what i usually write for praise me. idk why but pls tell me what you think or anything you wanna see, if you can <3

thank youuu okay ily bye

maddie <3

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