Mafia family

By mghmmc

52.9K 914 69

Annalise is a 16 year old with five older brothers. She has never officially met her brothers, nor do they kn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

4.1K 72 6
By mghmmc

I was woken up by a flight attendant saying we've landed. As I got off the plane and headed towards where the taxis are I was making a plan to go see my family. First I'd need to settle in with Fred though.

What was failed to be mentioned was that Fred house was actually a mansion. That was also next door to a specific family that I needed to meet. Slowly I started unpacking my stuff. The memories I blocked out rushing back. I knew I was strong enough to block them out but I always had help. I was taken out of my thoughts my the doorbell ringing.

Opening the door stood two of my brothers, Samuel and Armando. Before I could say anything they walked right past me yelling for Fred. I was ready to pounce but I needed to keep my cover so I just walked towards them and said " Fred isn't home right now and you shouldn't go around barging into other people's houses." At my remark they just started at one of them scoffed. Slowly as of wheels started turning in Sam's head he said " oops.. sorry Fred is usually here. I'm Samuel and this is my brother Armando.  We're your neighbors. By the way who are you? And where is Fred?" I was tempted to just walk out of the house at that. They had the audacity to walk inside a house that wasn't theirs and say that. Instead I with anger seeping into my words I said " Fred is taking care of me so I'm living here and he's out getting food. It is rude to walk into someone's house and next time don't just don't. If you'd like you can stay and wait for him. Just don't bother me." With that I left for my room.

A few hours later Fred comes up to my room saying I need to dress nice for dinner tonight. I decide on a red dress with a matching red lip and a the necklace my father got my mom on their first date

I still had no clue who we were having dinner with. Slowly after I checked how I looked I made my way downstairs. I saw Fred waiting for me and when he saw me he had a huge smile on his face and said "You look like your mother" that made be feel so much better about everything.

It was only a ten minute drive so he let me drive saying I needed practice. We both knew driving calmed be.

As we arrived I realized we were next door and the dinner was with my family. Low and behold my father opened the door for us. And boy was he in for a surprise.

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