๐Ÿ’™8-bitdawko๐Ÿ’œ Stories

By Lololoveslemons

269 8 1

Hey guys, another great ship I love and want to make a fanfic of since theres only one other 8-bitdawko fanfi... More

๐Ÿ’™'Video Game Style Romance'๐Ÿ’œ

๐Ÿ’™'Deep into woods and hearts'๐Ÿ’œ

106 4 0
By Lololoveslemons

(Just like I promised 'Lost in the forest' au. Hope you enjoy!
Warning- SPOOOPY THINGS, slight blood, and slight Razz x Baz :D
P.S I'm writing this while sick so please bare with me on the grammar)


After 5 hours of driving in the RV me and the boys rented we arrived at Lakewood park for a camping trip.
We all agreed all the editing, uploading, and YouTube drama was starting to stress us out a bit too much so we decided to take a break.
Razz, Baz, Ryan, and I were all on this trip.
Razz had started off driving but was then handicapped by Baz cause he almost hit a car,

Leaving me and Ryan in the back.
We both watched Tv and laid on the couch the entire ride here.
It was a bit awkward I'll admit, though it was probably my doing given the fact I have a overwhelming crush on him.
I unfortunately can't help it, I've tried pushing my feelings away but it didn't work out so well.
It would just get me pissed off at Ryan for no reason making us fight. A lot.
So I decided to give in to the feelings not wanting our friendship to break even more than it already had.
Me hating him hurt more than knowing the fact that if he found out about my feelings he'd hate me for sure.
I'll just have to keep on the low for now.

"We made it lads!" Razz called out from the front making me and Ryan's heads turn.

"Yeah. Barely." Baz huffed snatching the keys away from Razz.

"Come on mate! Don't go hard on me! It was a accident!" Razz begged faking a tear.

Me and Ryan both chuckled at their argument rolling our eyes in the process.

"You excited to go camping Lewis?" Ryan asked turning in my direction.

"Yup!" I replied flushing up a bit. I blush so often now they think its just a normal thing for me. It's clearly not.

"So. What we gunna go first lads!" Razz questioned clapping his hands together trying to get Baz off his back.

"Hm... not sure." I responded shrugging my shoulders.

"Why don't we go biking!" Ryan suggested with a continuing sparkle in his eyes.

"Great idea! Baaaaazzzzzz wanna come help me get the bikes off their rack?" Razz asked nudging Baz trying to get more attention out of him.

"Fine, just to make sure you don't break them." Baz snarled some what playfully walking towards the RV door.

In the background Razz was making a fist mouthing 'yes' and quickly scampered off after Baz slamming the door behind him.

I tried my best to hold in a laugh, he's so fricken obvious Jesus-
Not only that, but Ryan's face Was PRICELESS.
He had almost a perfect pikachu face while literal question marks were surrounding him.

"What the heck was that???" He questioned blinking dramatically.

I let a few giggles lose and answered. "Razz doing a awful job at trying to keep his feelings in."

"PHFFFTTTT!!! NO WAY!!" Ryan laughed profusely.

"Where the fricken kids at." I whispered to Ryan taking the risk that the joke might make him uncomfortable.

Surprisingly he laughed even more making me laugh with him in relief.

"Got jokes huh?" Ryan teased making me turn pinkish red again.

I giggled and sighed looking up at the ceiling. "MAAAAAAYYYYYYYbbbbbeeeee." I replied crossing my arms.

Ryan's chuckle was so smooth, so beautiful. If u could I'd make him laugh all the time.
I'd do anything for that laugh, heck I'd do anything in my power for him!

We both slowly calmed down from laughing and stared at each other for a bit.
Swiftly both of our expressions changed into awkwardness again making us look away from each other.
God dammit.

I sighed and looked at my phone to pass the suspiciously LONG time and read a few fanfics, 8-bitdawko of course.
I'm not weird you are.

"Whatcha doin?" Ryan asked looking at his phone instead of me.

"O-Oh um nothing..." I stuttered turning off my phone.

He looked over at me intrigued with his eyebrow raised.

"Got something to hide Lewis?" He taunted inching closer to me.

"W-Wh- N-No!" I jumped backwards hiding my phone.

"Oh you do have something to hide!" Ryan confirmed becoming more interested and coming closer to me.

I started to tremble a stumble with words.
It was stupid of me to read things like that right in-front of him anyways-

"I swear I-Its nothing!" I rambled again waving my hands back and forth.

He stared at me for a moment making a 'hmmmmm' sound scratching his chin while I was sweating like crazy.

"What are you two doing?" Baz chimed in entering the RV with Razz.

"Better question what were you two doing?" I questioned purposely ignoring Baz's comment.

"W-What do you mean lad?" Razz asked coming in behind Baz blushing brightly.

Me and ryan both looked at them unimpressed.

"What?!" Baz barked flushing up a bit as well.

"Nothing Nothing... anyways, are the bikes ready?" Ryan asked fluffing out a baseball cap and twisting it on.

"Yes sirie!" Razz answered leaning on the RV door.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go!" I chirped putting on a brown button up sweater with fluff on the hood as it's a bit chilly.

We all agreed and put on our sweaters, packed backpacks full of important needs, and water getting ready for the bike ride.
We exited the RV and walked up to our bikes.
Mine is purple and really old, unfortunately, it has literal rust on it.
Ryan's is a expensive, light blue, Mountain bike.
Baz's is a orange road bike with old fashioned wheels.
Razz's is a silver hybrid bike that has a metallic shine to it with glitter affects too.

"Is that a helmet?" Ryan asked Razz chuckling a bit.

"Yes. And it's a Speedo helmet. Don't disrespect the Speedo helmet." Razz ordered acting like the helmet was as fancy as a Monocle.

"Speedo makes helmets???" Baz asked messing with his gears.

"They do now!!" Razz replied jumping onto his bike and zooming off.

"WH- RAZZ WAIT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WERE YOUR GOING IDOIT!!!" Baz yelled chasing after Razz.

I sighed and waited for Ryan to follow them so I'd be left in the dust, but Ryan just stayed there, not even on his bike.

"Aren't you going to follow them?" I questioned spinning the wheels of my bike to make sure they wouldn't fall off.

"Are you kidding? Razz is a wild card who knows where he's going, though I'm sure Baz will make sure he doesn't kill himself." Ryan replied.

"Even at that, who would keep you company if we all left?" He continued look at me.

I felt my heart being shot through, I did not expect that, and like a doofus I dropped my bike while checking the wheels out of shock and it fell on me.

"Ow." I groaned pushing the bike off me while Ryan was laughing in the back ground again.

"Yeah you really need a new bike." Ryan pointed out grabbing my hand and pulling me back up.

"Don't need to tell me twice." I grumbled with pink flushing my cheeks again as I felt his warm hand interlocked with mine.

"Well we should probably get going then." Ryan ordered hopping on his bike.

I agreed hopping on mine and taking the lead on the one lane gravel road.
Ryan followed behind me, it was ordered like this so I wouldn't fall behind.
While we were biking, people were just staring at us... weirdly...

"Why are they all staring at us???" I whispered to Ryan nervously.

"Who knows? Maybe they know who we are?" He shrugged not really giving much attention to it.

"Mom is that the friends of the guy who told the other guy he loved him???" A innocent 6 year old blurred out.

I almost choked on my own spit and crashed, I was trying so hard to not laugh it hurt.

"Shhhhh honey don't go into other peoples businesses!" The mother scolded and pulled the child away.

As we bikes away I heard Ryan sigh and slap his face making me break out in a laughing fest.

"My god that idiot." Ryan grumbled shaking his head back and forth in disbelief.

As I continued laughing I replied "It's Razz! What do you expect?!"

Ryan sighed in defeat again and took thought to the reminder.
I, Well, took thought to the fact that Razz had somehow finally admitted to Baz.
Like Razz out of all people, had the guts to tell his crush he liked him.
I'm guessing it went well due to the fact Razz was still his normal chirpy self when they came back inside the RV.
I wonder how Ryan feels about it though. I mean Baz is almost like a brother to Ryan and having your brother being with a crackhead gives people mixed feeling.

"Hey guys!" Ryan called out snapping me from my train of thought.
I looked over to Razz and Baz at the parks community centre looking at the map the community centre gave them.

"Oh heya Ryan! Heya Lewis!" Razz replied back while Baz was still looking at a foldable map.

"Hey! You know. We heard a very SURPRISING, and, INTERESTING,
thing about you two from the neighbours kid!" Ryan commented sarcastically crossing his arms as he landed his feet on the ground still sitting on his bike.

Both Baz and Razz froze dead in their tracks looking down at the ground stunned.

"Next time- try to be a little bit on the quiet side- Mk?" Ryan suggested grinning ear to ear, he was always the teaser and jokester of the group.

I giggled a bit as Baz slowly rolled up the map like he was about to swat a fly.
The expression on Razz's face was only showing:
'Oh sh-t.'

Right before Baz was about to attack Razz with the rolled up map Ryan dashed at them to hold off Baz, making sure he wouldn't kill the Scottish male.

"Simmer down love birds we don't need you two to have a lovers quarrel already, just listen to Ryan and try to keep more on the down low? Ok?" I requested walking Ryan and I's bikes up to them handing Ryan his.

Baz slowly calmed down and sighed reluctantly nodding.
Well now that their relationship is confirmed-

"We're are we going first? I've heard they're a lot of trails here." Ryan pointed out looking at the rolled up map in Baz's hands.

"Well Razz and I though riding 2k to the Lakewood pond and back would be a good starting point. Then we could bike around and try out some of the activities and sports." Baz explained unrolling the map and pointing in every direction he explained.

"Wow you got this all figured out already don't you!" I complimented looking down at the map and back up at him.

"Yup!" Baz smiled as his braces shined in the small clouded up sun.

"Well we better get going! Time isn't going to stop for us lads!" Razz ordered sliding onto his bike.

We all responded with a 'right' and sat onto our bikes as well and started petaling off.
Ryan was behind me to make sure I wouldn't fall behind again, Baz was in front of me to make sure Razz, who was in front of us all, wouldn't run off or crash.

We entered a path boarded with trees blocking the sunlight making it even colder, frigid in fact.
I enjoyed the smell of fresh pine and fallen leafs that the wind would carry for miles on end.
I sighed in relief taking a moment to relax for once in a blue moon, but I quickly snapped back to the moment to make sure I wouldn't crash into a tree at how bad the steering on my bike was.
My bike has got to be over 10 years old at least.

After speeding over small and large bridges, moving fallen trees out of the way, and watching a family of ducks cross the path, we finally arrived at the some-what large pond.
The pond was filled with cat tails, croaking frogs, algae, fish, long grass, rotten tree stumps, etc.
Though it was very clean, which made the atmosphere even calmer.
Not to mention; besides the sounds of small creatures, it was quiet
It all rested our nerves after being stuck in a loud, busy, place.
Razz was the first to throw his bike and backpack off to the side and dash for the pond.

"GERONIMO LADS!!!" He screamed jumping into the pond in a cannonball.

A huge splash disrupted the calmness of the pond but not ours.
Ryan and I laughed a bit while Baz started, of course, scolding him for jumping in the freezing pond with his clothes on.

Razz sighed sick of Baz's rants and smirked swimming up to him.

"And second of all!- Wait just what do you think your doing...?" Baz cut himself off backing up slightly.

"Having some fun." Razz giggled and got up, grabbed Baz's arm, and pulled him in the water.

"YOU LITTLE SH-" Baz was once again cut off by heading face first into the water, and Razz laughing like crazy in joy.

Me and Ryan both died laughing holding our chests as Baz came back up to the surface acting like he was unamused.
Actually, he had other plans this time instead of than just ranting.
He then, sprays Razz with the water he had collected in his mouth during the fall.
Razz blinked a few times after Baz stopped.
Surprised, and smiling.

"Oh it's on lad." Razz purred tackling Baz into the 5 ft deep waters making them both plunge under.

They both splashed around in the water laughing their lungs out having the time of their lives, carefree, and joyful, while I?
Well I, sat on a bench that was on the outskirts on the pond with Ryan and the dreaded awkward silence all over again.
I sighed and looked down at my feet playing with my hands.
I wanted to go out and play in the pond too but...
I didn't want to be the third wheel if only I went,
I didn't have the courage to ask Ryan,
And would he think it's weird that we as 'friends' are doing the same thing a couple is doing?
I'm probably over thinking this.

"The world looks prettier when you look at all of it Lewis not just one thing." Ryan butt in looking up at the sky and around at the woods.

"You'd look prettier if I'd get to look at all of you..." I thought to myself.


"Come on Lewis why'd you always look down? You seemed so much happier before..." Ryan slowly paused not wanting to bring back any memories of our fighting.

"We fought...?" I continued already knowing what he was going to say.

"Yeah..." he confirmed scratching the back of his head in nervousness.

"Yeah I know... I guess I just changed..." I mumbled as the lie shot right through my back.

I wasn't sad cause I had 'changed' oh no.
You all know the reason why.

Ryan sighed. "Alright you drive a hard bargain. Want to go play in the pond?" Pointing his thumb to the other two.

My eyes sparkled and I swiftly looked up at him. "Really!?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sure! Why not? Better than sitting here having you all sad." He laughed nudging me a bit and standing up.

I smiled widely and stood up as well.
"Yes!! I mean- if you want too..." I replied with a hot red now dusting my face.

He nodded smiling as well and firmly grabbed my hand pulling me over to the pond.
It was like a gay Disney movie flashed before my very eyes.
Pastel rainbow butterflies surrounded Ryan as he shined and shimmered with the butterflies, everything was however, dark, in the background in my Fictional imagination.
I quickly snapped back though not wanting my fantasies to wreak the moment.
I promised myself to try and keep my composure for as long as I could.

Well if I hadn't snapped myself back into reality the freezing water sure would have.
It's like 10- c!!! It's frigen cold!!!
I shivered and instantly felt like rapping myself in my arms and returning to land, but the feeling of his hand on mine for a long period of time; Ryan's, Was enough to make me become a scorching desert itself.

I pushed the cold aside and started giggling a bit.
I evilly splashed water at Ryan making him flinch the other way and laugh as well.
We both splashed around and chased each other having the time of our lives while the others did the same.
As I was just about to splash Ryan again, he swam underwater and out of sight.
I looked around in confusion wondering where he went.

"Ryan???" I called out turning in every direction.

Suddenly, I felt myself being pushed up from underneath.
I yelled a bit grabbing onto Ryan's head as he hoisted me onto his shoulders.
I breathed heavily still in shock and excitement laughing breathlessly.

"Ryan put me down!!" I yelled jokingly wiping the cold wet hair out of my face.

"Hmmmm let me think... Nah." He responded and started running around with me on his shoulders.

I screamed more still clutching his head trying to keep balance.
This was amazing.
This was also probably the closest I'd ever get to Ryan, so I can't let my chattering teeth tell me what I can or cannot do.

"You alright up there Lewis?" Ryan asked slowly down a bit and taping my thigh to get my attention.

"I-I'm f-fine!" I stuttered shivering and chattering.

Ryan paused for a minute and started walking towards land again.

"W-What are y-you doing???" I asked wiping my freezing temperature made tears out of my eyes.

"Come on Lewis it's obvious your cold! I'm more used to it than you so I don't want you getting sick." Ryan responded laying me down on the bench again.

"But we were having so much fun..." I whined sneezing.

"Lewis..." He growled making his intentions clear.
I was not going back in the water.

I sighed and hesitantly agreed and grabbed my backpack for extra clothes we had all brought just in case.
Well, not all of us.
I searched around in my bag for a couple minutes, getting more worried on ever new search through.
Ryan must have noticed.

"Is something wrong Lewis?" He questioned pulling his own clothes out of his backpack.

"I-I think I forgot m-my spare c-clothes..." I replied felling stupid and stressed.

Ryan looked at me for a moment and walked up to me ordering. "Here. Have mine."

"I-I can't take your clothes Ryan! They'd be to big and you wouldn't have any!" I informed gesturing him to take them back.
(Yes Lewis is shorter than Ryan in this.)

"I'll be fine! You need them more than I do!" Ryan explained pushing them back towards me.

I sighed. Knowing I wasn't going to win this battle ether I took the clothes with a 'thank you' and hid behind a tree to put them on.
I was correct about one thing.
They are a little bit too big.
It's not too bad, I just have to cuff up the pants and roll up the sleeves and we're good!
Ryan had brought blue jeans, his own merch t-shirt, and a light blue hoodie with small dark blue clouds on it.

I walked back to the others and they had already gotten dressed as well.
Except Ryan, I was to blame about that.
I felt super guilty about it but there was nothing I could do.
When Ryan is set on one thing. It's almost impossible to change his mind.

"Are we ready to start rolling off again lads!" Razz exclaimed hopping onto his bike once more.

Ryan, Baz, and I all nodded and rode back too the main park without any casualties.
We played all the sports, activities, and games we had planned to do for the day and before we knew it the sun started to set meaning we should probably get home.

As Razz and Baz were already at home making dinner me and Ryan were ordered to grab some ice from the park store so we could keep the frozen food in the cooler cold.

"I got it! We're ready to go!" Ryan informed getting onto his bike with the ice on his back.

It really wasn't a good idea for him to be all wet still with freezing cold ice on his back but, I couldn't carry much but myself with my bike.
So we headed back to the campsite with Ryan close behind me.

We were only about a few minutes away until out of no where a raccoon ran across the road.
Ryan instantly slammed on his brakes but me?
My brakes don't even work!
I had to swerve off the gravel road onto the grass and flew off my bike.
I landed on the ground with a thump with luckily no cuts or bruises.

"Lewis!! Are you alright?!" Ryan yelled jumping off his bike and running up to me with the ice still in hand.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine.... but I can't say the same for my bike..." I groaned looking over at my bike.

Just as I had predicted to happen, a wheel fell off.
Not only did it just snap off, it also broke the chains too.

I sighed and got up dusting myself off.

"Well sorry old girl... I think your times up." I morned throwing the bike into the nearest garbage bin.

"Now what are we going to do?" I asked dusting off my hands.

Ryan scratched his chin in a puzzled way thinking.
If I walked the ice would melt before we get there so that wasn't a possibility.
What could we do...


"Get on." I ordered pointing to my handle bars.

Lewis stared at me like I was a alien for a moment.

"W-What???" he questioned looking at the handle bars.

"I said get on! The ice will melt soon so we don't have much of a option." I explained tapping the handle bars.

I could tell he was about to argue about how dangerous and stupid the idea was but he knew there wasn't any other option either.
It'll be fine anyways! I'm good with handling the bike and it's not too far.

He sighed reluctantly sat on the handlebars wobbling a lot.

"Alright. Here we go." I warned stepping onto my petals and driving off.

I surprisingly worked! Though I could tell he was super embarrassed and scared.
Well, Not everyday do you see a grown male riding the handle bars of another.
I was having fun though.
I had to hold my head between his side and arm so I could see in-front of me, it was very warm.
I chuckled a bit as I could tell he was super flustered.
In fact he was so flustered that his fingers were turning pinkish.
How adorable.

We quickly arrived at the RV as I didn't want Lewis to deal with the embarrassment for TOO long.
Lewis jumped off the handle bars as quickly as possible and took the ice off my back scurrying it to the cooler.

I continued to stare at Lewis for a while, entranced by his appearance and actions.
Him wearing my hoodie is like a dream come true.
He looks even cuter in it than I could ever imagine.
If only I could tell him...

I brought my bike over to the others locking it up so it wouldn't get stolen and walked back inside the RV where Lewis had already went.
When I opened the door a whiff of caned corn, caned mash potatoes, and leftover pizza.

"Hi ya Ryan! You two were almost late for dinner!" Razz pointed out taking a spoon full of corn.

"Yeah sorry Lewis's bike broke so he had to ride on the handle bars of my bike while I carried the ice on my back." I explained rubbing the back of my neck and shivering as my body finally started to get cold.

"BWAH HA HA WAIT REALLY!?" Razz spat out laughing hysterically.
Baz didn't even comment on it as he was so exhausted he looked like he was going to pass out head first into his mashed potatoes.

"Quiet Razz!! It's not THAT funny... Ryan you should probably take a shower though, you might catch a cold since you've been in those cold clothes all day." Lewis instructed taking a bite of his pizza.

"Well alright. Save a plate for me then!" I requested grabbing a towel and a new set of pjs while running into the bathroom.

I wasn't staying cold for any longer, no thank you.
I ran the water and got ready for the shower.

(Time skip cause I'm not writing about how Ryan takes a shower that's just weird-)

I ruffled up my hair with the towel as I exited the bathroom with my pjs on before hand.
I looked left to see both Baz and Razz already sleeping on one of the beds. Predictable.
Though what puzzled me was that the other bed was empty.
Where was Lewis?
Confused, I walked right, the direction of the kitchen.
There he was.
He was sleeping on the couch even though I told him, I'D be sleeping on the couch.
He said before that he was worried it would hurt my back or something even though I didn't listen.
I guess he's as stubborn as I am.

I walked past him and to the table that had my no longer steaming food on it and that was near the front of the RV.
Wow time really did fly.
After finishing the dish I set it in the dishwasher and ran it.
I was about to go lay down on the other bed until I realized it wasn't my sleeping spot.
I quietly tip-toed to Lewis and softly picked him up.
Just like normal, he was as light as a feather.
I shuffled over to the beds again and plopped him down on the bed relived I didn't wake him.
I tried letting go of him so I could go sleep on the couch myself, but I wasn't able too.
I realized he had latched onto my sleeves still fast asleep.
aimlessly, I looked around wondering what I could do.
Defeated and tired, I laid down next to him, half awake with blurry vision.
I pushed aside the worry of what was going to happen when we woke up as slowly slipped out of consciousness.
For once... I felt... relaxed, going to sleep.
It felt nice...
And warm...

(Another lazy time skip)

"Razz! Razz! RAZZ! GET BACK HERE!" I heard a muffled angry but petrified Baz yell from a distance.

"Wh..." I groaned and stretched out yawning a bit grumpy.

"What the hell..." I grumbled with my eyes half closed I sat up.

I scrounged around in my pocket for my phone and checked the time.

"12!? What the hell are those two doing up at 12!?" I snarled still super tired and sleep deprived.

I sighed and decided it wasn't a good idea for me to leave those two alone for what happened last time.
I crawled off the bed and grabbed a flash light from the bedside table rubbing my eyes trying to fully awake myself.
Instead of that, I awoke someone else.

"Ryan...?" Lewis Mumbled looking up from the pillow he had face planted in.

"Where are you going...?" He asked rubbing his own eyes.

"I'm going to follow the two idiots that decided to take a stroll at 12 o'clock." I grumbled again turning the flashlight on.

Lewis buffered for a moment but it vaguely clicked to him about what was happening.
He sat up himself and grabbed his own flash light following me.
I didn't think much of it.
2 is better than 1 I guess...
At least I won't be alone.

We quietly stepped out of the RV and into the direction the others went.
The woods.
I face palmed mentally not having the physical strength at the moment to do so.

We trudged through the darkened forest calling out the names of Baz and Razz constantly for almost half an hour. No luck.

"God dammit... were never going to find them..." I growled pulling at my hair in frustration.

No response.

I looked behind me.

"Lewis?" I called out.

No answer.
No Lewis.
Anxiety hit me like a truck.
That definitely woke me up.

"LEWIS!!!" I screamed cupping my hands around my mouth to try and make it louder.

I ran back in the direction we had just came from, sprinting in fact.
I dodged every branch, tree trunk, rock in sight looking for the small British male.
(Ik hes from the United Kingdom and I'm not sure if that's British, I'm sorry I'm stupid-)

"LEWIS!!!" I cried out again tearing up slightly due to shock and horror.

I almost drifted across the dirt as I heard a faint noise.

I speeded over to the noise and kneeled down.
It was Lewis! He was on the floor rubbing his head in agony.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed looking all around him.

"I-I think I might have tripped over a log or something and passed out..." he replied sighing shakily.

"God dammit Lewis... please don't ever do that to me again..." I cried hugging him tightly, squeezing him like some sort of 10 pound plush you'd buy at Walmart. (Even though he's clearly worth more than those things-)
(We get it.)

He froze on the spot like he didn't know what to do.
It was actually a bit funny.
Like I said his reactions are adorable.

"I-I promise I-I won't Ryan... J-Just promise you won't leave for good..." Lewis trembled repeating what seems to be one of his worse fears out of no where.
My eyes widened,
I smiled.

"You really are a cringy one huh?" I chuckled moving away from the hug joking around.

"I- MHM-"

I pressed his soft lips up against mine interlocking them.
His were so warm and soft I felt like mine were about to melt.
His face was out of this world shocked but...
He didn't seem mad.
After a few short minutes he finally kissed back.
No fighting.
No regrets.
Just us.

We both pulled away laughing softly in shock.

"You promise to never leave me to Lewis?" I asked picking him up and carrying him like a bride.

"I promise." He responded stating up with truth, loyalty, and future in his eyes.

"Well lets go find those idoits then... shall we?" I referred heading off again to find Razz and Baz.

Well at least we got one good thing out of this hectic vacation.
Something that makes the whole thing.
Worth it in the end.


Ryan: your telling me, you ran into the forest at, might I add; 12 in the morning cause you saw a freakin cat!?!?

Razz: What!?!? It's cute!! Look!! *Holds up kitten*

Baz: I'm pretty sure Lewis is allergic to cats...

Razz: Oh-

Lewis: >:OOO CABRÓN!!



Ryan: o-o

Baz: God help us-

(Sighing off as a sick lemon 👌🏼)

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