Greenflame--The Journey Beyond

By Alenshi

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All six ninjas spend time in Destiny's Bounty, contentedly going on with their lives while Sensei Wu sets off... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
The Ninjas Among Us
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

94 7 0
By Alenshi


  Flame had her phone out and called her friend Makayla. She is so going to freak out, she thought. It took a few moments before the other end picked up.

  "Hello?" a voice spoke.

  "Makayla, it's me, Flame!" Flame said.

  "Oh, hi, Flame! What's up?" Makayla said in a cheery tone.

  "Okay, you will not believe what I sent you just now. Please look! You'll be out of this world in less than thirty seconds, I guarantee you!" Flame urged her eagerly. She couldn't see her friend's face; however, she could sense excitement and anticipation on the line.

  It didn't take long before she heard screaming. "Flame! Oh, my goodness, is this what I think it is? No way!" Flame chuckled. "Yes, it is! It's crazy! I still can't believe it myself!" At this point, Makayla was squealing with disbelief. "Flame, if you put them up to this..." she began.

  "No, I promise I didn't," Flame said. "And besides, how can I do something like that? They would go against it. And I respect them."

  Suddenly, she heard a knock at her door. "Flame?" Cole said from the other side. "Everyone's gonna train right now, you coming?" Flame frantically put her phone aside and told Cole that she would participate, and that she'd be there soon. Footsteps echoed faintly from behind the door, and Flame whispered into her phone, "Makayla, I've gotta go train now. I trust you not to do anything with the video. Don't post it online. I recorded them without them knowing, so please, don't get any ideas." Flame was relieved when she heard her friend say, "Don't worry, Flame, your video's safe with me. I respect the ninjas, and I won't do anything."

  "Thank you, Makayla! You're awesome!" she said with a smile. "No worries," Makayla reassured her. And with that, Flame ended the call, placed her phone on her shelf, and grabbed her training clothes. It was a loose gray shirt with slightly baggy sweatpants, which were the color of dark blue. She quickly changed and tossed her previous clothes into her laundry basket.

  "I think it's my turn to do laundry tonight," she murmured to herself. Out of nowhere, she remembered a story she had been told when Lloyd mixed Zane's white ninja gi with Kai's red one, and how it changed its color to pink. Flame snickered at the thought of Zane's expression during that very moment. She shook her head and focused on the task at hand. "Okay, Flame, remember what you were taught last week," she told herself.

  She opened her door and walked down the hall towards the training deck. Once she made it there, everyone was already in motion. She noticed that Jay wasn't there, though.

  "Where's Jay?" she asked. Lloyd looked at her, his face a bit pink. He looked as if he had been laughing for a while.

  "Oh, hey, Flame. Jay went to the storage room to pick up a few boxes with weapons inside," he said. As those words had been uttered, she felt her heart surge with excitement. "Yeah. We thought that we'd test you on some combat skills," Kai told her. She couldn't help but leap in the air and pump the air with her fist. After seeing her brother and his friends fight evil and save Ninjago constantly, their Spinjitzu, them solving different problems by working together and encouraging one another, treating each other like family, never giving up, all of it gave her hope and courage, and it sometimes made her feel like a ninja like the rest of them, even though she wasn't one literally. She was exhilarated at the thought of learning how to use weapons now.

  "That's amazing! When will we start? Do I have to work on my balance and meditate first? Will I have to do some sort of test before I have permission to fight with an actual sword? Or any other weapon?" Cole stopped striking and dodging a practice dummy and laughed at her excitement. "Woah, slow down there, quicksilver, just wait until Jay comes. He's gathering weapons for this evening's training." Flame walked around the deck and stood in front of a practice dummy. She raised her fists and held them slightly over her face. Before she struck the dummy, she noticed Lloyd give Kai a nudge and mumble, "She's got your fire," and winked at him. Flame tried to focus on her dummy.

  After a few moments of punching, parrying, and ducking, Jay entered the training deck and set down the box he was holding.

  "Flame!" he called. "Guess what!"

  Flame rushed to his side, looking at him with glowing eyes. "I'm going to train with weapons today!" she exclaimed, her excitement taking over her. "That's right!" Jay said. He pulled out his nun-chucks, his original weapon, and swung it around. "Choose something. You wanna make sure that it comes in handy with defense and offense." Flame scavenged through the box. There were two staffs, a metal sword, two shurikens, a huge scythe, a whip, three katanas, and... a crossbow.

  She picked it up and observed it. She noticed that it had a round surface on top of it, as if it were a pair of metal wings that separated whenever the crossbow was being used. "Interesting choice," Nya said. "Why that one?" Flame looked at her. "I'm not exactly sure. I guess it's just... unique, in a way. This'll sound kind of weird, but I feel a... a connection, if that makes sense." Jay grunted from behind. "Zane felt a connection with his falcon first time he laid eyes on him," he explained, "and look at him now! He has a little flying companion by his side." At that moment, everyone looked up at the sky and heard a falcon cry. A small fleck of dark purple circled the air, eventually swooping in and landing on Zane's forearm. It chirped and shook its feathers. "Why, hello to you too, old friend!" he said soothingly. Flame stared in astonishment. "So, you're saying that... this crossbow can be my companion?" she said with a bit of uncertainty. "You could say that," Kai said from behind her. "It sounds pretty weird at first, but with practice you can trust yourself with your weapon. It's what happened with us."

  Flame looked down at her weapon, examining it with curiosity. "Trust it, huh?" she murmured. Suddenly, Jay swung his nun-chucks, changing into a fighting stance. "Alright, Flame," he said, "you're going to practice with me. Show me what you got." Flame winced at the sight of her brother swinging his weapon around. It looked like it would hurt. Jay approached his sister, aiming a blow at her. Unexpectedly, she quickly blocked his attack with the metal surface of the bow. Jay stepped back, looking impressed. "Woah," he said, "for someone who's used a weapon for the first time, that was a quick reflex!" Flame herself was surprised at the sudden act. "Woah," she breathed. "I didn't really expect that, either..." Lloyd came up from behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "With time and practice, you'll be able to do so much more with it. I have faith in your training," he said, smiling at her with gentleness showing in his eyes. She nodded. "Thanks," she said, taking his words at heart, trying not to think of anything Greenflame at the moment. Flame looked back at Jay, determined to learn more about physical combat. She stood up straight, and her lesson with Jay began.

  A few hours had passed, the sunset shining bright in the horizon. It cast a shadow on the ninjas' movements, who were still training on the deck. Each ninja practiced their own fighting techniques; Nya was attacking a practice dummy, dodging its blows. Zane threw his shurikens in the air, aiming them in certain ways to strike his enemies in unexpected angles, Cole was balancing his huge scythe in his grip, separating his feet and moving swiftly, moving his weapon at a similar pace, eventually finding the right time to aim and attack. Lloyd was sitting on the floor, his eyes closed. He was concentrating on his ball of green energy, measuring the precise amount to use without things spiraling out of control. Kai had his sword in hand, kicking and slashing the air, as if there were enemies on board. Jay, of course, was teaching her, critiquing her on her movements, and what she could do to improve when landing critical blows on her opponents.

  Eventually everyone sat down, some laying on their backs in exhaustion. They looked at the sunset, enjoying the warm feeling on their faces. Flame looked up at the sky. She could make out the faint glimmer of stars. She felt relaxed after a good training session, yet fire coursed through her veins. "That was some good training," Cole said, putting his arms underneath his head, laying on his back. "Indeed, it was," Zane agreed. Kai stretched, arching his back. "Hey, is training over yet? I'm getting a bit tired."

  "Yeah, right!" Jay spoke up. "You're just saying that so you can get to the TV first and beat all of our high scores."

  "Am not!" Kai shot back, folding his arms against his chest. He made a face at Jay, who kept insisting that that was the reason. Flame laughed at their silly attitude. Dealing with the ninjas' personalities always put a smile on her face.

  "Does anyone want the remaining stir fry, then?" she asked. Cole had a hungry expression at her mention. "Oh, don't mind if I do!" he said, and added, "And does there happen to be cake, by any chance?"

  "There might be some in the fridge, but if not, then I'll bake some for you," Zane told him. Cole leaned forward, bowing his arms in front of him with his head lowered. "My hero!" he exclaimed. Everyone laughed at his remark. "Well," he said, "last one to the kitchen doesn't get any cake!" And with that, he dashed off. "That's because you're gonna eat it all!" Jay shouted back. Flame chuckled, standing up and rushing towards the door to where the black and blue ninjas just ran through.

  By the time they reached the kitchen, Cole ran to the fridge, opening the door and looking for the cake. He pulled out a container with chocolate cake covered in blue, green, and pink frosting. He grabbed a spoon from a drawer and sat down, opening the lid and scooping up a spoonful of delicious, chocolate-coated sugar. As soon as the sweet dessert hit his taste buds, Flame's prediction of Cole's reaction was on point.

  "Mm!" Cole hummed happily, his eyes closing in satisfaction. "This is amazing! Zane, did you bake this? Because it is so good!" Zane smiled and nodded in response. Jay huffed. "Well, Cole, what about all the times you said that your body was a temple? You changed your mind all of a sudden?" he teased. Cole glared at him for his comment. "It's just cake, Jay, and one slice won't change the fact that my body is fit!" he grumbled. Nya walked up to Jay, tapping him on his back a few times. "Well, if you ask me, I think you want a slice of cake, too." she told him. Jay looked away, his arm rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Well, I mean... all right! Yes, I want a slice. Cole! That better not be the last piece!" he barked at him. Everyone laughed.

  "Man," Nya began, "those two just keep on battling about the smallest things!" Flame turned to the rest of her friends. "Is it okay if I go to my room right now?" she asked. Nya nodded, adding, "You tired?"

  "I guess so," Flame replied, shrugging to support her response. Kai walked around, his arms resting on his head. "Training today felt so real. Now I feel like I can fight enemies without stopping," he said. Nya gave him a light punch on the shoulder. "And you say you're tired, too," she pointed out.

  "Well," he began, "my feelings multi-task." Lloyd rolled his eyes at his unrealistic statement. Zane approached from behind. "That seems impossible, Kai. Your brain can't focus on more than one thing, you know. I doubt your feelings can do the same." Flame laughed at his words. Zane was calm and calculated, but sometimes he took jokes too seriously. Nya pushed his observation aside and told her that she could go to her room. Flame dipped her head in respect, then walked to her room, her crossbow in her hands. She decided that she was going to show her friend Makayla.

  She turned a few corners, eventually finding the door to her room. She turned the knob, entering the familiar colorful room. As she entered, she set her crossbow on the shelf and plopped herself on her comfortable bed, the covers engulfing her with warmth, like a mother cat nursing her kittens. She remained curled up in a ball, her eyelids drooping. She blinked. "I should brush first," she mumbled. She straightened her back and stretched. As she entered the bathroom, she looked at her reflection, green eyes locking. She grabbed her toothbrush and squeezed paste on it. As she brushed, she glanced at her reflection once more, but she realized something was wrong. Her reflection wasn't moving at all. It was just standing there, staring at her with a blank expression.

  Flame thought she was dreaming. She shook her head and closed her eyes for a few seconds. There's no way that's real, she thought, suddenly feeling scared. When she opened her eyes, her reflection was just where it was, staring at her, unmoving. Flame felt her heartbeats quicken. Her skin prickled with fear, and goosebumps traveled throughout her limbs, the hairs on the back of her neck rising. The paste in her mouth suddenly tasted bitter and disgusting. Without thinking, she spun around and grabbed a hold of the doorknob. She turned it wildly, but it didn't budge. Flame felt her heart sink. "What!" she whispered urgently, beads of sweat traveling down the sides of her face. "Why is this door locked?!"

  Flame didn't dare look into the mirror. She wasn't about to look in the eyes of whatever that thing was. "Help!" she shrieked. "Someone, please help!" She slammed her fist on the smooth wood of the door, keeping her eyes shut. When she heard no one, she sunk to the floor, cowering in fear. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and before she knew it, they were trailing down her face like a waterfall.

  "Don't..." Flame murmured; her voice so small that she could barely hear herself. A tiny fragment of her mind urged her that Firestar wouldn't back down, even if it were something he feared. No, she thought, this is different. There's a... a...

  Flame heard knocking from behind her. She flinched, her heart still racing as if it could travel many miles per minute. For a moment she didn't move, her brain a mush of distress, her body paralyzed.

  "Hello? Flame? Are you alright in there?" Flame felt calmed when she heard Lloyd's voice from behind the door, although she still felt unsure whether to trust it or not.

  "It's Lloyd. Is everything okay?" Flame trusted the voice more than her gut. She stood up slowly, still trembling from before. Strangely, when she turned the knob, it was unlocked. She found it odd but didn't dare stay any longer. She sighed in relief when it was the green ninja standing in front of her.

  "What's the matter? I heard screaming, and—" Lloyd was cut off when Flame sprang into his arms and remained there. She felt arms wrap around her shoulders. "Hey, it's okay! I'm here." Flame felt her muscles relax at his soothing words. Lloyd patted her back gently, waiting patiently for her answer. The silence was suffocating. Then—

  "My... my reflection..."

  "What was that?" Lloyd asked softly. Flame was shaking, still feeling agitated from what she'd seen. "My reflection," she repeated, forcing herself to stop her voice from shaking. "I saw myself... I saw myself in the mirror, but it wasn't moving. I-it was like it was a ghost." Lloyd furrowed his brow but didn't press the matter any further. Instead he guided her out the door towards the kitchen, where the others were. Flame could hear their laughs from the hallway.

  Flame was brought to the rest of the ninja, holding her arms tightly to each other. She relaxed more every step she took, and she was assured that she was safe with her friends.

.          .          .

  The bathroom was filled with an eerie aroma. Despite the door being closed, there was a misty, grey fog circling the mirror. The frame of the mirror shook slightly, then stopped. A silhouette appeared in the center, coming more into focus as it approached. As the fog cleared out, there was a fragile-looking skull, pale yellow spots smeared on top and on the sides. A part of the skull's jaw was cracked, lines spreading out like lightning and cobweb.

  "Green ninja," it rasped, its voice the sound of sandpaper. Its void-like eyes gazed around the mist-filled bathroom, saying nothing more. After a few moments, it retreated back into the mirror, and all was silent. Then, silently, an arm popped through. It was very pale, and it squished past the small frame. The figure was transparent, greasy jet-black hair falling in front of a somber face. The boy's eyes were just as dark and void-like as the skull's.

  After remaining in place for a few seconds, the boy quickly raised his head and dashed through the bathroom door. He rushed out of the room and heard familiar voices coming from another.

  The ghost-like boy grunted nervously, but immediately pushed that feeling away.
The ninja, the boy thought seriously. They won't be happy with the news I'm about to tell them.

  He prepared himself to see his former enemies. He let out a sigh, then made his way across the hall toward them.

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