Arrows, Swords and a Little B...

By meow_meow_135

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Prince Seokjin, accompanied by the most arrogant and cold person he has ever met in his life, is forced to tr... More

The Kim Clan's Princes
Death in place of Marriage
The Moon Village
The first ally
The Faerie Convoy
Black and White
Red eyes, Blue eyes
Dead land and Happy Mates
Hoseok : Part 1
Hoseok : Part 2
Alpha Voice
The Hybrid : Part 1
The Hybrid : Part 2
Faerie Secrets
Blood and War
Epilogue : The Happy Version
Epilogue : The Original Version

Of Bonds, New Meetings and False Tranquility

45 3 0
By meow_meow_135

Do not panic, Seokjin told himself.

But he was about to do just that anyway.

The moment Seokjin realized what was happening to Namjoon his brain went blank. Well, not necessarily blank perhaps but there were just so many different thoughts in that single moment that he forgot everything that passed through his mind.

Just let the Royals come find us again, please...I do not have the necessary knowledge to deal with this situation.

Seokjin had zero experience with alpha ruts. Of course he knew the basics of what to expect from an alpha in rut but that was as far as his expertise in this went. Getting knotted by an alpha in rut almost always resulted in their partner conceiving, especially if said partner was an omega and even more so if the omega was in heat. Being a prince, it was of utmost importance for him to prevent any unwanted pregnancies – the only child he was to carry would belong to his official mate.

It wasn't like he had no experience with copulation, might as well just say sex, either – he'd spent a couple of his harder heats with trusted betas but it was never with an alpha, it was simply not allowed and he had never wanted to anyway. Till this day, there had ever been only one alpha that Seokjin had come close to asking to spend his heat with, but in the end he never did ask. There had been a time when he fancied himself in love with Jung Hoseok but his inner wolf had never agreed with the prince's heart. Seokjin, however, despite his inner omega always making things a bit difficult for him where instincts were concerned, trusted his wolf. If his wolf opposed something then it always had a good reason to.

Eventually, Seokjin had given in to his omega and slowly, with time, his feelings for Hoseok waned and he went back to just being the alpha's friend. It hurt in the beginning – he won't lie about that – and his emotions were a little messy for a while, especially during the few times his friend had come back from his ruts smelling like another omega. But it was just something in the past already. He would always love Hoseok but not in the romantic way, more like he loved Jungkook and Jiwoo and like Hoseok loved his own sister and the two princes. Jung Hoseok would always be his best friend.

So, even if he had a slight idea about ruts he did not actually know what to expect. Ruts were hard on alphas, sometimes even harder than heats were for omegas and most alphas preferred spending them with a partner. But right now they were in the middle of a forest – in the middle of nowhere, essentially – and Namjoon would be lucky if they found a hut he could spend his rut in. Seokjin wondered brefly if Namjoon had someone back home, a potential mate or even just a partner he spent his ruts with. He'd never asked, mostly because they were not close enough for such intimate and personal conversations. Well, even if there indeed was someone, it was useless at this point anyway – it's not like Namjoon's partner could get here in time.

"...Namjoon?" he ventured at last, not wanting to delay the inevitable any longer. The wolf was still lying flat on the ground, breaths coming heaving than usual as the alpha spoke through the mind link between them.

"Stay back!"

"That is not an option and you know it. We need to get you someplace safe before it hits you in full force." The prince said, taking a few tentative steps towards the alpha until Namjoon growled in warning and Seokjin had to stop. "You should've told me if your rut was this close or did you forget that I'm an omega and that I could get hurt if you lose control?"

Silence., then, "No...I just forgot about the rut."

Seokjin wanted to make some snide remark at that but then he reconsidered. He couldn't really blame the alpha for forgetting his own rut schedule. Certainly, handling ruts wasn't the first thing on Namjoon's mind since they had more pressing issues to deal with – like staying alive, for example.

"Well, heck with it." Seokjin said instead. The black wolf turned its head to face the prince. "How long can you manage?"

"A few hours..." the prince noticed the alpha sniff the air curiously and when Seokjin did the same he felt his eyes go wide. The prince's omega seemed to love Namjoon's rut scent and unbeknownst to Seokjin his own scent had bloomed, it was now as strong as it had been before he had started taking the suppressant teas. In that instant, Seokjin felt relieved that his heat had passed recently, because if not, the omega was sure that Namjoon's scent would have triggered it right then and there. He clenched his teeth to withhold the whine his inner wolf so desperately wanted to let out.

"Is there a town or village close by?"

"No –" the panic was slowly returning..."but there is a pack settlement near here. It should take us around two, no three hours to reach it. I know some members of the pack so they would be willing to help."

The white wolf grunted in understanding.

Seokjin tried to recollect anything that might be helpful to an alpha in a state of rut, anything that could ebb away the pain and unease of leaving it unsatisfied. The only thing that came to mind was scenting between mates or partners. His throat felt a little constricted when he swallowed. The prince did not exactly like the idea that came to him then but if it can help then he felt he should at least try. With unsure steps, the white wolf padded towards the alpha.

"Don't," Namjoon's words through the mind link were accompanied by a low snarl. Another warning. "You could –"The omega wolf shook his head. "It is fine. I had it just before the ceremony and another one wouldn't get triggered so soon." He tried to reassure the other wolf. Namjoon seemed to come to the same conclusion because the snarling quieted. "What are you doing?" the alpha was on his feet in an instant, jumping back from the white wolf as Seokjin finally managed to get close enough to scent him.

Seokjin huffed. "No need to act so surprised, Namjoon." He said, none too pleased. "Surely you must have also realized by now that our wolves are compatible so even if we are know, even then me scenting you might help a little."

The prince did not know what to think of the alpha's reaction when he saw Namjoon's ears settle close to the wolf's head, as if the black wolf were actually shy. The sight was amusing to Seokjin and maybe just a little bit endearing.

"Only if it is alright with you." Namjoon replied at last, already a bit more breathless than he had been earlier.

Seokjin gulped down a huge breath of fresh air before coming close to the alpha once more. His eyes locked with Namjoon's for a moment, conveying that the alpha could still back out but since the black wolf only stared back Seokjin brought his snout to the alpha's fur, rubbing against it. He moved to place his head over the alpha's and the underside of his muzzle slowly glided from the back of the black wolf's head and a little down its back. He felt the wolf below him let out a stuttered breath and despite holding back until now, a small whine managed to escape the omega. If he were in his human form, Seokjin was sure he would have been as flushed as a beet.

When the white wolf drew back, he could perceive the change in the alpha already – Namjoon was more relaxed and calmer, the wolf trembling a little less than before. Seokjin huffed out a sigh in relief.

"Alright, now since that is over with...which way are we headed?"

Namjoon's jerked his head to the north-east and they started running with as much speed as Namjoon could muster in his state.

It took them around five hours to get to the pack camp.

Namjoon had overestimated his own strength and endurance and by the end of the two hour mark the black wolf was no longer running along Seokjin but just barely managing to drag himself forward. Seokjin wanted to help the alpha and push him along but by then he was a little bit scared to get too close – he'd heard that even normal alphas get violent and aggressive during their ruts and Namjoon was an alpha alpha. He had seen an angry Namjoon before so Seokjin could only imagine the extent of dominance the other's rut would bring forth. It would be a lot more than he could handle, of that the prince was certain.

He saw the tents and huts in the distance then, and leaving the alpha behind so he could follow at his own pace Seokjin sprinted towards the pack settlement.

He could hear voices and smell the different scents of the wolves, muffled and mellowed down because of the distance. Seokjin sensed the exact moment the pack wolves became aware of his presence – he could literally feel the change in the atmosphere. He did not want to start a fight by encroaching on pack territory without permission so he slowed down and approached with caution.

By the time he was close enough to distinguish individual faces a group of shifters – all in their human form – had gathered at the edge of the settlement. Seokjin stopped before them and bowed as is custom, asking permission to enter their land. A woman who looked to be at least several years older than the prince himself stepped forward and studied him with a serious glint in her eyes. Deeming him safe, she crouched in front of him and extended her wrist towards Seokjin so he could scent – scenting on the wrists was the easiest way to establish the mind link while one or more of the participants were in their human form.

However, just as Seokjin was about to scent her, the woman's nose twitched. She sniffed the air around them, her eyes going wide and mouth parting slightly in an Oh as her gaze shifted to something behind the white wolf. Seokjin turned to look behind him and saw his companion there, struggling to walk as he finally managed to catch up.

"Ah, this idiot boy!" the woman exclaimed, standing to her full height which wasn't much anyway. But her sharp and fierce features more than compensated for her small stature, giving her a rather authoritative presence. "Always getting himself into trouble." Just then another woman pushed through the crowd, joining the first one at the front.

"Oh Luna!" the new arrival gasped. "Is that Namjoon?!" Well, this confirmed that this was the pack Namjoon had told him about but Seokjin was a little said he was being ignored.

"Yes, it is him." The fierce-looking woman replied. "And he seems to be in rut." Her face scrunched up a little.

"Yes...I can see that, Seulgi."

"Mhm...for now, how about you take him to one of the empty huts, love?" Seulgi requested, receiving a nod from the other woman who Seokjin gathered was her mate, since both women were sporting visible mate marks. "And then take his companion somewhere he could shift and get dressed in private. I will go ask Kyungsoo to cook them some food. They must be starving." Seokjin bowed his head once again to thank her and with that the woman walked back into the crowd, disappearing among them as they started to disperse.

"Hello there, I'm Irene and that was Seulgi, my mate." Irene introduced herself, her arm waving vaguely in the direction Seulgi had gone. "Follow me, if you please." She then turned towards the black wolf. "Yah! Get your ass to Seulgi's old cabin, you troublemaker."

Seokjin huffed out a short laugh at Namjoon's responding whine, amused that the alpha would let himself be scolded by both of the women. They must be rather close, Seokjin concluded. With a last look towards the alpha, Irene twirled around on the balls of her feet and gestured for them to follow her.

A few minutes later they arrived at an empty-looking cabin on the outskirts of the camp and Namjoon, with the last of his strength, bounded up the steps and burst inside as Irene held the door open.

The last thing Seokjin saw was a glimpse of the alpha's naked back as Namjoon shifted into his human form and then Irene had shut the door and locked it using a padlock.


"Thank you." He mumbled as Irene placed a plate filled with food beside him.

She smiled at him and with a wave sauntered off somewhere else. He was not left alone for long however, because just a minute later he recognized Seulgi's face among the people milling about the camp.

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Seulgi, my brother's the leader of this pack." She greeted him, sitting down on the steps leading up to the cabin, leaving a couple feet between them out so as to not make the prince uncomfortable.

"You can call me Jin." Seokjin shot her a faint smile. "And thank you, for helping."

Seulgi snorted, waving her hands dismissively. "No need for that, Jin. It'd hardly be the first time Irene and I had to deal with a situation like this. Namjoon is quite a reckless fellow. He doesn't look like it, but he is." The woman laughed light-heartedly.

"I assume you all know him well?"

Seulgi's face didn't look as stern when she smiled. "We do! That brat is always travelling for assignments given out by people from the palace and he passed through here many times. We became close like that and now we can't get rid of him. "Her tone was carefree. "I assume you are someone from the Lupa Kim's palace?"

The question startled Seokjin and he wondered if she too, like Lady Jiwon, had seen him at one of the palace's events. " did you know?"

Seulgi shrugged. "You are an omega and seeing as Namjoon hasn't abandoned you in the Woods you must be someone important, a noble maybe?"

Seokjin did not know to what extent he could trust this woman; She seemed genuine enough and had history with Namjoon but it was better to be cautious so he just went along with her assumption. "Yes, my father is an official of the court. We were together during the attack so we ended up travelling together."

"Dang...and here I had gotten my hopes up thinking you might be his intended." the woman said with a pout making Seokjin chocked on his food.

"" he reinforced when he could finally breathe properly gain. "If I may ask though, why does he hate omegas that much?"

Seulgi's body angled to face the omega and she studied him briefly before speaking. "It's a sort of complex, I guess?" she mused, "With Namjoon there are only two types of omegas. Ones that don't deserve to be protected and ones he feels guilty for not being able to protect. He doesn't really hate the second kind, rather... I think that the guilt he has made him wary of getting emotionally attached to omegas who aren't strong enough to protect themselves or those Namjoon thinks he's failed. You must be a tough one if he stuck around you."

Seokjin considered the beta's words carefully, wondering what the guilt she referred to was. But it seemed personal and the prince did not feel like prying any further without Namjoon's consent – not that he actually thought that Seulgi would divulge more than what is proper. For now, this new piece of Namjoon was enough for him to ponder over. "It's just out of necessity, believe me. Most of the time we can't stand each other – literally." He replied with a bit of a scowl.

"You must have a sharp tongue then," she chuckled, shooting him a wink. Her expression turned slightly sad then as she uttered her next words. "Irene's got one and the two of them always squabble over nonsense. My brother's mate was the same."

"The pack alpha's mate?" Seokjin wondered. He was tired of the boring omega mates of palace officials who never did anything that went against their mates' orders so getting to know more and more omegas like Junhee and Junsu made him giddy with excitement. He'd already met Irene and he would love to meet this other omega. "I would love to speak with them. What is his name?"

"Chanyeol's mate? His name was Baekhyun – mischievous little brat despite being over thirty but he was like a piece of art too. One of the prettiest and wittiest omegas I've had the pleasure of knowing." Her voice ended on a melancholy note and it was then that Seokjin realized she had spoken of the omega in past tense.

"I-Is he not around anymore?" his voice was hushed and soft as he asked. Seulgi sent him a sad smile before replying.

"He passed away last year." She told him and the prince nodded in understanding, followed by an apology for making her bring it up. She waved off his concern. "Namjoon and some other officials had just got rid of a slaver pack that had been hiding out in the hills further north of here. He passed through here after and stayed a few days before leaving. But then, the next day the remnants of that disgusting bunch stormed in here while following his scent. Chanyeol, Irene and I weren't home then and as the pack leader's mate Baekhyun saw it as his duty to protect everyone so he let himself be taken away in exchange for the others' safety."

"Oh my Luna!" Seokjin gasped, both in awe of Baekhyun's courage and in horror at the implications of the omega being taken away by the slave traders. He must have been so afraid but he had stayed strong for his family, for his pack.

Seulgi sighed deeply. "Yes, he was a brave one, beautiful and feisty too. The slavers couldn't exactly say no when an omega like that just fell into their laps and so they spared the pack by taking him in exchange. We got back the next day and went out with a search party the moment we knew what had transpired but without Namjoon to lead the way, by the time we found the location of their old hideout it was too late. We learned from one of the rogues that Baekhyun had killed himself before anyone could touch him. He was so loyal to Channie e-even in his la-last moments." Her voice cracked by the end and Seokjin saw the lone tear that rolled down her cheek.

He moved closer and hugged her lightly, willing his scent to turn soft to provide her comfort. She wiped the tear away and smiled at him, saying that she was alright.

"This only added to Namjoon's already piling guilt. He always felt responsible for Baekhyun's death. He started coming here less after that, mostly because he couldn't not every time he crossed paths with Channie."

Seokjin sat beside Seulgi in despondent silence, the scent of crisp roses and citrus engulfing them both as he tried not to cry himself. He felt like he understood Namjoon a little more now but on the other hand, his anger at the alpha's harsh and degrading words hadn't waned. Seulgi's story made sense in regards to the fact that Namjoon feared attachment, especially to omegas, but it failed to explain his irrational hatred for the dynamic.

There was definitely more to Namjoon's story and maybe he would get to know the entirety of it in the future.

His view of the alpha had shifted just a tiny bit, though. He knew for a fact now that Namjoon wasn't just a hateful and arrogant bastard, and was actually a person who genuinely cared for his friends and valued the bonds between them deeply.

Seokjin decided not to be so hard on the alpha from now on, to give him some leeway if he wanted to rant sometime. He knew that itchy feeling of just wanting to let one's emotions lose but being unable to do so.


As is the case with most typical ruts, Namjoon's rut lasted four days.

Meanwhile, Seokjin found some sense of normalcy to his days by spending time with a few pack members and children.

He was given a cabin to sleep in and they provided him three meals a day. Naturally, Seokjin wasn't one to just accept things freely without wanting to contribute something in return – even back home he used to occasionally give out gifts to maids and attendants, a small appreciation for their hard work – and so he took to helping the beta Kyungsoo in the pack's kitchens and watching the pups. It was a peaceful four days for a change and it almost made Seokjin forget – that is until he dreamed of the arrow protruding from his father's neck and then of pools of blood with dead wolves lying in them, wolves Seokjin himself had killed.

It was late autumn with the leaves in bright shades of orange, yellow and russet carpeting the forest floor. Winter was fast approaching and for the pack that meant stocking up on food. Seokjin watched in interest as the pack members skinned their kills and then Kyungsoo and the others dried and salted the meats. He learned a lot more about the lifestyle of the common folk in those four days than he had ever had the chance to during his brief visits to the Moon village.

The first time he saw Namjoon was on the morning of their fifth day at the pack camp. The alpha had just come back after his bath, looking tired as heck and wet hair dripping water on his clothes.

Namjoon's gaze met his briefly across the clearing but the alpha hadn't come to him immediately. First, he had a long conversation with Seulgi and Irene then Seokjin saw him have a rather transient exchange with Chanyeol, looking slightly uncomfortable throughout the entirety of it. Lastly, his eyes followed the alpha to the kitchens before Namjoon finally approached him with two plates of food – one had the main meal on it and the other had a piece of sweet dessert pie. He passed the latter to Seokjin who took it with a raised eyebrow.

"Kyungsoo asked me to pass that on to you." The alpha stated, vaguely gesturing towards the plate in the omega's hands. Seokjin responded with a simple nod.

"You have nice friends despite being a rude asshole."

Namjoon sputtered. "Did you just... I didn't know you cussed, Your Highness."

Jin managed a smirk. "Is it really that surprising?"

Namjoon thought about it for a bit before replying, "Not really, I guess." They sat in silence for a few moments. Not the usual awkward kind of silence, but a casual one for once, with the both of them just watching the pack members rushing about and occasionally waving a hand their way. "Seulgi says you've been helping around camp."

"I have," the prince hummed in affirmation. "Just small things here and there, though. Mostly with the cooking and pups. I would have been bored to death if I simply sat around the whole time." Namjoon grunted in reply as he chewed his food.

"I informed Chanyeol and Seulgi that we are leaving after lunch."

"After lunch? " He turned to look at the alpha beside him. "Isn't that... too soon? Don't you need to rest?"

"I will be fine." Namjoon dismissed. "It's not like I've been in a battle or something." The alpha mused.

Seokjin shrugged. If the alpha wanted to leave quickly then so be it. The sooner they find either Hoseok or Jimin, the faster all his confusion would get resolved. Besides, the prince highly suspected that Namjoon did not want to spend a lot of time around Chanyeol. Seulgi had asked him to remind Namjoon that what happened to Baekhyun hadn't been the alpha's fault but Seokjin doubted Namjoon would appreciate it if he revealed that he now knew such sensitive information about the alpha. He left the matter for another time.

"Alright then, we can leave after lunch like you want to."

The morning passed by swiftly and in the blink of an eye they were already at the edge of the camp with a few pack members assembled there to say their goodbyes.

"Take care, Jin." Seulgi smiled at him warmly.

"Keep the troublemaker out of trouble." Irene quipped, her tongue poking out at Namjoon's scowl.

"Come back more often. We've missed you here." Chanyeol addressed the younger alpha, a hand giving Namjoon's shoulder a friendly squeeze. Namjoon managed a smile.

They used one of the cabins to take turns and shift and then with a final goodbye to the back they were back on track towards their original destination.


Aelia city was a sight to see.

Seokjin could see the docks and the sea in the distance, with sailors manning ships and boats. The water shimmered and glittered under the barely warm light of the autumn sun.

The air smelled almost like Namjoon's real scent. The fragrance of the sea and the beach mixed with the wind, intermingling with the smell of fish caught by sailors that wafted from the docks. Seagulls soared in the sky while the gardens and sidewalks were filled with flocks of pigeons. The pups milling about fed bread crumbs to the birds and jumped into huge piles of leaves, scattering them and prompting a scolding by the older shifters who had swept the leaves earlier.

It was a homely city but also exotic at the same time since the docks provided the inhabitants access to items from far and wide.

Seokjin had expected Namjoon's first stop to be his home but instead the alpha directed them towards the healer house where Jimin apparently worked. It was a large, old house built from grey stone and surrounded by several almost bare trees. Most shifters there seems to recognize Namjoon seeing it as no one even bothered to stop them.

Seokjin's admiration for the city was interrupted by the bad news he received from the alpha after the latter had finished speaking to some of his and Jimin's acquaintances: Jimin had left Aelia city some days ago, heading further north.

Even after asking around the city they had no luck in finding out Jimin's exact destination.

In the end, they decided to spend the night in Aelia and Namjoon finally led Seokjin to his house.

Namjoon's home was a large, modern-looking mansion with vast gardens in the front and at the back. It had fountains with ancient statues and an artificial stream ran though the garden with water lilies floating on the surface. The mansion looked serene on the outside.

On the inside, however, it was empty except for a lone maid and a butler who welcomed Namjoon with a deep bow.

The portrait of Namjoon's father on one of the walls reminded Seokjin that it was the first time the alpha was back home after his father's passing. Maybe that was why Namjoon remained mostly quiet the whole time they stayed in the living room.

"Nara, could you show Jin to one of the guest rooms and get him some spare clothes?" Namjoon addressed the maid calmly.

The maid was a middle-aged woman, her face possessing the tell-tale sign of wrinkles. Seokjin assumed she must be in her late forties. "Of course, Master Namjoon. Welcome home."

Namjoon's tongue darted out to wet his lips, his mouth then stretching into a thin line as he gave Nara, the maid, a curt nod.

The alpha addressed Seokjin then, looking at him over his shoulder. "Make yourself comfortable. I will send someone to get you for dinner."



A relaxing soak in the bath and an hour of sleep later Seokjin found himself getting restless.

It was weird, how the last ten days since their encounter with the rogues have been so calm. All they had been doing these days was travelling and taking rest. It gave Jin a bad feeling and he felt like it was just the calm before the storm. He hoped it wasn't.

Not knowing what else to do, Jin stepped out of the room and decided to explore the house. The corridors were dark, barely lit. Seokjin bit his lip and tried to cam the racing of his heart while giving himself a mental pep talk.

It's okay. Calm down, Seokjin. You are inside Namjoon's home – no one is going to attack you.

He could finally relax only when he reached the living room which was engulfed in dancing shadows cast by the flickering flames of numerous torches and oil lamps. The shadows and silence turned the ambience of the room a little bit eerie but at least now Seokjin could see more than five feet in front of him.

"Ah!" Seokjin almost screamed, turning around at the sound of creaking wood from behind him.

"Sorry." A low, sleepy voice spoke from where the man was standing in the middle of the staircase, looking a bit sheepish. "Didn't mean to startle you. The stairs are old and creak a lot. The whole house creaks actually."

The tension in his body eased when the prince realized it was just Namjoon. "Darn it, Namjoon! You almost gave me a heart attack." Seokjin scowled at the alpha who had now descended to the lowest step.

The older just snorted. "Well, I said Nara to go get you for dinner but you weren't in your room so I came down myself to search for you." He explained.

"Well, that is nice and all but next time could you please search without traumatizing me first?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes at him and gestured for the prince to come along.

Dinner was a quick affair, nothing too fancy but still delicious. Sometime in-between eating Namjoon addressed him, enquiring as to their next course of action since Jimin's whereabouts were practically unknown at that point. It was at then that he finally told Namjoon of Hoseok's parting words. The alpha had been a little perplexed at the possible involvement of the Pale King in all this but then again, almost everything has been really confusing recently.

They decided to not dawdle and set out the next morning.


Seokjin had never been to the Pale King's land and according to Namjoon, neither has the alpha.

It was definitely not what the prince was expecting.

A towering wall at least twelve feet high was built all around the border for as long as Jin could see so he assumed it must circumvent the whole territory. The wall was both intimidating and pretty. The top was lined with sharp, menacing spikes but the wall itself was white with motifs of carved roses. A huge silver gate greeted them, guarded by several guards most of whom, Seokjin realized, were betas.

"Do you have a pass?" A buff but beta with a friendly face approached them, hand on the hilt of his sword. Seokjin noticed Namjoon mimicking the action and saw as the rest of the guards took a step towards them, ready to spring into action lest something happens.

"We are sorry," Seokjin spoke first before Namjoon could do anything to antagonize them. After all, they were the ones who came to their territory seeking help. "It is our first time here and we did not know that we have to acquire a pass to get through the gate."

The beta studied his face for any hint of a lie and finding none, gave the prince a small nod. "May I know what your business in our territory is? It's not the best of times so we cannot just let unverified strangers pass through, especially alphas." He eyed Namjoon with a gaze that was equal parts curious and suspicious. "If you were mates then I could've let you pass but since I see you are clearly not – it complicates things. You see, unmated alphas are not allowed without direct approval of our King."

They were so strict with the rules, Seokjin thought. Maybe that was why the Pale King's territory has been so peaceful since its establishment, a safe haven for omegas and those who pledged loyalty to the omega King.

"Actually, that is exactly our reason for being here." Seokjin stated, squaring his shoulders; the beta quirked his brow at the prince's statement. "We are here to seek an audience with the Pale King."

"And why, if I may ask, do you want to meet with our King?" Seokjin looked behind the beta to see another tall male approach.

This man was younger, maybe around Seokjin's own age. His eyes were sharp and focused and going by the scent, Seokjin pegged this one as an alpha. The new arrival moved to stand beside the beta, giving out a mumbled greeting to the latter.

"I was asked to find him by someone close to me." This seemed to pique the young alpha's interest. "Do you, by chance, know of a Jung Hoseok?" Seokjin tried.

The reaction was immediate and startling, prompting gasps and curses from the guards and the young alpha especially. In a matter of moments, both he and Namjoon were being led through the gate, through the streets and into a heavily guarded barracks where they are each given a room to stay in, with Namjoon's being guarded from outside since he was an undocumented alpha on their territory.

"My name Soobin. Choi Soobin. I'm the head guard of this side of this city." The alpha finally introduced himself.

"Pleasure, Sir Choi. You can call me Jin and my companion is Kim Namjoon. I can vouch for the man if you need me too." He didn't exactly know why he said that, considering that they were in a kingdom ruled by omegas and Namjoon was literally anti-omega. But he didn't think that Namjoon would be so stupid as to cause a scene by insulting some unsuspecting omega. The alpha knew it was important for them to meet the King and getting arrested by the head guard wasn't the right way to go about it.

"Our King will surely meet you if Sir Jung was indeed the one who sent you. Until then, you and your friend will speak to and go anywhere only accompanied by either myself or Siwon – he is the beta you spoke to earlier." Were the alpha's last words to him before Seokjin was left alone in the room provided to him.


A knock on the door came in the late hours of the next day's morning. Seokjin had been a little tense and wary throughout the night, not knowing what to expect. This meant he hadn't gotten the best rest, tossing and turning in bed most the night.

"Come in." He called and the door swung open to reveal Soobin at the threshold.

"Follow me please," the alpha requested. "Our Lord would like to speak with you."


"Yes..."Seokjin picked up on Soobin's hesitance and his heart sped up a bit. "He is the city's governor and the King's closest advisors. If you want an audience with the King then you must meet with the Governor first."

"Alright, that is fine with me." He realized someone's presence was missing then. "Wait...shouldn't Namjoon be coming with me then?" he questioned, receiving a shake of the head.

"No. Our Lord is an omega. He isn't too comfortable speaking with alpha's he doesn't know." Soobin explained, stopping beside the door of an intricate white, gold and silver carriage. He placed his hand on the handle. "After I let you into the carriage, you will speak nothing but the truth. Otherwise you are not welcome here, even if you were sent by Jung Hoseok." Seokjin gave an acknowledging nod and Soobin finally let him into the carriage.

The first thing he saw after settling into the unoccupied seat was the face of the man sitting across from him. Delicate and small face, lush ink lips, Dark hair falling over pale skin and sharp darker eyes. The man in front of him was a beautiful omega, soft all over except for the man's burning eyes that stared intensely into Seokjin's own. The prince barely suppressed his urge to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat.

"I hear you came here to pay a visit to the King?" The man's voice was deep and lyrical. So unlike any typical omega voices which were usually high pitched. Not that Jin's own voice was ear-splitting but he could make it go into a high pitch if he wanted to. "State your name and identity." The Governor ordered in an authoritative tone.

If just the governor of the city was this intimidating, he could only image how powerful of an omega the King must be, to have overthrown a whole kingdom to establish his own. Seokjin realized he was now close to meeting the omega King and fulfilling one of his life's wishes. The man's eyes bore into his and the prince couldn't divert his gaze away as he replied. But Seokjin did not cower, squaring his shoulders as he replied with confidence; after all, he was Kim Royalty. "I am Kim Seokjin, the eldest and Crown Prince of the Lupa Kim Clan. My friend, General Jung Hoseok has sent me and my companion to seek refuge from the your King so I assume they must be acquaintances of some sort."

The man's hard stare softened and he crossed one leg over the other, head inclining in a brief bow. "Well, I hope you like it here, Your Highness. It's a pleasure to finally meet Hoseok's best friend." The man spoke with a smirk on his lips. "I feel like we will see each other a lot in the future. My name is Min Yoongi."


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