𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙡𝙖 | 𝙤𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧 𝙙𝙞�...

By lilsomthin

118K 1.7K 189

he walked closer looking down at her. "don't play so hard to get chula." disclaimer: I do not own any of thes... More



4.3K 73 7
By lilsomthin

Karla's pov;
"Wait so the money is real?"I asked Ruby.

"Yes and it's a shit ton. Like more money we've all ever seen in our lives."he said.

"And do you know who you're going to the dance with?"I asked.

He shook his head. He had skipped first period to come eat at my house.

"Okay finish up I need to take you to school."I said.

He rolled his eyes.

"I can walk."he said.

"Oh now you wanna walk? Sorry but I'm taking you."I said.

Cesar had went to go stay with Jamal for a little. We kept changing where he stayed so the prophets wouldn't catch up to him.

We cleaned up and went to my car. We were having a good time until we saw that my car was surrounded by the Prophets.

"Fuck."I mumbled.

Ruby's eyes shot open. We quickly went back into my house and I was pacing back and forth.

"We can call Mario!"I said relieved.

"No cause he doesn't know I'm skipping right now!"he said scared.

"Guess you're not going back today."I said.

"But I have too!"he said.

"Ruby I can't take you, I'm sorry."I said.

He got up from the couch and went out the front door again. I then heard him start yelling.

I quickly left the house and saw Ruby yelling at one of the prophets.

"Ruby!"I yelled.

All their attention was on me.

"Can you guys please leave us alone? Haven't you done enough damage to our lives? One of your members almost killed my cousin and my mom and killed an innocent girl at her quince!"I yelled.

They just smiled and that's when I knew they were sick.

"Fuck you guys!"Ruby yelled.

One of them grabbed Ruby. "What'd you say?!"he yelled.

I pushed the guy who grabbed Ruby and all of them surrounded us. I wasn't scared which surprised me. I think I was just over being scared and more annoyed with them.

We then heard rumbling from a car. We looked over and it was Oscar's red car with 4 other guys in it. The car stopped in front of us and he turned it off.

They all got out and walked over to us.

"Do we have a problem here?"Oscar asked.

I rolled my eyes because I hated that I had to rely on him to 'protect' me and be my 'hero'.

"No we're just talking."one of them said.

"Please just leave us the fuck alone. You've already ruined our lives."I said.

All the Prophets just smiled.

"What's funny about shooting 3 innocent people at a quince?"Ruby asked.

"Like they were all innocent."one of them laughed.

"What the fuck did you say?"I yelled getting in his face.

He looked at my eyes and I did the same.

"I ain't gonna let a bum ass prophet laugh while we talk about my family."I spat.

"What'd you say bitch?"he said clearly getting mad.

"I said, I ain't gonna let a bum ass prophet laugh at my cousin and mother getting shot at and almost losing their lives. I also ain't gonna let you laugh about  the murder of an innocent fifteen year old at her party."I said pushing him.

He then grabbed at his waist which led everyone to grab at their waist for their guns.

"Watch who the fuck you're talking too little girl."he said.

"You and Latrelle ain't nothing but some cowards without your guns. Fuck you and tell Latrelle to go fuck himself."I spat.

There was still tension and I finally felt alive, I finally felt like I had taken some power back.

The Prophets got into their car and looked at me while driving off. Ruby finally let out a deep breath and I sighed.

"Come on lets take you to school."I said.

He nodded and I unlocked the car. He got in and I was about to turn around when someone grabbed my arm.

"What the fuck was that?"Oscar asked.

"I ain't gonna look over my shoulder every time I leave my fucking house because of those pinches prophets. I need to take some power back."I said.

"You need to be careful because those pinches prophets won't hesitate to kill you or someone else you love."he said.

"Don't you think I know that Oscar? I know that as long as they're out and Latrelle is free that we're in danger. I just need to protect my mom because I couldn't the first time and now I can."I sighed.

He cupped my face and looked at me.

"Be careful running your mouth chula. I can't lose you too."he said.

I dryly chuckled and pulled his hands away from my face.

"Have a nice day, Santos."I said before getting into my car and driving to the high school.

Ruby looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks for being a momma bear back there."he chuckled.

I smiled and kissed his head.

"I love you dummy."I said.

"I love you too estupida."he said back.

Before he got out I stopped him.

"Ask Jasmine to the dance."I said.

He was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Ask her. What's the worst that could happen? Give her a chance Ruby."I smiled.

He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He closed the door and started walking to the entrance. I pulled away from the curb and drove back to my house.

I parked and went inside. I walked to my moms room and she was just watching tv as she always did since she couldn't go out.

"Hey ma."I smiled.

She patted the side next to her and I took off my shoes and got on the bed beside her.

"What was all that yelling outside?"she asked.

'Chismosa' I thought but would never say to my mom.

"Just the prophets and the santos arguing."I mumbled.

I could see her face go pale as if she had seen a ghost. She was now afraid whenever I would even say the word prophets.

"Ama todo esta bien. Estamos bien."I said while holding her hand. (Mom everything's okay, we're okay.)

She nodded and took a couple deep breaths.

"Y Cesar?"she asked.

"In school he left early to walk with Monse and I just dropped Ruby off right now."I said.

She nodded. "You know Cesar asked me if I was mad at him."

"Yeah he asked me the same question the first time we saw each other on New Years."I sighed.

"It breaks my heart mija. He doesn't have anyone anymore. Did you talk to Oscar?"she asked.

I nodded. "That's the reason I broke it off, because he threw Cesar out which was wrong."

"You know that you're a really good adult mija. Like you take care of everything and I don't know how you do it. You just do and I'm proud of you."she said.

My smile grew 20 times bigger. "I love ama."

"I love you too mija. Nunca cambies."she said kissing my head. (Never change.)

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