Miraculous Ladybug Oneshots

By lostxii_

1.4K 28 33

Miraculous Ladybug One Shots. There will be love square, Lie-la bashing, angst, fluff, crack and stuff. updat... More

2#: Teasing a Chat
#3: She Gets What She Wants
#4: The Lies of a Superhero - Adrien

#1: My Kwami ate my Homework?

333 10 11
By lostxii_

AN/I got this idea in fanfiction by @Miraculousflexygirl ,But im putting my own twist on it. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters, not even Plagg(even tho i wish i did)😭😭😭😭

Ships: Teeny tiny bit of Marichat and Plikki, Adrienette and Klix if you squint.

"MARINETTE" Tikki shouted, in an attempt to wake up the sleeping girl, but in vain. Tikki was tired of waking her Chosen all the time, so this time she was going to do something that would annoy Marinette, Tikki knew it was a very 'Plagg like' move but Marinette was really getting on her nerves. Tikki flew to Marinette's desk and picked up a half-full glass of water Marinette had drank the night before.

She slowly made her way back to Marinette's bed and tipped the cup over. 

She got a reaction immediately, "ACK!" Marinette shrieked," TIKKI, WHY DID YOU DO THAT." All the sleepiness exited Marinette's system the second the water had touched her, unable to go back to sleep she reluctantly got up to get ready.

"Marinette you have to hurry up, school starts in 5 minutes" Tikki shouted.

Marinette flailed her arms in panic " Oh no oh no oh NO" She climbed of her loft, and grabbed a towel to dry herself. She changed out of her drenched clothes and into clean ones. Marinette quickly brushed her teeth, combed her slightly damp hair, grabbed her purse, and ran out the door without acknowledging her parents, who chuckled as she ran out the door.

"Marinette your ten minutes late already" Tikki advised from the purse. This caused Marinette to break into a sprint, she was unbelievably fast, one of the perks of being part of Paris's superhero duo.  Marinette sprinted through the doors of Collège Françoise Dupont, she skidded to a stop, she was in front of her class door. 

"Do you think I can sneak in" she whispered to Tikki.

"There's no use, you're already 10 minutes late," Tikki said matter-of-factly. Marinette groaned and pushed the oak wood door open. She could feel her classmate's stares as they bore into her, this obviously wasn't new to her since she was infamous for being late and sleeping in. 

Marinette opened her mouth to speak, Mrs. Mendeleiev put her hand up" I don't need any excuses, just give me your homework" Marinette scrunched her nose, homework? there hadn't been homewo- Marinette's eyes widened.

"Mykwamiatemyhomework?" She hastily replied, more like a question than a statement.

"What, say that again slower" Mrs. Mendeleiev furrowed her eyebrows.

"My kwami ate my homework," she said slower and more confidently, audible gasps could be heard coming from a few of her classmates. Mrs. Mendeleiev accusingly eyed Marinette over the rims of her glasses, but let her sit down in her seat. 

"May ask you, what is a Kwami?"(AN/kwami buster didn't happen in this fanfic) Mrs. Mendeleiev asked.

"Ummm, rare hairless, red cat species from the kingdom of Atchoo, I won one at a zoo tap-dancing contest... in the Kingdom of Atchoo" Marinette rambled, making intricate hand gestures.

Adrien, Alya, Nino, and Chloe stared at Marinette wide-eyed from their seats. Marinette could hear faint laughter coming from Adrien, even though Adrien was currently frozen. She shook it off, it was probably a hallucination or something. One thing Marinette failed to understand was why Adrien was staring at her like a deer in headlights, it made sense to why Alya, Nino and Chloe were surprised, they all had been miraculous holders at some point. 

Marinette rested her chin on her palm as she stared at the clock, waiting for 1st period to end. Marinette blocked out most of Mrs. Mendeleiev's droning about physics, this was probably the reason she failing in Physics. She absentmindedly doodled on her open physics notebook.

"Chat Noir, huh?" Alya whispered.

Marinette, not expecting Alya to talk shrieked like a banshee.

Mrs. Mendeleiev stopped talking, "Marinette, is there anything important that you would like to add?" Marinette vigorously shook her head, Mrs. Mendeleiev turned to her chalkboard to resume teaching. 

Marinette scooted closer to Alya on the bench so they could talk, "What do you mean, Chat Noir?" Marinette asked, trying to hide her flushed cheeks. The cat had grown on her, and she reluctantly had come to the conclusion that she had a teeny tiny crush on him. After relentless pursuing, flirting, ridiculous puns, and late-night visits, he had won her over, of course, she would never let the cat know, his ego would inflate like a balloon and Marinette did NOT want to deal with his insufferable attitude. 

Alya pointed to the drawing Marinette had drawn, it was a detailed doodle of Chat Noir. Marinette's face flushed beet red, she quickly slammed the notebook closed and shoved into her bag.

"It's an inspiration for a new design" Marinette quickly said. Alya smirked and opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the bell.  Marinette quickly scrambled out of the seat and sprinted out of the room, before anyone could ask her about her kwami. Her next few classes flew by in the blink of an eye, before she knew it, it was lunchtime. Marinette practically flew out the doors of Collège Françoise Dupont, trying her best to avoiding everyone. She walked towards her house for lunch, what she didn't notice was the leather-clad superhero who was waiting on her balcony.

Tikki stuck her head out of Marinette's purse, "Marinette! do you know how dangerous and stupid that was of you," She scolded, "Alya, Nino, and Chloe are sure to be suspicious of you!"

Marinette winced "I know Tikki, I'm sorry, I just blurted it out I didn't mean to" Marinette walked into the bakery, grabbed a few croissants and cookies for Tikki, and made her way to her room. She opened the trapdoor that leads to her room and sat on her desk chair. 

 Marinette set the plate of food onto her desk. Marinette put a cookie in her purse for Tikki to eat and took a croissant for herself, she opened her mouth to take a bite-


Marinette fell off her chair with a loud THUD, the croissant flew out of her hands and landed near the trapdoor that led to her room.

"Ow" Marinette groaned, she rubbed the side of her head. She climbed onto her loft and opened the trapdoor to reveal Chat Noir.

"Stupid mangy alley Chat" Marinette swatted the side of Chat's head.

Chat pouted " What was that for, Purrincess." 

"For making me fall out of my chair and hitting my head," Marinette replied. She turned and climbed off of the loft, Chat Noir right on her tail.

Chat Noir's eyes lit up with delight, "Croissants" he shrieked before stuffing his face with them. Marinette rolled her eyes at Chat's childish antics, but there was denying Chat looked adorable when he acted like that. 

Marinette was currently sitting on her chaise, while Chat was inhaling his croissants on her desk chair. Marinette was glad that she had changed her computer wallpaper and taken down her Adrien pictures a few days prior. Her room walls were now overflowing with designs, the only pictures of Adrien were the ones they had taken as friends on her bulletin board. Of course, Marinette was still crushing on Adrien and still stared at his pictures from time to time. (Creepy am i right?) But she had added another picture to her bulletin board.


(Keep going...)

(Almost there...  ;)

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahAHAHAHAHA( my evil Rico laughter, *high five*if u got the reference.)

(🎵🎶life's what you make it, so lets make it rock🎶🎵 ) Anyways JK, its not Luka, i just want to give love square shippers a heart attack. ignore luka's name and continue reading below.🤗🤗please dont kill me🥺🥺

Chat Noir

It was only one picture, but it was enough to make the butterflies in her stomach go crazy whenever she looked at it. 

"Purrincess," Chat Noir's voice brought Marinette out of her dazed state, " I think you should eat something, your lunch period ends in 10 minutes," He said, handing her the plate croissants, which now held three, even though she had originally grabbed eight. And the only evidence that showed that there were once cookies on the plate were crumbs. 

Marinette hastily ate the croissants so she wouldn't be late. Chat Noir's miraculous beeped, "Well, I guess that's my queue to leave, purrincess" Chat said.

"I should probably get going too." Marinette said, checking the time on her phone. She walked towards the trapdoor that led downstairs, her foot caught onto the croissant she had dropped earlier.


"Ow" Marinette groaned. Chat Noir chuckled at the clumsy girl, he held out his hand for her to use to get up, Marinette grabbed Chat's hand and pulled herself up. Chat's miraculous beeped, signaling that he only had 2 minutes left. He waved goodbye to Marinette and used his baton to leave, but not before saying a pun, " Bye Purrincess, don't want to let the cat out of the bag." he said, winking, before flinging himself off her balcony, using his baton. 

Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse " Are you ok Marinette" she asked in a concerned tone. 

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt that much, just a bit sore" Marinette said, she checked her phone for the time, " We should get going Tikki" 


Marinette surprisingly made it to Ms. Bustier's class in time, she took her seat next to Alya, who was currently talking to Nino. Adrien on the other hand was squinting suspiciously at Marinette. Marinette brushed it off and turned her attention to Ms. Bustier, who had just entered the classroom. 

"Hello class, I will be collecting your homework, please have it out while I collect it. 'Homework? there hadn't been any homework. OH NO.' Hawkmoth had released an akuma the night before at 8, the akuma had taken 3 hours to defeat, so homework wasn't exactly her first priority that night . Marinette groaned, of course there had been homework in ELA too. First she forgot her homework in Physics and now ELA. Welp. Ms. Bustier was in front of Marinette now, hand help out expectantly.

"Homework, Marinette" said Ms.Bustier

"I don't have it," said Marinette, sheepishly, "My kwami ate it." the excuse rolled off her tongue before she could stop it. Marinette's eyes widened, she covered her mouth immediately. 

A red blob flew out of Marinette's purse. Marinette could hear her classmates shrieks and gasps. 

"Marinette, how many times do I have to tell you to stop using me as an excuse," the red creature scolded.

"IT TALKS" shrieked Kim. A black blur flew out of Adrien's shirt, getting more shrieks out of the class, " THERE ARE 2" Kim screeched, before fainting into Alix's arms. Almost everyone was frozen from shock, including Adrien and Marinette. 

"Plagg, what are you doing out here?" Tikki scolded, " You should be hiding" Tikki crossed the stubs that she called arms.

"Well, Sugarcube, I could ask you the same." Plagg said sassily. Tikki's eyes widened, she looked around taking in the class who were frozen from shock.




"So you're telling me that Ladybug and Chat Noir have been in my class this whole time, and I didn't EVEN KNOW" Alya let out a pterodactyl screech, for she was having a fangirl attack, " AND THEY'RE MY BFF'S!!!" 

Plagg and Tikki sat back to back at the corner of the classroom on an unoccupied desk, as they watched the humans,"Dense, dense kids, Sugarcube these are the most oblivious Chosens that we've ever had" said Plagg, as he devoured his Camembert. 

"I couldn't agree more, Stinky Sock." said Tikki as she took a bite of her cookie. (PLIKKI!!!!!!!, *trying not to have a fangirl attack while writing this*)


AN/ thank you so much for reading this chappie, i hope you liked it! also the reference was a Hannah Montana one. This is the longest chapter i have written ever(2043 words including authors note, because im too lazy to do the math for only story),

Don't forget to stay safe, wear a mask and social distance. 



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