The Promise ~ A Supercorp Fan...

By ValkyrieNineFic

46.3K 1.2K 974

Lena Luthor is the head of Mergers and Acquisitions for a Fortune 500 company in Los Angeles. She is driven a... More

Chapter One: The Patient
Chapter Three: All I Want
Chapter Four: Please Don't Let Go
Chapter Five: From Nowhere
Chapter Six: Brave Enough
Chapter Seven: Drool and All
Chapter Eight: The Exam
Chapter Nine: Breaking the Girl
Chapter Ten: Chapter Ten - Hope, Love, and Macaroni and Cheese
Chapter Eleven: Don't Mess With Eliza Danvers
The Takedown, The Relief, and The Dance

Chapter Two: The Doctor

3.6K 137 93
By ValkyrieNineFic

"I hate this place. I don't know why you always insist on coming here, Kar."

Alex shifted her weight anxiously as they waited in the exceptionally long line.

"It's close to work and they don't judge me when I don't order coffee."

"I still don't understand your no coffee policy. If I gave up coffee, I would wither away and die. I'm not human until I have my first cup."

"Some of my patients come in and they have the worst coffee breath ever. You smell that enough and you will literally drink motor oil before you'll drink coffee. Besides, all of my patients require a softer touch. I can't be amped up on caffeine all day," Kara said shaking her head.

"I feel you judging me, Kar."

"Alex, I don't have the time to judge you. We need to run these errands and I need to get back to work. I have more patients to see in the afternoon."

"Kar, you need to take a breather. I know you have a big beautiful knew car to pay off but you need to take some time for yourself."

"Why did I let you talk me into buying a BMW? It feels like...", Kara said, before Alex interrupted.

"Sexy? A symbol of success?", Alex asked.

"Pretentious. It feels like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. I was fine in my old car."

"You're the number one dentist in Los Angeles. A magazine said so! Come on. You need to look the part."

"I'm the number one dentist in Los Angeles because I am kind to my patients, treat them with love and understanding, and I don't act like the douchebags that drive brand new BMWs."

Kara and Alex stepped to the front of the line. Kara smiled sweetly at the woman behind the counter. All of Kara's smiles were infectious. It was her superpower. People looked at Kara and they instantly adored her and trusted her. People's reactions to Kara annoyed Alex to no end because the same people who adored Kara looked at Alex like she was about to say something gruff. That was usually true, but just for once she wanted a stranger to smile at her like they smiled at Kara. Alex was constantly pointing out to Kara how unfair it was.

"Hi, what can I get you?", the woman behind the counter asked.

"Hi, we'll take a large green tea and a small macchiato," Kara said cheerfully.

The woman behind the counter called out the order. The barista grinned at Kara and started marking the cups.

"Name?", the woman behind the counter asked.

Alex looked over at Kara, who seemed transfixed by something behind them.

"Kar... Kar?", Alex said, trying to get Kara's attention.

Alex gave the woman behind the counter an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry. Just write, Alex."

The woman gave her a cool nod, and Alex paid. She grabbed Kara's arm and dragged her out of the line and towards the waiting area.

"Okay, what the hell was that? Earth to Kara, come in Kara."

"I... I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know, Kar? Are you okay? Do you need a doctor?"

"No. I just saw someone", Kara said, still distracted.

"Someone you know?", Alex asked, confused.

"No. I've never seen her before, but she was so beautiful. Like other-worldly beautiful. Like a supermodel walks amongst us beautiful."

Kara was in a daze. She felt a lightning strike in her chest. She set her cell phone down on the counter and shook her hands. They were tingling. Everything was tingling.

"Kar, I need you to concentrate on today and not stand around fantasizing about supermodels in crappy coffee places. God, I hate this place," Alex said, looking around at everyone drinking their ten-dollar cups of coffee.

"Sorry Alex, it's just... she was so beautiful."

"Jesus Kar. Get her number so you can return to reality. We need to get stuff ready for mom's birthday party. I swear, between your practice and your weird supermodel fantasies, I can't get you to pay attention to anything these days."

"Oh my God, no. I could never ask her for her number. Are you crazy? She looks like she would eat me for breakfast... okay, and before you say something crude, I understand how bad that sounds."

Alex gave Kara a playful punch in the arm and a wink.

"I bet she would eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!" Alex exploded into a fit of laughter. 


"Sorry. I know, but come on. You set yourself up."

"Seriously, Alex. She was incredible. She had this unreal long shiny black hair and these lips. My God... those lips. They were so red."

"Dalex! Order for Dalex!", the barista yelled.

"Dalex? What the fuck, Kara? We are never coming back here again. How does a normal name like Alex become Dalex? Fuck it. I'll go get our order. You go outside and get some fresh air."

Kara looked around the coffeehouse, but she didn't see the woman anywhere.

Even if I saw her I would never be brave enough to give her my number or ask her out. She's her and I'm just me.

Alex grabbed their drinks and motioned towards the back door.

"Come on. Let's get out of here before I shoot someone with my gun."

"Alex... you are a frightening combination of cranky and armed. God help us all."

Kara and Alex walked out the back door with their drinks and headed towards Kara's car.

"Look at that car, Kara. It says, 'I'm the best dentist in Los Angeles!'"

"It says, 'I am overcompensating for something'. It says, 'I am flaunting my money'. I'm trading it in for something more reasonable."

"Come on. Mom's party needs to get planned, Dr. Slacker."

"Shut up, cranky cop."

They both chuckled. 

Kara patted her pants and searched for her cell phone.

"Shit! I forgot my phone. I think I set it down on the counter. Let me run in and grab it."

"Okay, Kar, but hurry."

Kara ran back inside the coffeehouse. She walked up to the counter and froze in place.

Standing at the counter was Kara's gorgeous supermodel. She was even more breathtaking up close. Her skin was smooth, alabaster white, and her eyes were so green, Kara could feel her heart skip a beat.

Screw it. Maybe I'll just buy a new cell phone. I don't really need a cell phone. Okay, maybe I do. Shit. Look at her legs. My God. She is so beautiful. Shit!

"I'm so sorry," Kara said, as she tried to reach around the black-haired beauty.

As Kara moved closer, she could feel an electricity pulse between them. The woman smelled like peaches and cream and her lips, her gorgeous lips were too much to bare. All Kara wanted was to kiss her lips passionately, but she was too stunning. She held her breath and did everything she could to stave off full-on gay panic. 

"I... um", the woman said.

Shit. Did I interrupt something? She seems irritated. Her face looks uncomfortable.

The supermodel's companion pulled her out of the way and gave Kara an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. You must excuse my friend here. She has a very important meeting, and she's a little nervous. Please forgive her," the companion said. "This is Lena."

Kara gave Lena a tender smile, but the woman refused to make eye contact.

She doesn't want to look at me. I am so far beneath her. I buy my clothes where I buy my groceries. Of course she doesn't want to talk to me.

Lena stared down at her feet, and Kara's heart broke a little.

Kara fought through the woman's indifference and flashed her most disarming smile.

Be cool, Kara.

"No apologies necessary. Good luck with your meeting. I'm Kara. It's nice to meet you, Lena," Kara said, hoping to break through the woman's cool exterior.

I just want to make her smile. I could die happy if I could just see a little sign of acknowledgement.

Lena looked into Kara's eyes and let out a grunt. Kara couldn't get a read on the woman. She didn't know whether she looked sick or irritated. All she knew was that she had failed to bring a smile to Lena's face, and for some strange reason, it pained her.

Well, that was a failure. I guess I was right. She is way too good for me.

Kara gave Lena a bright smile and made a quick exit out the back door.

Alex was standing outside the car looking irritated.

"What took you so long?" Alex demanded.

Kara walked up to the car and climbed in. Alex climbed in after her.

"Kar? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I think I might have just fallen in love with a supermodel."


The next morning Kara arrived to the office early to prepare for her packed day. Ever since she was featured in the Best of LA magazine as the number one dentist in Los Angeles, her schedule had blown up.

Nia begged Kara to refuse patients, but Kara wasn't just a dentist. She was an empath and a healer. She created an environment for her patients that made them feel safe, and that was very rare.

Nia once described Kara as the kindest and most magnetic personality she had ever encountered. Kara, of course, thought the compliment was sweet, but she never understood why people were so soothed by her.

Kara changed into her scrubs and pulled her hair back. She looked at herself in the mirror.

"How could I have ever thought Lena would ever be interested in me? I just wish she hadn't been so cruel. I would have given anything to look into her eyes. Why am I thinking about a woman I don't know? Why can't I get her off my mind?" Kara whispered to herself.

A loud knock at her office door disturbed her thoughts like a brick being thrown through a plate-glass window.

"Come in," Kara yelled, uncharacteristically flustered.

The door swung open and Nia stood in the doorway holding Kara's schedule for the day.

"Hey Dr. Danvers. How was your evening?"

"I didn't sleep well. Actually, I didn't sleep at all. How was yours?", Kara asked, a little deflated.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is everything okay? Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah... I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"Come in and close the door."

Nia walked in and closed the door behind her. She sat in the chair across from Kara's. Kara sat next to her in the other guest chair.

"Okay, but this is ridiculous. Please promise me you won't laugh."

"I won't laugh, sweetie."

"I love you Nia. That's why I hired you. You have a good heart, especially when dealing with crazy people like me."

"You're not crazy. What's wrong?"

"I met someone. I mean, I saw someone. Wait no, we exchanged names but OH MY GOD, I sound insane."

Nia leaned forward and rested a hand on Kara's arm. She gave her a warm grin.

"Come on, Kara. Breathe. What's going on. I have never seen you this flustered."

"Alex and I went to that new coffee place she hates."

"I love how much she hates it. It makes me smile when she gets all aggro cop on the pretentious baristas."

"Nia! That doesn't sound like you."

"What can I say? They bother me too, and Alex is so deliciously mean to them. Okay... so continue."

"Your hetero-crush on my sister makes me laugh so hard."

"I don't have a crush on Alex. I just think she is a total badass who makes a leather jacket look so freaking hot. Okay. Maybe a small crush, but I love my man. Come on. Tell me what's wrong."

"There was this woman there. How do I describe her? She was perfect. Long black hair, piercing green eyes. I mean the green that breaks your heart it's so green. She had this smooth alabaster skin and her lips were so red, Nia. So red. She was so breathtaking I almost fell over like a complete dork."

"You are so adorable. Did you talk to her?"

"I tried, and she wasn't having it. You have got to understand this woman was a freaking supermodel. Her clothes, her makeup, her legs. God, her legs."

"Okay hornball, reel it in."

"She had absolutely zero interest in me. She wouldn't even look at me. I felt like a complete idiot."

"So?" Nia said, trying to get the truth out of Kara.

"I can't get her off my mind. Every second since our encounter, I have wished I had more game. I wish I were better at flirting, but I am just a failure. I wish I had nicer clothes."

"Kara, you make a ton of money. Why don't you wear higher-end stuff?"

"It's not me. No matter how much money I make, I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl."

"I love that about you", Nia said with a big grin.

"I know it's stupid. I just felt something strange when I looked at her."


"Like I never wanted to let her go. Like I wanted to know what she wears when she sits on the couch and watches a movie. Like I wanted to know what it would feel like to cuddle with her during a stormy night."

"Wow. Okay. Are you saying this was love at first sight?"

"I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in attraction at first sight."

"So that's what you felt?"

"I don't know. She made my chest feel all warm and weird, and she wasn't even nice to me. Can you imagine what would have happened if she had been kind? God, I am boring myself. You must be so over this."

"Not at all. You'll get through this. You know as well as I do that you are way too busy to even consider dating anyone right now."

"So true."

"And even if this woman wanted to go out would you really be able to balance her and everything else going on in your life?"

"Probably not."

"So there you go," Nia said with a wink. "Come on... let's get this day started. We can sneak a peek at the waiting room and see how bad your day is going to be."

The women both stood up. Kara gave Nia a big hug and held on for just a beat.

"Thanks for listening to me babble, sweetie."

"Anytime Kara. I have one piece of bad news."

"What's wrong?" Kara asked.

"Tall, dark, and creepy from the other day is here. He is waiting in exam room two."

"Why? I fired him as a client on the spot."

"Maggie said he made the appointment under the guise of having pain, but I know he is just here to talk to you."

"I hate to ask, but...," Kara started to say.

"I'll handle it, sweetie. It's not a problem. He won't be the first creep I have to kick out and he won't be the last."

"Thank you so much. I feel like I'm on a thin thread here."

"Hang out here and I'll take care of everything."

Kara gave Nia another warm hug and smiled.

"What would I do without you?"

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

Kara sat back down behind her desk and buried her face in her hands.

"How can I like someone I don't even know? How is she consuming all of my thoughts? I'm insane. That's it."

Kara could hear a raucous next door in exam room two. She could hear Nia escorting the creepy patient out. It was a sad state of affairs, but Kara had to turn down a lot of invitations for dates. She was convinced that the only reason people were so attracted to her was because she was helping to soothe them and relieve their pain. Kara was stunning and sweet and the combination of the two lured men and women in like a moth to a flame.

Usually when men asked Kara out, she was nice and gave them the same speech. She would tell them she could never date a current or former patient for professional reasons. She would tell them she was flattered and hope that they could move on. Tall, dark, and creepy was aggressive and rude and when Kara gave him the usual speech, he called her a 'frigid dyke' and Kara had no choice but to ask him to leave. She told him that his behavior was unacceptable, and she was would no longer be his doctor. Kara was shaken, but she believed it was all over. Now she could hear Nia loudly inviting the man to vacate the premises, and she considered herself very lucky to have such a versatile and sweet nurse who could also scare away the weirdos.

Kara heard the man leave and walked out into the hallway and over to Nia. She stood in the doorway as Nia continued calling the names of other patients.

"Garcia, Dani Garcia, Tam, Jonathan Tam and Styles, Rebekah Styles", Nia called out. The three patients all stood up and walked into the back. Kara's other nurse took them back to the examination rooms.

Maggie waved Nia over. Nia moved quickly to Maggie's side.

"Everything okay? Any problem children this morning?," Nia asked.

Maggie looked over at Lena.

"Oh yeah. You have a real nervous Nellie over there in the corner. She's a hot mess. She has been super honest about it, but I think you and Dr. Danvers are going to have to give her the 'special treatment'."

Nia looked over in the corner and saw a woman with long black hair, green eyes and ruby red lips.




"Nia? What is it?" Maggie asked.

Nia looked back and saw Kara's face. She stood there stunned. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Shit," Nia said. 

"Okay, now you're freaking me out. What is it?", Maggie asked, concerned.

"Nothing. We need to get her into the quiet room as soon as possible."

"You can take her now. She's the only special case this morning," Maggie said, handing Nia her file.

"Perfect", Nia said.

Nia walked over to the stunning woman. She looked inside her file and skimmed.

Nia could see Lena was crawling out of her skin with nerves. She knew she was going to take some extra work to calm down.

Nia stood in front of Lena and smiled tenderly.

"Good Morning Ms. Luthor, my name is Nia. I'm doctor Danvers' nurse. Why don't you come with me?"

Lena stood up, but she looked shaken. Her face was gaunt and pale. She seemed a little uneasy on her feet. Nia grabbed her arm to help steady her. As she guided her back to the quiet room, she looked at her and she could see why Kara was so taken with her. She really was exceptionally beautiful, even if she was a broken hot mess.

Nia guided Lena into the quiet room.

"I don't understand," Lena said. "This looks more like someone's living room than a dentist's office."

Nia smiled.

"That's the point. Here, put your purse down here and take a seat. Would you like some water?"

"No. I'm fine. I can barely eat or drink anything with the pain I'm in. It's excruciating."

"On a scale of 1-10 where is the pain?"

"Nine, and it has been that way for a few weeks."

"Wow. Okay. Here, try this", Nia said, laying a warm heating pad over Lena's lap.

"What's this?"

"Just something to help you stay warm and relax."

"Wow. That actually feels really soothing."

"Dr. Danvers is a brilliant woman. You're more than just a patient to her. She wants you to feel safe."

"Well Nia, I feel a little better."

"Good. Would you like to watch some TV?"

"No, thank you. I'll just close my eyes and meditate a bit. I have kind of pre-game warmup."

Nia grinned.

"Just remember to breathe and relax. It will all be over soon."

"Thanks Nia."

Nia made her way out of the exam room and found an almost catatonic Kara standing outside of her office.

"Kara, get a grip. Everything is fine. That is her isn't it?", Nia whispered softly.

"Yep. That's her. What the hell? How on earth is she is here? She is really here, right? Am I hallucinating?"

"Yeah. She's here and having a full on panic attack in the quiet room."

"Isn't she stunning?"

"She really is. I didn't get cold and distant from her sweetie. I got totally freaked out."

"Should I cancel her appointment?"

"Sweetie, she needs you. She's a mess. No other dentist will help her."

"I can't let her suffer. Is she in pain?"

"Excruciating pain."

"Okay... let's go."

"You go and I'll be in shortly."

"I can't do this alone. Where are you going?" Kara grabbed Nia's sleeve and held on. 

"I need to make sure Maggie has everything under control. Go and help her, Dr. Danvers. It's what you do."

Kara gritted her teeth and smiled nervously. Nia grabbed her hand and squeezed it before she made her way back to the reception area.

Kara walked down the hall and into the quiet room. She saw Lena sitting in the chair ringing her hands nervously.

"Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Stay calm. Don't punch the dentist," Lena said.

Kara smiled.

She's nervous. That's adorable. Look at her. She is wearing five thousand dollar shoes, and she is crumbling. I wish I could just wrap my arms around her and hold her. Jesus Kara, that's a good way to lose your license. Shit. This is bad. I can't take her on as a patient.

Kara placed a hand on Lena's shoulder to calm her down.

"How did your meeting go?" Kara asked with a tender smile.

"Um... I...," Lena said adorably shaken.

Be cool, Kara. She's freaking out. You can't freak out too.

Kara moved a hand to Lena's arm and whispered.

"I see you're as talkative as you were the other day," Kara said, attempting to be flirty.

"I... I'm sorry. This is embarrassing," Lena said blushing. 

"Why are you apologizing?", Kara asked sincerely.

"I can't seem to form words when you're around."

Oh, my God. Did she just say that? Does she mean...? No. She probably just means... shit. Why can't I stop staring into her eyes?

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment," Kara said sweetly.

"My meeting was good. Thank you for asking. I think I killed it."

"That's great", Kara said, rubbing Lena's arm.

Why am I rubbing her arm? What is wrong with me? Oh, my God. I can't do this. I like her and I can't do this. Where the hell is Nia?

"Thanks for asking. It was kind of you to remember," Lena said, a little more relaxed. "How was, um... the rest of your day?"

"Good. My sister Alex and I ran a couple errands and then I came to work."

Good job, Kara. Let her know that super gay Alex is not your girlfriend. I don't know why. It's not like I can be with this exquisite creature. Fuck. Look at her. It's not like it would be at all appropriate to tear her clothes off and make love to her right here. That would be so hot. I can just imagine me standing in front of her in nothing but my lab coat. FOCUS!

"So, what brings you here today?", Kara asked, trying to focus.

"I think all of my wisdom teeth are having a problem. I am in so much pain I can barely drink anything."

Nia appeared in the doorway.

"Everything okay in here?", Nia asked, giving Kara a look.

"Nia, why don't you stick around for a bit", Kara said with desperation in her eyes.

"Sure", Nia said grinning knowingly.

Nia, for the love of God, please help me. You can see what this is doing to me. Helllllpppppp!

Nia sat down in a chair next to Lena and grinned.

"Okay Lena, I'm going to do a visual examination and then we will get some x-rays. I promise everything is going to be okay," Kara said, staring into Lena's eyes.

Lena's posture softened. She looked more relaxed.

"That sounds good", Lena said with the sweetest, warmest smile Kara had ever seen.

Nia sat back and gave Kara a look that said, "Look at you flirting with a patient. What exactly do you think you're doing? You have no social life and this woman is a super model so I feel comfortable letting this shit show happen. I love when you look like a flustered idiot."


Kara reached up and moved a hair out of Lena's face. She gave Lena her most charming smile.

Look at you. Look at your smile. You are so beautiful I can barely breathe. I can't believe I just did that. I can't stop touching you. What is wrong with me?

"Just breathe and let us know if you need anything to make you more comfortable."

"I'm perfect. Thank you," Lena said.

Kara grinned and put a hand on Lena's arm.

"Yes, you are."

Nia looked over at Kara and silently mouthed, "What the hell?"

Nia shook her head and Kara suddenly felt a pressure on her chest. She knew that she was completely screwed. She was already falling for the beautiful woman in her chair, and she had no idea what she was going to do.


The moment Lena left the office after the appointment, Kara pulled Nia into her office.

"Holy shit, Kara! You have it bad and she does too. Did you see that smile?"

"Call her tomorrow and ask her if she will agree to switch to Dr. Guzman. She's excellent. Just tell her that I have taken on too many patients."

"Why? She needs you, sweetie. She's a mess."

"So am I. That's why. She makes me feel like a hopeless lovesick mess and I can't lose my practice because of it."

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