I'm a Sucker for Pain

By Amanda_Dulagan

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3rd RCB Love Legacy #IMASUCKERFORPAIN Original Writer: Amanda Dulagan Genre: Sabahan Slang Love Story Catego... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58

chapter 7

1.7K 108 7
By Amanda_Dulagan



"No, Chest... just no..." I don't want to fight my brother...

"Why, Don?... You've fallen for her?" I did not turn to look at Chester...

Tonight, I feel defeated...


Sunday after breakfast...

The usual kids chatter... Sydney and Jordan entah apa kandungan topic yang banyak betul dorang boleh berjoyah about...

Dad pun sibuk bercerita dengan Uncle Jack, Jordan's dad... Everyone is talking to everyone, I think even tu semut-semut pun talking to each other...

Kecuali saya sama Chester... kami duduk berdepan tapi only concentrating on our food...

"Chest, your club's opening tonight kan?" Sydney mengejutkan Chester dari lamunan dia...

"Yeps..." saja Chester jawab...

"Count me and Bella out..." Jordan bilang... understandable... terberanak nanti Bella di club... tapi ada juga laki dia boleh kasi beranak dia kan? Tsk tsk...

Chester mengangguk...

"you wanna chill tonight, love?" Holland tanya Thania...

"of course... it's our baby brother's 3rd successful business..." Thania smiled up at Holland...

"Don?" terkejut saya Chester menyapa saya, I looked up from my food.. eye to eye dengan Chester... "Be there tonight..." Chester said in a low voice...

Saya menatap wajah Chester... looking at his expression, I know me being there means so much to him...

"I'll try..." saya tidak janji...

it's a Sunday, besok Monday and I don't want to wake up with alcohol in my breath...

"You invited Hudson sudah, Chest?" Sydney tanya Chester...

"Speak of the devil..." Holland bilang sambil tersengih...

Hudson came strolling through the back door, walking towards us at the pool garden...

"join us for breakfast, Hudson..." dad invited him...

"oh, it's ok... I had breakfast at home..." Hudson bilang... "I'll be having lunch with Holly and my wife lagi nanti..."

Suddenly, Jason muncul dari belakang...

"kirim salam sama bini saya..." Jason menepuk bahu Hudson...

"tsk tsk... masih bini ka?" Hudson tanya... "bukan mantan?"

"hahaha... ada orang tidak mau sign oh..." Jason menjawab...

Entah apa dorang bercakap tu... I'm never really up-to-date dengan perkembangan neither Jason nor Hudson...

I only know that we are all connected because the Bestians are Bella and Sydney's client and Jason is married to Holly Bestian...

Setakat itu saja pemahaman saya... And Kimberly... that little criminal yang buat tidur saya tidak keruan sejak she sucked me dry...

ugh, saya terasa menegang pula di bawah... shit! I'm not getting an erection in the middle of breakfast and everyone around...!

"Don..." Hudson menyapa saya... I looked up at him, termati khayalan saya... khayalan that night, 2 days ago.... "Your car keys... I parked your car sana garage sudah..."

"Thanks..." saya mengambil my car keys from Hudson...

"Why's your car with Hudson?" dad tanya saya...

"Nothing, dad..." saya jawab... saya tengok Holland sama Sydney tersengih-sengih...

Kitai...! Cepat-cepat saya berdiri... all the while trying to cover benjolan saya with my handphone...

"I'm done..." saya bilang, sambil mengelap mulut saya dengan tissue and turned to leave...

"Hud, tonight at Chester's club... be there... bawa the whole gang..." Sydney invited Hudson...

"Sure..." Hudson bilang...

The whole gang? Semua bodyguard the Bestians?

"I'll bring my wife and Holly..." Hudson bilang... "and maybe... Kimberly... if you don't mind?"

I think Hudson is asking Chester...
"My pleasure..." Chester jawab... pleasure, pleasure kau sana, Chest... 😠


DUSH jantung saya... excited? But I continued walking back into the house... kedapatan nanti saya...


That night...

It was a battle with myself... I tried to convince myself I'm doing this for Chester...

Tapi this is Chester's 3rd club and 2nd in KK... saya tidak pernah menjejakkan kaki to his 2 other clubs...

Tapi ini malam berbeza...

What am I doing here anyways? 😳

I walked in into the club, dan dihadiahkan a view of my brother with his hands on Kimberly's bare waist....

Oh? Kimberly's singing, is she now?

** sounds good, Kimmy... the only thing that is not good is you sucking up to my brother **
🎶When I ooh, you're fallin' in love
Give a little ooh-ooh, get it well done
Dancing on my ooh, make your girl wanna run
We keep moving 'til the sun come up🎶

** Dia terkejut nampak saya? I stared at her dancing with Chester... Jantung saya berdegup kencang macam mau terkeluar saja dari dada saya **
🎶Porque I am the party, yo soy fiesta
Blow out your candles, have a siesta
You can try pero no one can stop me
What my taki taki wants, yeah,
my taki taki gets, uh🎶

She hung onto Chester's neck dan terlebih menggesel to his body!

Saya tidak sedar yang saya bukan lagi menghisap rokok saya, saya menggigit sudah batang rokok saya...

"Don..." Holland panggil saya... I turned to Holland... mata saya berapi... "kau datang juga oh kan..."

Holland and Sydney looked at each other... tersenyum tapi ketara dorang terkejut juga saya datang... i just shrugged...

saya berjalan ke arah kerusi paling hujung on the left... banyak juga mic kena letak atas meja panjang depan kami semua ni... oh, saya lupa pula... the Bestians are singers, so are the Choongs...

Suara Chester melaung on the stage... "Yeah guys! ni malam saja saya buka stage untuk kamurang semua ni..."

Ditujukan kepada the Robinsons, Bestians and Choongs yang kaki clubbing ka tu?

I took out another cigarette... sipping on my liquor, saya perhatikan Kimberly walking down the stage...

Dia seakan mencari tempat duduk kosong... hah, yang kosong sebelah saya saja... 😏

I just stared at her walking towards the empty seat next to me... makin dia dekat, makin saya memanas...

Macam dia berhati-hati betul dia mau duduk... syok ni kalau saya tarik lagi kerusi dia... but this time I'll make sure she'll hit the ground on her ass...!

I felt a flash of anger bila saya teringat dia menari sama Chester tadi...

Tapi apa juga kau mau marah sangat, London? She's nothing to you... kalaupun dia mau Chester, it's up to her because she's not tied to you... tiada ikatan... kau bukan maubdia pun...

I'm fighting all kinds of thoughts on my mind...

sekejap saya fikir; biar! kami tiada ikatan juga, kenapalah kalau Chester and Kimberly sama-sama...

sekejap saya fikir; no! saya sudah sentuh dia, I kissed her, I rubbed her, she sucked me, she's mine!

sekejap saya fikir; no! she's a trouble maker, i don't want her... if I can't have her, so can't Chester!

Tengah saya battling with my thoughts, tiba-tiba Kimberly kesyokkan melompat-lompat... cheering and applauding... baru saya sedar, Chester, Sydney and Jason tengah menyanyi on stage...

Did Chester just gave her a flying kiss from the stage...? 😳😒

I didn't realize my anger blinded me, saya tarik the back of Kimberly's hotpants, forcing her to sit... Dia menoleh ke arah saya dengan kekejutan terpancar di muka dia... tapi saya puas hati sebab dia terduduk dan terdiam...

Hahaha! Am I killing the fun? 😏

"Apa lagi kau mau tarik ah, psycho?! Sudah hari tu tarik kerusi saya, sekarang tarik seluar saya!" ai? Melawan..

"Saya tarik hidung kau kalau kau tidak duduk diam-diam..." saya menghembuskan asap rokok saya sambil tersengih, sambil juga memerhati Chester dorang singing on stage...

Then ada lagi few more performances, tapi saya tidak concentrate... saya tengok pergerakan Kimberly macam dia mau berdiri lagi... oh?

"Chester..." her voice so sensual... "I wanna sing again... let's..."

Dia tidak sempat berdiri... saya tarik lagi seluar dia, memaksa dia duduk...

"eee! Let me go!" she screamed at me... "saya mau menyanyi bah!"

"don't waste your mouth singing, Kimberly..." saya senyum gete at her, sengaja mau buat dia temper... "that mic won't satisfy your mouth like how my d*ck will..."

"you...!" termerah muka dia... mengimbas kembali kenangan 2 hari lepas?

Saya mendekatkan muka saya ke pipi dia...
"it won't cum in your mouth, like how you like it..."

"ugh! London Robinson... I swear I will..." ah, marahnya dia...

"suck me good?" saya potong kata-kata dia...

"you like playing this game, don't you, Your Honour?" her voice sexy... dia menggigit bibir bawah dia... "I don't have to sing on stage..."

she smiled mischievously...

And Chester signaled the DJ to tune to a song... hmmm... Chester on the mic signaling at Kimberly from her seat... she picked up the mic on the table in front of her...

Ah, 🎵Him & I🎵? so you think, little vixen... you'll get away with this?

** hmm.. as good as Halsey I see... **
🎶Cross my heart, hope to die
To my lover, I'd never lie
He said "be true", I swear I'll try
In the end, it's him and I
He's out his head, I'm out my mind
We got that love, the crazy kind
I am his and he is mine
In the end, it's him and I, him and I🎶

** Kimberly berdiri, mau jalan ke arah stage kali tu kan...? Saya tarik lagi seluar dia sampai dia terduduk atas paha saya, her back against my chest... tangan saya melingkar di pinggang dia menahan dia daripada berdiri, mmm her naked skin... ai? Mau marah? Hahaha! Hari tu suka pula dia berkangkang atas paha saya dengan nenen di muka saya **

** ME: AHA, LONDON ROBINSON.. you've broken your more than 10 years hiatus... no one saw me reached for a mic, no one expected this.. especially not my brothers.. Kimberly turned around in shock... still sitting on my lap, mulut dia ternga-nga... **

🎶My '65 speeding up the PCH, a hell of a ride
They don't wanna see us make it,
they just wanna divide
2017 Bonnie and Clyde
Wouldn't see the point of living on
if one of us died, yeah
Got that kind of style everybody try to rip off
YSL dress under when she takes the mink off
Silk on her body,
pull it down and watch it slip off
Ever catch me cheating,
she would try to cut my
Crazy, but I love her, I could never run from her
Hit it, no rubber, never would no one touch her
Swear we drive each other mad,
she be so stubborn
But, what the fuck is love with no pain,
no suffer
Intense, this shit, it gets dense
She knows when I'm out of it like she could just sense
If I had a million dollars
or was down to ten cents
She'd be down for whatever,
never gotta convince 🎶

** Kimberly: muka dia masih blur ni... tapi dia masih meneruskan juga... hahaha! **
🎶Cross my heart, hope to die
To my lover, I'd never lie
He said "be true", I swear I'll try
In the end, it's him and I
He's out his head, I'm out my mind
We got that love, the crazy kind
I am his and he is mine
In the end, it's him and I, Him and I
In the end, it's him and I🎶

** Me: saya sedar dorang Sydney sama Holland pun ternga-nga... dorang memang tidak sangka I will do this again... what got into me?! **
🎶We turn up, mobbin' 'til the end of time
Only one who gets me,
I'm a crazy fuckin' Gemini
Remember this for when I die
Everybody dressed in all black,
suits and a tie
My funeral will be lit if I
Ever go down or get caught, or they identify
My bitch was the most solid,
nothing to solidify
She would never cheat, you'd never see her with a different guy
Ever tell you different, then it's a lie
See, that's my down bitch,
see, that's my soldier
She keeps that thang-thang
if anyone goes there
Calm and collected, she keeps her composure
And she gon' ride for me until this thing over
We do drugs together,
fuck up clubs together (together)
And we'd both go crazy (crazy)
if we was to sever
You know? We keep mobbin',
it's just me and my bitch
Fuck the world, we just gon' keep getting rich, you know?🎶

** Kimberly: she's getting better, more confident... I can feel the pressure of her sitting on me... dia singing sambil tersengih-sengih... **
🎶Cross my heart, hope to die
To my lover, I'd never lie
He said "be true", I swear I'll try
In the end, it's him and I
He's out his head, I'm out my mind
We got that love, the crazy kind
I am his and he is mine
In the end, it's him and I, Him and I
In the end, it's him and I🎶

** All the while, dia masih duduk atas paha saya, tangan saya di pinggang dia, masih menahan dia daripada dapat berdiri... kami bertentang mata... we sang and stared each other... the intensity nearly made it unbreathable **

** Kimberly **
🎶Cross my heart, hope to die
To you, I've never lied
For you, I'd take a life
It's him and I, and I swear 🎶

** Me **
🎶'Til the end I'ma ride wit' you
Mob and get money, get high wit' you, yeah (ayy)🎶

** Kimberly **
🎶Cross my heart, hope to die
This is our ride or die
You can confide in me
There is no hiding, I swear🎶

** Me **
🎶Stay solid, never lie to you
Swear, most likely I'ma die wit' you, yeah🎶

** She sang through the last verse... **
In the end, it's him and I🎶

Kimberly dropped the mic... I can hear the mic hit the ground with a loud echo...

"You wanna play this game, don't you, London?" chin lifted, eyes burning into mine... my eyes on her lips... dubs dabs dubs dabs jantung saya...

"Don't fuck with me, Kimmy..." my breathing getting heavy... that's a warning...

"who's fucking with you?" she turned, ready to stand... oh, no... you don't...

Saya menahan the back of her neck, my hand brushed up to the back of her head, her thick hair in my hand...

I pulled her head back, then forward and down to meet my face...

I held her head with both of my hands... cukup lama saya tahan... cukup lama...

"your fucking lips is gonna get fucking fucked... Kimmy... I fucking warned you..."

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