Untamed Hearts


50.4K 2.9K 493

" You are MINE and I will destroy each and everyone who tries to come between us" A single night changed Kong... Еще

End of Innocence
Entangled life
Sweet Tooth
Dada loove you
Beginning of end....
Meet with the devil
what if....
Is this okay??
Back to square one
Can we forget??
Bitter Truth
Entitled To Justice
A new morning
You are not weak
Trust me
you startled me!
Word on the street
Obsession is also love
Warmest Heart
Author's note
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3

Lies and lies....

1.1K 85 6


Neol yells in blind rage, turning the whole courtroom silent. He can't hear anymore to this crap. That lawyer is asking all those derogatory questions to Atid just to twist the case in wrong direction. He can not let that asshole attorney to belittle his baby's character like that anymore.

Briskily walking towards his son who has his face covered with both of his hands, shoulders shaking as deeply agonizing cries left him.

Kongpob is sitting on a chair inside a wooden witness box, across him is Atid in white shirt and dark slacks minus his black coat which he had gotten rid of earlier when opposition requested to have some questions for him. The lawyer is sporting equally muderous expression as Neol.

The old man caress the black mop gently and kongpob wounded his hands around his father and hide his tear stricken face in Neol's suit claded chest, sobbing,"Dad..I I...its not.. not true..I..Phi..we..."

"Shhh!!! I know son", Neol shushes Kongpob before aiming his dark cold gaze on Aat's lawyer who has a smirk and arrogant smile pasted over his lips.

"My son is not characterless and he don't need to prove it to any of you", Neol roamed his eyes to all the present audiences, judges and officials present there," ANY. OF. YOU. None of you know him enough to form opinions mere based on some random clicks presented in a twisted manner". Neol once agin strucked his death glare to the defence attorney," I didn't knew that people could be this much dirty minded that they can't differentiate between affection and blind lust. I had come here in hope that my son who had his life ruined, his innocense stolen from him in the most inhuman way, scarring his body and mind for his whole life...he would get justice. My Kongpob...he would get justice but....But how wrong was I???....Instead of giving punishment to that monster, you are pointing fingers on my baby's character!!! How dare you????"

The old person looks back to the judge panel consisting of 3 jury," you only care for proof??? ain't it??? Take it!! see it!!!". The old man pulled out the pics of raped and bleeding 15 year old Kongpob and throw it on the wooden desk of the typist. The flaggbustered clerk hurriedly picks up the snaps and passes it to the jury.

"I came here to get my old kongpob my cheerful baby back. I didn't knew that you people would...would rip my child into pieces. would shred his remaining self respect. It was like watching him getting raped all over again!!!!! I don't need justice if it is the way!!!", Neol breaks in tears himself and he wraps his arms around Kongpob protectively.

Arthit and others have not been able to come with them as Kongpob's case is a bit sensitive because of several reasons and except family and lawyer no one else is allowed inside the courtroom. From opposition, it is only Mongkut and Aat's lawyer.

Atid has already submitted the proofs he had gotten from Aat's apartment on last hearing. He is waiting for Ray so that he could submit last off the evidences which would surely prove Aat's crime as he can not make himself to deposit the video clipping in the court. Arthit is also agreed to it. They have not told Kongpob about the presence of the clip because they know that it would take the young man 5 years back which is the last thing he need.


so you are in relationship with Arthit Rojanpat? Accused's youngest brother???", Xavier asks pointing to a snapshot of Arthit and Kongpob together with Asnee.


"Is it your first relationship???"

" Objection your honour!! MY dear friend is asking mundane questions which are not only personal but have no link with the case", Atid argues to which Xavier gives him a frosty smile," Believe me, Mr. Perawat. Everything i ask or do is related to the case"

Huffing Atid sits back, as he reads through the papers, discreetly glancing towards defence attorney who goes back to his client.

" So, Mr. Suthalik?"

" Yes. It is my first relationship"

" are you sure?"

Kongpob squints at the lawyer, clueless what to take of the question but still gives a nod.

"then what is this??", Xavier presses on some remote and then the projector begins to show pictures of kongpob and Arthit alongside Atid and Kongpob together from various incidents ranging from the time they first met till date. The young student confused, looks at the pictures swirling on the screen oblivious of the real reason behind these.

But Atid quickly grasped on Xavier's trick and stands up," objection my lord!! The photos including me and my client were ages old -

" So is the case Mr. Atid", Xavier didn't let Atid finish off his sentence.

"Objection overruled. Mr. Atid take your seat and wait for your turn. Let Mr. Xavier question"

Frustrated Atid exhales through his nose, killing the opposition in all painful ways. His eyes goes back to Kongpob who is looking back at him with concern. Atid tries to assure him by forcing a smile which is as fake and forced as the next few moments would be.

Kongpob focuses back on the projector screen to get some kind of hint. The pictures were from early days when Kongpob had just started to warm up to the elder. He had come back from the hospital after his suicide attempt. It was also then when Atid had come to know about his assault and panic attacks. After that, the elder always tried to cheer up Kongpob, took him to hotels or parks just to walk or grab sandwich. Kongpob has also started to trust Atid and they together begin to work on him getting his confidence back. There was one time when Neol had to go back to states for a week to sign off the final papers. Atid had taken Kongpob under his wing as the older had seen how much the tutor care for his son and is trustworthy... But why are they showing it now???...

And then Kongpob noticed it. Not the photos but what they are imitating... they were looking...like couple on dates!!!...Some are from hotels them eating lunch, some are of Atid embracing Kongpob which looks somewhat intimate but it is not real. Kongpob just had his panic attack and Atid was merely calming him...the young student can feel cold sweats rising all over his for head, his heartbeats are going erratic a taletell of his upcoming panic attack. Kongpob takes deep breath, gripping the wooden arm chair tightly, his knuckles turning white as he sees the next picture. This one is kind of grainy may be from CCTV footage where...they kind of looked kis..kissing...

"It..IT'S WRONG!!", the young student shouts pointing to the picture.

"Are you saying it is not you and Mr. Atid??", Xavier politely asks but Atid can clearly see the smugness behind his facade.

" n..no. it is me and phi bu-

" please note it down your honour", Xavier goes back to the gullible and innocent brown orbs staring back at him with confusion and for a fleeting moment the attorney thought to not go by his plan. But it was just that. A fleeting moment.

Squaring his shoulders, he puts out his next question," Mr. Suthalik just answer me in yes or no. Is Mr. Atid is your go to person ??? I mean special person??? Like he holds place in your heart???"

Kongpob just gives a nod to all questions and tries to find Atid but Xavier throws him another question," did you and the accused had met before your rape??? How do you know each other???"

"I..I...had met him in a nightclub"

" But you were a minor!"

" I..I..sneaked out with my friend, got fake ID"

" So, if I say that accused was not aware of your real age, would it be wrong??"

" Obje-

" Overruled", Atid was once again cut off by the jury.

Kongpob is feeling like he is getting himself trapped if he answers but..He have to answer," Y..yes. at th-

"Point to be noted down Your honour", Kongpob gives a bewildered look to jury panel as he had not even completed his sentence.

"Your honour, now give a look at these clips", with that the room turns dark for a split second before the projector screen blinds the room with its screen light.

Kongpob felt like he is in a nightmare as he sees his younger self with Aat on different occasions. It was the time when Kongpob had been unaware of monster's real intention. His whole being is numb to the core as pictures after pictures of his ugly past are displayed. He didn't even was aware of these clicks. How naive he was to not notice any of these things!!!

The courtroom once again turns back to normal.

Xavier calls for the jury," now the reason why i showed all these pictures. All pictures are one way or other seems the same. Like people who are together!!

"It is not true!!! I was not aware of these photos", Kongpob shouts much to Atid's dismay and he closes his eyes dejected. His client has just provided more ammo to Xavier.

"I know that. If you had been aware of these photos, you wouldn't had dared to weave out this false and cheap story to get revenge over Aat Perawat"

" Revenge??? What are you talking about??? It..it's not like that. Phi!! Phi tell them. I am not lying Phi tell them"

"Your honour, whatever my client is saying is true. I know him for years. He is -

" Sorry Mr. Perawat but your personal  opinions won't have weightness against Mr. Xavier's argument as you himself is involved in this", Jury responds to young lawyer.

"What Revenge?? Let me tell you Mr. Suthalik. You wanted to be with my client but he refused when he came to know about you lying regarding your real age. Your pride was hurt as well all your plans to enjoy a luxuries life crashed. The reports showing drugs in your system from 5 years back is not because you were injected but because you had consumed it on your own like any other typical teenager with family issues. Unfortunately you met an accident leading to you gravely injured. Your father changed countries to stop all rumours and here you caught hold of another Richie rich Mr. Atid here and then Arthit Perawat. Do you think court is fool to not understand your real intentions here??? How come you never came across the fact that all three are brothers??? The truth is that you have known about it all the way and to get Aat you used both Perawat brothers, telling them some dirty story of their brother being obsessed with you and kidnapping you. It is not my client, it's you who is obessesd with Mr. Aat Perawat"

"Stop!", Kongpob softly requests. He is drowning. He has no idea how things turned this way. He has not done any of those things.

"Mr. Suthalik, answer the court why your father not filed case??? If you had been assaulted by my client why did you let him free? If what he had done to you is this much life shattering to you why did you waited this long??? Why only now you are coming out??? Why??? Answer me!!!!"

"Its not true. It's not true. It's not true", Kongpob just keeps on mumbling the same three words.

Xavier turns to the jury panel," the truth is that none of this fabricated story has a cent of truth in it. Mr. Suthalik here is a characterless person who has no amorphous values or ethics. He is plainly lying and wrongly accusing my client. All the evidence showed by other party is from ages ago. Like they were being preserved all these years...if he had all these proofs then why didn't he complained 6 years ago when it would had been very easy to win the case?? Why wait this long??? It is just a planned strategy to defame my client and a dirty trick to get favours like money or-

" ENOUGH!!!", Atid bangs his palms on the table as he charges for the attorney but the police officials grabs him from reaching to the party.

"I will kill you. You asshole!!! Leave me", Atid struggles against the officials while lifting his legs to kick the other when one of jury strikes hammer.

" Order order!! Mr. Perawat you himself is a lawyer. Control yourself. And if you dont stop right away, we are cancelling your license"

The threat worked and Atid's protests ceased. Giving a bow to the jury and audience muttering an apology," Sorry your honour!"

" Mr. Perawat, don't let your temper ruin everything you have worked hard for all these years. If the court revokes your license, you would lose all your name and fame. losing your integrity and tarnishing your image in the law world would be like committing suicide to your law career. So, please check in your emotions from running high. I am letting you off because it is your very first mistake but take it as my last warning

Atid composes himself and schooles his expression into nothingness," thank you your honour". Shrugging off the holds of cops, he starts for his seat when his steps falters. He clenched his teeth and turned to Xavier after hearing his new request.

"Your honour, I would like to ask Mr. Atid Perawat some questions"

" permission granted"


"In light of new evidences and keeping in view the last submitted proofs, the case has changed its direction. The police is ordered to investigate further as well as search thoroughly into the past record of accused as well as victim's. Court strictly warns Mr. Xavier to spread false speculation on base of some random pictures. And only to present any theory when he posses necessary documents to back them up. He needs to keep in mind that character of a person can not be the parameter to judge or form opinions whether one is raped or is fabricating some story. Rape is Rape. Period. Even if a sexual worker accused someone of harming him or her physically or even menatlly then it is his or her right to seek justice. Just because the victim is involved in such profession, doesn't mean that he or she has no right to say NO. The court hopes that from next time onwards, Mr. Xavier would try to keep an open mind.

.....Mr. Suthalik, Court understands your rage as well the pain victim is suffering through but still you broke the decorum of courtroom. Thus, Mr. Neol Suthalik is fined by............baht and an apology letter.

Next hearing would be on next wednesday and this time both parties must be present. Court is adjourned"

Atid rushes out of the iron barracks of witness box as one of the jury signals him while another strikes hammer twice against the table.


I know it has so many errors and I have not crafted the proceedings really well. Apologies for that. Would come back later to edit it out.

10th Oct.2020

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