Tᴏ Kɪʟʟ A Mᴏᴄᴋɪɴɢʙɪʀᴅ-ᵈᵃᶻᵃⁱ ᵒ...

By k-elysium

7.4K 213 220

{𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉} "Double Suicide is my way of showing how much you mean to me... How much I can trust you... More

Table of Contents
The Abandoned Pavilion.
The Rise of the New leader
Two Drunk Men
Slum Dog
Suited for the Job
New Ally
That One Sentence By Dazai
The Well Hidden Secret
Our Noses Don't Meet, Idiot!
Everything went down hill
Then Leave Him
The Absurd Silence
The Hard Acception
Losing It
But Why?
Try Me, You Fucker.
Fitzgerald's Lost and Found Property

Ability: To Kill a Mockingbird

763 19 10
By k-elysium



I'm tough

I'm ambitious

I know exactly what I want

If that makes me a bitch, Okay!


━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━

"Here we are!", Mori bellowed in the echoing halls. Servants were running around madly hoping to keep the place up to his standards even though the gigantic mansion looked spotless.

Y/n was in utter shock upon arriving at such an abode. She didn't expect a doctor to make so much capital. She gasped at the sight and followed Elise and Mori around to familiarize with her new home, which any abandoned person would agree that it was more than enough.

She kept eyeing each and every crook and cranny of the house making a mental note to plan out a map for the place. Mori kept on striding through the eerie and noiseless hallways with Elise hot on his tail.

Suddenly he stopped at a room's door with 'Y/n L/n' written on it. Her new family sidestepped with a cheeky smile on their faces allowing the girl to open the door. As soon as she did, she was not surprised to meet a very spacious room with her favourite colour painted on the wall.

The only sound heard was the clicking of Mori's low heel boots against the wooden floor. Her bedroom seemed perfect like those in fairy-tales.

She softly turned around and abruptly ran towards Mori embracing him with her short arms. His eyes widened visibly by her movements but he didn't mind reciprocating. He immediately wrapped his arms around her short and small frame, loosening an arm to beckon Elise to join the gesture of pure gratefulness.

They stood there for quite some time, enjoying the lavender-jasmine essence of the room, easing into each other's touch. Mori soon let go with a very fatherly smile on his face as he crouched down and kissed the girls foreheads. He gave a last smile until he walked out of the room with no further instructions for Y/n. She stood there in an uncomfortable silence with the young blond girl.

"Rintarō will call us for dinner afterwards, till then we can play in my room!", She suggested in her usual squeaky and enthusiastic voice.

Y/n, suddenly energetic, agreed. Elise grinned madly and grabbed the older girl's hand, dragging her to her room. It wasn't that far away, to be honest, it was right across the hall. Elise let go of Y/n's hand and reached for the doorknob, opening it skillfully.

Elise skipped joyfully towards her bed and plopped onto it. Her room was far more different than Y/n's. Elise's room was utterly pink with little white butterflies plastered onto the four walls, the ceiling was as boringly white as ever, the bed was tiny with a crown-shaped headrest, the room even had a large window (without curtains) extending from wall to wall giving a complete view of the city as the sunset. The little girl impatiently patted the spot next to her on the bed, gesturing for the, now claimed, orphan to sit down.

Y/n did just that when Elise held the girl's hand in hers once again but this time for a different reason. Elise made Y/n to stare directly into her eyes, which was thoroughly creepy. Y/n sat there frozen by her behaviour, but she didn't argue. She continued staring into her sapphire blue eyes finding herself in a very sophisticated thought process.

She kept hearing a bunch familiar but distant voices inside her head. She concentrated hard on her surroundings to organise the voices blaring in her mind. She dragged all her focus on the sky blue specs in Elise's eyes, she focused on the subtle yet ominous colours of the walls, she brought the scenery from the window to her attention (she was imagining the scenarios).

It seemed to work at some extent as she heard a single prominent voice chanting repeatedly, "Get out of my head", but then the voices again started to get scrambled, blocking any thoughts occurring to her.

Even if she did, it all was forgotten within a second but no longer. Y/n's breathing started to get even more rigid and forced out as if her lungs wanted to close up but her body protested against it.

"Y/n! Elise! Come down for dinner!", Mori's voice buzzed in their ears, snapping them both out of their comae.

Y/n was relieved that she did not have to go through that moderately traumatizing and incredibly puzzling experience anymore. But curiosity coursed through every inch of her body rather to just ignore it.

Elise bolted down the stairs to the dining room and Y/n followed suit, making sure to keep up with the surprisingly fast young girl so that she wouldn't get lost in the massive house. When they reached the hall, Y/n quickly ran to her supposedly new 'dad' to ask him about what happened and only wished that he would understand her dilemma.

"Dad I want to ask you something!", She practically yelled out as she ran towards him. He looked down at her with a knowing smirk that sent waves of fear down her spine, but it all washed away as soon as he kneeled down asking her to explain herself and she did. She recalled and truthfully told him every little detail.

The case that she wanted to solve was only getting worse as Mori's expressions gave away the looks of prediction as if he was expecting this. He gave a mad grin while reaching out to clasp her hands in his and began,

"Love... You have something called ability and I believe that you have just that. I can help you train it and control it, dear".

Y/n approved, suddenly realising his outfit was completely different than what he first wore. This time his attire was a sharp suit consisting of a white button-up, a black pinstriped suit jacket, black shoes, and black trousers. The shirt has a purple and white striped tie. Over this, he wore a black trench coat and long, almost knee-length maroon scarf that he left hanging over his shoulders untied. He also wore white gloves.

Y/n liked this ensemble more compared to what he was dressed in before. The peculiar thing was that he looked handsome in any clothes. She soon seated on a chair comfortably and started munching on the meat and wound up with deserts. The long rectangular table seemed endlessly filled from bottom to top with all kinds of delicious cuisines. Y/n, even with the generosity, kept her manners and behaviour as disciplined as possible.

It was terribly difficult with the intoxicating aroma and Elise suggesting hundreds of deserts at once, but she still maintained herself, telling her 'sister' that she was full and she would eat it next time. Elise cheerfully agreed and looked over to her guardian, who merely nodded impressed by the new family member's etiquettes. Everybody had finished with their food and dabbed their mouths and fingers with a clean napkin.

"Rintarō! We should start Y/n's training right now! Y/n, you won't be scared of your ability and you'll be able to dominate it", Elise shouted out her new proposal after the very satisfying supper, which had energized everyone.

The two nodded and were guided to an empty, ball-room sized hall. It was dark and the only light source was the narrow beams of moonlight escaping through the curtained windows. The room had the disturbing odour of blood and mothballs. The vibes of the room were too uneasy to digest that Y/n could feel her food coming back to her mouth.

"Y/n, your training is very basic. All you have to do is focus on a person long enough to figure out their thoughts. You, my dear, have the ability of Telepathy, the ability to read minds as well as control them. You can channel your anger and send it to the person or get important information from the person", Mori explained in a monotonous tone and his volume wasn't high at all but the empty room reverberated his voice.

Elise instructed her furthermore, "You need to envision the power flowing through you, envision its colour, envision its strength and most of all keep in mind what emotion you're expressing". Y/n involuntarily laughed devilishly.

Of course, the only emotion she wanted to express most was her pain from being bullied, from being homeless, from being parentless and that's exactly what she expressed. She imaged her target, Mori, and envisioned a brilliant white power flowing through her with all the strength that she could muster up.

She showed him each and every detail of her pathetic past and poured out her heart in expressing her anger. Her eyes glowed a brilliant white and her figure, from head to toe was, outlined with the same colour. She could feel herself float, even her clothes and hair flowed in the non-existent gust of wind, as images passed one after the other in a traumatising panorama. Mori's enlarged eyes were too caught up in her images to actually notice her state, living in her distressful childhood was too much to handle.

Her running out of several orphanages, skilfully planning an escape, the children bullying her for her height, her appearance and her lost parents, finally the death of her own parents before her innocent eyes. Mori collapsed to the dusty ground with watery eyes and Y/n immediately stopped her endless movie. The thud of their landing on the floor bounced off the walls.

Y/n's glossy and milky eyes cleared up. Her eyes could now be seen crystal clear with pain and brokenness. Mori took deep breaths to compose himself and looked up at the poker face of the girl as he stood up dusting himself.

"What do you plan on calling this strange yet powerful ability of yours?", Mori said, swiftly wiping away any remaining tears. "To Kill a Mockingbird", The girl with an angelic face but ruthless intentions replied.  


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