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By dreamgirlsky

746 62 46

Welcome to Immediate Tales, where I (try to) spin humorous stories for those who want nothing more than a qu... More

Author's Note
barking mad; ksj
kidnapped; myg
modern fairytale; jhs
stuck with you; jjk (halloween special)
with love; pjm
don't leave me; pjm

spring day; knj (special)

92 4 12
By dreamgirlsky


A/N: Yes bestie, Crownedkatana this is for you. Happy birthday!

P.S. sorry for messing up the time line. P.S. also very long. 

NOTE: The song lyrics are from spring day by BTS. The text in italics are the lyrics. The song is playing in the background.


Namjoon sat down, content with his work.

He thanked the crew and waved as they all left. He stayed behind however as he wanted to view his first short film one more time. Just as he started to play the video, his assistant director came in.

"Want to watch it one more time?" Namjoon asked knowingly.

The boy nods, always amazed at how Namjoon knew him so well.

"Then come here Jungkook. Let's watch it together," Namjoon smiled.

Jungkook returned it with one of his own before quickly taking a seat beside his hyung. The two watch, enraptured by their own creation when the mini movie starts.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

A small raven haired girl walks into school, jovial and happy. The bell rings and she winds her arm around her friend's, chatting animatedly. She stops when someone rudely bumps into her.

"What the-?" she exclaims, annoyed.

"Sorry. Didn't see you there Sky," apologises the big eyed girl who bumped into her.

"Oh. You. I'm not surprised. When do you ever see anything, Regina?" Sky scoffs, irritation covering her features at the sight of the girl from the other class.

It was common knowledge that all three sections of grade two are rivals. It was no different for these two.

"Yes me," confirms Regina.

The two eye each other in distaste before their respective friends pull them along to class.


A year later, the two girls sit next to each other uncomfortably and unsure what to say.

Being put into the same class was surely a twist of fate. They glance at each other.

"I'm so fat, like a potato," mutters Sky, not meaning for anyone to hear but herself.

However, Regina did hear. She nudges Sky.

"Hey, I'm a potato too. Let's be potatoes together," she offers with a warm smile.

Sky beams and nods, a flicker of warmth creeping up her skin. It was a welcome warmth. One which she wished she could experience more often.


Miss you

Saying this makes me miss you even more

Miss you

Even though I'm looking at your photo

Time's so cruel, I hate us

Seeing each other for once is now so hard between us


"Oh my gosh. I can't do this," huffs Sky, beads of sweat running down her forehead.

"You can! You can Sky! Come on!" encourages Regina.

Re-energised, Sky continues her run around the 200 metre race track.

"Oh wow, you're right, I give up," pants Regina.

"Nonsense Gina. Pick up the pace, come on. I'm not running without you."

"Okay okay. Coming. Phew," concedes Regina.

The two girls were far behind the rest of their class, most of the students already waiting at the finish line. But the two just encouraged each other and giggled, each other's company the only thing they cared about.


It's all winter here, even in August

My heart is running on the time

Alone on the Snowpiercer

Wanna get to the other side of the earth, holding your hand

Wanna put an end to this winter

How much longing should we see snowing down

To have the days of spring, Friend


"Sky. Sky. Skyyy," Regina whines as she pokes her friend's cheek.

She bites her lip in exasperation, totally done with her friend's daily obsession of reading.

"Don't ignore me. Read at home!" she repeats.

But Sky barely even heard these words, far too immersed in the world of the book she was reading. Regina pouts before picking up her tab and snapping a picture of Sky. She grinned, knowing exactly how her friend would react.

They were making their way back to their respective buses now. Regina slyly takes out her tab and shows Sky the embarrassing picture she shot. Sky was totally focused, one hand pulling at her lower lip, hair completely disarray.

Sky instantly scowled, displeased. She doesn't like taking pictures.

"You delete that right now, Gina!" she demands.

"Ha! Serves you right for not paying attention to me," Regina retorts.

The two yell and scream and laugh as Sky tries to pry the tab from Regina's hand. Everyone shoots them weird looks for being so obnoxiously loud. But they didn't care. 

They could conquer the world together if they want to.


Like the tiny dust, tiny dust floating in the air

Will I get to you a little faster

If I was the snow in the air


They splash about in the swimming pool, neither knowing how to swim but still enjoying one of the rare swimming classes in which they both bring all their swimming gear.

On the days in which they both forget their swimming costumes, they would sit side by side on the benches placed in the side of the swimming pool, and would simply talk. They would sometimes talk about total nonsense, sometimes girly gossip and sometimes cook up stories which included portals and evil scientists.

They get out of the swimming pool after hearing the annoying whistle from their teacher. They grumble to each other as usual complaining about the unfair time.

"Seriously, it's so lame. Like what's the point? We swim for like five minutes!" Sky grumbles.

"I know right! So unfair," agrees Regina.

They were one of the last ones to get out, so naturally, by the time they reached the changing rooms, all of them were occupied.

"Great," Regina angrily mutters.

Finally, a room opens and Regina rushes forward, determined to use it. She stops and turns back.

"It's okay. You can go," nods Sky.

"Nonsense. Just come with me," Regina scoffs and pulls her best friend along with her.

"W-What? B-But.." sputters Sky.

They were both in the tiny changing room.

"What? We're both girls and I won't look," promises Regina.

"Right," Sky says, all shyness gone.

They both turn so their backs face each other and start changing.

"Let's go," says Regina once they're done and they make their way back to class.

"You know, this is such a long process and so unfair anyways, so we should skip more often," Sky comments.

Regina laughs. "Why not?"


Snowflakes fall down

And get farther away little by little

I miss you (I miss you)

I miss you (I miss you)

How long do I have to wait

And how many sleepless nights do I have to spend

To see you (to see you)

To meet you (to meet you)


Regina orders hot chocolate while Sky waits next to her. The both grin once they get it, savoring the liquid coca luxury.

After doing this everyday, they're far from happy when the aunty at the canteen refuses to give them any, saying it's over.

Oh but these two were smart, and they loved hot chocolate. Would an aunty stand in their way? No way in hell.

So they scurry off to the canteen, right after the bell rings for the last class.

They order and this time, they get it.

They drink slowly, idly chatting and enjoying themselves, not realising that the loud crowd of students were long gone.

A teacher steps in and eyes the two in surprise.

"Are you kids staying back?"

"No," replies Regina.

"Then what are you doing here? Buses leave in a minute!"

They screech in shock and abandon their mostly empty cups before tearing down the stairs.

"Shit. Shit Shit. Shit. We're so late!" Sky yells.

"Oh my gosh, we're going to miss the bus!"

The first buses had started moving when they reached the area. They frantically yell and wave as the security stops the busses and shoots the two a disapproving look. They laugh and wave to each other before scrambling into their respective buses.

Both were getting shouted at by their respective bus monitors but the rush of adrenaline and friendship kept a smile on their face.


Passing by the edge of the cold winter

until the days of spring

until the days of flower blossoms

please stay, please stay there a little longer


It was class party day at the end of term, one of the rare occasions where students were allowed to wear something other than their bleak school uniforms.

There was musing being played and students were feasting on bags of potato chips.

Even the teachers were in a good mood as they didn't have to teach any annoying bunch of kids and were free to do as they wish.

The boys and girls decided to play a game which involved throwing a ball at each other from opposite sides of the class while standing on tables.

Sky and Regina politely declined, being introverted and only wanting each other's company. They watch their classmates play, jealous at their social skills but so very glad that they had each other.


Is it you who changed (Is it you who changed)

Or is it me (Or is it me)

I hate this moment, this time flowing by

We are changed you know

Just like everyone you know


They smile as they eat chips and listen to music from the same ear phone. Sky wasn't particularly into music, but it wasn't too bad.

It was the day of the field trip, a special trip that comes only once a year.

They reach the park and Regina pulls Sky along with her. She tells Sky to pose and Sky willingly does. Regina is the only person who she would be happy to take pictures with.

They laugh and they giggle as they prepare themselves on top of a hill. They nudge each other and lie down, bracing themselves. In a minute, they're both rolling down the grassy hill along with their other friends. They squeal and laugh and giggle but after a few times of doing this they all come to an abrupt pause as their skins start to itch. By the end of it, they're all nearly in tears. But their laughs were worth it.


They were on a field trip but this time, it was in an indoor ice themed amusement park. It was as if they were in a cold snowy area. And though it was cold, the snow was far from real.

The grin as they put on the necessary overalls and boots and gloves which were necessary to go inside. They were so excited.

There was only one problem.

Both were scaredy cats. And were too scared to get on rides. But they were daring, and not too afraid to give it a try.

The two have fun until Sky points excitedly at a ride. "Come! Let's go on that!" she squeals.

"What? No way!" denies Regina.

"Gina please. We can go together."

"Absolutely not."

"Please. Please," Sky pleads.

Regina refuses.

"Fine, suit yourself," Sky grumbled and went up on her own.

Sky was more hurt than she was letting on because she was scared too but she thought it wouldn't be so scary when Regina's with her. Even though she was scared, she was stubborn. She went on the ride and even though it was very fun, her spirits were dampened at the absence of her best friend.

They spent the rest of the trip searching for each other, only to be reunited at the very end.

"I'm sorry Sky. I went to that ride alone after you becuase I felt so giulty," says Regina.

"It's okay Gina. It's not your fault you were scared," says Sky.

They laugh until their faces turn into a grimace and spit out the disgusting veg burger they were provided with for lunch.


Yes I hate you, you left me

But I never stopped thinking about you, not even a day

Honestly I miss you, but I'll erase you

'Cause it hurts less than to blame you


They were a few years older and found themselves on yet another field trip. They were still scared but not as much. They get onto a ride that turns the seat 360 degrees. All the way from the ground to the ceiling. They get some candy to calm down after screaming their heads off.

They walk leisurely as they look for the next ride.

"Oh, Come on, Let's go here. There's no line at all," convinces Regina and pulls Sky with her.

"Shouldn't we check which ride it is first?" Sky asks.

"Who cares," dismisses Regina.

They're quickly strapped onto the seat of the ride.

Once it starts though, the two realise with increasing worry as this ride flipped the entire east 360 degrees at a fast pace. It was similar to the other ride, only so much more intense.

Regina burst into tears, wanting to get off the ride. She wails, crying for her mother while Sky sits stone still and hoping she's not going to die.

Sky looks at the couple seated beside her darkly, for her friend was crying in distress and they just looked as if they were strolling through the park and not seated on this monstrous ride which was flipping them freaking 360 degrees.

Sky sat there helplessly, fearing for her life and letting Regina cry.

Once they got off, Sky glared at a still crying Regina. "Who cares, huh?" She quotes sourly.

Regina's sobs are her only answer. She sighs and wraps her arms around Regina, whispering comforting words into her ear.


I try to exhale you in pain

Like smoke, like white smoke

I say that I'll erase you

But I can't really let you go yet


"I'm leaving," Sky says sadly.

"What? Why?" asks Regina, shocked.

"I'll be leaving this place and shifting elsewhere. Don't worry, I'm not going to leave the country though."


"After this school year."

"S-So, you won't be here for eighth?"


"Can you not go?"

"I'm sorry. I have to go. I wouldn't move if I had a choice."

They could've sworn both their hearts cracked a little.


Snowflakes fall down

And get farther away little by little

I miss you (I miss you)

I miss you (I miss you)

How long do I have to wait

And how many sleepless nights do I have to spend

To see you (to see you)

To meet you (to meet you)


"Your last day huh?" asks Regina.

"Yup. My last day," affirms Sky.

They both have smiles on their faces but they're weeping inside.

They stop in front of Sky's bus.

Their other friends chant,

"Cry! Cry! Cry!"

But the two just shake their heads and hug each other tightly, wishing they could never let go.

They knew that despite fate's cruelty to them, they would never let the other go.

Sky gives her best friend one last wave before getting into the bus.

Once inside, tears stream down Sky's face as she bids goodbye to her school and to the one person she loved more than anybody else.


You know it all

You're my best friend

The morning will come again

No darkness, no season is eternal


Sky lays down on her bed, legs dangling in the air as she laughs into the phone clutched in her hand.

"Really? You're as boy crazy as ever aren't you? I still remember you taking pictures of that guy like a creep!" she guffaws.

"Hey! I've deleted them now!"


"I mean it!"

"Of course you do."

"Why do you have that tone?"

"What tone?"

"Stop it! It's not my fault that korean guys are so cute!"

"They look like girls."

"They do not!"

Her laughter rings across the room.


Maybe it's cherry blossoms 

And this winter will be over

I miss you (I miss you)

I miss you (I miss you)

Wait a little bit, just a few more nights

I'll be there to see you (I'll go there to meet you)

I'll come for you (I'll come for you)


Regina and Sky instantly grin when they see each other. They run and envelope each other into a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you!" exclaims Regina.

"Me too!" says Sky.

They go shopping. They put their items on the counter of the makeup shop.

"Both of yours?" asks the woman behind the counter.

"Nope," Sky says.

She picks out a lip gloss and an ear phone from the pile of blushes, nail polish, lipstick, foundation and make up brushes.

"These are mine," says Sky.

The woman quirks an eyebrow in amusement.


"Only," confirms Sky.

"Are you both sisters?" asks the woman curiously.

"Nope. We're best friends," we grin.

Sky would throw her real sister down the window, in all honesty.

"Oh and by the way, korean guys are so hot!" squeals Sky.

Regina laughs. "Knew you'd come around."


Passing by the edge of the cold winter

Until the days of spring

Until the days of flower blossoms

Please stay, please stay there a little longer


Regina softly murmurs and assures Sky through the phone. Sky does the same for Regina when she feels overwhelmed and cries due to how hard life itself is.

Regina changed. She's now the popular kid in school.

Sky changed too. She's more outgoing and loves music and kpop now.

They've both matured.

But the pain they feel everyday hasn't changed. Their longing to see each other hasn't changed. Their love for each other hasn't changed.

And it never will.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Namjoon proudly stands on stage, two gleaming trophies in his hands, eyes twinkling as he scans the crowd.

"I know you will win for 'best short film' and 'best OST' this year!" Jungkook had told him before the event.

Looks like the boy was right after all.

Namjoon's smile brightens when he spots two women somewhere in the back, clapping enthusiastically and beaming at him. He bows to them in thanks.

They smile warmly.

Regina stands up on her chair and yells, "GO KIM NAMJOON!"

Sky claps a hand on her forehead in embarrassment. "This is a very formal event, Gina. Get the hell down."

"Shit. Sorry, my bad," she whispers and gets down.

"What are you all looking at? Look at that man there you oafs! I LOVE YOU JOONIE!"

Sky chuckles. "Oh what the hell," she mutters before standing and yelling, "KIM NAMJOON FOR PRESIDENT!"

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