You Mind if I Slytherin | a D...

By malfoyisbaeobv

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DISCONTINUED i am so sorry <3 "So, are you a virgin" he sneered. "Ew you pervert, but if you must know I am"... More

You Mind if I Slytherin
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⚠️Quick Note⚠️
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By malfoyisbaeobv

Quick authors note! Check out my other book it is just announcements about this book and other things. I keep getting ideas for more books but I kind of want to finish this book before I start anything new. I think at most I'll write about 10 more chapters of this book but that all depends on the lengths of these chapters and what actually happens in this book. I haven't planned out this book much, I'm just coming up with ideas as I write.

"être magique"

A few more days had past and it was now friday, meaning the bet would come to an end in a matter of two days. I was looking good for winning the bet. Malfoy was still being malfoy, he would still touch my thigh and do things that made my heart flutter but I managed to contain myself.

I still wished I had kissed a few nights ago, I didn't think I would ever get another chance like that. And I wasn't about to make a move on him, that would mean I would've lost the bet.

It was morning now and we were all sitting around the table and eating our breakfast. Draco had his hand on my thigh, using his thumb to rub circles. This wasn't anything new. Don't get me wrong, I still got butterflies, but I managed to contain myself and not make it obvious.

I was talking to Ginny about women's right, that seemed to fire up Ginny a lot and I found that funny. Draco decided to join into the conversation.

"I mean men have been making jokes for centuries degrading women. They still to this day say things about us being in kitchen, cleaning, or being a stay at home mum because the men can work for them. If anyone ever tells me something along those lines I would punch them square in the nose." Ginny went on her rant, I listened because I was actually interested but also because I found it funny how much this fired up Ginny.

"Well atleast you have Harry, he would never say anything like that." I said and Ginny nodded and grinned.

"Yeah, miller your stuck with me and you'll be making sandwiches for the rest of your life." Malfoy said to me, jokingly, but this set Ginny off.

"Shut it malfoy, you've been handed everything in life. You probably won't even work because you'll have your parents fortune. And you know what I-" I cut Ginny off by shushing her. I chuckled at her reactions and I turned to malfoy.

"Just don't even try malfoy." I laughed again and turned back to Ginny but Ginny had already engaged into another conversation with Harry. I decided to just sit there and listen to their conversation.

"Miller, two days left. I think I might just win this bet." Malfoy said to me with a smirk spread across his face. I laughed at him.

"Yeah right malfoy, you're not even close." I lied, truth be told I couldn't wait till the bet ended so I could actually tell him how I felt. Suddenly I saw malfoys eyes light up, I could tell he just thought of an idea. I chuckled at his reaction and began to converse with Ginny and Harry.

Breakfast ended and it was time for that stupid marriage class. We stopped learning about sex Ed seen as we've had a couple of those classes already. Mcgonagall said we'd be doing something different every lesson now. I walked with malfoy to the matrimonium class, we were having civil conversations but it was nothing more than friends. We sat on our usual couch and waited for the class to begin.

Mcgonagall began to talk. All students silenced as she began to tell us what we would be doing today.

"Hello all sixth and seventh year students. Today will be a very productive lesson for all of you, if you do not follow along punishment will be served. We will check at the end of the class to see if you followed along with our instructions. Today each pair will receive a planner. Today we want you to plan a few important dates.

The first date we want you to plan is the date for you first date. You do not have to go on a hogsmeade weekend as long as you have permission from either professor snape or I. The only rules about the date is that it must just be you and your partner, meaning no double dates. And that you don't only have to inform us of the date you are going, but also where you are going.

Us teachers have decided to give you free range to go wherever you wish as long as you inform us. We did this because we know that you all are under so much stress about this law we want to make it easier for you. Oh and one last rule is that you can only go on Friday afternoons or any days on the weekend. The times on the weekend is from 10am-12pm and as for Friday's it will be 4pm-2am."

I looked at malfoy only to see he was looking a me, I wondered where would end up going for our first date. Both of us were very much rich so I assumed it would be fancy and expensive. The only problem was that if it was fancy I didn't have an outfit for that. That means I would have to go out on a hogsmeade weekend so I could shop.

Mcgonagall began to speak again. "The other dates I wish for you to plan are the following, a possible wedding day, a possible engagement party and a possible bachelor or bachelorette party. These don't have to be your final dates but we would like you to start thinking about it. You will have to have all these dates finalised by the end of Friday in three weeks time.

When you receive your planners you will also receive a piece of parchment which will state the deadlines for all these dates. Okay you may begin"

And with a swish of her wand a planner and a pice of parchment appeared in front of me. I looked at malfoy and he motioned for me to grab them.

"Do you want me or you to keep the planner?" I asked malfoy.

"You can have it, I'll just borrow it when I need it." I nodded in reply and looked at the piece of paper, I read out the dates to him.

"We have to have our engagement party by the 1st of November, we have to have or bachelorette/bachelor parties and wedding by February 1st. We also have to finalise our first date within the next two weeks. The final date for our first date is the end of this month." We were a quarter way through September as it was the start of the school year. That meant we have to have our date within around the next twenty days.

Malfoy nodded and spoke up. "Well lets start with our first date, that should be the easy one." I nodded in agreement. He continued, "how about we have it on the upcoming Friday, about a week. There's no point in waiting and I think it could be fun." He smirked, I smiled back.

"Okay, where were you thinking." I quickly scribbled down the date in the planner and looked up at him.

"How about that new être magique restaurant." I had never heard of it before but I liked the sound of it.

"Ooooh, that sounds nice, where is it."

"In France, there's a small wizarding town there." I almost choked, he wanted to take me to the most romantic place in the world on our first date.

"That's sounds really nice, I'll write it down. Oh and before I forget, is it fancy or a casual restaurant. I'm just thinking about what I should wear."

"It's quite fancy, so wear a nice dress." I nodded, I knew that I would have to go to hogsmeade tomorrow. I was just lucky that this weekend was a hogsmeade weekend.

"Okay well what time were you thinking." He shrugged, "how about we leave at 7pm and then come back when we want." He nodded in agreement and I wrote it down.

I sat there in thought for a minute as I thought about when I would want the wedding. To be honest, I had no idea when I wanted the wedding. "Do you have any idea when you would like to have the wedding." I asked malfoy, hoping he had a good idea.

"Maybe we could have it on New Year's Eve, starting the new year fresh." I actually really liked that idea, it sounded really nice.

"That sounds great, then we can have the bachelor and bachelorette party in December on the 20th, my birthday."

"What makes you think I wouldn't want to spend your birthday with you?" I looked at him, slightly shocked that he cared like that.

"Well I don't know, I never really celebrate my birthday so I thought that was a good idea."

"Well I'd like to spend your birthday with you, we can have the bachelorette and bachelor parties on the twenty first. We can do something else on your birthday." I nodded in agreement and wrote down the dates.

"Well now all we have left is the engagement party." He nodded "how about October 25th, I don't know that date just stands out to me."

"Okay, sounds good." I was surprised at how well that had gone. I shot him a big grin and he slightly grinned back at me which just made me grin even more. He laughed at me and shook his head.

"Okay well I might aswell go up to mcgonagall to confirm our first date." He nodded and I left.

I walked up to mcgonagall holding onto the planner.

"Hello professor, me and malfoy have planned our first date, where we are going and when." She nodded and whipped out a piece of parchment and began to write. "We would like to go to être magique in France next Friday. We will be leaving at 7pm and we will be back before 2am." She nodded.

"Okay, the malfoys, être magique, friday, 7pm-2am. okay your all set, sounds like fun and I've heard of that restaurant, very fancy, enjoy." I walked away with a grin on my face.

"I told her we would be back before two am seen as we don't know when we will be back." He nodded in agreement.


The day came to a close as I headed back to our apartment to lounge around till supper. I walked in to see a stressed Ginny sat on the floor in front of the fireplace trying to finish a potion essay that was due on Monday. Which reminded me that I also needed to finish it, I was close to finishing it but not finished.

I walked up to my room and grabbed out my essay and quill. I headed back down stairs and sat next to Ginny. She smiled at me and continued on with her essay, so I did the same. I finally finished my essay thirty minutes later as well as Ginny.

"Hey Ginny, me and malfoy are going on a date next week on Friday." She slightly squealed. She knew I was excited about it. "We are going to a fancy restaurant in France called être magique"

"Oh. My. God. I've heard of that place before, it literally so beautiful. It's floats and it's made of glass, it's also super expensive. You are so lucky." I was shocked that malfoy was willing to take me there.

"Oh my goodness, I knew it was fancy but not that fancy. Well anyway I wanted to ask you if you'd come shopping with me tomorrow to buy a dress for my date."

"I would love to come"

"Great, I'll also invite Taylor. Maybe you guys can also get outfits for your dates. Speaking of your dates what do you have planned."

"Me and Harry are going to a restaurant in London, it's a muggle restaurant but it sounds really nice, it's also fancy so I need a nice dress aswell. We are also going on Friday next week!" I got all excited knowing I'd be able to get ready with Ginny.

"That sounds really nice Ginny." I hugged her in excitement.


A little while later it was time to go to dinner. I was happy because to no ones surprise I was hungry, and I was craving mashed potatoes. I walked into the great hall and sat in my usual seat in between Ginny and malfoy. I began to eat some mash potatoes that sat on my plate, feeling satisfied with every bite that came.

Then I remembered I had ask Taylor to come shopping with me and Ginny.

"Oh Taylor, do you want to come shopping tomorrow with me and gin." I never called Ginny gin but it rolled off the tongue easier so I decided to continue to call her that.

"Um sure, what for though."

"I need to get a dress and so does gin, I need for my date." She nodded in agreement. "So when and where's your date then." I asked Taylor and blaise, looking back and forth  at the two.

"We are going out next Friday, to a fancy Italian place." Me and gin shared the same expression getting excited.

"No way, same with us, we are going on our dates on Friday too. Except I'm going to a place in London and Liv's going to a place in France." I looked at granger. She kind of looked sad.

"'Mione, when's your date then." "Im going out on Sunday evening. We decided to just go to a little restaurant in diagon alley." Gin asked. I really hoped gin wouldn't ask her to come with us but I was wrong.

"Well you do want to come with us tomorrow anyway." I mentally face palmed myself.

"Um, no thanks Ginny. I don't really want to go shopping." She glared at me and I couldn't help but grin slightly. I then looked at all the guys, (except weasley), and they all shared the same look.

"What" I asked, slightly frustrated.

"Are you guys not weirded out how we are all going out on the same night." Harry said, I didn't even realise how weird that actually was, but then I looked at them again. They all had smirks on their faces, kind of creepy actually.

"Wait a second, did you guys plan something." I asked, looking them all in the eyes.

"Well you see, before we even had that stupid class we all talked about taking you all on dates. We thought it was a good idea if we all went out on the same night. So we planned to ask you guys all out to go on a date next Friday before we had that class." Blaise said. Then I realised that malfoy was actually going to take me on a date wether we were forced to or not. I turned and a large grin was on my face, he obviously smiled back. I mean who would smile at me *cough* granger *cough* wealsey* cough*.

Dinner ended and we all headed back to our appartment. When we reached the apartment all of us, even weasley and granger, sat around the fire and chatted away. We stayed up till ten before heading our seperate ways. I laid on my bed a looked at the roof. Today was actually kind of a good day. I smiled to myself, thinking of my date next week, also thinking about going shopping with my two best friends tomorrow. Yes I considered me and gin best friends now because we just click. That how I felt with Taylor, and obviously how I still feel.

Malfoy walked into the room, he walked up to me stood over my bed looking down at me. It was kind of a funny sight, seeing malfoy head looking down at me, his bangs falling down. I laughed at him, because of the good mood I was in. He held out his hand and I held it as he helped me stand up.

"Get changed into something comfy, we are going for a walk." I looked at him confusingly and just shrugged. I did as he said. I walked over to my wardrobe a picked up a pair of grey sweats and an oversized dark green shirt. I also grabbed my white airforces.

I go into the bathroom and changed. When I walked out malfoy nodded, showing me he was happy with what I was wearing. Malfoy was wearing black sweats with a green crew neck. Gosh we looked like true slytherins.

He lead me out of our room, then out of our apartment. I was confused but I followed anyway. I was into much of a good mood to be concerned. Lucky for us sixth and seventh years, we were allowed out fo our apartments till 12pm on fridays and Saturdays. Not sundays though, because it's a school night.

Malfoy held out his hand and I hesitantly took it. We walked around for a while till we finally ended up at the astronomy tower. I raised an eyebrow up and him, he pulled me along as we walked up the stairs. The entire time we had been walking in a comfortable silence, which I enjoyed but I decided to speak up.

"Malfoy, what are you doing."

"Just come up liv." I loved the way my named rolled off of his tongue liked that, he got me. I finally decided to stop struggling and walk up the stairs.

We walked over to the edge of the astronomy tower and stared out into the night sky. The view was truly beautiful, not just the stars but the area that surrounded Hogwarts. Could this day get any better, I'm going shopping with my friends, then going on a date that malfoy actually wants to go on and I have two amazing friends.

Suddenly malfoy pushed me up against the pillar once again. I didn't dare look in his eyes because I knew if I did I would regret it. But unfortunately but fortunately at the same time I felt cold hand hold my chin. He moved my head to look into his eyes. His grey cold eyes made me melt right then and there. We stayed like that for a little while before malfoy began to move in, without a thought in my mind I leant in aswell. But my lips did not touch his, instead they touched his cold fingers. I looked at him with a slight frown.

"You're gonna lose this bet miller" he said with a smirk.

He began to walk away, I stayed frozen not knowing what to do. But before I could even think I found myself catching up to him.

I caught up to just before he started to walk down the staircase and held his face. Without a thought in my mind I smashed my lips onto his and kissed him passionately before pulling away.

"I don't care, I like you draco malfoy." And I kissed him again, this time more gentle. I pulled away and looked at him, he looked shocked. I took this as a bad sign and turned to walk down the stairs. Instead he pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately, I kissed back happily. I smiled against his lips. He continued to kiss me hard. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance, but I didn't give in, Teasing him. He smiled against my lips as his hand moved down my body to my butt, his hands then moved passed my butt and moved to my upper thighs. His hands moved to the inside parts of my thighs and lifted me up. I opened my mouth from shock and his tongue shot in. My hands intertwined with his hair and my legs wrapped around his waist. He began to plant kisses down my neck, he found my soft spot and suck on my neck. It made an obvious hickey. I pulled away.

"Hey, that isn't very nice." I smirked, he smirked back and tried to kiss me again. I moved away again and smirked. I shook my head.

"Not here, let's head back." I jumped out of his grasp and lead the way. He caught up to me and snaked his arm around me.

"I never was going to win this bet, was I." He smirked and shook his head.

"So what are you going to make me do." I asked

"I don't know yet, I'll save it and use it when I need to." He smirked, I was a bit irritated that I had to wait to find out what I needed to do for him. I felt like it was going to be something not so nice.

We walked back to the apartment, hand in hand. Every now and then I would look at him and he would look at me. He also gave me couple of kisses on the neck and cheeks, which made me giggle and blush.

Once we got to the apartment we slowly and quietly crept up to our room. Once we got inside I looked at the bed and then at malfoy.

"Do you want me to change it." He nodded with a grin on his face. With a swoosh of my wand our previously twin beds turned into a queen sized bed. I went over to my wardrobe to grab a tight pyjama tank top and some flowy pant pyjama bottoms. As I held my pyjamas and headed to the bathroom I was once again pushed against the wall. I dropped my clothes as my lips were smashed into. I kissed back as I held malfoys head, once again intertwining my fingers with his hair.

He picked me up by moving his hands in between my thighs and wrapping my legs around his waist. He moved me over to the bed and dropped me onto it. He was now hovering over my body kissing my neck as I giggled. He once again sucked on my neck, I grabbed his head and started to kiss him on the lips again. He licked my lip asking for entrance, I didn't budge, so he bit my lip lightly. As he did so I opened my mouth and his tongue flew in and danced with mine. I smiled and rolled over so I was on top now. I sat on him with each leg either side his body, I sat just below his belly button as he laid on the bed. I smiled at him and dove in to kiss him some more. This time I was the one kissing on his neck, purposely trying to make hickeys.

After a little while i stopped, I hit his chest lightly and jumped off of him.

"Time for bed."

"Oh come on" he whined.

I laughed at him. "You're just gonna have to wait till another time."

I grabbed my pyjamas and headed to the bathroom.

"Hey miller, you don't have to get changed into the bathroom you know." He smirked.

"You creep, but okay." I smirked at him and laughed. I followed that with a wink and bit my lip lightly

I pulled off my shirt exposing my lacy black bra, making sure I put on a show for him. I pulled down my sweats, I looked at malfoy who was staring at me in awe.

"You perve" I laughed and he just smirked. "I know you like what you see but you could make it less obvious."

"Well why would I do that" he replied, I shrugged. I pulled on my tank and then my pants. I jumped onto the bed beside malfoy. Malfoy quickly got up and grabbed a pair of pyjama pants from his wardrobe. He pulled off his pants exposing his boxers, he then pulled on his pants. He slowly pulled off his top, obviously putting on a show for me. I just laughed at him. He jumped onto the bed beside me.

I got under the covers and malfoy did the same. I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders protectively. I slowly fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up with the biggest grin on my face, I just new this was going to be a good day today.

Okay wow this is my longest chapter ever. Lucky you, two chapters in a day. This part has over 4000 words in it, holy. I think this might be my favourite part so far. I hope you enjoyed it!

11th of October 2020

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