The Bet (Law Order SVU)

By Calzonia0917

49.1K 704 96

Just Olivia Benson and Alex Cabot doig sexy couple stuff. They make a bet to see who can make the other have... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

2.6K 37 1
By Calzonia0917

A cab finally eased out of traffic and stopped at the curb. The cabbie rolled down the window. "You ladies need a cab?" he asked.

"Yep, we have to get to my apartment so my girlfriend and I can..."

"Okay, honey!" Olivia interrupted, cutting off Alex before she could continue her statement. "Time to go home..."

"'Kay..." Alex said, opening the cab door and dragging Olivia inside with a tug to her wrist. She didn't stop once both of them were in the backseat, pulling Olivia onto her lap and kissing her thoroughly. For a moment, the detective lost herself in Alex, but then she remembered where they were. "Nooo, don't stop," Alex murmured against Olivia's kiss, nipping her lower lip and wrapping both arms around her lover's waist.

"I gotta... get off..." Olivia stuttered, trying to move back into the other seat as the cab driver waited for their address. "78th please," she managed to squeak.

"You wanna get off?" Alex purred, her voice rumbling in her chest as she tried to slide over to Olivia's side of the cab. "I can help with that..."

Olivia couldn't help but smile. "I know you can, Baby. But I think we've been adventurous enough for one day, don't you?"

Alex licked her lips and shook her head. "Nope," she leaned in to kiss Olivia hungrily. "I want you," she murmured against Olivia's lips, her voice deep and rich and pure unadulterated sex. "I want to bury my face between your legs and..."

"How you ladies doin' tonight?" the cabbie asked genially as he merged into traffic. He had a feeling this was going to be an interesting fare.

"I'd be doing better if she was naked," Alex quipped, never once taking her eyes off of Olivia.

The cabbie just shook his head and laughed. He loved the drunks. When they didn't puke in his cab, that is. "I'll bet."

"I know, right?" Alex answered loud enough for him to hear and grinned as she slid her hands up Olivia's stomach to finally palm the brunette's breasts possessively. "I am so wet just thinking about what I want to do to you when I get you alone," she breathed against Olivia's parted lips, smirking knowingly as she watched her lover swallow thickly.

"Oh God."

"Oh Alex, would be more appropriate," the ADA winked. "I'm going to make you scream."


Deciding that he didn't want to interrupt his two passengers, the cabbie kept his comments to himself and attempted not to rear-end the traffic in front of him. Unfortunately, he had to look through the front windshield at least a little bit to keep from wrecking the cab.

"Nonono," Olivia said loudly, gripping Alex's hips and trying to lift the attorney off of her lap. However, Alex took advantage of the new touch instead, grinding her hips down onto Olivia's pelvic bone, wishing that their jeans would just disappear. Even so, the pressure was delicious, and Alex tipped her head back, showing the long, lovely line of her neck.

"Uh... Liv..." Alex was burning. She whimpered, grinding down harder onto her lover's lap. "Oh God, please," she panted, burying her face in Olivia's neck and nipping the skin there. Just thinking about how warm Olivia was, how delicious she would taste, it was driving her crazy.

Olivia gasped, astounded by the need in her lover's voice. "Alex, honey, you need to cool down."

But Alex was beyond listening. Reaching between them, she started to unzip Olivia's jeans, undoing her own at the same time. Trying to worm her way into her lover's pants, she pleaded for Olivia to touch her. "Please?" she whimpered. When the stunned detective didn't respond, Alex squeezed Olivia's hand, guiding it between her legs.

"No..." Olivia tried to pull her hand away. "Are you crazy? Do you want to give the cabbie a free show?"

"Don't care," Alex hissed through gritted teeth.

Olivia watched Alex's eyes begin to tear with the weight of her need, and knew that the blonde was just too worked up to stop. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered as she shifted Alex's body atop her so that they would be hiding the important bits from their curious cabbie. He would have some idea of what was going on, but if she played it right, he would think it was just one hell of a hot make-out session...

"Please," Alex whimpered, tugging lightly on Olivia's wrist.

"You have to be quiet," Olivia warned as she slid her hand inside Alex's pants. Her fingers slipped into an ocean of wetness and she gasped in surprise. "God, you're wet."

"Mmm," Alex moaned as she buried her face in the crook of Olivia's neck, gyrating her hips against the brunette's hand. "Please, Liv, please," she panted.

Olivia peeked over Alex's shoulder to catch the cabbie's curious eye in the rearview mirror. She did a mental head slap at their situation before offering the man a wink and lowering her mouth to Alex's neck. She needed to make it look like they were just kissing.

"Baaaaaby," Alex moaned piteously, so completely aroused that it was painful.

"I know," Olivia whispered as she nipped and sucked at Alex's neck, causing the blonde to buck and whimper with need. "Kiss me," she ordered, claiming Alex's lips in a deep, hungry kiss as she pinched the blonde's clit between her fingers roughly.

"Aahmphfff," Alex tried to yell, but the sound was swallowed somewhat ineffectually by Olivia's kiss.

Come on, Alex, I know you're close, Olivia thought to herself as she worked the blonde's point in a firm figure-eight pattern. She could tell from the way Alex was grasping at her shoulders that her desperate lover's release was eminent, and she sped up the pace of her touch as much as she could considering the tight confines of Alex's jeans.

Alex broke the kiss, gasping for air as she came, but Olivia gave her no time to yell, scream, or moan before the brunette's lips were suctioned back around her own. The detective was effectively swallowing each and every cry that fell from her lips.

Olivia kept her mouth on Alex's until the blonde's spasms receded. Before releasing Alex from the kiss, she carefully directed the ADA's head to her shoulder to allow the spent woman time to recover. Once she was sure Alex would be quiet, she removed her hand and quickly refastened both of their pants. She wrapped her arms around Alex's waist and held the lawyer close as she murmured, "you okay now?"

Alex nodded and pressed a soft kiss to the crook of Olivia's neck. "Mmm. Thank you."

The last two minutes of the cab ride were slightly calmer, although Alex latched her lips to Olivia's neck and refused to let go, leaving the detective with an impressive hickey to show to her colleagues at work the next day. Sometimes, Olivia wondered why on earth she and Alex did the things they did, considering their jobs, but she supposed they weren't really hurting anyone - except, perhaps, the fussy old lady at the movie theater. The other poor, trapped viewers of The Heart's Storm seemed to enjoy the floor show more than the film anyway, and the cabbie certainly didn't look like me minded. Olivia desperately hoped that he hadn't figured out what was going on, but she wasn't about to ask.

Finally, seconds or maybe eons later, they arrived at Alex's apartment in the upper seventies. Helping her still shaking girlfriend out of the cab, Olivia whispered in her ear. "You have to hand him the cab fare. My hands were, um, busy."

Alex, who looked like she was beginning to recover, reached into her purse to give the cabbie his fare, making sure to gift him with an extra large tip. With the edge taken off her need, she didn't offer an explanation. She just blushed and handed him his money before dragging Olivia towards the building. The ADA didn't miss the wink and thumbs up that the cab driver gave her, though. "Come on, upstairs," she breathed against Olivia's ear, nipping the lobe with her teeth before hurrying her to the elevator.

"Are there cameras in here?" Olivia asked warily, staring up at the corners of the small metal box to check. She didn't see anything, but that didn't mean they weren't there.

"Dunno. Probably." Alex didn't care. One of her needs had been met already tonight, but her need to touch and taste Olivia was still burning brightly, and so she pinned the helpless detective against the nearest wall with a bruising kiss. Olivia accepted the kiss, but held Alex's wrists tight in her hands, refusing to get into another situation she couldn't control. Alex seemed to be enjoying herself, intermittently nibbling Olivia's jaw and invading her mouth with an eager, seeking tongue.

"Mm, can't you wait two minutes?" Olivia gasped when her lips were finally released.

"Uh-uh. Too long."

"Alex," Olivia groaned as Alex tried to pry her hands free. "Let's just keep our clothes on until we're in the privacy of your apartment. Okay?"

Alex pulled back far enough to stare into Olivia's lust darkened eyes. "If I agree to let you keep your clothes on can I have my hands back?"

Olivia carefully considered the playfully horny glint in Alex's eyes and decided that letting the blonde have the use of her hands back was probably not a good idea at the moment. "When we get out of the elevator," she replied, leaning forward and kissing Alex hungrily.

Properly distracted by the brunette's tongue forcing its way inside her mouth, Alex sank forward into Olivia's body and gave just as good as she was getting. The elevator chimed when they hit Alex's floor and the doors opened, causing both women to let out a grateful, "thank God."

True to her word, Olivia released Alex's hands as they exited the elevator and was immediately assaulted by groping, searching hands. "Christ, Alex," she laughed as she hurried away from the blonde, quickly pulling her keys out of her pocket and opening the door to the ADA's apartment. "You're nuts!"

"Nuh-uh," Alex smirked as she sashayed through the open door to her apartment and kicked it closed behind her. "Just really, really, really horny. And I've been denied long enough. I want to see you naked," she informed her lover. "Now."

Without any reason left to deny her, Olivia allowed Alex to strip her, groaning as warm lips seemed to cover every inch of newly bared skin. The ADA's mouth was everywhere at once, kissing her neck, nibbling her shoulder, licking over her abdomen as she raised the hem of Olivia's shirt, tearing it off and discarding it so that she could lavish the warm flesh underneath with attention. The detective suddenly found herself pushed backwards, pinned down on the floor in the entryway. She had a feeling they weren't going to make it to the bedroom, but decided she didn't care when Alex unhooked her bra and shoved it out of the way, sucking a nipple greedily between her lips.

"Christ, Alex," Olivia hissed, arching her upper back and shoulders to push more of her breast against Alex's mouth. She flinched when Alex used her teeth, but didn't object. Even the slight pain felt good, enhancing the sensations of pleasure.

Alex began undoing Olivia's pants as she switched breasts, desperate to feel more skin, more heat, more Olivia. Before Olivia could reach down to help with her underwear, Alex was inside her, shoving aside elastic and gliding eagerly through wet heat. Completely overwhelmed, Olivia could only whimper helplessly and submit to Alex's thorough ravishing. The carpet rubbed against her back as she shifted and writhed, bucking her hips against Alex's fingers.

The prosecutor was not satisfied. Being inside of Olivia, taking her, it felt so incredibly good, but it wasn't enough. She needed more. She had to taste Olivia. She wanted to drown in her. And for that, she needed to get Olivia's pants off. Removing her hand from between Olivia's legs, she began pulling off the detective's jeans, wanting her completely naked. Distracted by all the competing sensations, it took Olivia a moment to realize what Alex wanted when she started tugging at her pants, trying to pull them over her thighs and out of the way. When her lust-fogged brain made sense of her lover's silent but urgent request, Olivia helped her kick them aside along with her shoes and socks, not caring where they ended up.

"God, please... touch me again. Please."

Hearing Olivia beg was almost as delicious as tasting her, and Alex couldn't resist either impulse. She eagerly lowered her mouth to Olivia's wet, swollen lips and ran her tongue around the perimeter of the brunette's sex, teasing her desperate lover with the proximity of the touch she so desperately wanted.

"Alex," Olivia moaned as she rolled her hips in search of that elusive contact she craved, finally giving in and tangling her fingers in Alex's hair to physically direct the blonde's mouth where she needed her.

Thankfully for Olivia, where she needed Alex to be was where Alex needed to be, too.

"Here?" Alex murmured as she lowered her mouth to hover above Olivia's pulsing opening.


Alex smiled and lowered her mouth to lay a broad, flat lick through Olivia's folds, and she was helpless to contain the almost hedonistic moan that escaped her at the heavenly flavor she found. Needing more, needing to drink from the source of that addictive elixir, she plunged her tongue as deep into Olivia as she could, drawing a long, loud, throaty moan of pleasure from her lover.

Feeling selfish, Alex sought as much of Olivia's wetness as she could, craving the taste, the salt and the softness, the warmth. Her throat vibrated with pleasure as her tongue scraped up between Olivia's lips again and again, sometimes pausing to thrust deep inside, teasing the sensitive ring of muscle at her entrance with each stroke. She ignored the detective's bundle of nerves for the moment, wanting to make her wait for it, savoring the twitches and shudders that she could feel against her mouth. Even though she was drunk, Alex was in no hurry to make Olivia come. She had exactly what she wanted, and if their bodies didn't have limitations, she would have been content to lick Olivia for the next year or so.

Trembling from Alex's rough and thorough treatment, Olivia didn't even recognize the sounds coming from her mouth. Everything was a colorful blur. Alex's tongue felt like fire, melting her away, and it seemed to be everywhere at once, covering every single inch of her, stripping her bare and leaving nothing sacred. She was grateful that Alex had laid her down on the carpet, because she knew her legs wouldn't be able to support her. Her hips bucked in a jagged, unsteady rhythm, completely at the mercy of Alex's tongue.

For just a moment, Alex pulled back, taking in her handiwork with a proud smile. Olivia was so swollen and wet, her red inner lips flared open and coated with glistening moisture. Her inner thighs twitched impatiently, straining for release along with the rest of her poor, tormented body. Her chest heaved, nipples tightened to hard little bullets, a fine sheen of sweat making her tanned skin glow. It was the most glorious sight Alex had ever seen, and she reveled in it. The effects of the tequila had mostly worn off by now, but the attorney was still drunk with power and lust.

"Don't stop!" Olivia practically screamed, trying to force herself back against Alex's face.

Alex smiled and licked her lips as she let her gaze flick up to Olivia's eyes, noticing the way the brunette's pupils were so completely dilated with her need that there was just the merest ring of brown visible. She did this, she thought proudly to herself. She made Olivia feel this... fucking... good. With her desire to taste somewhat sated, she was left with her other desire - to hear Olivia beg. "What do you want?"

"You!" Olivia screamed, again lifting her hips in search of Alex's mouth. She wanted Alex. She fucking needed Alex on her, "NOW!"

This blatant display of raw, primal need had Alex slowly lowering her mouth back towards Olivia's folds. "Where do you want me?"

"Fuck, Alex!" Olivia whimpered. "On me, in me, I don't fucking care. Just please, Baby, don't stop - make me come, Alex. Please make me come."

"I can do that," Alex murmured obligingly as she wrapped her lips around Olivia's red, swollen, throbbing clit and pulled the bud as deep as she could into her mouth with a long, slow suck.

"Oh God!" Olivia yelped.

Alex lashed the sensitive bundle with the tip of her tongue with a series of flicks, alternating between light and firm as she sucked against the bud and moved her hand into position below her chin. Sucking long and hard against the nub, she slid two fingers into Olivia. The feeling of the brunette's strong inner walls clenching around her, pulling her in deeper, drew a low appreciative moan from the blonde's throat - which, in turn, drew a long, throaty scream of pleasure from Olivia. She released Olivia's clit to blow softly against it, delighting in the way it jumped and pulsed under her breath.

"Alex!" Olivia writhed, needing the return of Alex's mouth to her. "Fuck, so close, Alex... please, Baby!"

That voice and those eyes were impossible to resist. Alex resumed her motions with fresh passion, coaxing a flood of wetness and shudders from her overwhelmed partner. "Yesss..." Olivia relished in the feeling as Alex guided her into a carefully controlled crash. It felt like she was falling through the floor, and her head exploded with stars. She wasn't sure if the sounds coming from deep inside her chest resembled Alex's name at all, but she hoped they did. It was the name that she was shouting endlessly inside her head.

Alex refused to let Olivia stop. One release was not enough. She didn't just want it, she needed to feel Olivia come in her mouth again and again. Kissing and sucking her way back down with an open glide of her mouth, Alex ringed Olivia's entrance with her tongue, thrusting inside again and bringing two fingers to continue the pressure against Olivia's clit. This way, she could taste all she wanted. Olivia wasn't complaining. In fact, the feel of Alex's mouth directly on her was too much to bear, and she came again, squeezing her eyes shut tight and screaming to the ceiling.

"Alex, Alex, Allllex..." This time, Olivia was clearly saying her name, and it made Alex's heart explode with pride and love. Oh yeah. No one else could make Olivia Benson let go like she could. Moments like this belonged only to her.

Crawling back up Olivia's body, the prosecutor placed strategic kisses all over her lover's flesh, pausing to take a nipple in her mouth and swirling her tongue around the tight little point. Olivia groaned. Her entire body felt like a melted pile of mush, and she couldn't find the strength to move. The detective couldn't even raise her hand to curl her fingers in Alex's hair and pull her head away from her sensitive breasts. That was all right. She couldn't really say that she minded the attention Alex was paying to them anyway. "Thank god for tequila," Olivia muttered, her eyes still cloudy.

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