My siblings and them (CH x re...

By FarrahKeks

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You're a 19 years old adult who was just doing their own things. Living life and that kind of stuff. And one... More

Chapter 1 The begin of your adventure
Very important for the story
๐™ฝ๐š˜๐š ๐š•๐š˜๐š—๐š ๐šŠ๐š๐š˜...

Chapter 2 I hate you

824 22 24
By FarrahKeks

[Author here, if I wrote a word wrong, have no idea what something is called and/or made grammar mistakes, please point it out and say what I did wrong. I want to improve my english because it's not my first language.]

"Jackie? Who are those people with coloured faces?" you ask after what feels like eterneties of silence and staring at the scene in the living room. When in reality only 2 minutes have passed since you opened the door. Time can be so confusing sometimes.

When someone enters your home, the living room is the first thing they'll see. And because of that you, your siblings and the three cleaning people that work for you three, keep that room especially tidy to make a good impression incase someone is visiting you.

An announced visit, an unannounced visit or no visit at all, the living room is always the most cleanest room in the entire mansion.

But for some reasons there are things lying on the floor including a teared up pillow (rest in peace pillow) and your mothers' favourite flower pot is gone.

This is not the only weird thing you're seeing right now, there are also a bunch of strangers with face paint in the living room.

And all you can think of is: "What the fuck?"

"And what happened inside here while we were gone?" you add to your question and wave your hands around the living room, gesturing to the small chaos. And the strangers.

"Oh uhm, yeah. About that. What happened was..." your sister begins to say but trails off. Probably because of how nervous she is right now.

"What happened was?" You urge your sister to continue talking.
"It may sound stupid. It may sound like I made it up, but I swear I'm telling you the truth!"
"Then what is the truth?"
"They appeared out of nowhere!"
"Ok. Now say that again but with more details."

"I was hungry and wanted to see what I can find inside the fridge to eat. So I walked downstairs into the kitchen but then I heard a noise coming from the living room! As if something heavy formed in the air and fell down!"

"This really sounds like something made up..." you hear your brother say quietly.

"And when I walked inside the room, I see these guys here! And then things almost escalated!"

"Almost?" Faye repeats. Oh, Faye is also here. You forgot about her existence for a second.

"Yes almost."
"Why almost?"
"Because if it wouldn't have been these three reasonable people here." your sister points at three people from the paint-face group. One of them has their entire face in red, a white crescent moon on the right side of their face and a white star to the left of the moon. The other stranger has three colours in a horizontal order. On top is black, in the middle is yellow and the last colour is white. And the third one has the flag of Germany on his face.
Is that guy obsessed with Germany or why would he paint his face like that?

"I probably would have gotten hurt!"
"WHAT?!" you and your brother suddenly shout at the same time.

Jack immediately runs to your sister, grabs her by one of her arms, runs back to you, stands in front of Jackie and you stand in front of your brother.

Now you two look like some kind of Jackleen protection group right now with a confused bystander.

The bystander is Faye.

"Just what in the world were you people doing to our sister?" Jack asks the strangers in a warning tone.

Ever since your father has been brought to the hospital, Jack has been very protective of you and Jackie. Your brother turned into a mother hen.

[Look! Farrahkeks brought the father back from the dead!]

He would always be worried about you and your sister. He sometimes calls you to ask if you're alright. It's really sweet of him to ask you if you're doing alright at the moment but you're not really used to that.
You were creeped out at first but after a bit of thinking you came to the conclusion that Jack has been very stressed and worried lately.

If someone would be in your brothers' shoes then they would also be very stressed.
One moment your father is leaving to go to work, the next moment you receive a phone call from the hospital saying that your father got hit by a car and then you get told that you need to take over the company while your father is in the hospital.
Not very easy to deal with.

You narrow your eyes at the people in front of you. There's nothing you can say to them and there's nothing you can do to them except narrowing your eyes at them.

It would be stupid of you to run straight at them and try to attack them. One of them wears a t-shirt and those arm muscles look like they could beat you to the hospital.

And your brother already said something and you have no idea if you should add something to it.

Suddenly a guy with a really complicated symbol on his face takes a step towards you four and says: "I apologize for putting your sister into big trouble and I also apologize for the behaviour of my peers. And I also apologize for your living room."

"Apology accepted!" your sister says from behind your brother. You and your brother turn around and stare at Jackie, to which she responds with looking down at the floor and swalling her saliva up.

Anyway, since your siblings are busy right now you might as well try to talk the strangers and find out their side of the story.

You turn back to the strangers and say: "Well now that we've heard my sisters' side of the story, it would be nice of you guys if you would tell your side of the story."
"That's an easy story to tell. We were all doing our own business and then all of sudden we're here." one of the strangers says. This strangers' face is clompletely white with the exception of a red dot that is in the middle of their face.
"And after that?"
"We saw your sister and we all began to panic."

"What? Why did you all began to panic?" you ask them. Who in the world would begin to panic when seeing your sister? She has one of the most friendliest appearings that you've seen in real life.
Jackie has long dark brown hair and dark blue eyes that look like big glassmarbles.
And your brother looks like a genderbend version of your sister. And he looks more cool than friendly.

"We thought your sister would attack us. And with 'we' I mean America and South Korea. They both began to scream all of a sudden so some of us also began to scream because of them."
"Don't call us out like that Japan!" another stranger says. This stranger has the flag of the USA.
"I'm going to call you out as much as I want to." 'Japan' says.

These two just called themselves with the names of countries. Now that you're taking a closer look at their faces, none of them is wearing face paint. The so called face paint is their skin colour. And their faces look awfully a lot like flags of countries.

Why didn't you notice that before?

"Are you guys some kind of humanized version of countries?" you ask the strangers.

Everyone in the room stares at you.

You hate this kind of attention. It's as if the whole world is looking at you because you said one of the most stupid things one person could say.

Something like trees are made out of wool or books are made for war or whatever stupid things someone could say which makes zero sense.

"Yes we are. You must be quick to catch up to things." one of them says. They obviously meant to say it in sarcasm and their face is the flag of Greece.

"Does that mean your names are the same as the flags that are on your faces?"
"I guess it is."
"You're not exactly humans now are you?"
"We are humans. Just a special type of human."
"Is your life span just like the ones of a human?"
"No. We're immortal."
"And what about the flags on your faces? Do you have it since birth?"
"Yes and no. Some of us countryhumans are born with a flag on our faces, some of us are born with the parent flag placed somewhere in the face and some don't have any traces of flag on their face. And in rare occasions their whole skin colour is in all kind of colours."
"Do you guys already have a country name when born?"
"No. When we're born we're given a normal name like you guys. Our countries name is something like our last name. But most people would refer to us with our countryname."
"That's an interesting concept. What's your name then?"
"My name is Greece. But if you're asking for my other name it's Angelina."
"Do you guys represent all the people in the country, the government or are you guys your very own person?"
"We're our own person. Many people think we're the embodiment of all people in our country or the government of it because we're countryhumans."
"What does it mean to be a countryhuman?"
"The answer to that question will depend on who you're asking it. If you're asking me what it means to be a countryhuman, then the answet is being a countryhuman just means that you're treated differently just because you have unusual colours as your skin."
"In both negatives and positives ways?"
"Yes. Enough of the questions. If you're wondering why your living room looks like this that's because North Korea and South Korea were fighting each other."

"You too Greece!?"
"It's not like that we're friends or something pepsi human." Greece says.
Pepsi human. What a way to call South Korea.

"Since its your guys fault that the living room looks like this how about you clean it up?" Jack asks, annoyance evident in his voice as he said that.
Looks like your brother isn't very fond of the countryhumans.

"That would be a great idea! The countryhumans clean the living room up while Jack keeps an eye on them so that they won't do anything that will go out of control. Jackie can go and get the flower pot that I usally see inside here and (Y/N) and I can go upstairs and set my remaining stuff up in my new room!" Faye says excited. Faye always get excited when she has made a well thought out plan.

"And? What do you think of it?"
"That's not a bad plan Faye." Jack says.
"Great! Now everything's settled!" Faye says (or shouts), takes your hand and runs with you upstairs, leaving everyone else behind.

Running up the stairs with Faye is suffering for Fayes' suitcase. Poor thing is being dragged upstairs by you and collides with every step of one staircase and another staircase.

A few moments later you two arrive in Fayes' new bedroom and the first thing you do is letting go of the suitcase. No more suffering for the suitcase.

Fayes' bedroom has already been set up with furnitures and her belongings also have been put inside. Faye had to put her things little by little inside the room because she didn't want to make her parents realize what she has been planning and doing the whole time.

You have no idea why Faye did it like that but whatever. It's already been done.

Faye takes her suitcase, puts it on her bed, opens it and begins to put the things that are inside there away.

Inside the suitcase only are things to wear.
Which means that there's a lot of clothing inside. No wonder why the suitcase is heavy.

You close the door sit down in front of it and watch Faye do her thing.

"Greece is hot." Faye says all of a sudden and continues putting away her things as if she didn't say anything.

You stare at Faye. "What the fuck Gaye? I didn't want to know that!"

Timeskip [I love the song Sincerely, me]

Faye has put away her cloths and now you two are walking downstairs to see how things are going. And if Jackie has found your mothers' flower pot. You wonder why it wasn't even in its usual place. Sure, someone must have put it away but the next question would be why they even put it away in the first place.

You two arrive downstairs and much to your relief the chaos that you saw earlier is gone now.

Three of the countryhumans are inside the living room right now. Horizontal countryhuman is reading something and pepsi-human and another countryhuman are in the middle of watching k-drama.

You don't want to bother the two watching k-drama right now. You know how annoying it is when you're watching a series and you're in the middle of the exciting part of the episode but then it gets interrupted by someone because they need something from you.
It's pure pain.

Guess you'll ask horizontal person.
You walk to him and gently tap his shoulder with your finger to gain his attention.
He looks at you and you say quietly, to not disturb the other two: "Do know where my sister or brother is?"
"Your sister and brother should be in the kitchen because they wanted to make dinner for everyone."

You thank him and make your way to the kitchen with Faye following behind you.

Arriving in the kitchen you see your brother, red face with moon and star and Japan making dinner. Todays dinner are sandwiches but with different kind of toppings inside.
And your brother is making them! Your brothers' sandwiches are the best to exist!

You quietly walk to your brother, none of three noticing you, and then in a quick motion you put your hands on your brothers waist and scream into his ear.

Your brother himself let's out a small scream, drops to his knees, puts his hand on where his heart and breaths heavily.
And then he screams at you: "(Y/N)! What the fuck!? What was that for?!"
"What? It's always fun to scare other people."
"For you it may be! What do you think how funny it would be if I would scare you?!"
"It would be fun! Jack, I wouldn't mind if you jumpscare me. I mean, I constantly jumpscare you so it would only be fair if you would jumpscare me too."
"Fuck you (Y/N)! I hate you!"
"I love you too big brother!"

"What's going on? I heard screamin." you hear your sisters' voice say.
Yay! Now you've found your two favourite people! :D

"(Y/N) gave me a damn heart attack!"
"Again (Y/N)?"
"What? It's funny to jumpscare people. And my beloved big brother here just has the best reactions when scared."

Jackie walks to you and shoos you out the kitchen.
"Begone demon. Begone." she says and closes the door.

You turn to Faye and you two look at each other in silence before bursting into a small giggle and wheezing session.

"You always do that (Y/N). Why do you even do it in the first place?"
"It's funny, alright."
"Seems legit. Anyways, I'm gonna go upstairs and see what funny books I can find inside the libraby. See you at dinner!"
"Ok. See you at dinner." And with that Faye walks away from you.

Once Faye has disappeared from your view and you're 100% sure that no one is looking at you, you leave the mansion from the backdoor.

Entering the backgarden of your home you close the door behind you and walk across the garden.

Your whole home has a gigantic gate made out of stone and metal surrounding it. It's there to prevent wild animals entering your home and to prevent children from walking into the nearby forest and disappearing inside there.

This gigantic fence has three ways of exiting and entering your home.
The first is impossible to miss because it's the one in the front.
The second one is easy to miss, it's a door made out of metal and is placed in the middle of the fence. There are also plants lightly covering the door. You also need a key to open it.
And the third one is a small door that you practically can't see at all. There are so many plants covering the view of seeing this small door. It's the perfect way of hiding away from someone. This door doesn't require a key.

You have your keys on you so you don't need to use the small door.

Why is it always difficult to push open this door? Even unlocking and locking this door is difficult. There barely is any rust.

After the struggle of locking the door, you look around incase another person is around. It's rare to meet someone here, but it's still possible.
And you don't want to meet more people. You've met enought people today.

Now being certain that there is no one around, you run into the forest.

You know this forest just like your own home. You don't need light to see something. You practically know where every tree root is that is popping out of the ground.

And there are many things you've found inside here and you even made a map of the forest to mark where those cool things are.

One of those cool things is an abandoned house. The house still has furniture inside and it has a rusty swing in the garden that is overgrown with all kinds of wild plants.
You're guessing that there used to live a family with children. You wonder what kind of people they were.

Another cool thing is that there's one single gravestone in the middle of the forest. Alright that's not cool it's depressing. You put some white lillies there to pay some respect for the person. Even though you have never met the person. It's always a good thing to do small nice thing for another person. That's what your mother taught you.
Weird thing, a few days after you put the lillies there you came back again and saw that the lillies weren't there anymore.

Another thing inside the forest is a well that you found. It's a normal well but it's filled up with water to the brim for some reasons. You used some of the water from the well and watered some of the nearby plants that are constantly met with the sun.
But no matter how much water you used from the well, it was still full to the brim.

And one of the most coolest things inside the forest is a cave with walls made out of mirrors! And that's where heading right now.

The idea of running and jumping around the dark forest with the danger of meeting a wild animal that could harm you is something that someone wouldn't think of, but here you are, doing the exact thing.
You just love the adrenaline flowing through you. It's fun and exciting!

You slow your running down to a jog and soon you're only walking towards your destination.

It's not far anymore. You pull your flashlight out and hold it in your hand. You're preparing yourself right now because there's no light inside the cave.

While walking you hear all kind of wild animals and all of them are keeping their distance with you.

You stop walking to turn your flashlight on and there it. Your destination, the mirror cave.

You walk inside the cave and it's as if every step you make creates an echo.

Any decent person would have already turned around and walked outside the cave, but you will not do that.
You need to go deeper inside the cave to reach your destination.

Your destination is a lantern placed on top of a table with four chairs surrounding it.
You don't know why there is furniture placed inside a cave but you need the lantern.

Suddenly the said furniture comes into your view.
You slightly quicken your pace. You turn the old lantern on, turn your flashlight off and put it inside your pocket and continue to walk deeper inside the cave using the old lantern now instead of the flashlight.

Soon the light of the lantern is met with a dead end. You look at your reflection.
It's only you looking back and holding an lantern.

"Lilith, I know that you're here right now. Get out and answer my question."

You look at your reflection, patiently waiting for something to happen.

If someone would see you right now they'd think that you have lost your mind and gone crazy.
You're not crazy. You know that.

In your reflection, a girl with light blond hair and light brown hair comes out from behind you. She wears the exact same things as you.

"What's matter (Y/N)? You don't like my gift?" she asks you and jingles her eyelashes to appear innocent. It's obvious. She's trying to make you angry and she's succesful and you're not going to let her see it.
"Of course I don't." you say and fold your arms in front of you.
"Then why didn't you say so?" she asks you and lightly pitches up her voice. This little shit is making you angry.

"You said that you're not going to accept no."
"I did? Oh well, seems like I did. Too bad. I already done it. I'm not going to take them back. That's for sure. And I'm also sure that you're going to form a fantastic bond with each one of them!"
"Why did you even do that?"
"Because you're boring! Come on now, a little adventure is always worth it. And you're lonely. Everyone deserves romance!"

You glare at Lilith.

"Don't give me that look! I'm just doing you a favour. A favour that you will be grateful for! Trust me. You'll make fantastic memories with those people. I was doing researches on them."
"I guess I am."

You let out sigh. "Is there a way to bring them back home?"
"There is! But firstly, I want you to bond with them. You don't need to marry them. Just you and them being friends is enough for me to tell you on how to bring them back home."
"But that's going to take months! If not even a few years!"
"Months? Yes. Years? No. Unless you want to make them fall in love with you."

"I fucking hate you Lilith."


Fun fact: Despite Faye making anime refrences, Faye isn't someone you would call a weeb or an otaku.

[I honestly enjoy making 3000+ chapters. This one here almost has 4000 words]

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