
By zeeburma

659 48 141

Bubbly and chubby Cara Knight's life was going pretty well. She worked hard in school, excelled in sports and... More

CHAPTER 1 - You accidentally killed someone.
CHAPTER 2 - Quick, we need to leave the crime scene.
CHAPTER 3 - They could draw a dick for all I care.
CHAPTER 4 - You should wear some pants.
CHAPTER 5 - I'm the best egg cracker out there.
CHAPTER 6 - Ew.. You have Demon germs.
CHAPTER 7 - They look so cute together!
CHAPTER 8 - Make mama proud.
CHAPTER 9 - I don't feel the same way.

CHAPTER 10 - Cara, I'm trying to make you mine.

47 3 8
By zeeburma

When Cara woke up that morning she didn't expect to get her heart broken again. Her bedsheets lingered with his scent. She took a quick shower and set out to search for Jayden. Roaming the halls she asked a random junior if he had seen him. She was pointed towards the direction of the library.

When she walked into the library, she didn't see him sitting on any of the tables so she made her way to the shelves. She saw him, but he wasn't alone. His mouth was pressed against another girl. The sight broke her in two, she thought he liked her, guess she was wrong. Turning away and wiping the single tear which had escaped her eye, she walked towards the only place she thought would make her feel better.

When Yuri opened her dorm's door, she didn't expect to see Cara. Without a single word, Cara launched her body towards the unsuspecting girl, nonetheless, Yuri caught her and hugged her tightly.

"I really thought he liked me Ree." She whimpered.

"What happened, C?" Yuri whispered. They walked into the room and settled on her bed.

"I saw him with a girl, they were kissing in the library. She looked beautiful, she was blonde, tall and.... thin." She choked out, "Everything I'm not."

"Hey, hey, don't think that way. You're a beautiful girl, don't compare yourself to anyone out there." Yuri looked at her in concern. She was the only one who knew about the real reason why Angel and Cara had broken up. She didn't want a repeat of what had happened the last time.

Cara nodded, "You're right, I'm happy with who I am. It just sort of hit me you know? I'm not mad at him or anything, it's not like we were together but I like him, I like him so much."

"I know honey, I thought he liked you too." Yuri said with a sad smile.

After several minutes of silence, Yuri spoke again, "Hey, C, you know you're gorgeous right? Body size is not how we define beauty, what really matters is what's in here." She pointed to her heart, "and what's in here." She pointed to her brain.

"I know Yuri, don't worry, it won't be a repeat of last time. I won't stop eating or I won't over work the gym again, that was stupid of me and I've learned from my mistakes." Cara smiled reassuringly at her friend.

"Let's have a girl's day, come on, time for binging on ice cream and we need some Damon Salvatore in our system." She licked her lips at the thought of both the snacks in her sentence and Cara chuckled.

Cara didn't go to her dorm room that evening. She spent the entire day with Yuri and then went to her basement. She sat in front of her mural, a spray can in hand and looked at the half finished figure of Jayden. Like clockwork, her hands started working and she sat there, painting his form.

Three hours later, she had finished. She stood up and took a step back, admiring her work. He looked magnificent. It was a painting of him attempting a dunk shot, his muscles tensed showcasing his perfect biceps and his face having a concentrated expression. Truly magnificent.

Checking the time on her cellphone, she saw it was two in the morning. She also had a couple texts and two missed calls from Jayden. Releasing a sigh, she made her way to her room.

She walked in to see him sleeping with a book on his chest. It was open so she quietly took it and shut the book, placed it on his desk and settled on her own bed. She looked at him, the moonlight making his skin shine, he looked so peaceful, so innocent.

Cara drifted off to sleep with the thought that she had to avoid him, being so close to him was hazardous for her heart. The last thought in her mind when she finally fell asleep was that she had to move on.


Jayden woke up to an empty room the next morning. He knew she had come back in the middle of the night because the en suite smelt like her, coconut and pineapples.

He had stayed up till one in the morning before eventually falling asleep. She must've had a busy day he thought, but she was usually free on Sundays. His head was running with her thoughts all day long. It was monopoly Monday, he knew she would be back waiting for him with the whole set up after his evening practice.

Walking into the room with a growing smile on his face, his face dropped when he found the room empty. He waited for her to come back, he waited for hours but she didn't turn up. Getting agitated, he fell asleep without her in his arms again, empty stomach.

The same thing happened the next day and the next day and the next day. He was certain now, she was ignoring him. Friday night he willed himself to stay up until she came back. When he heard the door creak open, he was already sitting on her bed.

"You missed Monopoly Monday." He stated, his face morphed in a blank expression.

"Hey, what are you doing up so late?" She asked, she sent him a small smile but it didn't reach her eyes like always, he noticed.

"I've been waiting for you." He said.

"Sorry, I was just busy that day."

"You missed turkey Tuesday.." She was about to interrupt him but he didn't give her a chance, "and wonderland Wednesday, terrible Thursday and also your personal favourite, foodie Friday. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were avoiding me."

"Jayden, it's not like that. I'm sorry. Okay, to make up for the week, we'll go crazy tomorrow on sloshed Saturday."

"You promise?" He said with a crestfallen expression.

It broke her heart, she couldn't say no even if she wanted to, "I promise."


Cara wasn't regretting coming out to Angel's party with Jayden and the rest of the gang but it was constantly making her feel disheartened. She wanted what she couldn't have, Jayden. When she was dancing with him, all she thought about was kissing him but the image of him and the blonde girl from the library snapped her back into wallowing in longing.

Jayden didn't seem to notice that Cara wasn't completely into partying tonight. He was happy she was finally there with him, by his side. He decided that tonight, he would confess to her about his feelings.

Cara excused herself from the gang and walked out of the basement into the open. She just needed a breather. She looked down at herself, dressed in black ripped jeans, white lace sleeveless top and a black leather jacket. She thought she looked good but a nagging feeling was at the back of her head, constantly saying, you're not pretty enough for him. She ignored it, she knew she was absolutely perfect the way she was.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A deep voice startled her.

"Maybe I'll tell you for a dollar?" She quirked an eyebrow at Angel.

"You okay, babe?" He asked.

"Never better." She replied.

"Bullshit, you've been fake smiling all night." He spat.

She shrugged, "It's just nerves for the upcoming swim meet, don't worry about it." She lied.

"Well you know you're gonna do good. Now that I've caught you here, I want to tell you something." He said, biting his lip nervously.

"What's up, A?" She knew where this conversation was headed but she acted unaware.

"It's been a year, please, forgive me." He pleaded.

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion, "I already have, A, I don't know why you feel otherwise."

He shook his head, "No, I mean forgive me, give me another chance, take me back."

Her face softened, "Angel.."

He interrupted her, "I love you Cara, I've never stopped and I don't think I ever will. I made a stupid mistake. Please, just give me one more chance."

She took a step closer to him and wrapped her arms around him, "A, my Angel, you've come a long way since then and you're a better man but I can't be back with you. You'll get over me one day and you'll find love again but it's just not with me."

He sighed, "Fuck, I love you C, so much. I'm the dumbest fool on this planet."

She chuckled, "Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days."

He chuckled, "Only you could quote Hannah Montana when we're having a heart to heart."


Jayden walked back into the basement after watching Cara wrap her hands around the Demon. He was pissed. He walked straight to the makeshift bar and downed a shot. He was seated on a stool when the boy in question came to the bar as well.

"Come for a celebratory drink?" He asked, a sadistic smirk on his face.

"What should I celebrate, how I'm the dumbest fuck on the planet or how I'll never get the girl because she's in love with you?" He said with a smirk of his own.

This confused Jayden, "What do you mean?"

"You're dumber than I am if you don't see it. She didn't take me back, of course she didn't. Not because she likes you though, that's because of my own mistakes but she has feelings for you man." Angel explained.

He nodded, "Oh."

Angel chuckled dryly, "Yeah, Oh. Don't let her go man, she's the best girl out there. I know people will give you shit saying you're dating a fatty, crap like that, but that shouldn't matter, if she makes you happy, if her personality is amazing and if she's your home, she's automatically going to be the most beautiful girl in the world for you. I learnt it the hard way."

"I'm not even worried about what people say Angel, I was going to ask her out tonight, but then I saw her with you and thought you guys got back together." Jayden explained.

"So you do like her. Poor girl thinks you're not interested at all." Angel smirked.

"What do you mean?" Jayden asked.

Angel shrugged, "That's a conversation for you to have with her."


Cara was sitting in her basement, the place she would spend her days in when she was avoiding Jayden. She didn't realise that it affected him negatively, that they were really close friends and distancing herself out of the blue was a bad call. Even though she wanted to move on, she also wanted to be friends with him, he was a wonderful guy after all.

She was painting yet another miniature painting of him and her, they were in the mall shopping for clothes for Jayden and she had made him wear a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, with a hat. She herself wore a flower printed sundress, they had asked the sales person to click a picture. Both of them had huge grins on their faces, looking happier than ever.

"I'm not surprised you're here, this is where you came when you were avoiding me, didn't you?" A deep familiar voice spoke, a couple steps behind her.

She turned around and came face to face with the boy she was trying to get over. "I wasn't avoiding you."

"Bullshit. You were and you still are. What's going on?" He was angry.

She shook her head, "You're overthinking, Jayden."

He stepped closer to her and she took a step back. They played the cat and mouse game till she hit the wall and he trapped her between his arms.

"I hate liars." Jayden said, his voice deep and husky.

"Good thing I'm not one." She lied, again.

He smirked, pressing his lips on her exposed collarbone, he revelled in the fact that she shivered under his touch. "Liar."

"What are you d-doing?" She was breathing heavily.

He pressed another open mouthed kiss on her neck, "Don't you understand?"

"This is wrong, you're dating that blonde." She spoke, her voice barely above her whisper. He pulled back in confusion.

"Which blonde?"

"The girl you kissed in the library? You're dating her unless you were casually hooking up, I don't judge either way." She said.

"Fuck, you mean Hannah? I'm not dating her. I didn't kiss her, she kissed me, I pulled away. I don't like her like that and I don't have casual sex, Cara." He said her name, she liked the way he said her name.

"You're not?" She asked innocently.

He chuckled and went back to the task at hand, he placed a kiss on her jaw, "I don't." He murmured.

"Still, what are you doing?" She asked again.

"Fuck, Cara, I'm trying to make you mine." His voice came out husky, filled with need.

She stood there shocked, she couldn't believe a word, he had liked her all along? He wasn't going out with the blonde girl? HE WAS TRYING TO MAKE HER HIS? "You like me?"

"Yes, a lot. I like you more than I have ever liked someone. Go out with me." He stated.

She chuckled, "So you won't even ask now?"

"Will you go out with me?" He rephrased, his face plastered with a shit eating grin.

"Maybe." She said nonchalantly.

"Maybe?" He pouted.

"Yeah, unless you convince me." She winked, pulling his face down, lips inches away from each other.

"Gladly." He said before crashing his lips onto hers. Her stomach was instantly filled with butterflies and her heartbeat increased tenfold. Their lips connected with so much passion and need, she felt like she was floating. She wanted him for so long and now that she had him, she couldn't describe how it made her heart feel. She felt warmth coursing through her entire body. He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her incredibly close.

She snaked a hand in his hair and tugged on it. He swiped his tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She gladly allowed him to explore her mouth. It was like two souls becoming one, it was the start of a sexual act for most but for Cara and Jayden, it was the start of something new, something beautiful.

He felt like this was the end, a euphoric end but it was only the beginning. She tasted like pineapples too, he had wanted to know what her lips felt like for so long, he had imagined it but his imagination didn't even come close. His heart was racing and he felt warm and fuzzy in the pit of his stomach. He could do this for the rest of his life and he'd die a happy man.

She tugged on his bottom lip with her teeth and he groaned in pleasure. She smiled against his lips and he couldn't hold back a smile of his own. Soon they weren't even kissing, just smiling like goofballs with their lips pressed against each other.

He pulled back and looked down at her, his eyes shining, his mouth sporting the biggest grin he had ever had. "Mine." He pecked her lips, "Mine." He pecked her nose, "Mine." He pecked her right cheek, "Mine." He pecked her left cheek, "Mine." He pecked her forehead.

She giggled, "Yes, yours." Two seconds later, she spoke again, "But that doesn't mean I'm your property mister, I'm yours as long as you're mine. We're equals in this relationship and we will treat each other with mutual respect."

He nodded, laughing at her adorable speech. "Yes ma'am, now, kiss me." 

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