Green Satin Bedsheets

By hogwartsbae29

106K 1.7K 3.1K

It's Nina Robinson's sixth year at Hogwarts, and her life is finally seeming to have settled down. That is of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 3/4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

Chapter 10

4.7K 84 231
By hogwartsbae29

Nina's POV

Harry's lips pressed against mine, holding me afloat in the water. The lake was still freezing, but the heat from his body, and the kiss, kept me warm. After a few moments pass, he whispered into my ear, 

"We should probably head back."

I frown, not wanting it to be over. 

"Just one more minute" I say, running my finger tip over his collarbone. 

He laughs and says, "When you put it that way..." and pulls me in for another kiss.

He takes his hands and places them on the backs of my thighs and pulled me upwards, and I wrapped my legs around him, making his shirt push up, revealing my thong to him. His cheeks turned bright pink when he saw, which made me laugh at his shyness. His lips slowly moved down past my lips to my neck. I let out a quiet moan, making him blush even harder. 

A few more minutes went by, before I decided it was probably time to head back before people started to get suspicious. 

We swam back to the shore and quicky got out of the cold water. The wet shirt clung to my body, outlining my figure. I wasn't sure if it was from Harry, or from the cold, but my nipples were clearly visable through the shirt. 

"Bloody hell!" shouted Harry. 

"What's wrong?"

"Someone took our clothes!"

Well shit. 

"Harry look at me! I can't walk into school looking like this!"

"I'll figure something out, okay?"

I looked at him and nodded. He took my hand and started to walk back up to the school. His hand felt warm in mine, heating up my whole body. I can't believe that after all of these years I'm just now seeing Harry. Sure I had seen him before, but not in this way. He had always just been kinda there, and now, I never want him to leave.

I looked up at him and smiled. 

"What?" he said while laughing.


He shook his head, but smiled. He adjusted his glasses and kept walking. I stuck right by his side, up until the moment we reached the building.

"Harry, what do we do now?"

"Just follow me."

He walked around to the back of the building and fumbled with a large, wooden door handle. He eventually got it to open, and slowly cracked door ajar. He placed a finger on his lips, signaling to be quiet. He stepped in before me, and followed close after. We carefully stepped arounds the hardwood floors, being cautious to not make any noise. We stepped around various objects trying to not cause any comotion. I had been paying to much attention to boxes to my right, that I had ignored the lamp to my right. My foot hooked onto it and I fell, taking the lamp with me, causing a huge crash.

Suddenly, Filch's cat darted out towards me. 

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet and whisper-shouted, "NINA RUN!"

We ran hand and hand out the room, no longer being careful to not make noise, knocking down items as we went. Harry pushed open the doorway and we darted up a back staircase that led into the gryffindoor common room. 

Luckily, most people were still at breakfast, so the room was empty. We had made it. I started to laugh and Harry joined it. It was such a crazy thing that had just happened, but it gave me butterflies when I thought about Harry pulling me up of the ground, and going out of his way to save me from the embarassment of having to walk through my classmate in someone else's soaking wet t-shirt. 

I stopped laughing and looked up at him, "Harry..."

"Yeah? What's wrong, are you okay?"

I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. But unlike the lake, which was slow, and patient, this kiss was urgent and full of want and passion. We rushed up the stairs into his room and slammed the door shut.

I sat down with him on his bed and we continue what we had started in the common room. His lips pressed up against mine and his tounge gently grazed at the entrance. I opened my mouth and we continued. I could feel his heart beating faster and faster, almost as if he had just run a marathon. He softly bit the side of my neck and and I started to breathe heavier.

I dug my nails into his back to hold myself up so I didn't slip from the pleasure. I could feel a hard bulge forming in his boxers and it pressed up onto the outside of my panties. I slowly started to grind my hips on his lap make him let out a deep moan. I smirked and picked up the pace while going back to making out with him. 

After a few more moments of us doing this, he reaches down and grabbed the edge of the t-shirt.

"Is it okay if I-"

I quickly nodded and he slowly lifted up the shirt past by my hips, but stopped when we heard a harsh knock at the door. 

"Um, just sit here, I'll get it." 

Harry gently lifted me off of him and set me down on the bed. I pushed the shirt back down to cover myself and put a blanket over my lap just to be safe. Harry pulled on a flannel pair of pajama pants that I assume were Ron's, because they were much to big on him. He flattened out his hair that had gotten all messed up from my fingers running through it, and straightened out his glasses. 

He reached from the door, took a breath, and opened it. The person on the otherside of the door was someone I least expected,

"Malfoy what are you doing here?"

"Weasley let me in. I found your hand-me-down clothes in the dirt. Aren't much dirtier than when you first got them though."

Oh my god this is not happening. I don't think he's seen me past Harry's shoulder yet. But why was he here? Why couldn't he have just given them to Ron?

Harry replied sharply, "Thanks, I'll take them."

Harry moved ever so slightly revealing me to Draco. I shrunk back, wishing I had Harry's invisability cloak so I could just disappear and act like none of this ever happened. 

I swear that when he saw me he flinched ever so slightly. 

"Robinson, not suprised to see you here after practically fucking Potter in the lake."

I spoke out to him, softer than I had planned "Just go away Draco."

His face completely fell when I said his name, I could see it, and so could Harry. Maybe there was more to Draco Malfoy than I had originally thought.

"Whatever, just take the clothes Potter."

He shoved them into Harry's hands and turned around out the door, walking away coldly. For some reason I wanted to run out there a hug him and just be with him. I want to make him smile and to make him feel as if I had never hurt him. 

"You can go after him. I..I know you want to, I saw the way you looked at him."

"Harry I'm so sorry I never meant to-"

"Just go."

I pulled the blanket off of me and looked and Harry one last time before running out of the room. My heart was pounding in my chest and I ran down the stairs. How could I do something this stupid, I should've stayed with Harry. He made me feel safe, and special, and now I'm chasing after a guy that had kicked me out his dorm the morning after fucking me on a bet with his friend. I should be with the guy who comforted me when he found me crying, and slept on the floor so I could stay in his bed. 

Suddenly I'm flooded with the feeling of regret. I wanted to turn around so badly and run back into his arms and have me hold me. But it was too late now, I had already messed up too horribly to fix it right now. My face burned as tears streamed down my cheeks. I stop on the stairs and sat and cried into my hands. How could I be so fucking stupid?

"Robinson? Is that you?" spoke a voice from the bottom of the stairs. I recognized it immediatly, it belonged to Draco Malfoy. What was he still doing here?

I lifted my face from my hands and barely croaked out, "What do you want?"

He stepped back into the stairwell, pausing ever so slightly when he saw my red, wet face. 


I looked up at him and nodded. 

"Go back to your room Nina, I'll take care of this."

I was too weak and tired to question or argue this. I stood up and used the collar of Harry's shirt to wipe my eyes. I looked at Draco one last time before heading in the direction of my room. 

Why did the same person who had basically called my a whore 48 hours ago, now helping me with boy problems?

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