Black String Of Fate

By worldof_A

148K 8.5K 2.3K

What happens when two best friends are forced to get married? Two boys, totally opposites of each other are... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chaoter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84*
Chapter 85*
Chapter 86*
Chapter 87*

Chapter 18

1.7K 102 36
By worldof_A

Jin was discharged from the hospital. He was at home, resting. Namjoon, his husband was taking care of him. Namjoon would go to office and return back soon, giving some excuses to his father and take care of Jin, not wanting to leave him alone. Jin tried to talk to Namjoon that he didn't really have to do that.

But Namjoon wasn't having it. He felt guilty as fuck and wanted to do everything to make his best friend back to being healthy and goofy. Jin was touched seeing Namjoon act so caring towards him and it also scared him a little. Apart from Sophie and his late emmoa, he wasn't used to anyone caring for him.

And now that Namjoon showed care, he didn't know if he should get used to it but was trying his best to not get attached to such feelings. Namjoon did every chore of the house like getting groceries, doing the laundry, cleaning and other stuff except for cooking. Jin was peculiar about the unsaid rule and Namjoon obediently followed it.

Not to forget, Namjoon was so used to eating Jin's home made food that nothing else made him crave for food rather than Jin's. He low key wanted Jin to always cook for him but never dared to say it, knowing Jin would tease the hell out of him. Though Jin already knew Namjoon's addiction to his cooking.

Right now, Jin was in the kitchen preparing dinner for both of them and Namjoon watching him from the table, since he wasn't allowed to step in when Jin was cooking. Jin glanced at Namjoon and snickered mentally seeing Namjoon drool over the food. Namjoon had his eyes stuck on the pot placed on the stove, which Jin was stirring.

The house was filled with pleasant aroma of food that they were going to eat for dinner and Namjoon's stomach growled, not so lightly, alerting Jin. Jin turned around with a confused face and looked at Namjoon, who had red tint on his cheeks, "Did you hear something? It sounded like a thunder" he asked pretending to be oblivious.

Namjoon gulped and nervously chuckled, "No, I didn't hear anything. Maybe you're hearing things" he said in tiny and Jin spun around hiding his giggles. Namjoon on the other hand was embarrassed. He placed his head on the table clutching his stomach, 'Freak, that was so embarrassing' he whined cursing at his tummy.

Jin glanced at Namjoon and quickly finished cooking, carefully bringing the pot and put it on the table in front of Namjoon, who sat up hearing Jin's footsteps. Frowning, "You should've told me to do it. You aren't suppose to work" Namjoon scolded lightly, Jin looked at him weirdly, "And make my hard work go down the drain? No thanks" he answered.

Namjoon pouted and Jin smiled at him, "Let's eat. Someone's tummy is roaring in hunger, no?" He asked teasingly picking up a bowl to fill. Namjoon was shook and looked away with red cheeks, nodding slowly like a puppy. Jin filled the bowl in his hand placed it in front of Namjoon, watching his eyes lit up like fireworks.

Namjoon eyed Jin eagerly and when Jin smiled, telling him to, "Enjoy", he smiled brightly taking a bite. Namjoon winced at his burning mouth from the hot soup, fanning his face to lessen the burn. Jin clicked in his tongue and shook his head in disappointment at Namjoon for being impatient. 

Namjoon wasn't bothered about his burnt taste buds and thanked Jin for food as he felt fine, digging into his dinner, enjoying it deliciously. Jin felt happy seeing Namjoon eat, he always liked to see people enjoy his cooking but most of all, he enjoyed Namjoon's reaction, which he subconsciously gave.

Jin always waited for Namjoon to praise him but never got anything from him. Soon, he understood that the reaction which Namjoon's eyes showed while eating was his compliment and he was contented with that. Jin ate with a smile on his face while Namjoon devoured the food in his plate.

Namjoon groaned tapping his full tummy burping slightly, "Wow, now that's what I call food porn" he said slowly but Jin still heard it. He chuckled lowly keeping his eyes down on his plate. Namjoon let his head back, licking his lips, reminiscing the taste and Jin was now slightly disgusted, "Yah, you look like a sick weirdo" he said.

Namjoon ignored him and stood up picking his dishes going to the sink while Jin stared blankly at him. Namjoon pulled his sleeves up and opened the tap, washing the dishes. Jin felt his heart fluttering, Namjoon was a real gentlemen. Jin was lost in his thoughts staring at Namjoon who frowned at him, "If you're done, get your dirty plates" he said alarming Jin.

Jin nodded and shoved all the food in his mouth looking like a hamster. He walked to Namjoon and passed his plates, going back to clean the table. Jin took a cloth but Namjoon stopped, "What do you think you're doing? How many times do I have to tell you that you aren't allowed to work?" He asked sternly.

Jin sighed, "I'm fine Joon. I can't let you do everything" he said softly. Namjoon sighed shaking his head. He washed his hands and walked closer to Jin, taking the cloth from his hand and made him sit on the chair as he kneeled in front of him. Jin stared at his hands in his laps, not looking at Namjoon who had a concerned look on his face.

Namjoon took Jin's hand in his own, "Jin, listen to me. Just because I have a job doesn't make my responsibilities any lesser than yours. I have equal share of work as you do. When you'll get a job then you won't be exempted from this, so why should I? We both are equal and do equal work. You cook and I clean, it's equal." he explained.

Jin bit his lips, "But I feel guilty seeing you doing these chores. You don't have to. I can do it, since I have no job yet" he said slightly ashamed of himself and Namjoon frowned, "So what? Having a job doesn't make me a superman and it won't make you one either. All jobs are equal status, if it is a house work or some office work" he explained.

Jin smiled, "Thank you." he said shyly and Namjoon grinned, "You know, you are pain in butt but still adorable" he said showing his dimple. Jin blinked once, twice and stood up chasing Namjoon, who was already running away from him, "You punk, whom did you call pain in butt? Come here" He yelled trying to catch him.

Namjoon laughed loudly dodging Jin every time he got close, making Jin slightly frustrated and tired. Namjoon sensed Jin getting slower and stopped raising his hands in defeat, "I'm sorry. But really hyung, you use way too much of your tiny brain. Don't do that" he said with a smile and Jin nodded panting a little holding his knees.

Namjoon went closer to him and pulled him to his room, "Stay here, I'll get your medicine and I really don't want to hear you whine about it." He said seeing Jin opening his mouth. Jin pouted and crossed his arms in front of him making Namjoon chuckle, "I was right" he said walking out leaving a curious Jin who wondered what did he mean.

Namjoon as promised brought Jin his medicines and water, forcing him to gulp down those nasty and bitter tablets. Namjoon chuckled at Jin's face but didn't comment on it. He asked Jin to lay down and tucked him in, "Sleep well. If you need me and just scream for me, okay?" He said softly, walking out shutting the lights off on his way as Jin nodded his head in response.

Namjoon walked back to kitchen to finish his work which he left in half. He wasn't much tired since Jin did most of the work even after Namjoon ordered him not to. Namjoon sighed falliny on the couch, not tired and not sleepy. He watched some TV but nothing interesting showed, so he switched to his phone. Again, finding nothing new.

He rolled his eyes, now extremely bored and threw his phone on the couch next to him, staring blankly at the black screen of the TV. He laid down, tired of sitting and stared at the ceiling blankly, drumming his fingers on the back of his palm, humming some tune. His attention was caught by a tiny sound of door opening and he looked towards their rooms.

Jin's head peeked out cutely, making Namjoon bite back a smile seeing Jin act like a tiny hamster. Namjoon cleared his throat and Jin sheepishly smiled, "Hey" he said standing by the door. Namjoon sat up with a frown, "Why aren't you sleeping?" he asked see in Jin awake. Jin sighed walking close to Namjoon and sat next to him with a pout.

"I can't sleep. I tried.counting sheeps, blinked my eyes continuously but nothing happened" he said with a lazy shrug. Namjoon sighed too, "I can't sleep too. I'm not tired and my body is still active" he said running his fingers through his hair. Namjoon felt his brain working and an idea popped into his head to do something.

He looked at Jin, who pouted bored. "Let's go out for a walk." Namjoon suggested and Jin's head snapped to him with bright eyes. Jin excitedly nodded his head and Namjoon stood up like a spring, "Come on. Get your jacket. I'll be waiting for you out" he said and Jin quickly rushed to get his coat. Namjoon was waiting for Jin with pocketed hands.

Jin dashed out of the door but stopped in his tracks seeing Namjoon only in his shirt. He rolled his eyes and went back in returning with a spare coat. He walked to Namjoon and threw the coat at him, who looked confused. Jin rolled his eyes again, "Wear it. It's cold" he said and Namjoon smiled putting on the coat, walking with Jin.

They both strolled together on the silent road. Nobody spoke, enjoying the peace and the cold air that brushed against their faces, making their noses and ears red. Jin felt nice, he needed this. Being stuck at home in the four walls not doing anything unconsciously made him agitated for some reason.

He let out a deep breath gaining Namjoon's attention, who glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, "What's that for?" He asked softly, maintaining the delicacy of the moment. Jin smiled shaking his head, "It feels nice. This air, this peace. I didn't realize how much I needed this" he replied looking at him. Namjoon smiled, nodding but didn't respond to him.

They walked aimlessly and reached to an open ground which looked more like a park for kids to play. Namjoon frowned, "I didn't know there was a park here" he said and Jin nodded too, as surprised as Namjoon. Jin smiled seeing the swings, "Let's go" he said pulling Namjoon towards the empty swings.

Namjoon walked behind Jin and stood near swings watching Jin excitedly getting on one of them. Jin looked at Namjoon and patted the next swing, asking to join him. Namjoon chuckled and sat down next to Jin anyway. Jin looked at Namjoon, "Do you remember when we used to come to the playground ? You always caught one of the swings for me" he said reminiscing the past.

Namjoon nodded, "Yea, you enjoyed the most when you were on the swing. I remember your face when you couldn't ride these, you would pout the whole time" he said teasingly and Jin giggled turning red. Namjoon sighed deeply, "Those were really good days. We only enjoyed and played with nothing to worry about" he said playing with his feet.

Jin grew concerned, "Hey is everything alright? You know you can talk to me Namjoon-ah" he said but Namjoon shook his head, "I'm fine hyung, it's just that things get a little difficult at times." He said giving an assuring smile. Jin pursed his lips and nodded, they both got silent staring at nothing enjoying the empty and peaceful night.

Namjoon looked around, observing the area and suddenly squinted his eyes. He looked at Jin who was still staring in the front and smiled sneakily walking in the opposite direction. Jin didn't realise he was all alone but when someone tapped his shoulder, he flinched lightly. He looked up and stood in a flash slightly dumbfounded.

"Hi, Kim Seokjin right?" A girl asked and Jin nodded, nervously smiling. The girl extended her hand towards Jin, "I'm Suzy. I was in the same college with you" she introduced herself and Jin shook her hand thoughtfully. He had heard that name somewhere and was trying to remember where. "What are you doing here alone?" She asked curiously.

Jin snapped his neck towards the swing where Namjoon was and paled not seeing him. Jin looked at Suzy with wide eyes, "I uh, I was with-" he started but got interrupted by another voice from a distance. "Suzy?" The voice said and Jin along with the girl looked towards the voice, where Namjoon stood surprised.

Jin's eyes widen in realization, that girl was the one Namjoon had crush on in the college. Namjoon always talked about her, praising her but Jin never listened to him. He looked at Suzy, who smiled and waved her hand at Namjoon who slowly walked to them. He gulped, feeling something churn in his stomach uncomfortably.

"Hey Namjoon, long time no see" Suzy said and Namjoon smiled back, "Yeah, how are you?" He asked and Suzy nodded, "I'm good. And you?" She asked looking at Namjoon and Jin. Namjoon nodded, "I'm fine too" he replied and Jin smiled forcefully. Suzy grinned, "It's a surprise seeing you both here" she said and Namjoon scratched his nape.

He looked at her with a smile making Jin's heart clench painfully, "We just came out for a walk." he said and Suzy nodded, "Nice. Do you guys live nearby?" She asked and Namjoon nodded with a bright smile. Jin bit his inner cheek, looking away wanting to leave. Namjoon and Suzy got talking to each other, ignoring Jin.

But Jin was glad that he was not being focused on. Suzy looked at Jin and Namjoon, "You guys live together?" She asked and Namjoon stopped not replying. Jin knew it would be tough for Namjoon to spill the truth and took on him to help him. Jin was about to answer but Namjoon held his hand and raised it, showing the ring to her.

"We both are married actually" he said truthfully. Jin and Suzy's mouth dropped open. Jin felt butterflies flying in his stomach when Namjoon winked at him with a seductive smile. Jin blushed and looked to Suzy who still didn't recover from shock. All of a sudden she started squealing cupping her mouth, "Omg, Omg, Omg" she squealed.

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other before turning to the squealing girl. "Namjin was indeed true" she said bouncing lightly. Namjoon tilted his head confused and Jin frowned, "What?" They asked and Suzy stopped squealing but the smile was still there. "You guys may not know but the whole college fucking shipped you both" she exclaimed happily.

Jin and Namjoon were surprised. Suzy continued, "How could we not? You both look perfect together, just like the couples in the fairy tales. We always wanted to see you guys do something romantic. Almost everyone wanted you both to be together" she said excitedly. Jin and Namjoon blushed hearing her. It was a real shock to them.

"But why?" Namjoon asked wanting to know why did people want them to be together. Suzy rolled her eyes, "You both always stuck together. Protected and supported each other when anyone of you were in trouble. You both respected, trusted and helped each other blindly. It looked like some romantic movie seeing you both in college. Half of the girls would come only to see you both. We would even place bets when any festival in college came that Namjoon would ask Jin to come with him or if Jin would hug Namjoon congratulating him when he came first" she said dramatically.

Suzy ranted all in one breath not realizing the couple who were totally embarrassed. They never knew people were really wanting them to be together. A man suddenly stepped back of Suzy holding her waist. Suzy smiled and pecked the man's lips, "Guys, meet my boyfriend, Dongwook" she introduced him to Namjin.

"Babe, do you know about the couple I used to tell you about?" She asked and the man nodded, "Yeah, some Namjin couple" he said and Suzy smiled brightly, pointing at stunned Namjoon and Jin, "Well, they both are the infamous Namjin couple. This is Namjoon and he is Jin" she said pointing at them individually.

Jin was a little worried glancing at Namjoon. He knew Namjoon liked that girl but seeing her boyfriend was a bit uncomfortable. Namjoon on the other hand didn't feel anything and shook hands with Dongwook, "Oh it's nice meeting you. I swear, I have heard so much about you" the man said making Namjoon smile shyly.

Dongwook turned to Jin and extended his hand, "Hi, it's nice to meet you" he said and Jin shook his hand. Dongwook didn't release Jin's hand, making his squirm a little. Suzy was unknown to the tension between her man and Jin but Namjoon observed them. He snatched Jin's hand away from Dongwook and holding it in his.

Namjoon glared at Dongwook, smiling forcefully. Suzy looked at Dongwook, "Babe, did you get it?" She asked and Dongwook nodded. Namjoon cleared his throat, "We'll take our leave. My husband needs to rest. It was nice meeting you both" he said stressing the word husband looking at Dongwook in his eyes with fire in his eyes.

Dongwook gulped and Suzy nodded, sending them off. Jin was getting dragged by Namjoon, away from the couple and was blushing the whole time. He was happy that Namjoon was there with him but he also felt bad knowing the girl he liked had a boyfriend. He looked at Namjoon with worried eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked softly. 

Namjoon looked at him with frown, "Yea? Why wouldn't I be fine?" He asked. Jin licked his lips catching Namjoon's eyes who instantly looked away, feeling his cheeks heat up. "She was the one, right? You liked her" he said and Namjoon chuckled, "Yea, but it was a childish little crush, nothing more. I don't feel anything for her now" he confessed and Jin smiled in relief.

Jin felt happy hearing Namjoon. He didn't know if it was because Namjoon was fine or because he didn't feel anything for Suzy, his crush from college. Jin bit his lips, not wanting to think about it and pretended to be unaware of his heart, which fluttered when Namjoon helped him from Dongwook.

Namjoon stopped abruptly making Jin stop with him. Jin confusedly stared at Namjoon, who was looking for something in his pocket. Namjoon took out a packet and handed it to Jin who took it. His mouth dropped open and looked at Namjoon with wide eyes, "You didn't!" He said in disbelief and Namjoon smirked.

Jin jumped on Namjoon, hugging him and thanking over and over. Namjoon had got him his favorite jellies which he hadn't eaten in months. Jin moved away and stared at Namjoon with sparkling eyes, who had a big smiles with dimples popping out. "I missed this so much" Jin said and Namjoon nodded, "I know, that's why I got it for you" he said making Jin smile.

Namjoon walked and Jin also joined him trying to console his poor heart which threatened to fall out of his chest from the fast beating. Jin gulped thickly placing his hand over his heart, 'Why are you beating so fast? Calm down' he mentally said to himself and walked back to home with a happy Namjoon.

Ah, young love. It's so special no?

First of all, I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner. Long story short I got a little busy with things in my life. I hope you won't mind it but I'm trying my best to update as soon as I can.

I hope you understand and wait for the updates which I'll try to update more frequently but I still ask for forgiveness in advance if ever it took time for it.

Please read and vote and comment on the chapters guys. I love you all so much. Stay safe and stay happy 💜💜💜

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