Our Songs, Our Story, Our Lov...

By cwwonder

350 15 2

A Simon & Garfunkel fanfic depicting their rocky and often turbulent friendship through their early years, ju... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.

Chapter 8.

17 1 0
By cwwonder

Sid Prosen sucked hard on his large, fat cigar as his beady eyes bore holes into the two young boys singing into the microphones beyond the glass, in front of him. It was customary for him to cast a very critical eye over anyone who came into his studio, claiming that they could sing, but with these two, he could hardly believe what he was actually hearing.
Two schoolboys who could actually sing!

The one boy, the blonde shy, good looking one, had the sweetest, most angelic voice Sid had ever heard. It was quite high sounding, extremely well controlled and very unique. It was obvious to Sid that this boy had been singing for a number of years and had learned how to master his voice incredibly well.
The other boy, the darker haired one could also sing, although his voice sounded somewhat nasally and would possibly need more work on it. But he was indeed a more than fair guitar player though.
Together the two sounded very pleasing to the ear and Sid thought that they could actually have something.

When they had finished their song, the two boys stepped away from their mikes and grinned at one another. Sid looked around at the other two engineers standing behind him and nodded towards them, before speaking into his own Mike to the two young boys:

"Can the both of you wait for me outside please".

Paul and Artie both nodded their heads and then shuffled out into the dimness of the foyer.

"Wonder what he wants? ". Artie asked, taking a seat on one of the grey plastic chairs situated up against one of the walls.

Paul didn't answer. He had his own thoughts about the reason why, but didn't want to say anything out loud in case he jinxed things and was somehow proved wrong. So instead he began pacing around in tight, little circles, holding his guitar loosely in one hand as he did so.
Artie watched him, with his fingers tightly entwined together. He also had a feeling about this too, but unlike his friend, he wanted to talk about it.  He was nervous and uptight about all of this and found talking through such situations eased his nervous tensions.  Paul though, wouldn't give Artie any sort of eye contact whatsoever, choosing to ignore his friend completely.

Suddenly the door behind them opened and Paul spun round quickly as Artie also jumped up to his feet.

"Ah good. You waited".  Sid Prosen breezed, taking the cigar from out of his mouth.

Paul thought that this was a stupid thing for him to say. Of course they were going to wait. If you were told to do something by an elder, you did it, no questions asked that's the way they had both in fact,  been brought up, besides they were very interested to know why exactly they had been told to wait.
Sid turned and closed the door behind him, before facing the two boys again, looking at them more closely.

"Well.... You're good, I'll grant you that ".  He said.

Paul looked excitedly over towards Artie who had now joined him at his side.

"But you'll need a bit of work though".   Sid mused, thoughtfully.
"What are your names?". 
He then asked, looking from one to the other.

" Well sir, I'm Paul Simon and my friend here, well he's Arthur Garfunkel".  Paul grinned, his dark brown eyes were alight with excitement.

Sid turned to look at Artie.

"Bit of an unusual name".  He said slowly.

Artie gave him a glare. He was quite proud of his name and didn't much care for this guy, or anyone else in fact, saying that it was strange or unusual, but in normal Artie style, he said nothing.
However, Sid then went on to say:

"And you also have an unusually brilliant voice to go with it. It's a very beautiful sound that you make. You know, you really have something there ". 

Artie shuffled his feet nervously and looked down, realising that his best friend beside him was the one who was now glaring......
At him.

"I do think....... I think I could possibly....... Maybe do something with the both of  you though" .  Sid carried on, thoughtfully.
"Sign you up perhaps". 

Paul's glare suddenly vanished from his face as a big smile now erupted. Artie too was now smiling broadly as they both turned and looked towards one another.

"And you said you write you're own songs as well?".  Sid Prosen asked, again looking towards Artie.

Artie shuffled his feet almost nervously.

"No....... I....... I.... don't do much of the writing.......its Paul here who does that. He actually does most, if not all of it. I just help out a bit with the harmonies that's all".  He said quietly.

"Yeah, I write the songs".    Paul interjected quickly.
"And Artie............ Well........ he comes up with the majority of the ideas. We actually bounce off one another really well and I also play the guitar".  Paul said, tapping the instrument in his hand, so it made a dull thudding noise.
"You see, Artie sings and I harmonise with him..... or I sing and he harmonise's  with me, whichever ".  He then went on.

"I see........ ". Sid said, now slowly turning back to glance over at Paul who was smiling at him insanely.

Sid then nodded his head, thoughtfully, but soon his attention was turned back towards Artie who did seem somewhat embarrassed by all of this.
Sid however, like everyone else that the two boys  had ever sung to, was enthralled and entranced  by the sound of Art Garfunkel's pure, angelic sounding singing voice. He seemed at pains to get them on board because this Garfunkel kid had something really special.

"Have you got yourselves a stage name? I mean, what name do you go by? What do you actually call yourselves?". Sid now asked.

"Um..... Just Paul and Artie".  Announced Paul.

But Sid was still looking at Artie as if for confirmation.

"Paul and Artie".   Artie mumbled to him.

"Yeah, Well......... School kid stuff, if you ask me. We'll have to come up with something a bit better than just that, a more professional sounding name I think".  Sid pondered.
"I'll have a think about it, see what rolls off the tongue. In the meantime I will have to meet with both your sets of parents, if you don't mind, you know to sign contracts and stuff. You see, because your both minors I'll need consent forms to be signed".

"You mean? You're going to give us a contract?".  Asked Paul, loudly.

"Of course". Sid Prosen smiled.

Paul and Artie both looked at one another, then grabbed each of their arms and began jumping up and down in unison and laughing with sheer bliss and complete happiness.

"If that's what you two boys would like?".  Sid smiled, as he watched their reactions.

Paul now turned to look at Sid again, his mouth had dropped open, his deep brown eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and the whole of his face became alight with unadulterated happiness.

"Oh....... My God!......... Of course that's what we'd like!".   He then exclaimed.

Paul then turned his head around to look at Artie, who seemed to be so much cooler about the whole thing, standing there quietly, after his little bout of excitement with Paul, now with his arms folded across his chest, looking on, almost impassively.

"Dya hear that Artie?".  Paul beamed at him.
"Where actually gonna be getting a bona fide contract. Can you believe it!". 

Artie smiled at his friend, that wonderful shy smile of his that only really surfaced when he was truly very happy.

Paul quickly turned towards Sid again.

"I don't really know what to say to you........only, thank you. Thank you so very much. I mean, this means the absolute world to us both, it really does".   He said, beaming all over his little, cherubic face.

Artie, himself now stepped forward, clearing his throat slightly, before speaking. Sid was quite interested to hear what this shy and quietly spoken young man had to say, so now gave him his full, undivided attention.
Artie realising this, now shuffled his feet more nervously than before, then glanced down for a moment before looking back up again and staring right into Sid's eyes, he then said:

"I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude. This really does mean such a lot........ To both Paul and I ".   Artie spoke, somewhat shyly and extremely quietly.

Sid smiled warmly at him, as he was extremely taken by the politeness of the blonde, then he nodded his head at both the youngsters, before  replacing the cigar back into his mouth again.

"Right then".   He now said, with the cigar held tightly between his teeth.
"Just make sure that you get your parents to come round here, let's say on Tuesday morning and we can then get all the legal bullshit done and out the way. In the meantime try and come up with a more suitable name for yourselves and as for you my friend.........."

He was now looking directly at Paul.

"Bring over some more of your work, maybe a couple of songs you've written perhaps, I'd be interested to see what else you've got". 

"Yes, of course... Wow.... I'd only be to  glad to. Thank you Mr. Prosen".  Paul gleefully smiled.

He then reached over and shook the man's  hand really enthusiastically.

"Again, Thank you so very much!". Paul beamed up at him. "Honestly, you really won't regret this, any of it. It's the best thing that's ever happened to us, so we're certainly not going to mess any of it up".

"That's good to hear, well...... just remember to get your parents here on Tuesday morning alright? Then we can go on from there".  Sid said seriously.

"Yeah, yeah...... Will do...... No problem and thank you again Mr. Prosen......... Thank you".  Paul beamed, then turned towards Artie.

"Come on dude....... Let's go and tell them our fantastic news...... Oh my God! They're never going to believe it! Any of it!".  Paul laughed.

Sid Prosen smiled to himself as he watched Paul go off down the corridor, swinging his guitar loosely beside him, with Artie walking a few paces behind him.
Sid then turned away and shook his head as he drew in a long drag from his cigar.
He had only gone and done it again.
He was just about to sign yet another unknown band, after only hearing just one song from them. He'd done this so many times before, with several others and had gained very little, if any financial reward for his endeavours as a result. But he felt these two were really quite different, especially the one with the golden locks and the golden voice to go with them.
Suddenly he was now faced with Art Garfunkel coming back towards him and extending a hand outwards.

"I'm sorry, I just felt as if I had to thank you again, Sir".  He said quietly, looking right at him.

Sid stared at the young boy, surprised by the strikingly blue eyes that he was now being faced with. He then tentatively took the boys outstretched hand as he returned the look that Artie was giving him.

"Well....... Like I said before".   Sid then said, 
"You really do have quite a talent there, with that wonderful voice of yours. I must say that I'm hugely impressed by it".  He said, as he continued to shake Artie's hand.

Artie nodded his head in recognition of the compliment he was being given and lowering his eyes, he smiled graciously.
Of course this was not the first time he'd been complemented by his superb singing voice. It seemed that everytime he did sing, someone would be telling him how good he was and now he was really beginning to believe it. In fact, it was the only thing that Art Garfunkel was not shy or embarrassed about sharing.

"Come on Artie!".   Yelled Paul suddenly from the other end of the corridor, "Let's hurry up and get home, so we can tell everyone the good news about what's happened to us!".

Sid now released his grip on Artie's hand but was still staring hard at the blonde, blue eyed boy in front of him.

"Is he always like this?".  He then asked, flicking his head sideways in the direction of where Paul was standing.

"Afraid so".  Smiled Artie, "That's Paul all over, always so full of unbridled exuberance".

"Well...... It looks as if I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on him then".  Sid muttered, almost to himself.

Artie looked up at the cigar puffing record executive before him and then nodding his head once again and smiling shyly, he  placed both his hands into the front two pockets of his jeans and walked off down the corridor to rejoin his friend.
Sid then watched as Paul swung an affectionate arm loosely around Artie's shoulders and the two friends then started to laugh happily together as they walked away.

Sid's secretary and close friend June Stanhope, now came out through an adjacent door. She was looking for Sid to tell him about a telephone call that was waiting for him, but stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed that he was extremely preoccupied by something.  Following his gaze, she watched as the two giggling young school boys disappeared out through the glass doors and then from out of view.

"Those two".   Sid spoke, thoughtfully. "They are both extremely talented, you know".  

"Ah, Are they the two lads that have just done that audition for you?".  June asked.

Sid nodded his head.

"I heard them".  June smiled,  "That taller one, the one with the curly hair, the cute one........... he's got such a lovely voice. Haunting almost". 

"Yes".  Sid nodded,  "He most certainly has. He could really do something very special with a voice like that". 
Sid then turned to look at her.
" I'll  just need to keep the other one in check a little bit though, he's a tiny bit full of himself you know, but that one boy....... Woah, he's got something very special going on there, very special indeed". 

Paul Simon checked himself in the mirror yet again, for about the zillionth time. He was staring hard  into the stand alone mirror that stood inside the basement of his friend Art Garfunkel's parents house.
The two of them spent most of their time down in here now. Paul writing songs and practicing his guitar playing, whilst Art studied for his math degree. The both of them would then join forces to sing and practice with their harmonising without disturbing anyone else.
This basement area had become a real home from home for the pair as they had now obtained a lot of the home comforts they needed, which had been picked up from local yard sales or similar.
There were a couple of threadbare but perfectly sufficient patterned rugs on the floor, a few chairs dotted about and a couple of old battered armchairs too. There was table, a couple of tape recorders and even a small wardrobe as well as the very large stand alone mirror.
Strangely enough, off to the one corner of the basement there was a small, made up single bed!!

Smoothing down the bright red jacket he was now wearing, Paul Simon  turned sideways one way and then the other, before pulling a comb through his now new shorter length styled haircut.

"I really do miss my Elvis quiffed hair".   He said, looking at himself more carefully.

The boy who was sat on a wooden chair just behind him glanced up momentarily from the book he was reading and looked over the top of his black rimmed glasses at him.

"Well..... it was your idea for us both to have this new shorter styled hair cut".  He grumbled,  pulling a hand now over his own   short hair, before returning to his book once again.

"Yeah, I know that and I do actually think we look really smart and all, but I still miss my old hair".  He said, studying himself a little more closely now.

"I suppose when we're rich and famous, we'll be able to have our hair exactly how we want it again".   Grumbled Artie, looking up from his book once again.

"You mean....... You don't like our new styles then?"   Paul asked, still studying hard into the mirror.

Artie rolled his eyes.

"No........ There's not a problem with them. All I'm saying is....... We'll be able to do more of what we'd like, you know, we won't have to conform".   He mumbled, now returning to his book.

Paul chose not to answer, straight away, instead he continued to now adjust his tie and look even more closely at himself.

"Do you miss your old hair then, you know with all those wild blonde curls that the girls all went crazy for".  Paul now said, turning around to face his friend.

Art shrugged without looking up, for he had suspected that this could possibly be the real reason behind why Paul, had suggested that they get the exact same short back and sides haircuts, but had said nothing. Artie didn't really like the thought of his best friend getting jealous by the fact that he could get more girls than him.
If that indeed, was the real reason behind Paul's insistence that they embraced this new shorter styled haircut, it sadly for him did not have the desired effect anyway. The shortness of Artie's  hair now, only served to accentuate his very high cheekbones and also the brilliant blueness of his eyes.

"I suppose you'll definitely be growing your hair back to the way it was before then, you know when we actually make it ".  Paul said with a wry smile.

"What makes you so certain that we will....... As you say...... Make it, then? ".   Artie asked now crossing one leg over the other and staring hard at his friend.

"Oh, we will".  Smiled Paul.  "Anyway you also think we will too don't you, I mean look at us...... We're half way there already with this record....... And what with your voice and my superb songwriting and guitar playing skills, well......... it stands to reason that we will". 

Artie shook his head and gave a little smile to himself as he bent his head down to look at his book once again. Paul though, had now figured out that his idea to have exactly the same short back and sides haircut hadn't  gone down that well with his very quiet, introverted friend.

"I'm getting quite used to the close cropped look now anyway".   Paul went on, looking at himself in the mirror once again, whilst also trying to convince himself and Artie too, as a matter of fact that this was indeed the right steps to take.
"And to be honest with you, I think your hair really suits you too!".

Artie raised his head up slowly and smiled at his friend. He actually liked it when he got compliments from Paul, it made him feel kind of secure.

"The colour red really suits you". Artie then replied quietly, returning the gesture of a complimentary comment back as he looked at the bright red blazer that Paul was wearing.

"Why thank you Mr. Garfunkel". Paul grinned, now pulling at the lapels of his jacket as he turned to give himself yet another satisfactory look into the mirror.
"Yeah, I think you're right! It really does suit me, doesn't it".

Artie now slid off his chair and placed his book down, then slowly took off his spectacles before retrieving his own red jacket from the back of the chair and proceeded to put it on.
Paul turned to look at him.

"Looking good there too Arthur!".  He then smiled.

Artie looked down at himself shyly.

"Yep! We're really gonna look the biz today in our very first photo shoot".  Paul went on.

"I wonder if they've come up with a name for us yet?".  Artie asked, "I mean, I don't know what was wrong with using our own names to be honest".

"Well Sid actually said they sounded too Jewish". Paul answered, as he began placing his beloved guitar into its case.

"Too Jewish!".  Art exclaimed, "Did he tell you that? When did he say that?".

"Oh, the other day when I went round to the studio's with a few more of my songs".  Paul shrugged without looking up.

Artie stared at him.

"You went back there, without me?".  Artie asked, sounding somewhat hurt.

"I only popped round. It's no big deal".  Paul said.

Artie silently starred at him.

"Look".  Paul went on, "We've got our contracts, our consent forms are signed, we've got Hey Schoolgirl recorded and in the bag and today we are getting our first ever photos to do, for the record sleeve, plus other promotional stuff. It's going to be great".

Artie continued to stare at his friend, before asking:

"So.........? What did he say, you know when you went round there. Did he like the stuff you'd written?". 

"Oh, he loved them".  Smiled Paul, "Really loved them".

"And that's when he told you our names sounded too Jewish then?".  Artie said curtly.

"Pretty much, yeah".  Paul nodded.

Artie continued to stare at Paul.
It was obvious that he was smarting over the fact that Paul had gone around to the studio without even letting him know that he was going to do it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going over there?".  Artie now asked, seriously. "I would have liked to have come with you".

Paul put down his guitar case and sat down on a nearby stool, clasping his hands tightly and gave a deep sigh.

"You were too busy studying".  He breathed, "I didn't want to disturb you. Anyway I only popped in, dad was going past there anyway, so I got a lift. It was no big deal. I just dropped off the songs and that was pretty much it".

"But you discussed our names".  Artie went on.

"Yeah, well only briefly. He asked if we had thought of one yet and I told him we hadn't, that's all".  Paul answered. "So he said that he'd  probably choose one for us".

Artie continued to stare hard at his friend. He was not happy, although Paul really couldn't understand why.

"Look, its not a problem is it? Me going over there on my own? ". Paul now asked.

"Well....... I.... suppose not, no". Shrugged Artie, looking away.
"It still would have been nice though, you know to have had the opportunity to come over with you again, familiarise myself with the studio and everything". 

Paul now slid off the stool and strode over towards his friend, before draping a comforting arm around his shoulders.

"Aww..... Come on Artie mate, You can familiarise yourself with the stuff right now".  He smiled, "Don't forget we're going over there in a few minutes, so we can run through a few of the tunes together, then we'll get our pictures taken and possibly find out our new name for the band. Sounds like a brilliant day doesn't it?".

Artie looked at Paul, his eyes although sad looking still sparkled at the prospect of what this day actually had in store for them both and Artie couldn't help but to feel suddenly very excited about the prospect.
So he then nodded his head in silent agreement and smiled.

"That's better!".  Grinned Paul excitedly, "Now come on Art...... Let's go over there and knock them dead!".

" Tom and Jerry! ".   Exclaimed Paul, in absolute horror.
"What kind of a stupid name is that?".

"It's a good, catchy one, just like your songs are".  Sid Prosen now smiled.
"It's after the cartoon characters, you know the cat whose always trying to catch the mouse".

"I know who they are!".  Yelled back Paul,
"But you can't possibly name us after them it's stupid and besides, it just doesn't make any sense". 

"I kinda like it".  Artie smiled.

"Shut up Artie!".  Paul snapped.

"Well I think it suits you, you know it will appeal to your young audience of school kids. They'll love it, trust me".
Sid continued, snapping his fingers,
"Introducing................ Tom and Jerry!".

Paul glared angrily at him with his enthusiasm for the name.

"Well I think it's the dumbest thing ever! Calling us after some stupid cartoon characters".  Paul mumbled.

"Aww.... Come on Paulie, where's your sense of fun".  Smirked Artie.

Paul gave his friend a sidewards glare, he felt as if Artie wasn't actually helping this situation at all and he thought that his friend was finding all of this so very highly amusing, when he himself was most certainly not!.
Paul now turned his attention towards Sid again.

"So have you decided who's going to be who then?".  Paul asked him directly.

"Yeah, of course I have. Art will be Tom and you'll be Jerry".  He answered, with a smile.

Paul threw down his arms with complete annoyance.

"Oh, yeah........ I get it! The mouse. Of course I am the bloody mouse! I mean what on earth was I even thinking! Stands to reason doesn't it!".  He now spat, angrily.

The subtle choice of names was portraying Paul as Jerry the mouse, because of his distinct lack of inches.

Artie looked at his friend and swallowed hard. He knew all about Paul's sensitivity about his height and didn't particularly want him to be getting all upset over a stupid name.

"I don't mind being called Jerry".  Artie suggested,
"It makes no difference to me to be honest. So long as we get a hit record, who cares".

Paul swung round and gave him a cold, hard stare.
To him, Artie was making too light of the whole situation concerning the name, which only served to anger him even more.

"Well you've changed your damned tune". Paul snapped,
"What was all that about before, you know about being proud of your name and the fact that you didn't like being told it was too damn Jewish, huh!!".

Artie shrugged his shoulders.
He knew there was little use in trying to cement over any of this.
Paul was in a bad mood now and when he got in a bad mood, Artie knew only too well to just back off.

"Look, it's just showbiz stuff".  Sid tried to reason.
"I just want to get you both out there. Get the kids to remember you, listen to your music, buy your record. Artie's right, it's no big deal".  Sid said.

"OK, It's no big deal then. I'll be Jerry".   Paul yelled angrily.

Then turning to Artie he then hissed loudly at him:

"So you can have it your way. You get to have your damned name on the record first then Artie! I know that's what you've always wanted! ".

Artie frowned. He hadn't even thought about that. It hadn't even occurred to him which way round the names would be.
But Paul had and it certainly mattered to him very much indeed.

"You can also choose a Sir name to go with them if you'd like".   Sid now said, in an attempt to calm the situation down a bit.
"So in interviews and stuff you could introduce yourselves as Tom so and so and Jerry so and so, you know make the names sound a bit more authentic". 

Paul was now glaring at Sid, his dark eyes were cold and extremely angry looking.

"Alright then".  He suddenly said, "I'll be Jerry Landis".

"That's cool".  Smiled Artie, "I like it. Kinda rolls off the tongue in a good way".

Paul nodded at Artie's approval even if Sid Prosen wasn't so sure.

"It's the sir name of the girl I'm currently dating ".  Paul smiled at him. "Her name is Jenny you see, so it kinda fits, you know, Jenny Landis........... Jerry Landis......... Goes well".

"Okay...... then".  Sid said slowly,
"How about you Art? Can you think of a name? After one of your own girl friends perhaps?". 

Artie shook his head slowly.

"I don't actually have one".  He spoke quietly.

"What? A name for yourself or a girlfriend?". Sid frowned.

"Nah, Artie  doesn't have just one girlfriend, he's got about half a dozen of them!". Paul now laughed.

Sid stared hard at him.

"Is that so?".  He asked.

Artie looked down.

"The girls kinda like me".  He said quietly and shyly.

"What about something to do with math".  Paul suggested.

Then looking over towards Sid Prosen, he said:

"Artie's studying hard to gain his math degree you see. He aspires   to be a teacher or a professor or something along those lines". 

Sid frowned at the blonde haired boy sitting on the stool just in front of him as now Paul began to gently strum on the guitar that he had on his lap.

"Is that so?".   Sid asked, surprise within his tone.
"You...... You want to go into education? With you having a voice like that ?".  Sid asked.

"It's a form of insurance isn't it Artie?".  Paul answered for him, without looking up from his strumming.
"Just in case we fail".

"I also like to study".  Artie spoke, clasping his hands tightly together. "I actually enjoy it".

"Well, you two boys take the biscuit, you really do".  Sid now said, shaking his head in sheer disbelief.
"I mean, you actually amaze me. Usually the kids that come through these doors, are all too quick to give up on their studies and leave school. They can't wait to start full time in a musical career". 

He then turned to Paul.

"What about you? Are you looking for an alternative career as well then?".

"Well...... To be honest with you, I'm also studying for an honours degree, of course I am and I  want to graduate too, but I'm not one to spend as much time on it as Artie here, besides I have music to write" Announced Paul.
"Art's a little bit more obsessed with books and stuff like that than I am".

"Nothing wrong in trying to stretch and broaden your mind".  Artie spoke quietly.

Paul looked down and smiled, then began strumming his guitar once again.

"If this whole music thing fails, I'd like to believe that I can go ahead and do something else".  Artie went on, turning to look over at Sid.
"Architecture also interests me greatly, so I wouldn't mind going off into that sphere either".

Sid now rubbed at his chin ruefully, looking at the two boys each in  turn very carefully indeed.

"A very beautiful voice and an articulated mind, that's our Artie for you!".  Paul announced, as he continued to strum gently on his guitar.

"So, I see.....".  Sid spoke ruefully.

Obviously he had never come across anyone like these two  before and although they could sing and harmonise well together, whilst also studying hard, Sid couldn't help but wonder what they could actually achieve if they didn't let their schoolwork get in the way.
The pair of them could become formidable.
He was now even keener to get them both out there into the public domain.

How often would he actually come across a couple of astute young boys, who were obviously very intelligent, studied hard, had an immaculate all American clean cut image, with one who had a talent for songwriting and the other the voice of an angel.
Yes....... Sid Prosen was very, very excited about these two indeed.

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