Chapter 8

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Nina's POV

I woke up to someone snoring across from me. I sat up only to find Ron Weasly snoring in his bed like a sleeping bear. I looked down at the floor and saw Harry sleeping with only a pillow beneath his head. He had let me stay in his bed, while he slept on the floor. 

I carefully pulled off one of the blankets from the bed, and gently layed it over him, hoping to warm him up a little bit. I cautiously stepped around him, but I apparently wasn't being careful enough, because he groggily woke up. 

"Nina where are you going, it's 5:30 in the morning?" 

"I couldn't fall back asleep."

"Ron's snoring?"

I laughed at this, "Yeah, he's as loud as the Hogwarts Express!"

"It took forever to get used to. By the way Hermione stopped by at around eight last night to check up on you."

I had forgotten I had been in his room for almost an entire day. After he had brought me back, I had cried in his arms for a little while, as he calmed me down. At around 7:00 I had drifted off to sleep, and I guess he had just let me stay the night. 

"She did?"

"Yeah she left some clothes for you," he gestured to a pile of folded fabric on the desk, "She also brought you some cookies but Ron, um, took care of those."

"If it's alright with you, could I wait to get changed? Your jumper is really warm."

Harry looked down at his feet and blushed.

"Yes of course, you look lovely in it. Are you heading back to your room?"

"Actually I was thinking of going for a walk because it's the last day of the weekend. Would you like to come with me?"

"Yes, I would like that a lot."

We slipped on our shoes and quietly left the room, trying not wake Ron. We ran down the steps and through the corridor, laughing, out into the courtyard. I started to run towards the Great Lake. 

"Catch me if you can Potter!" I shouted behind me, laughing.

"Oh it's on Robinson!"

He chased after me, and quickly caught up to me. I grabbed his hand, and ran with him to the edge of the lake. Being with him was easy. He clearly cared about me a lot, and was fun to be around. Whenever he spoke to me, it felt like a million butterflies were flying in circles in my stomach, but in the best way possible. But there was still Draco.

Being with him was different. Sometimes he would be funny and caring, and then he would completely switch and go back to treating me like shit. And to be quite honest, I was sick of it. He did not have the right to treat me that way, I know very well that I deserve much better than how he treated me. But at the same time I just wanted to feel his lips pushing against mine, and to feel him pounding into me and pulling my hair. To feel him slapping me, and forcing me to suck on his fingers. To feel him spit into my mouth and call me his "good little girl" and to then go back to ramming into me. But most of all, to feel his arms wrapped around me, to feel him softly stroking my hair, to make me feel safe with him. 

I could feel the red blothes forming on my face, and tears forming in the corner of my eyes. Harry seemed to notice too because he grabbed my other hand and spun me towards him. He leaned down and brushed the tears the had fallen with him thumb.

"Hey what do you think of going swimming right now?" he said gently.

"I would love to but," I gestured to the baggy clothes, "I'm not really dressed to swim."

"You can wear my shirt, it will cover you up."

He pulled off his grey sweatshirt along with the red shirt, and handed the shirt to me. He turned around so I could get changed comfortably. 

I slipped out of the loose clothes and put on the large red shirt. It was huge on me, much like Draco's, and covered my bra and panties perfectly. I tapped Harry's shoulder to let him know that it was okay for him to turn around. 

His cheeks got rosey when he looked and me, and he quickly pulled off his sweatpants, leaving him only in his grey boxers.

He took my hand and walked with me into the lake. It was so cold, and I wasn't planning on going in much further, until Harry splashed a big wave of water at me, completely soaking me.

"Oh Potter you are so dead!"

I ran through the water towards him and started splashing at him. We were both laughing so hard we were nearly crying while we continued our water fight. 

Suddenly he swam towards me, picked me up and tossed me into the water. 

He had thrown me farther into the lake, where it was even colder. The sudden rush of coldness shocked me and took me a second to come back up. When my head finally popped back up, I could hear Harry yelling my name quickly swimming towards me. 

"Nina! Nina! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, surrounding me with his body heat, and kept apologizing over and over again. 

I put my hands on the sides of his face and moved his head to face mine.

"Harry! It's alright, I'm fine!"

"I'm sorry Nina, I didn't know that it was going to be so cold, I'm so stupid, you scared me so much, I can't belive I'd be so idiotic to-"

I pressed my lips against his, cutting him off. He seemed shocked at first, but soon placed his hands on the back of my head and passionately kissed me back. 

And you know what? For the first time in the past 48 hours, I wasn't thinking about that blond boy who had treated me like shit. All I could think about was the boy who lived, the goofy, glasses wearing, kind boy, who was kissing me in the middle of a freezing lake. He was the only thing on my mind.

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