From Victim to Lover

By spencerreidluver224

660 34 9

She was the victim and now she's in love with the fellow agent that rescued her. Will it last or will their j... More

The Rescue
Come Back To Me
The Return
Hannah Evans
Lover's Lane
Ghost from my past
Wedding Day
Girl's Night Out
Old Friends

I'd Wait for you

18 1 0
By spencerreidluver224

Hannah's POV

 "How did you even get in here? How did you escape?" I say looking back and slowly rising "I mean I knew I had to come find you. Did you really think that abuse charges were going to stop me." The voice says getting closer. "Daniel you are talking about years ago. Yeah maybe I knew it wasn't gonna keep you there forever."I say trying to by as much time. "You blocked me out of your life like I never existed." he says pointing a gun at my head. "I got abducted and was held captive for a year. When I got back and wouldn't talk about what happened you punched me in the face. You broke my ribs I told them I fell down the stairs because my legs gave out regarding the pain meds they gave me. I couldn't handle it anymore, a girl can only take so many beatings before she is done." I yell looking at him. "I just wanted answers. If you had given me what I wanted that never would've happened" he smirks looking at me. 

"If you're here to hurt me than just do it but if not please say what you have to and get out." I say motioning towards the door, "Oh I am here to hurt you. See loaded in your car is a bomb and unless you want your Fiance to die you are gonna go get in your car and drive to a location. I have the trigger. Your car is GPS'd to my phone so I can track you route." he says devilishly smirking at me. "How do I know you are even going to hurt Spencer? He is completely innocent in all of this." I say holding back tears. 

 "See but your definition of innocent must be different then mine. When you have been watching someone as long as I have been watching you, you learn things. He brought you back to life in Aruba and then he proposed to you. He is way to romantic, the rose petals and the pictures and the music and the friends. It makes me sick." he says pulling an IPAD out of his pocket there is video footage of multiple guys in the bar holding guns to all the guys heads "They are just waiting for my go ahead and all the men in your life will be gone. They stole you from me." he says a few octaves higher than his normal voice. 

I stare at him. Aruba. It all makes sense now it wasn't a brain problem I really did get hit in the head with a hard blunt object  "You tried to kill me in Aruba. While I was by myself when you saw me you could've just talked to me there instead of smashing me in the head with a rock. But now you just want to talk. Fine we can talk come over here and help me pack these last few boxes. No one has to die today." I slowly begin backing up to the panic button Spencer installed a few months back in case something happened and the other person wasn't around the save us. It links directly to the police to arrive ASAP and right to Emily's phone so she can contact the team. 

 "I thought killing you would've just burned your fiance more than it would hurt you. I figured you would drown and no one would find you. I could live my life knowing I made your "family" feel the way I felt when I saw you on that witness stand testifying against me when you showed them pictures and betrayed my love. I treated you like a princess. You treated me like a peasant." he says reaching into his pocket to grab the trigger "Go get in the car. Or your man candy and family die." he yells "Okay. let me just leave a goodbye note so i can tell him how much I love him." I say pressing the button as he looks down at the IPAD. "Okay fine. But make it quick you got 2 minutes." I scribble down every address he could be sending me too and to track the GPS Spencer put in my bracelet. It was a precaution we both took after I almost drowned in Aruba. In case I didn't get out of this alive I wrote at the bottom of the page to tell Spencer I love Him and he meant everything to me. 

I get in the car and think to myself this is nothing like what I have been through before. He pistol whips me and shoves me in the driver's seat. "Remember I am tracking you. Now drive and take this so you can hear me. He hands me an ear piece." he says. 

He gives me directions that lead me to DC. My old apartment from before I got attacked. 

In my ear piece. "You Know Hannah Banana Gary Cole was my cellmate in prison. He told me about the baby you had after he raped you and that he made you give up. He brought it to the fire station and just dropped it off there. That poor kid is better in the foster system than with you. Keep going straight my little genius." he says I drive until I reach the bridge. This bridge holds multiple meetings. "Do you remember this place Han?" he asks. 

This was where Daniel punched me until I almost fell over the edge before a biker named Chad helped me and got rid of him for me. Also this bridge is where Daniel Proposed 3 days before that beating. 

"Yeah I do remember this bridge Daniel. Now please I am ready to die. If i die I die." My GPS starts beeping morse code. I smile. 

The police are... 2 minutes out. I need to distract him and keep him here so the police aren't running a wild goose chase. 

 "Daniel I want to keep going but my vision is getting blurry from the pistol whip. Can you come clean my wound and give me a Tylenol?" I ask. If there is one thing I remember it is he always has a first aid kit. "Fine but we aren't taking longer than a 5 minute first aid break." he says and I hear him get out of the car that has been tailing me. I say thank you as he begins cleaning up the head wound I watch my car timer change and hear the police sirens in a distance. 

 "Put your hands up. Now FBI" Derek yells holding his gun to the back of Daniel's head and Spencer open my door. "I told you the GPS bracelets would work." i say kissing him "Sorry to spoil your night." I respond looking up at him. 

 "Any night spent with you is my favorite night no matter what happens." he says wrapping his arms around me as I bury my head in his chest. He starts rubbing circles in my back to calm me down. 


We eventually move into our condo overlooking the beach, I gave in a let Spencer turn one of the extra bedrooms into our own personal library. But now I have to do something that is going to continuously stress me out. WEDDING PLANNING!!!! 

About 3 months go by and it is time for me and the girls to go to the bridal shop so they can help me pick out  wedding dress. We enter the bridal shop, Emily and JJ rented it out for 2 hours. JJ, Emily, Tara, and Morgan's wife Savannah and Penelope are all here as the only family I have. 

The nice owner comes over to the group of us when we enter. "Which one of you is the lovely bride to be?" she asks looking each of us over.  "I am." I reach my hand and shake hers. Her name is Lillian that is a very pretty name. "Well I mean I have to be. My bridal party either are married or Single." I laugh. JJ has Will and the boys, Savannah has Derek and little Hank, Emily has that guy out in Colorado she never told me his name. Poor Tara single as ever and Penelope has Luke. 

"Okay well do you know the look you are going for?" She asks while her assistant sits the girls.  "I definitely want white lace for the arms. Like maybe a Satin skirt. I just want a plain lace and satin dress." I say. "I have just what you're looking for. I am guessing your man likes the lace." I laugh and think about the first time I opened my apartment door and was in my red lace matching bra and underwear set. Talk about watching a doctor go stupid. "Maybe a little too much" I laugh grabbing one dress off the rack of 5 that she gave me. 

I walk out towards the girls, JJ called Diana Spencer's mom cause she wanted an opinion. I am so happy me and his mom get along. She honestly is the best person I could've hoped for in a future mother-in-law. I walk out in this first dress and the girls instantly are in awe. 

 "Girl lace is the way to go for you. That dress is gorgeous. The strapless with the lace coming across your chest and it continuing down the arms and the plain satin skirt. Spencer is going to like pass out when he see you." Tara says. I just don't feel like this is it for me though.  

 "You know what I think it's missing something." Emily smiles. 

 "I agree. You need some sparkle. Add some glitter to the satin skirt." JJ says 

"Never a bad day for sparkle." Penelope squeals. 

After 1 hour of trying on dresses there are 2 more left on the rack and one catches my attention. The lace Sleeves with the lace top. A plain white glittered satin skirt that has a slit in the leg. Honestly it's my dream dress and I didn't even know it. I threw a white belt around the center and a vail on my head. I can feel it this is it. I walk out and JJ dramatically falls out of her chair, Emily pretends to faint and Tara is pretending to fan herself. 

 "Darling. That dress is gorgeous and you are gorgeous." Diana says. "Momma you have said that about all of them" I laugh walking over to the computer where Diana is. "Well it is true. Every dress you have put on you look absolutely stunning in. Well sweety I have to go. I will write to you and Spencer this week. I will see you soon." she says waving."Bye Momma." she leaves and I step back up onto the stool. 

"Hannah. This is the one. The slit the lace the glitter. You honestly are going to blow any bride out of the water." JJ says taking pictures. "As your official maid of honor and co wedding planner. I agree this is the one. No one will ever be able to compare to you." Emily says smiling. 

"OMG OMG OMG. This is honestly going to be corny but if i saw you struttin it in that dress I would marry you." Penelope squeals. 

I look at Tara who is nodding and going picture crazy. I agree and look back in the mirror. I am in love with this dress. I pay for it and we leave with smiles on our faces and champagne in our hands. 

"Okay so have you and Spencer picked a color scheme you want so we know what color dresses to wear." she snaps me out of my day dream of the wedding day. "Oh what yeah. Ummm I want red and he wants blue. But we compromised on red." I say smiling. 

"OK. So we have a venue, we have a bride with a beautiful dress. We have colors now we need flowers and catering and I really hope the boys are all right on their own." JJ says looking around.  "Well i mean we did leave them with Rossi." Emily says."They'll be fine. Okay So i am thinking we go get our dresses now Hannah do you want us all matching with dresses or what?" Penelope asks squealing. 

 "Okay well I want you, JJ, and Tara and Savannah to be matching but Emily I want your dress a little different." I say looking around. 

"Do you know how beautiful a red and white wedding is going to be ughh I can't wait. It's only a month away and I feel as nervous as Hannah should." Tara says smiling. "I know it's normal to feel nervous. But honestly I am so excited. Marrying Spencer is one of the only things in my life that I know I actually want." I say dazing back to the thought of that day. 

We arrive at the dress shop and it didn't take long for the girls to find the dresses that they want and could agree on and I helped Emily find a dress. 

"So white heels with our dresses. Also girls I made an appointment for all of us the day of the wedding they are putting white and red flowers in our hair. We all wanted our hair down with curls right?" Em asks looking at the Bridal Party. They all nod and we arrive back at the house. We pick our dresses up the morning of the wedding. We all start drinking while Emily makes calls about catering. Tomorrow Spencer and I have to go pick up flowers. He wants White flowers but I get to pick the kind of white flower. 


" Okay so we agreed white flowers for everyone else and you my love are getting red flowers." Spencer says as he opens my door. I get out and we walk into the flower shop. "Correct." I say I look at the florist. "Yes Hi can I have one bouquet of red Amaryllis and 150 white  gardenias along with 5 bouquets of the white gardenias" she smiles and my phone rings. 

Spencer pays for it and we walk to the car while i listen to the lady on the side of the phone 

"Correct and you guys are dropping both things off correct? Okay. Yes the 15th of June. Mhmm Thank you have a great rest of your day." I get off the phone while Spence begins to drive "Who was that may I ask?" he smiles i can see him looking at me from the corner of his eye. 

"That was the people bringing your wedding present and I answered another call from the jewelry store about your ring. Both are being brought to Rossi's house for the wedding on the day." I say grabbing his hand. We drive in Silence for a while. That's the good thing about being with Spencer we don't always have to talk. Just his presence is enough for me. We continue the drive home when Spencer gets a phone call from JJ. 

 "We have to go the office. Something important Emily needs us." he says turning around. We arrive shortly later at the office he grabs my hand and heads inside. When we get out of the elevator he turns around and looks at me. "You really didn't think I nor Emily would forget your birthday." he smiles as we walk in to the round table. 

Lights pop on and everyone jumps out with streamers and noise makers. I smile so big and everyone starts talking and approaching me and giving me hugs. I sit down with Emily and the rest of the gang. 

I lean into Spencer. "Remember the last time you all threw me a last surprise birthday party. I think back to that awkward day that turned into the first night I enjoyed in so long." I smile. "Yeah I am pretty sure i remember the night fairly well too. Pretty sure you couldn't even walk straight the next day. Maybe we'll make it an annual thing." he laughs placing his hand on my thigh. I place my hand on his as the team talks about their day and we talk about the wedding and Emily pulls up pictures of how she is going to do the decorating with the girls. We laugh and then when it is only us and Emily left in the office we finish helping her clean up and head home. 

"You enjoy your birthday?" Spence asks. "Yes babe I did thank you. Now about that annual comment, you're on because I clearly remember your legs shaking until the next morning." I say laughing. 

He proves to me just how much he was willing to show me that this would be annual the second we got home. He lays me on the couch and kisses down my neck while his fingers slowly play with the buttons on my shirt, then moves down and unzips my skirt. By the end of the night we are back on my the bed and I have to rub my thighs to get them to shaking but it isn't working. I doze off and dream about the upcoming wedding and what that night will bring. It was the best dream I have had in such a long time. 

"After we rescued you from being Gary Cole. I told JJ while you were sleeping I'd wait for you or someone like you to come along. I didn't think I would end up falling in love with you and your beautiful genius mind." he says pulling me towards him as i begin to doze off and I wake up to the alarm. Mad about the dream ending. But he is still there holding me, it wasn't a horrible morning. 

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