Both the Female and Male Lead...

By Kurokoki

32.8K 1.5K 135

After getting socked in the face, Caleb Resvelt Vineheart has a sudden revelation that his 16 years of living... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

2.9K 150 4
By Kurokoki

I had to update Edgar's description in a previous chapter, so he has dirty blonde hair and burgundy eyes just so you know!


Part 1

"Open wide, Caleb!"

I questioned why I was being subjected to forcefully being fed cake.

"He's had enough of cake, Anastasia!"

Yes, that is very helpful–

"He needs to try this tart! Don't you think so?"

I take it back! That is in no way helpful! I groaned. "I don't want either!"

The horrified looks I got were almost laughable. But I held a firm face. I didn't want to fan their over the top sibling love. Just then a knock sounded, and it was good timing too. "Come in!"

Was I that desperate for intervention? My tone sure sounded so.

"Pardon the intrusion," My brows quirked at Edgar's appearance. What brought him here? He paused at the door, taking in the scene of the dessert spoons levitated towards my direction, courtesy of my siblings, and my foul mood. He looked like he wanted to ask something but cleared his throat and proceeded with his actual topic of business. "Miss Anastasia, His Highness has invited you to a tea party."

Displeasure immediately surfaced on Anastasia's features. "I thought it was a procedure to invite people with letters of invitation, not send someone to invite."

"His highness has informed me that he has sent many prior invitations to you, and that he has not received an answer to any of them," Edgar gave an apologetic smile towards her.

Anastasia hurramphed, placing down the dessert spoon and crossed her arms. "If he understands that then I have no reason to comply,"

Stephen also placed down his dessert spoon in wonder. "Was that entire bag that you threw in the furnace the other day the invitations, Anastasia?"

The said girl gave a haughty pout in reply.

Wow, His Highness is certainly vying for her attention...

Edgar gave a prompt ninety degree bow. "Please, if you could go meet with him once and tell it to him straight, I'm sure he won't be as persistent!"

Stephen and I watched as Anastasia pondered the proposal. Finally she gave a sigh. "Alright,"

"Truly?" Edgar rose up eagerly his expression one of anticipation.

"However," She pointed a dainty finger towards me and my stomach sank. "Caleb will also be attending."

"But-" My protests died as soon as they came out.

"No buts, Caleb! You will be attending instead of drowning yourself in the library!" Ah, if she ever became a mother she would be the semi strict parent type. I clicked my tongue. "Don't you dare click your tongue at me!"

"Then I will resume my prior business, have a good time," Stephen nodded towards Anastasia, ignoring my strife.

Fine! Go ahead and ignore me! And my dilemmas!

A maid had scuttled over to clean up the leftover sweets as my siblings parted at the doorway, of course with me being dragged by Anastasia. "Caleb go get ready in ten minutes, we'll meet with Sir Edgar at the lobby."

Grumbling out an affirmative, I trudged towards my room and peered into my closet. What did I have for a tea party? Rummaging through the clothes I picked out my fanciest brown with gold trimmings tailcoat with equal brown trousers, black shiny loafers and a fancy white dress shirt.

"Should I wear a vest?" I discarded the thought as I opted to button two buttons on the tailcoat.

Did it look weird? I was going to be in the presence of the Crown Prince...

I decided to rummage through my clothes once more and found a black formal coat that reached mid thigh with gold and white trimmings, a burgundy vest and equal black trousers. I decided to trade in my fancy white dress shirt for a more simpler one and tucked in my gold pocket watch, a gift from my father, into my inside breast pocket.

I glanced at the mirror again and gave my hair a rough comb in a meager attempt to stylize it and nodded in satisfaction.

"This'll have to do." I turned my heel and walked hurriedly towards the lobby to see that my sister had just also arrived. "I'm here,"

They both looked at me, Edgar with mild surprised and Anastasia with her critique-filled gaze. I stood awkwardly in front of her, she held nothing back when it came to fashion so it felt like I was on pins and needles as she silently evaluated.

Finally she gave a nod. "Your choice in clothes still needs work but this outfit will do."

I let out a breath of relief, shoulders slumping. Thank god she approved.

"Fix up your posture, Caleb, we are meeting with Royalty!"

I straightened my back promptly at the order giving a half whine. "You make it sound like we are going to war, Anastasia,"

"Hush now, you never know what goes on at tea parties of Royalty!" I rolled my eyes and followed her silently as she began small talk with Edgar.

I sure hope that she would behave in front of Tybalt...

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