Colby Brock Imagines

By btjkedits

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How You Guys Meet
Moving In
Prank Wars
Cheating Prank
Suicide Forest
Stood Up - Imagine for Blame_Lil__
Cheating? - Imagine for AUTUM04RAYN
Stuck - Imagine for sedoreh658
Suicide Forest - part 2
Live Streams


977 12 1
By btjkedits

You and Colby have been talking for a good year now, and recently you've been becoming friends with benefit. You didn't like the idea of it, but you have a feeling Colby doesn't feel the same way.

Today you and Colby were filming for both of your channels
For Colby's channel you guys were filming a video reacting to Colby's FYP on TikTok.
For yours, you guys are picking each other's outfits for the day.

I am currently at my apartment with Kat about to get ready and get lunch before heading over to the trap house 2.0. I went to shower quickly and then do my makeup. I then got dressed and headed to the living-room where Kat was waiting for me to finish getting ready. I grabbed my purse and keys off the counter and we headed to Chipotle for lunch.
-At the Traphouse-
We just arrived and we headed on in. In the driveway I seen Brennen's car which is weird because I thought it was just going to be me and Colby today..
Kat leaves me to go and find Sam upstairs and I head to the backyard because i can hear music coming from there.
There is a giant window that looks out to the backyard and I can see Brennen and Colby filming something, that looks like a TikTok. Brennen moves over so now I can see Colby but he's with another girl. But not just talking, like they are hugging. My stomach turns and I just continue to watch as they talk and laugh with each other.
Once they are all standing together I see Colby's hand on this girls hip. Normally I would care about this but this girl is so pretty and I admit I'm a little jealous.
I then decide to just go out
"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask the 3 of them. I can see Colby remove him hands from her as if we were dating and he looks guilty of something.
"Yooo Y/N. What's good?" Brennen asks hugging me.
"Yo Brennen, im good" I say as I hug him back.. "Hi, im Y/N. I'm friends with these 2 fools right here"
"Hi, I'm amber! Nice to meet you, and I just have to say you are so pretty."
"Nice to meet you Amber, and thank you so much. But love, look at you, I can't believe it. You're gorgeous"
"Aww, you're so sweet dear." I smiled and looked over at Colby, he looked so happy today.
"Hi Colbs, how are you! You look so happy today. I say hugging him.
"Hey. I'm great, Im in a good mood today because Brennen here" he said as winking at Brennen, I laughed and looked at Amber that looks so confused.
"Alrighty then, what's the plan for today?"
"Well, Amber and I were just leaving. We decided to stop in to surprise Colby and talk a little."
"Oh okay, well, you guys can stay if you want, Y/N and I are just filming today. Then I was thinking of going out to dinner with her but if it's okay with Y/N we can all hangout today.
"Yeah for sure, im okay with that" I was a little bummed that they were staying with us but I did want to hangout with Brennen and maybe I can get to know Amber more.

"You know what, Brennen and I were actually going to film today as well, so what if we split for a little and then meet back up later on?" Amber says asking mainly me.

"Yeah that's sounds good to me. What about you guys?" They both agreed then Amber and Brennen were on their way out.

"Alright, so did you want to film your video first? Or mine?"

"Actually, I was thinking about something else.." Colby says as he brings me to his room.

- time skip -

Let's just say, it's an hour later and I'm exhausted.
"Hey, can I shower quickly?"
"Yeah, of course. Go for it! I'll be downstairs" Colby says as he gets dressed and heads downstairs.

I sit in his bed for a minute and think about what we just did. In a way, I feel like he's just using me. I can feel my eyes start to water because I know that this isn't going to go any further then where we are at now.

I get up and head to his bathroom and look in the mirror and see that my neck is covered in hickeys, I just sigh as my head falls back. I get in the shower after it is heated up and wash my body with whatever he has.
I get out of the shower and get dressed. Since I wore a tank top today I realized that I needed to find something that somewhat covers my neck. I go into Colby's closet and try and find a hoodie that no ones really seen him wear, I found one blue Nike one and decided to put that one on. I grabbed my phone and purse and headed downstairs to see Colby on his phone. He looks up and looks confused.
"Is that mine?"
"Yes, is it okay? I needed something to cover this up" I say as I pull down the neck part.
"Woah, yeah of course. It looks good on you." He says as he winks.
"Thanks, did you want to start filming now?"
"Yeah! Did you want to start with your video? That I can style you, so you don't have to wear my older hoodie."
"Sure! Let's start filming now while we are downstairs so that we can continue when we are in the closet.

We set up a tripod and I start my intro
"Hey guys, so today I am here with Colby Brock and today the video is a little different then my normal ones but we decided to style each other for the day. As you know we both have very different styles so let's see how this goes."

"I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous to style you because you are very expressive with what you wear normally and I normally just wear a lot of black."

"Don't worry, I bet whatever you pick will work out. You ready for me to start?"

"Yes let's go!"

"Alright guys, we are now in Colby's closet and we'll, as you can see it's very dark. But we are going to try and find something that pops out more, almost like your Coachella  outfit."

"Oh god okay. Now keep in mind we are going for supper tonight and don't I have to wear that tonight?"

"Yes, and whatever you pick I have wear so you also remember that". I say as I look over and see something I like.

"Alright so I want to pick something that's not e-boyish. So I need a white shirt, do you have that?"

"Uhhh, I have this one... but it has a band on it."

"No that won't work, Sams here right? I might have to borrow something of his.. but for now you need black ripped jean, you must have that."

"Yes I do! I have 3 different pairs what kind do you like? So these ones have rips on the knees but they are not skinny, more straight legged. Then there is these they are skinny jeans have holes in the knees and are supper tight. Then I have these, wait, these are dirty. So you have 2 pairs to pick from..."

"Okay. Take the ones that are supper tight and then I need to see your shoes.."

"Ahh yes, I actually wanted to show you these I just got them in the mail today, they are the Nike Air Force 1's and all the edges of each part are outlined." He says while opening the box.

"Colby, omfg, I ordered those too! Mine should be coming this week. Now we are going to match!" I say getting pretty excited

"No way, I didn't think that these were your style. Huh, maybe I'm rubbing off on you."

"Oh gosh, I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Also we are going to use those."

"Alright, do you need accessories?"

Uhh, yes please, are they on your dresser?"

"Yes they are lovely" I looked over at his and he just smirked. That's a new one...

"Alright, so you are going to wear which ever rings you want.. then can you add this necklace with it?" He nods and I told him to change into what we have so far. He then comes out with no shirt, and even though I seen him with less but he looks so good.

"Y/N, I know you were still trying to decide on a shirt but I think this is pretty good how it is now." He says as he looks in the mirror.

"Alright, we are going to have to go to Sams room to figure out the rest so let's head on over." We knock on Sams door and then he yells to come in. Kat and Sam are sitting on his bed watching TikToks.

"Sam, I have a favour to ask you.... we are filming a video for my channel where we are styling each other and I'm trying to style Colby but he doesn't have 2 things that I need but I know you have then so I was wondering if we could borrow them."

" yeah of course, help yourself! If you need anything we will be in here." We go into. Sams closet and it's totally different from Colby's. So much brighter but I see what I was looking for.
"Yes, here we go. Take this Jean jacket and this white shirt and put it on. I'll go in with Sam and Kat because I want to see  this with them."

"Alright guys, you ready?" We all tell yes and he walks out.

"God damn, I think I did a good job". Kat agrees with me

"Dude, you look so good! Y/N you did a good job!" We thanked them and then left the room.

"Alright now we are going to my apartment so that we can the same process but for me" we go into Colby's room and I grab my purse and keys.

"Y/N wait! I have something I want to get!" He yells and runs into his closet. He grabs this black jean jacket with a bunch of little patches and painted parts.

"Is this for my outfit?" He nods and we head downstairs and he goes and grabs his keys and wallet.

We hop into my car and head to my place. After a little bit of karaoke, we finally get to my place.

As soon as I unlock the door, Colby heads to my room. "Are you already looking?" I ask him.
"Ummm, yes! Why are all of your clothes so bright?"
"Uh, I don't know Colby. Why are your clothes so dark?"
"Touché." I see him going for a white cropped tank top.
"Where are your pants?"
"Sweetheart, turn around. They are all hanging up" As he turns around I can see him in shock
"Jesus Y/N, why do you have so many different pairs" Colby says laughing. He approaches them and I can see him going towards all of the darker ones. Of course.
"I found the perfect pair. Now I need to get a pair of shoes" He then turns around and finds these black combat boots, that I've had before I moved to LA.
"Now, here comes accessories. Now I know you have this pretty thick chunky chain, is it on your desk?" I nod and then we went to the desk where most of my jewelry is.
"Alright, I think I'm basically done. Are you going to change?"
"Yes, I'll be back!"

"Damn Y/N! You look so fucking good. I like it"
"Really!? I feel like my 15 year old self in this outfit."
"Wait, were you in an emo phase back then?"
"I think we all went through an emo phase" I say as we both started laughing. It got quiet and I could feel Colby staring at me, god this video is going to need quite a bit of editing.

"Alright, so now that we both have our outfits, I think it's time that we go out in public, maybe take a few pics, surprise friends?"

"Sounds good to me! Let's do this" Colby says and we head back out.

"Alright Y/N, where do you want to go first?"

"Well, I don't know about you but I am pretty thirsty... did you wanna get some Starbucks?"

"Yes, let's go!"

We arrive at Starbucks and we go through the drive-thru.
"Hi, can I get a venti Strawberry Açai with coconut milk and a venti cold brew with almond milk"

We roll up to the widow and since I go there almost everyday the girls there know me

"Omg, is that you Y/N?!" The employee asks

"Yes, it's me, I'm filming today, me and Colby are switching styles for the day!"

"Well, you look amazing! It's going to be $12.75"

We pay and then head back to the trap house and surprise everyone.

-time skip-

It was now around 6:30 we were going to meet Brennen and Amber for dinner. We decided to keep the outfits on since everyone actually liked them.

This time Colby ended up driving. This day is going pretty good but Colby seemed off all day.

"Hey Colby, are you okay? You seem off today?"

"I'm okay, there's just a lot going on. You don't have to worry about it though"

"Don't be silly, you are one of my closest friends and it's bothering me that you are bothered. If you want to talk about it, I'm here. You know that right?"

"Of course I do, how about we go for supper first and then after we can go and talk for a bit" i nod and grabbed his hand and squeezed it. I really cared about Colby, I just want him to be happy all the time. I'm just confused what's bothering him. Was it me? I should probably leave him be for a bit. Give him some space until he is ready to talk.
I let go of his hand and grabbed my phone from my purse to see that the girls have been texting me.

Kat: what are you guys up to?
Devyn: I'm with Xepher. We are about to get supper
Cassie: I'm with Reggie and Ariya at home.
Tara: nothing. I'm bored
Xepher: yuh
Y/N: still with Colby, getting supper with Brennen and Amber :/
Kat: y'all wanna hang out later?

I put my phone back in my purse and just look out the window, I don't know why but my emotions are hitting me like a rock right now. I feel like Colby is just going to cut me out of his life completely. I just have a feeling, and it's scaring the crap out of me.
I completely lost track of time because when I looked in front of us we were at the restaurant. Once Colby parks I grabbed my purse and get out of the car. I then wait for Colby to get out of the car and we start heading inside. We tell the waitress that it is a reservation under Brennen and she brings us to them. I am in front of Colby following the waitress and I can feel his glance on me the whole time.

"Eyyy, look at you guys! Looking good! Especially you Y/N" Brennen says getting up to give us a hug. Once I get out of Brennen's grip I go over to give a hug to Amber.
"Hey girl, how was your day" I ask her and she smiles
"It was actually really good, how are yours? You look so good in that out fit love!"
"Aw thanks Amber! It was okay"
"Are you okay, you don't seem like you're 100%"
"Umm, well... Colby says he has to talk to me after supper and I guess I'm scared that it's going to be something bad."
"Don't worry Y/N, everything will be okay" Amber says hugging me again, and I sit down on the opposite side of the table from her, with Colby beside me.

"Did you guys order already?" Colby asks
"We actually ordered some drinks and we waited for you guys" Brennen says
"Awesome" I say as the waitress comes to drop off 2 beers and 2 mojitos. We then order our meals and I just hear the three of them talking about this video they all seen.  I'm just sitting there listening, nodding but barely paying attention. I then feel a hand on my thigh and I already know it's Colby. I look over to him and he just gives me a nod.

- Time Skip -

We are currently back in the car and we are going back to the trap house. Supper went well but my nerves are still there. Once we get back to the house we both go up to Colby's room and sit on the bed.
I'm sitting there just looking at Colby hoping that he would start..

"So, what's up? You still want to talk?"

"Of course, I don't know really how to put this... but Y/N since the day I met you I knew I had to have you, you are fucking perfect in my eyes. Every time we hangout I always wished we were more then friends, now I know I've been a pretty shitty person for just having casual hookups but Y/N, I fucking love you."

"Colby, I am in utter shock right now. The whole supper I thought it was going to be something bad, like I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore. I thought I did something for you to hate me. Colby I love you too, this entire day my emotions have been going high and low."

"Of course, I want to be friends. No matter what happens between us we will always be friends but right now, I want us to be more! Y/N will you be mine?"

"Omg, yes Colby! I never thought the day would end like this." I say hugging him and when we pulled apart we ended up kissing.
"Uhmm- babe, we didn't finish the video" Colby says

"Fuck the video. I just want to be with you right now" I say kissing him again.

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