Everyone Deserves love (Heath...

By Orochimaru_Wife23

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Kevin is a teenager who lives in an orphanage. Who signs up for Total Drama Island for fun and hopes to earn... More

Chapter 1: Not So Happy Campers part 1
Chapter 2: Not so happy campers part 2
Chapter 3 : Staying Awake
Chapter 4 : Dodgeball
Chapter 5: Gwen Dairy
Chapter 6 : Night in The Woods
Chapter 7 : Nightmare
Chapter 8 : Facing your Fears
Chapter 9 : Boney Island
Chapter 10 : Paintball Deer hunt
Chapter 11 : A Three-Course Meal
Chapter 12 : Trust
Chapter 13 : Master Chef Bootcamp
Chapter 14 : Love Poem
Chapter 16: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 17 : Treasure hunt
Chapter 18 : Hide and Seek
Chapter 19: Bike Racing
Chapter 20 : Horror in the Night
Chapter 21: Wawanakwa gone Wild
Chapter 22: Tial by Tri-Armed Triathalon
Chapter 23: Stranded
Chapter 24: Abandoned in the forest
Chapter 25: Dares
Chapter 26:Final
Rewrite in progress

Chapter 15 : Meal of Disgustingness

612 12 33
By Orochimaru_Wife23

Kevin's P.O.V

"What no breakfast?" I hear Trent ask as we all walk into the Main Lodge.

"Oh don't worry bro. There will be plenty of food later on," Chris said before he and Chef begin to snicker and I could already tell something was up.

"What're you two Bozos ao giggly about?" Leshawarna asked and I nodded.

"Yeah what so funny?"I asked looking at the two men.

" Congratulations to the remaining eleven campers for reaching the halfway mark in the competition! You'll all be on the jury for the final episode," Chris said looking at all of us.

"We got the power yeah!" Geoff said putting gist up in the air.

/Kevin: Making it the halfway mark is pretty cool. I just hope I can win the money to help improve the orphanage./

"The two teams will become one next week, but first. All the girls will be moved to the Gopher cabin and all the guys will stay in the Bass cabin. This week's challenge is as old as history itself. A battle of the sexes. After everyone is settled in I will announce the challenge. And then, you'll have an uh, bite to eat," Chris said as he and Chef burst out laughing.

I and Heather both exchange a look confused.

"Ready for a little good news? This week no one will be kicked off," Chris announced as we all cheered. "It's all for a reward and it's a good one. Okay, time to relocate. Let's move."


I was walking with Heather and Lindsay. Heather lays her head on my shoulder as I continue to walk.

"What do you think the reward is?" She asks I wrap my arm around her stomach and pull her closer to me.

"I'm not sure. But if it something sharable, I will definitely share it with you," I said kissing Heather on the cheek.

Heather then notices Bridgette up ahead and removes herself from my hold.

"I'll be right back," she said before leaving and walking up to Bridgette, pushing her away from Geoff.

"Wow, your hair looks great today. So natural." Bridgette is surprised by Heather's compassion towards her.

As Heather continues to manipulate Bridgette. I go inside the cabin and grab my stuff to move over to the guy's cabin.


We had about a couple of minutes left. I was currently talking with Heather on the porch of the guy's cabin.

"I'm going to miss working with you as teammates," Heather said laying her head on my lap.

"What are you talking about? Nothing going to change. I always still be on your side. Our alliance hasn't changed and it won't," I told her kissing her forehead.

"Well it did a little bit," she said blushing a little before she eyed Bridgette who walks past us.

"I gotta go. Maybe I can get Surfer girl to join us," Heather said giving me a quick hug. And runs over to Bridgette.

I look back at Heather with concern for her, knowing that the majority of the girls in that cabin hate her.

/Kevin: I hope Gwen and Leshawna won't do anything to harm her. If so then the guy they called Mr. Nice isn't going to be so nice. I can be extremely scary when it comes to people messing with someone I care about. At least that what my best friends always told me./

I soon then walk into the guy's cabin. I saw all the guys partying and blasting music. I didn't really care if it was loud. I was used to hearing people play loud music, plus everyone seemed to be having fun.

I unpacked my belongings and settled in. I picked a bed and just sat down and started writing in my journal and drawing.

My attention was drawn by a loud but. I quickly looked up and saw Geoff letting out this loud and ongoing burp. It somehow managed to move our hair out of place and making the doors of the cabin shake.

"Wow," I widened my eyes completely shocked about what just happened.

"Nice one. That guy deserves to be captain," Trent said.

"SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH!" All the guys started chanting.

Geoff stood on a stool and prepared to speak. I shook my head at this craziness going on.

"I owe it all to my big bro back home. For showing me how to pull back and let her rip," He said letting out another loud burp. "Those chicks are going down."

I just shrugged and continue drawing a picture of Heather and hoping she was doing okay.


We all meet back up with Chris.

"It's time for today's challenge," Chris said.

"Uh, where's breakfast at?" Leshawna asked.

Chef and Chris then started laughing again at who knows what.

"Stop doing that!" Heather growled.

"Let's just tell them today's challenge is: The Brunch of Disgustingness. You'll be getting a nine-course meal. Each member of each team must finish each dish. You will not know if the next dish grosser than the last, or not as gross, or just as gross. Just that it will likely be gross."

"Tell them what they get if they win, Chris!" Chef exclaimed.

"The winning team spends two days at a local 5-star resort where they'll be pampered, eat gourmet nosh, and be given antibiotics may have got while participating in this challenge. The losing team will go hungry tonight and spend the next 2 days here on Total Drama Island with Chef." Chris told us making some of us gasp.

"We are going to win this challenge," Heather stated.

I smiled at Heather wishing her good luck.


We all sat down and prepared for the first 'meal'. Leshawna coughed to get our attention.

"Take a whiff, boys. 'Cause all I smell is victory for me and my girls." Leshawna said.

"I eat anything even my drawers if I have to. Will I have to?" Owen asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Let's begin the challenge," Chris said.

We removed the lid of the plate to reveal a..... a very interesting dish to say the least.

"Alright, meatballs! Bring it on!" Owen cheered pouring them in his mouth.

"Well technically, your right Owen. But these are kinda special." Chris winked.

"It's beef testicle bourguignon," Chef told him.

"Testicle?" Owen questioned then spat it out on DJ.

I watched all the guys attempt to finish the dish. They weren't doing so well. As for me, I was not going to attempt to eat that. That is just downright gross.

"What's the matter? You big boys can't eat a little meatball?" Heather taunted.

"Come on! We can't let the girls win. Our manhood is at stake." Geoff told us.

"You don't seriously expect me to eat this, do you?" I raised an eyebrow.

I watched the guys continue to attempt to finish the dish. I and Duncan both watched Geoff give Bridgette a pep talk and convinced her to finish the dish. 

"Well, looks like the guys lost this round. The first challenge goes to the female campers." Chris said as they cheered.

"Thanks for the talk, Geoff." Bridgette thanked as she returned back to the girls.

"What, you're helping them, dork?! You just cost us this round!" Duncan exclaimed.

"Yo, it's my business who I talk to! Give me a break, man."

'Yeah, I would do the same thing if it was Heather. So just leave him alone," I said.

"We can't let them win!" Trent pointed.

This tiny debate continued until Chris blew his whistle.

"Are we here to argue or are we here to eat a series of revolting meals?" Chris interrupted.

They put the past behind and made up as if it never happened. 

"The score now stands at 1 for the girls and 0 for the guys. And now the next course in The Brunch of Disgustingness. You guys like pizza?" Chris asked.

"I can eat pizza anytime with anything on it!" Owen cheered.

"Anything? How about live grasshopper pizza with tangy jellyfish sauce and live anchovies?" Chris smiled.

"You just had to say something me, Owen," I said facepalming.

"What?! Pizza is pizza." He happily shrugged.

I put a slice on my plate and blankly stared at it. Owen easily managed to finish his slice.

"I can do this. DJ, I need you to hold me down, while Geoff you stuff the slice in my mouth. And no matter how much I scream or beg you have got to feed me that slice." Trent told them.

"Sure, I'm in," Geoff said.


We watched Trent try to wobble out of DJ's hold.

"No stop! Wait it was a joke! I was kidding! Haha! I'm warning you my dad's a lawyer." Trent said but Geoff shoved the slice in his mouth.

"Mama?" Trent looked at DJ.

DJ actually started to cradle Trent as if he were an actual baby while he sucked his thumb.

"What the  heck?" I said dryly with a look of clear confusion.

"You gonna start dude? Everyone's just about done and you haven't even started." Duncan pointed.

I looked at the pizza and sighed. As much as I don't want to eat it, I'm not risking being pinned down and forced to eat this trash. At least this way I'll be able to finish at my own pace.

"Hurry up dude, the girls almost finish!" Geoff shouted.

"If you stop distracting me by talking I'll chew faster." I growled swallowing the last bits of pizza."There, done."

"The winner of this round are the guys!" Chris said as we cheered.

"Alright, who's ready for the next dish?" Chris asked.

They took the lid off and it revealed a bunch of worms covered in green sauce.

"Spaghetti!" Chris exclaimed."Actually, earthworms covered in snail slime sauce and hairballs." 

/Kevin: Okay, this is just gross, but at least Heather is doing ok.\


We all put on blindfolds and nose plugs. 

"I love spaghetti. Spaghetti is good." Geoff reminded himself.

I sighed and proceeded to eat the spaghetti. 

"Done!" Geoff cheered burping out a worm.

"And once again the winners are the guys," Chris announced as we cheered again.

"Alright, everybody. Time for course number four. No nine-course meal would be complete without soup. Today's special is French bunion soup with hangnail crackers. 

We all began attempting to eat the soup. The taste of this was just revolting. And I swear one of those hangnail crackers had some dirt in it or something.

"And the girls win again." Chris pointed as they cheered." Only five more courses left.  bon appétit" 

We continued on with Chef and Chris's sick game of eating their prepared meals. This list includes A pile of Chef's prechewed gum, A skunks spray, a flip flop, banana peels, fish heads, and rotten cans.


At this point, we were all extremely sick to our stomachs. 

"Wow, it's still tied up. We're down to the last course in the challenge. It's delicious Dolphin weiners. Hot dogs made of Dolphins." Chris said.

This was probably the most normal thing we've had. That doesn't make this normal, but just not as insane as the rest of the crud we ate.

Unfortunately, Both Bridgette and DJ both refused to not eat so Chris took it to a tiebreaker. It was Leshawna vs. Owen.

"Whoever can drink the most shot glasses of fresh delicious cockroaches will be the winner. This unlikely blend of eight different cockroaches is vitamin-rich for your balanced lifestyle. On your mark, get set, go!" Chris said.

We watched them drink down 6 glasses straight. Leshawna stopped but Owen kept going and finished. 

"Owen wins!" Chris pointed as me and the rest of the guys cheered.

"Leshawna, you are completely useless!" Heather pointed.

"Somethings coming up." She said and began barfing.

Most of us ended up barfing up the trash we just ate.


After saying goodbye to Heather. I and the guys headed for the boat that would take us to the 5-star resort.


Hey lovely readers

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Also, don't forget to comment, and vote.

Q: What was your favorite part of the chapter?

Q: What was did you think was the most disgusting course of the meal?

Q: What was the gross thing you ever ate?

Thank you for reading 💜💜💜

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