Finding My Family

Von Azallya

28.5K 2.4K 273

The Blackbourne Team consists of the two members who graduated young, but they wanted to have a bigger family... Mehr

Hidden Sadness
Helping hands
Mysterious behavior
The Unknown
Class Interrupted
I'm the Bad Guy duh

Let's Talk

1.2K 114 23
Von Azallya

congrats to -seaweed-brain- for getting the correct number and for wanting these two povs

Sang POV

I watched as the strange doctor followed Mr. McCoy into the school. He and his friend didn't fit in this cesspool of drugs, sex, and evil that went on in here, and that brings up this question. What were they doing here?

Ever since we entered this school in freshman year, we tried to help but the bad things overshadowed us. No matter what we did, another thing would take the place we tried to eradicate, and another person would be hurt. Our breaking point was when bullies and their freshman followers tried to throw Victor off the balcony. All of us snapped, and we ended up breaking several of their bones. Circumstances after that incident had us coming across that information that led us to gain advantage over the faculty in the school.

"They're suspicious," Kota echoed my thoughts. I turned towards my first friend with a smile. He chuckled. Every time we seem to be on the same wavelength, we'd give each other a knowing smile.

"Stop flirting," Nathan grumbled, and Kota rolled his eyes.

Running a hand through his hair, Gabe looked at North. "He knows something is up. He saw me after fighting Greg and his buddies and giving their drugs to North."

"The doc knows that I didn't get my injury from the bleachers." Silas spoke softly.

North growled. "Rocky needs to learn who runs this school."

I sent him a scathing glare, and he just shrugged. Luke popped his head up as if he remembered something. "Oh, yeah! They didn't have anything in their office. Just papers and folders on us and some of the other students."

Victor typed something on his computer. "Records say that our files were given to them to be our success coaches or whatever."

"They're very observant," Nathan said. "That might be a problem."

North grunted. "It already is. They've seen us in fights, with drugs, in cars with one of the bosses. They know that we rule over this school."

"Do we need to prepare for what we did with Ms. Valer?" Nathan asked.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Ms. Valer dug herself when she decided to fuck both Hendricks and McCoy. She ignored the signs until they almost killed her. It was a miracle that we arrived in time to blackmail them. Not to mention we had to blackmail her to basically fucking disappear and not to speak."

Victor narrowed his eyes. "We talked to them, not blackmailed."

North snorted. "Yes, we talked to them with the benefit that the evidence we had wouldn't be leaked to the police."

I sighed before looking at my family. "First, we did blackmail them, Victor. Just like we do with Nathan's, Kota's, and your father. I don't like that we blackmail them, but it's relevant. We aren't the pure good guys anymore."

"And about your question, Nathan. We do. Find evidence we can find against them. We don't know what they will do or how deep they are before they realize it. I don't think they are bad, but they can jeopardize us."

I looked away from them towards the school building. They were different. There was something about them that interested me. I just hope that their curiosity wouldn't kill them.

Silas POV

The pain reliever was wearing off, and my wound started to throb. I looked at my friends. North and I have known each other since I've remembered, and we've been together with the six others for almost five years. At first, we didn't mesh well together because of our different personalities, but Sang was the first to hold her hand out to us.

We wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for her. High school might be really bad, and we get into fights and more. But I knew that we wouldn't leave her. Her troubles are ours, just like she tries to take on our troubles.

I knew that all of us were watching her. She stood apart from us, at a distance. She had been doing that lately as if she was afraid that getting closer to us would hurt herself. Even Victor, who was constantly on his computer, glanced at her from behind the screen with a burning look.

She reached into her pocket and raised her phone to her ear. There was a pause. "Soy sauce."

I raised my eyebrows at the sudden word before she spoke again. "Yes, we need more soy sauce. C used it all after he cooked last time. Hmm? Meeting tonight with the rest of the gang? Fine, but tell them to behave themselves or I will shoot them."

Watching North glare at Luke suspiciously made me smile. It was funny how different these two were. When we first arrived, North was shocked at how different Luke was, and it made him uncomfortable. It was fun to see North look so uncomfortable, but I wouldn't laugh in his face. But when his face is turned? Well, what he doesn't know will not harm me.

Luke popped a piece of chocolate in his mouth, ignoring the growl North sent his way. A blissful look appeared on his face before an uncharacteristic serious look was in his eyes. "The other one in the suit followed you to the car earlier, Victor."

Victor's head lifter from his laptop, and there was a scowl on his face. "He shouldn't poke his nose in things he doesn't know."

"As if he'd do that," Gabriel snorted. "They've already seen more than they should have."

Luke frowned. "He saw Victor hugging him. He might think that you're gay."

Victor shrugged. "It doesn't bother me anymore. I've gotten used to it with George calling me a homo."

Sang frowned at him as she placed her cellphone in her pocket. "Has he started it up again?"

He nodded with a muted fire in his eyes. "Yeah, ever since he barged in the room when Kota and I were sleeping next to each other. It didn't help that we were shirtless because it was hot." He looked at Sang, and his eyes softened and lit up at her worried expression. "Hey, he hasn't done anything but call me names."

She sighed. "That's good. I just hate that you have to live in that environment."

He smiled. "We have one more year until we are free. I can last."

She tilted her head to let the sunshine warm her face. "How is everyone else?"

Gabriel shrugged. "Pam's been drinking but not as much as before."

Nathan looked at him. "What about her boyfriend?"

"Pam threw him out," his lips tightened into a thin line, "after she caught him trying to force himself on me. Apparently she knew that he was bisexual but still allowed him around me."

He sighed. "Just one more fucking year."

Luke rubbed his arm in comfort before he spoke. "Nothing with me. Just working at Uncle's dinner."

North grunted. "Same. I need to check all of our car's oil. It's time for a change."

Nathan frowned when all of our stares landed on him. "Dad is still working in Poland. He isn't scheduled to be home until the end of the month."

"Mom is doing fine at her new job, and Jessica is making new friends after changing schools." Kota said as he looked at his phone. "I can't believe that I didn't notice her being bullied."

She grabbed his shoulder, making him look at her. Her green eyes connected with all of ours before she spoke. "Sometimes we don't notice things because we hide it. Don't blame yourself. We are not all-powerful. We can't control what is going on around us but we can minimize it as much as we can. That is all we can do."

She said this because so many of us were going through things that made us feel weak or small. Past experiences made scars on us both mentally and physically, but we were strong. We've survived things that threatened to break us. We were a family and we could depend on each other.

"What about you, Silas?" Sang's soft voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Everything is fine at the most," I said. "Theo's been sneaking out, and I had to follow him. He hasn't set anything on fire, but I know he's had thoughts about it."

North grabbed my shoulder. He was with me when bampas and I learned that mama was killed in a church fire. We were crying, and North was supporting me. But what almost destroyed me was when we learned that my older brother was the fire starter. That was the first time I felt so much anger that I wanted to kill him, but North calmed me down and made me realizing that killing one person won't bring back another.

Sang looked pained as she spoke. "I know that you don't want your brother to be hurt, but if he does start to set fire to things, I will have to do something."

I nodded, looking away from her. She was the most broken of us yet she was the strongest of us and she pulled us back together. She wanted the best for us and would try to do anything to help us, but if things start to go awry, she will have to call the shots.

"And what about you, Princess?" Victor stared at her.

She sighed. "Step-monster is acting up again and I'll deal with her after the meeting tonight." She stood in front of us. The sun shined on her, making her glow golden. She looked like an angel that could become a guardian or an avenger if needed. "The bosses want to talk to us tonight, but we have things to do."


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