Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)

Par Enigma108

85.6K 3.6K 507

Iris Evans's parents have been lying to her, her entire life. But, deep secrets have a steep price and it on... Plus

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter 27
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter 35
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter 39
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter 43
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter 47
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter 51
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter 55
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter 59
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
A/N -Sequel
Pranking Little Percy
A/N- Alternate Ending

Chapter 23

1.3K 63 4
Par Enigma108

Iris stared at the note. None of this made sense. Why would Draco be warning her? It must have been because she had saved him from drowning earlier that year. As she went to put the note down something dropped from the envelope.

Iris bent down and picked up the lion charm bracelet. Attached to it was another note.

I know you probably won't want to trust me. This bracelet has been charmed to receive messages. If anyone finds out about this I'm most likely dead.


Iris put on the bracelet confused. She kept wondering how she managed to break through Draco's tough pure blood supremacy upbringing. She used a spell to check if there was a tracker on it and found nothing.

Things didn't add up. She made a mental note to talk to Draco as soon as school started. Iris picked up her wand and aimed it at the notes.


The notes burst into flames and were soon a pile of ash.

As the summer went on the lion charm would glow in Morse code. Iris was there every time a potential attack would take place to stop them.

"How do you know when something is going to take place?" Moody asked after she saved his neck. Iris shrugged.

"I have my ways." She replied plopping down on the couch in the living room.

"You know you're not supposed to leave here without a member of the order." Lupin stated. Iris rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, like that's going to help. He already knows about me." She said.

"It doesn't matter. You need to be careful." Lupin said.

"He's right. You know who wouldn't hesitate to kill you." Theo piped up. Before Iris could say anything there was a loud crash. Everyone took out their wands and headed into the direction of the noise.

Out of the living room closet tumbled a eleven year old boy who looked like the younger version of James Potter with raven black hair, but instead of hazel eyes he had sapphire blue ones.

Who are you?" Sirius demanded pointing his wand at him. The boy looked at him surprised.

"You're really going to threaten me with a stick?" And in one fluid motion the boy grabbed Sirius' wrist and flipped him over like it was nothing.

"Sirius Remus Evans, you apologized right now."

Sirius Remus looked up surprised to see his sister standing there.

"Iris, what-"

"Apologize." Iris ordered cutting her younger brother off. The boy let out a sigh.

"Sorry Gary." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Who's Gary?" Lupin asked, confused.

"You know Gary Oldman. He's currently playing Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies. Wait what are the Phelps brothers doing here and where's Tom Felton?"

"What on earth is this kid talking about? Iris how do you know him?" Sirius demanded. Iris ignored him and turned to her younger brother.

"Siri what are you doing here?"

"Don't call me that." Her brother said annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" Iris repeated.

"You mean on the set of Harry Potter? Iris what is going on? I fell asleep watching the order of the Phoenix and then poof I woke up here."

"He was watching what?"

"What do you mean poof?"

"I found this strange looking necklace in dad's office, you know like the time turner Hermione used in her third year to save Sirius Black. Any way I thought it was one of your many Potter nonsense that dad took away from you." 

"You used a time turner?" Hermione said surprised.

"Please say this not some sort of joke and my god Iris why do you look eighteen when you clearly are sixteen? What is going on? Where am I?" Sirius Remus began to panic. Something exploded.

"What just happened?"

"That I believe was accidental magic." Iris stated.

"Magic? Magic doesn't exist." Her brother said. He began to panic more. Iris heard a small growl escape her brother's lips and his eyes began to change color.

"You didn't tell me your brother was a werewolf." Lupin said.

"He's not a-" Iris cut herself off when she noticed the claws appare on her brother's fingers.

"I am going to kill Peter."

"Peter? Peter's in Azkaban." Lupin said confused.

"Not that Peter.  Peter Hale the alpha that bit him." Iris turned to her brother.

"Everything's ok. I'm here. Did Scott help you on full moons?"

"He didn't, Derek did. You know your ex boyfriend." Sirius Remus said mischievously.

"Whoa, whoa. What's this about a boyfriend?" Fred demanded.

"Ex boyfriend." Iris corrected. 

"Wait, you're dating Fred Weasley."

"She is. Why would it bother you?" Fred asked, folding his arms.

"You're dating him even though you know what's supposed to happen." Sirius Remus stated lifting the book he was carrying.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows written by JK Rowling." Fred said reading the cover.

"Give that to me." Iris ordered.

"He has a right to know."

"No he doesn't. The future isn't set in stone." Iris shot back.

"Hold up. I have a question." Sirius stated holding up a hand.

"What do you want?" Iris asked, trying to grab the book out of her brother's hand.

"The biggest question is why is your brother named after me and Remus?" Sirius inquiried.

"He has a right to know." Lupin said.


"Why not?" Sirius pouted.

"I don't want to give him an actual reason to end up in Azkaban." Iris replied.

"Just tell him." Lupin insisted. Iris sighed. 

"Sirius give your wand to Remus and sit down." She said.

"Why do I -"

"Just do it." She snapped. Sirius gave her a strange look then handed his wand to Lupin and sat down on the couch.

"You need to promise me that you won't kill him."

"Kill who?"

"Yeah, sis. Who are we talking about?" Her brother piped up.

"Our dad."

"Why would I kill your father? I barely know him. " Sirius stated raising an eyebrow. Lupin let out a laugh.

"Oh trust me. You know their father very well or at least you did."

"What's he yammering about?" Sirius asked.

"My dad's name is not Jared it's James." Iris replied.

"Wait dad's name is James?"

"Your father's name is James since when?" Sirius asked completely confused.

"Oí you're such an idiot. Even we figured out that it's James Potter. How slow can you possibly be? She looks just like him. You said it yourself."

"James is alive." Sirius said stunned.

"Ding, ding, ding. One hundred points to gryffindor." Theo said.

"He made me spend twelve years in Azkaban. Forget about Peter. I am going to kill him." Sirius roared jumping off the couch. He reached for his wand, but Lupin moved away.

"Think about Harry." Iris said quickly.

"That four legged stag made me sit in Azkaban for twelve years. Twelve bloody years and he knew I was innocent."

"We're related to the Potters." Sirius Remus said all excited.

"Shut up." Sirius snapped.

"Wow. And they say never meet your heroes. Why did dad have to name me after this blubbering idiot?" Sirius Remus said dryly.

"I'm your father's best friend. Of course he'd name his son after me." Sirius said.

"The keyword is was. You were his best friend." Sirius Remus said bluntly and he opened up to the epilogue of Deathly Hallows.

"Nineteen years later." He began. Iris began to chase after him trying to get him to shut up.

"Doesn't he remind you of James?" Lupin said with a chuckle.

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