Not meant to be

By michmosch

957 28 5

Hermione has got a job at the ministry for the summer. The job keeps her mind of Ron's and Lavender's relatio... More

Chapter two

Not meant to be

594 15 1
By michmosch

Disclaimer: i do not own any characters, JK Rowling do. This is just a fanfiction

"Why the hurry?" The cold voice surprised her causing her to drop all the papers and folders in her arms. She slowly turned around not bothering to pick up the dropped items. She was met by icecold grey eyes and a smirk that she hated over all things. Well, not all things but you could easily say it wasn't her favorite smirk. "What do you want..." Hermione glared at her enemy, one of the best students in her year along with one of the most hated. "...Malfoy?"

"Didn't know you worked here, it's a shame really, the ministry hiring mudbloods? Or are you just here to visit your bloodtraitor friends?" Malfoy sneered at her.

"I do work here, if I knew you cared that much I would have told you" Hermione smiled, all she wanted was to get home and handling Malfoy wasn't something she wanted to do right now. "Wow, Granger talking back? Didn't think I'd see the day." "Well a Malfoy behaving like a total git, I can't really say I'm surprised" Hermione kneeled down and started to pick up her things so that she could go home.

"I would stand back and be careful if I were you." Hermione looked up and realized that he had walked up to her and was standing over her staring down. She was not going to let him do this to her again this year. She was tired of her, Harry and Ron having to avoid him all the time. "Why? We won the war and I'm allowed to do whatever I want. I would stay away from me if I were you. And besides, it was you that started to talk to me remember?" Hermione picked up her things and walked quickly the remaining fifteen meters to the elevator. She pressed for the ground level and turned around. "Have a wonderful day" she smiled mockingly as the doors slid shut.

As soon as they did she sat down on the elevator floor and exhaled the breath she hadn't realized she was holding in. She was still scared of Malfoy, not that she would ever admit it to him though. 'That was good' she thought to herself, 'never let him see you weak.' She arrived at the ground floor and went to the reception. The only place in the building where you were able to disapparate.

She arrived outside the burrow and the first thing she noticed when she opened the door was Lavenders coat. 'Fantastic, just what I need.' She could hear Ron's voice from the kitchen and decided to get up to her bed as soon as possible. She had to use the shower first though.

When she slipped into the room that she shared with Ginny ten minutes later she was met with Ginny sitting on her bed. "There you are, I thought I heard you come in." her smile faded when she saw Hermiones face. "Oh, yeah, Ron is trying to convince mom to let her stay the night, I'm sorry." "No, it's okay, it's not your fault anyway" Hermione slipped under her covers with a soft moan. She had missed her duvet today. She had been tired the whole week, starting to prepare for going back to Hogwarts while working at the same time. As if reading her mind Ginny moved to her own bed. "You know I'm pretty sure I'll pass my classes without this studying beforehand, and why did you even get a job, when we are still in school?"

"It's good to have the experience that a summerjob gives you, now I have a job for when I graduate. Of course I'll pass, but I want to do more than that."

Ginny looked at her disbelievingly "Well if you have a job why mind the grades?".

"It's not about the grades, it's the knowledge I want" Hermione picked up her book and started to read, which she always did before going to sleep.


The next morning Hermione and Ginny decided that they should go shopping. Well Ginny did but Hermione didn't protest that much. She didn't have to work today but she was expected to attend a meeting in the afternoon. Ginny was very frustrated over the fact that Harry hadn't asked her out yet and was determined to get backt to Hogwarts as Harry's girlfriend. "You think he will like this?" Ginny held up a tight red dress for Hermione to see. "Yeah sure, but are you just going to sit in the livingroom wearing that? I think you would be kind of overdressed..."

Ginny looked at Hermione dubiously "not if I am going to a party".

Hermione raised her eyebrows "and you are...?" "Well there's bound to be a party somewhere right? I'll call Dean and we can work something out, maybe tonight? And if Harry asks we can invite him to! when he sees me dancing he'll be a goner...No, you are going to that dinner aren't you?" "It's just a meeting I'm sure it'll be done before eight, why? I'm not going to a party!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Please? I'll find the perfect dress for you and Oliver might be there.." Ginny started to examine the dresses again, still carrying the red one.

"Why would I care if Oliver was there?" Hermione didn't fool anyone. She was a bad liar and her blushing cheeks wasn't in her favor. Oliver Wood was several years older and Hermione had gotten to know him when she once followed Harry and Ron to a quidditch game. Oliver was a very good player and he had led the Gryffingor towards victory when he was the captain in Hermiones third year.

Harry and Oliver were friends but everytime Hermione met Oliver she became shy and quiet. Ginny started to giggle beside her and Hermione looked up, suddenly irritated. "What?" Ginny laughed louder when she noticed Hermione's expression. "And still you let Lavender get to you? You seem to be over Ron if you get all flustered just by hearing Olivers name. Oh my god we're going to have so much fun!"

An hour and four shops later Hermione and Ginny were seated in a cafe. On the other side of the table were Dean and believe it or not...Oliver. "It's okay I wasn't busy anyway, me and Oliver were just out looking for a gift for my aunt, she is getting married next week." Dean reassured Ginny while Hermione desperately tried to keep the blush away everytime Oliver looked at her. "Okay good, wait out shopping? How do you know each other?" Hermione asked Oliver hoping she didn't sound stupid.

"My uncle is getting married to his aunt. In July my family had this party where we invited all of our relatives and we met." Oliver explained.

"So...why did you want to meet up? I know that I'm hot but you usually can wait a week and we would have met at Kings Cross on Monday" Dean winked at Ginny. "Ha-Ha no but it is the last Friday before school starts and it would have been fun with...I don't know...a party? And who is the best man ever to arrange parties if not you?" "Hell yeah! Oliver got his own apartment, can we have it there?"

Oliver looked at Dean with his eyebrow raised "And I'll clean that tomorrow by my self? I don't think so, but when we I went to Hogwarts we used to party on this big field in the middle of the Deanforest."


Hermione was seated next to Mr. Mark, a man that she had to admit looked good but had way to good selfconfidence. He was around twentyfive years old and his leg brushed Hermiones atleast once every minute. As to make the whole thing worse she had the snake himself on the other side.

"So what are you doing later?" Hermione turned and interrupted Mr. Mark's question by asking Malfoy something, pretending she hadn't heard Mr. Mark. "Wanna come to a party tonight?" It was her first thought and she didn't really have much time to come up with something else. Malfoy watched her with amusement lighting up his eyes, he knew very well what Hermione was doing. "Yeah I'd love to, you coming too?" he turned to Mr Mark. Hermione glared at him and their eyes were locked together while Mr. Marks happily accepted, Hermione's filled with hate and Malfoy's with maybe...mischief?

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