Death's Captive: Will she esc...

By AuthorScarlettReed

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A woman is trapped within a London hospital and can't move beyond its grounds. She doesn't know exactly how l... More

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


9 0 0
By AuthorScarlettReed

After re-dressing I step out of the bathroom into the mess. The news is playing in the background and on the television screen I see a familiar face! It's the man from room 736 had his blood taken by Margie. I turn to listen to the woman relaying the story:

...Harold Barden is to stand trial today over the accusation of the molestation and death of local boy, Ben Thompson, whose body was found under the Samford overpass last November. Judgement proceedings have been adjourned on several occasions due to Barden's ill health, though a ruling should be made now that Mr Barden has been released from St Lucia's Memorial Hospital in a stable condition. On a lighter note a dedication has been made...


The expletive comes from the direction of Justin; a gawky-looking young man who assists Dr Drac in the pathology lab. That's not his real name, of course, but it's what everybody calls him behind his back. Justin has limited contact with patients and staff apart from Dr Drac, but he speaks candidly with the few co-workers he knows. He's sitting on a suede navy couch in a white lab coat next to Dr Reeves, both of whom are watching the news with their feet up on the coffee table. I swear to God I just saw Reeves leave with Nicole an hour ago but now he's back. Time must have slipped away from me again.

"What?" Reeves looks at Justin.

Justin draws a breath to begin a spiel. "Well, we fix the pedo up, just so he can live out his now healthy long life in a cell as a burden on us tax payers! It's a waste of fucking money and medication, we shudda let him die. Oi, weren't you the attending on his case?"

Reeves nods. "Trust me there was no opportunity for sabotage or negligence on Barden's case, not with the whole world watching." Reeves stretches his arms above his head and places his hands behind his head.

Justin raises his index finger. "Firstly that's not what I heard. Secondly, I doubt anyone would disapprove – even Barden's family isn't standing by him. Probably realised he was a funny uncle long ago, but nobody said nuffin."

"Even though Barden is a criminal of the worst kind, he still has rights and that includes access to healthcare." There's a moment of silence, then Reeves sighs and turns his head to Justin. "What did you hear?"

Justin pops his head over the couch and looks around the mess, then relaxes back into the chair and continues. "Well I didn't hear nuffin, but, when the blood specimens came in for testing they were severely haemolysed. Procedure states we still have to run the bloods, but the results were all over the place. The Drac said that it looked like someone had done it on purpose..."

I remembered the moment when I watched Margie dropping the plastic vials over and over again on the floor.

Reeves straightens and hisses at Justin. "Why wasn't I told my results were inaccurate? With the wrong results I could have ended up killing a patient!"

Justin's eyes shot up in surprise. "You didn't notice that you received two sets of results for the same patient with the preliminary levels being ridiculous?"

Reeves looked embarrassed.

"Besides, the Drac thought you might have had something to do with it, ya see?" Reeves eyebrows shot up in shock at such an accusation, admittedly so did mine; it was ludicrous. Justin continued. "He sent me up from the lab immediately to do a recollect from the patient after he saw the results."

"That over-educated vamp thinks I endangered my patient's life intentionally?!" Reeves couldn't hide the insult from his voice.

"Well... only limited staff members were allowed into Barden's room due to security. Only you, hospital admin and Margie where allowed in. I had to get a note from Drac to get past the cop at the door"

"So Dr Drac assumes I'm at fault? I wouldn't risk losing my license or credibility to be a vigilante."

"He's not sure; all he knows is that admin wouldn't risk bad publicity. Also, you're getting a bit of a reputation for being a bad boy these days."

Reeves threw his arms up in the air.

"Please do go on. I'd love to know how I've suddenly become the bad boy of St Lucia," Reeves says with sarcasm.

"Oh, I wasn't talking about your professional actions, mate. I was talking about who you're knocking boots with these days." Justin's grins knowingly.

"You know about Nicole?" Reeves whispers urgently.

"The whole hospital knows, mate. You are aware we have security cameras, yeah?"

Reeves puts his head in his hands.

"Nobody wudda been the wiser if ya hadn't pushed her up against ya car and snogged her. The daft old sod in security room just thought you were giving her a lift home till he saw that. He was a bit surprised you were giving her one, and couldn't keep it to himself." Justin smiles and chuckles to himself.

Reeves looks aggrieved.

"Regretting your decision already?" Justin asked Reeves.

"A little. Nicole, she's just, a little wild..."

Justin nudges Reeves in the shoulder "She knows how you like it, eh Reeves?"

"No, no not like that! She's a little immature and very headstrong. I don't think that anything could happen between us long term."

I walk over to the couch and perch on the suede arm next to Reeves.

"Did Nicole say she wanted something long term?"


"Then don't worry about it, have some fun with her and let loose..."

"But that's all she ever wants to do. If we're not having sex we're at some bar or club drinking and dancing."

"You're saying this like it's a bad thing."

"Well... no, it's not a bad thing. It's just not my thing; I'd prefer to stay home and watch a movie and relax. My whole day is over-simulating and exhausting. I don't really like having to go out when I have time off."

"Sound like you needs to talk to her about it, but be warned, if you mention it you could very well be going down a relationship avenue. Staying in and cuddling on the couch is relationship territory, and you don't want her getting the wrong idea."

Reeves collapses into the couch putting his hands over his eyes. "Maybe you're right."

Justin smirks "Yeah mate, I'm always right."

Reeves stands and walks over to a cupboard near the lockers, opens it and retrieves a white coat.

"Where are you off too?" Justin asks.

"Back on the floor to maliciously kill more patients," Reeves replies

"Oh don't be like that; you know old Drac is just fooling. I don't think he put much thought into what he said."

"Yeah? Then how did he come to an accusation like that?" Reeves blurts out as he puts on his coat over his pale blue sleeved shirt.

Justin moves uncomfortably "Well he said that you were a chip off the old block."

Reeves stops and turns to Justin.

"You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and such." Justin says quietly.

"I'm not my father."

"No, but there are some similarities. Now that you're dating a nurse it's practically a mirrors image. Although, at least you're not married."

"You've been hanging around Dr Drac for too long, because you're becoming a real dick, Justin." Reeves heads for the door.

"I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking, Reeves!" But Reeves is already out the door and heading along the corridor.

"Asshole!" I yell at Justin, and as I kick at the side table, but instead of my foot going through it I knock it sightly, tipping Justin's drink off the table and onto the floor.

"Shit!" Justin swoops onto the glass then dashes to the sink for a cloth to mop up the spill on the carpet. As I leave the mess to follow after Reeves I hear Justin cursing as he cleans up. I can't help but smile.

A/N Votes for Justin! I always imagined him as Australian

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