The Bet (Law Order SVU)

By Calzonia0917

49.3K 704 96

Just Olivia Benson and Alex Cabot doig sexy couple stuff. They make a bet to see who can make the other have... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

2.4K 35 0
By Calzonia0917

Alex scrunched her eyes closed as the alarm on the bedside table began to wail mercilessly. A slow turn of her head showed that it was, in fact, time to get up, and that the stupid clock hadn't reset itself to go off at what felt an ungodly hour of the morning. "Damn," she muttered as she slammed her palm onto the 'off' bar on top of the clock. "Liv, time to get up," she muttered halfheartedly. Even though she was resigned to the fact that it was time to get out of bed, that didn't mean she had to be happy about it.

"Idnwnna," Olivia replied, her words muffled by the pillow she had pulled over her head to block out the noise from the alarm.

"C'mon," Alex sighed as she pushed herself into a sitting position. "We gotta go by Abbie's place and pick up my car."

"You go, I'll just take a cab to work," Olivia groaned. "Oh my god, my head feels like there's an elephant doing a tap-dance on my brain. I hate tequila."

"That's not what you were saying last night," Alex chuckled.

"That's because last night you were doing all sorts of delightful things to me with that tongue of yours," Olivia replied. "Who in the hell would ever hate tequila if it made you do that to them?"

Alex laughed softly. "Touché. I can't believe we did it in a cab."

"You weren't really in a position to take no as an answer right then," Olivia replied. "The movie theater on the other hand..."

"Was kind of fun."

"In an entirely illegal kind of way," Olivia agreed.

"Yes, well," Alex drawled as she climbed out of bed, artfully allowing the sheet that'd been covering her to fall leaving her wearing nothing but a smile. "I am going to go get in the shower, Detective Benson. If your finely tuned detecting skills can help you find it, you are more than welcome to join me."

Unlike the shrill beeping of the despised alarm clock, the thought of joining Alex in the shower encouraged Olivia to get up. Gathering her strength, she lifted her head just in time to see Alex's naked, retreating form as she swayed into the bathroom, obviously aware that she was being watched. Olivia's blurry eyes widened a little, and she swallowed to ease the dryness of her scratchy throat. Now, that was a sight worth opening her eyes for.

With a groan, she sat up and put her feet on the floor, stretching her arms over her head and shivering as the cold air met her naked body. She felt delightfully sore, and she noticed that several parts of her were covered in various marks. Not all of them were from yesterday, but a great deal of them were. She winced. The boys were going to have a lot of fun teasing her at work today. She would have to wear a turtleneck, but some of the marks were too high even for that, like a nice purple specimen on her jawline. Her back was a little sore as well, and she remembered the way Alex had clutched her shoulders tight in the movie theater bathroom, but it had been more than worth it. She wasn't going to complain.

Feeling slightly more energetic, she hurried after Alex into their own bathroom. The naked blonde had already turned on the shower and was climbing in. Once she was behind the shower curtain, she peeked her head back out, extending one forearm and crooking her finger, motioning for Olivia to join her. The detective was more than happy to follow orders.

Stepping under the spray, Olivia let her eyes take in the delicious picture that was Alex Cabot, naked and dripping with water. She suddenly realized that she hadn't gotten a good morning kiss yet. That oversight would need to be corrected immediately. Olivia pulled Alex into her arms, hands curling around her waist and pulling her close. The attorney seemed a little shorter without her trademark heels, but kissing her was still perfect. Warm mouths met, softly at first, then deeper as both women opened and relearned each other. It was moments like this, tender reaffirmations, that made getting out of bed in the morning seem worth it instead of giving up.

However, as much as she enjoyed it, Olivia wasn't completely focused on the kiss. A small thought hopped around in the back of her mind. Alex was still ahead by one orgasm, and if she wanted to save Abbie's one hundred bucks (and her pride), she needed to catch up. A dare from a disappointed Abbie was the last thing she wanted to deal with. Besides, she had a plan. A sneaky plan that was probably more in line with Alex's personality than with hers. If she played her cards right, she would be able to win. She hoped that Alex didn't mind one more dose of humiliation to go along with the rest she had experienced this week.

But first, she needed to even the score - and that was something she was more than happy to have to do so early in the morning. She slid her hands down to cup Alex's ass, rubbing her palms over the pale white globes as she laid a distinct trail of kisses across the blonde's jaw to her ear.

"Mmm, good morning to you, Liv," Alex purred as Olivia's mouth laid hot, wet kisses to the sensitive hollow below her ear.

"Good morning," Olivia chuckled, taking Alex's earlobe into her mouth and nipping at it as she continued to let her hands glide over the smooth, wet flesh of the ADA's behind.

Alex let her eyes flutter closed under the heavenly onslaught of the detective's attentions and let herself lean forward into her lover, burying her face in the crook of Olivia's neck, a low moan tumbling over her lips as Olivia's fingers began kneading and massaging her ass.

Olivia smiled at the feeling of the pliant woman in her arms. The usually strong attorney was quite literally putty in her hands at the moment. "You like this?"

Alex nodded. "Mmhmm. I like anything you do to me."

That made her detective smile and nip the skin she had been sucking, drawing a gasp from Alex. "I can feel that," said Olivia, one of her hands crawling up to cup one of Alex's sensitive breasts. The other remained where it was, and Olivia smiled as Alex continued nuzzling her shoulder. Her soft, almost demure acceptance of Olivia's touch was so different from her demands from last night, but both varieties were welcome. She loved Alex any way she could get her - bossy and insistent, or soft and pleading and delicious. And Alex was undeniably delicious.

Sliding one thigh between the attorney's unsteady legs, Olivia began to back her up against the shower wall. "And I do love feeling how much you like it... when I touch you..." Olivia gave Alex's ass another firm squeeze with her left hand as her right continued teasing the prosecutor's nipple. Alex gasped, but arched her upper body into Olivia's hand. "When I kiss you..." Olivia pressed kisses to Alex's wet hair, then her forehead and cheeks before finally lingering around her lips. "And when I taste you..." they kissed once, softly, " you come in my mouth."

Alex groaned, her hips bucking forward automatically, encouraged by Olivia's short but sincere speech. "Uh..." She liked Olivia's idea. She liked it a lot. In fact, she liked it so much that she found herself beginning a slow grind on the detective's thigh, coating it with a thicker moisture than the one falling down on them from the showerhead. The hand behind her encouraged the rocking of her hips, urging her to press down harder as Olivia flexed the muscles in her thigh, giving Alex a harder surface to move against.

Smiling at the attorney's reaction, Olivia claimed Alex's lips in a deep, hungry kiss as she continued to encourage the blonde's movement against her thigh. Just the feeling of Alex's skin under her hands was usually enough to whet her appetite for more of the delectable ADA, but feeling Alex's smooth lower lips gliding against her leg, grinding against her with such obvious need, was enough to push her past wanting to taste and right into needing to taste.

Alex whimpered softly when Olivia's thigh disappeared from between her legs, her hips automatically bucking forward in a blind search for the limb. "Liv!"

"Shh," Olivia murmured against the blonde's lips, pecking them quickly in reassurance. "I want to taste you Alex."

"Umpf," Alex grunted.

Taking the blonde's nonsensical utterance as permission, not that she was asking for it, Olivia brushed her lips down the center of Alex's body until she was kneeling before the blonde in the tub. She placed one hand behind Alex's left knee and guided the leg over her shoulder, opening the ADA to her. "Beautiful," she murmured as she leaned in to press a soft kiss to the swollen, wet, absolutely delectable skin before her.

Alex moaned loudly as Olivia's lips pressed into her and her left arm shot out to press against the wall to help her hold herself up as her right reached down to tangle itself encouragingly in Olivia's shorn locks. "God, Liv," she whimpered as the brunette ran a tantalizingly slow tongue through her folds. "So good, Baby," she murmured as her hips began to rock against Olivia's mouth.

Olivia moved both her hands to grasp Alex's ass and squeezed the muscles firmly, pulling the blonde into her mouth as she thrust her tongue as deep inside the ADA as she possibly could. "Mmm," she moaned, her grip tightening, pulling Alex against her further as she sought to taste every last possible inch of the attorney.

Alex was in heaven. The strokes of Olivia's tongue were firm and urgent, as though she couldn't get enough of the ADA's taste, her smell, but they were also thorough, covering every inch of her and leaving her feeling just a little exposed. But it felt so good that she didn't care. Her heel pressed into Olivia's back, trying to urge her closer. She wanted - no, needed - more, always more. She gasped as the warm muscle ringed her entrance, setting the nerve endings on fire, making her hips jerk unsteadily.

Her right leg was shaking, having to support the majority of her weight, and Olivia used her left hand to steady it, helping Alex find her balance while that wicked tongue worked its magic. The attorney felt like she was unraveling at the seams and spilling over onto the floor, but she couldn't be sure, because her brain was firing all over the place and she was caught somewhere in between reality and incredible pleasure. It was always like that with Olivia. Alex had a theory about the reason her girlfriend was so incredibly good at this... because she loved doing it, adored Alex's reactions and went out of her way to coax the sweetest ones from her body, it made Alex relax and open herself to feeling as much as she could.

Unfortunately, there was one place that Olivia had purposely been avoiding. She nuzzled Alex's inner thighs with her cheeks and ghosted over them with her lips, even nipping firmly once in a while, which made Alex's body twitch. She dutifully kissed each of Alex's outer lips, scattering kisses over them before diving in to suck the inner ones into her mouth. She thrust her tongue inside the attorney's tender opening, seeking more wetness and heat. She covered every inch of Alex with broad, flat sweeps, but stopped just short of her final goal. Everything but tending to the tight bundle of nerves that so desperately needed her touch. Alex could come without direct stimulation there if she really tried, but Olivia's fingers weren't inside of her, either, and without either option... What Olivia was doing felt wonderful, but it wasn't enough to release her.

"Don't tease me, Liv," Alex begged, hoping that her lover would take pity on her. She loved the thorough attention, but she needed to come now.

Hearing the need in Alex's voice, Olivia relented and moved her mouth higher until she was hovering just above the pulsing, throbbing bundle that was quite literally straining for attention. Knowing how violently Alex tended to react when she stopped teasing and tended to the sensitive point, Olivia tightened her grip on Alex's leg, supporting the attorney for the reaction she knew was imminent.

A quick glance up Alex's torso showed that the attorney's head had dropped and her half-lidded eyes were focused on her. "I love you," Olivia murmured, a small, lopsided smile lifting her lips.

"Liiiiiv," Alex whimpered. She loved Olivia too, but right now she just wanted the brunette's mouth on her and not murmuring soft, heartfelt words of affection. She rolled her hips forward, showing without words where, exactly, she wanted the brunette's mouth, and she let out a low moan as she watched Olivia's eyes flick down to her clit. "Yes, Baby... there..." she encouraged huskily, rocking towards Olivia's mouth.

Olivia puckered her lips and blew gently over the sensitive bundle before sticking out her tongue and running it lightly around the perimeter. Around, around, lightly around, promising so much pleasure, but never quite delivering. She loved this, the feeling of Alex around her, loved the sounds that she was able to pull from the blonde's lips as she excited her. But most of all, she loved how it felt when Alex came against her mouth, and that was what she decided she wanted now. She pulled back to lightly flick Alex's clit with the very tip of her tongue, once, twice, three times - each gentle touch causing the blonde to gasp and twitch against her.

"Please, Liv," Alex panted. "Please."

Olivia decided that she had tormented her lover enough. It was time to help her let go. Finally, after a long, torturous moment of waiting, Olivia sucked Alex's clit between her lips, lashing hard and fast with the tip of her tongue. Overwhelmed by the new stimulation, Alex screamed, clenching and spasming around two of Olivia's fingers, which had thrust into her at the last moment and curled up sharply, heightening the sensations rushing through her blood. "Oh, Liv!" Alex thought she felt tears squeezing out of her eyes, but if they did, the spray of the shower washed them away. She was sure that she would lose her balance and slip on the slick surface of the tub, but somehow, Olivia managed to keep her upright as she jerked and shuddered out her release.

Finally, gasping, Alex pulled away, releasing her death grip on Olivia's wet hair. The detective smiled up at her, ignoring the soreness of her knees. "I guess you liked that, huh, Baby?"

"Mmm..." Apparently, Alex had lost her ability to form words.

Realizing that the ADA wasn't able to speak or support her own weight, Olivia gently lowered Alex to the floor of the tub, reaching for a bottle of body wash and a loofah to clean her lover up. "Here, baby. Let me help you." She worked the shower gel into the loofah until it was frothing with bubbles, and then she began to spread them over Alex's shoulders and torso, watching the water from the detachable shower-head pulse down on her skin and wash the white foam away. She followed each stroke of the loofah with her hands, making sure that Alex was completely clean. Still wiped out from her intense orgasm, Alex allowed the tender touch, humming in pleasure as Olivia moved around to her back.

"What are you doing?" she murmured, trying to slow down her heart rate. Unfortunately, that was impossible with Olivia's hands on her and the detective's wet, naked body so close.

"We're in the shower. This is what people do in here," said Olivia, trailing the loofah down over Alex's lower abdomen before reaching up to wash her arms.

"Yes, it is," Alex agreed as her post orgasm haze began dissipate and she became more aware of herself and her surroundings. "But you don't have to do that, Baby, I can wash myself."

"Maybe I like taking care of you," Olivia murmured as she swiped the loofah over the swell of Alex's breasts leaving a soapy trail to drip over, down, and around the perfect mounds before returning to the blonde's arms.

Alex smirked and reached up to fondle Olivia's breasts, squeezing the firm mounds under her palms before slipping her hands out to the side so she could teasingly run the pads of her thumbs over the rapidly hardening tips. "What if I want to take care of you?" she purred.

Olivia bit her lip and moaned softly, her body, already aroused from attending to Alex only minutes before, responding immediately to the blonde's touch.

Alex smiled at the needy sound tumbling from her lover's lips. "Do you want me to take care of you?" she asked, arching a brow questioningly as she ran two fingers down the center of the brunette's torso, stilling her touch just above Olivia's mound.

"Yes," Olivia whimpered, her eyelids dropping to half-mast as her entire consciousness focused onto the finite connections where Alex's fingers rested against her.

"Lean back against the back of the tub," Alex murmured as she reached behind herself to flip the water from the showerhead to the tap and then throwing the stopper into the drain so the tub began to fill with warm water. She smiled softly as she watched Olivia do as she suggested and once the brunette was resting against the far end of the tub she moved in closer between the brunette's bent legs to dip her mouth down and capture a pert nipple between her lips. She sucked against it lightly before releasing the nub to blow gently across the moist flesh.

"Aaaaalex," Olivia hissed as the cool air moving over her nipple caused it to stiffen almost painfully.

"Hmmm?" the attorney purred as she took Olivia's other nipple into her mouth, sucking greedily. She loved it when Olivia said her name in moments of passion. It made her feel like the most beautiful woman alive. The water began to fill the basin, sloshing around them and warming their legs. Olivia realized that this wasn't going to be a very productive shower, but that was more than okay by her.

While Alex's mouth was eagerly switching between Olivia's proud breasts, her hands were busy under the water, gliding along Olivia's smooth legs. She must have shaved yesterday afternoon before their "date" with Abbie and Serena, and the water and soap made her skin extra silky and slick.

Olivia was getting tired of Alex's teasing. Weaving her fingers in the ADA's wet hair, darker than usual because of the water, she automatically tried to pull Alex's mouth down, forgetting that the tub was filling with water and covering all of her lower body.

Laughing softly, Alex reached to turn off the tap. "Sorry, baby. Can't do that, I'm not a fish." Before Olivia could be too disappointed, Alex offered an alternative. "But I don't think my hands have the same problem."

Alex reached carefully between the detective's legs, finding her wet even underneath the water. However, she knew that she had to tread cautiously. Aggressive strokes underwater could feel dry and painful. Instead, she took things slow, starting with a gentle massage of Olivia's upper thighs, rolling her thumbs ever upward, but not touching where Olivia so obviously needed her.

"Don't be a tease," Olivia pleaded. Alex just laughed again.

"But you like it," she growled, kissing the juncture of Olivia's throat and shoulder.

"I like it more when you're..." Alex slipped two fingers deep inside of the detective with one smooth stroke, interrupting Olivia's retort. "Oh God."

Alex smirked and began pumping her fingers in and out of Olivia slowly, so incredibly slowly, as she leaned in to whisper against the brunette's ear. "Alex is just fine this morning, Baby."

Olivia wanted to respond to the blonde's teasing comment but al cogent thought was blasted right out of her head when Alex's thumb moved over her clit to begin rubbing firm, tight circles against the bud. She yelped and bucked into the new touch spastically before her hips fell into a steady, rocking motion against Alex's hand. "Please," she murmured, the quiet plea falling from her lips without thought.

"I know," Alex replied just as softly. She did know, and she loved it. She loved how much Olivia enjoyed giving her pleasure, loved how sometimes the brunette didn't even need her touch to come right along with her. But this morning Olivia did need her, and she sure as hell wasn't going to disappoint. So knowing how close Olivia was to the edge already, Alex abandoned the brunette's breasts and moved higher to claim the detective's mouth in a slow, sensual kiss as her stroke below grew more firm, her fingers curling and massaging rigid walls in all the right places that she knew would have Olivia seeing stars.

"Alex," Olivia moaned as Alex's fingers began massaging her from the inside.

"That's it," Alex smiled as she thrust into Olivia once more, leaning in to rest her forehead against the brunette's so she could stare into the most beautiful brown eyes she'd ever seen as she took her lover over the edge. "You're so close, aren't you Liv?" she asked without really needing an answer. "God, you're so beautiful when you come under me Baby. I love the way your eyes darken until they're practically black with desire."

Olivia moaned loudly and arched her body into Alex's touch.

"I love the way your cheeks flush. I love the way you feel clenching around me, grabbing my fingers and squeezing them so tightly, as if you never want them to leave you," she continued her erotic dissertation as she thrust in and out of Olivia with the same sure, knowing strokes. "I love the way you sound as you come undone, the look on your face, the way my name rolls off your tongue."

Olivia writhed against the ceramic tub, her body, her mind, her heart on fire from the things Alex was doing and saying to her. "God, Alex!"

"Mmm," Alex murmured. She stilled her hand deep inside Olivia and began rubbing the pads of her fingertips against the ridged, spongy patch at the top of the brunette's channel. "More than any of that," she continued throatily, "I love knowing that I gave you such pleasure. I love knowing that I made you feel so, so good."

Olivia whimpered and rolled her hips into Alex's thumb, seeking that slight increase of pressure against her clit that would be enough to make her come undone. "Oooooooo," she moaned loudly as Alex, knowing what she needed, pressed firmly against her.

Alex smiled as Olivia's walls clamped down around her and continued stroking her lover through her release, drawing out the pleasure for as long as possible as she peppered Olivia's lips, cheeks, and forehead, with kisses, each one punctuated by a soft, "I love you."

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