Save Me a Spark | Reader x Be...

ieatboyss द्वारा

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You always enjoyed the stories your adopted father would tell you. When he passes away, the books in his shop... अधिक

Ch. 1 | Strike a Match
Ch. 2 | Someone to Stay
Ch. 3 | Deathbeds
Ch. 4 | Haunted
Ch 5. | Most Days
Ch. 6 | Worst In Me
Ch. 7 | Villain
Ch. 8 | Take on the World
Ch. 9 | I Don't Care if You're Contagious
Ch. 10 | I Caught Fire
Ch. 11 | Compass
Ch. 12 | Love Protocol
Ch. 13 | The Butterfly Effect
Ch. 14 | Arsonist's Lullaby
Ch. 15 | Hell or Heaven
Ch. 16 | Another Life
Ch. 18 | Finding You
Ch. 19 | First Day of My Life

Ch. 17 | Forever & Always

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ieatboyss द्वारा

You tell me it's alright
That everything's okay
But I can see there's something more
That you don't wanna say
It's written in your eyes
I can see you're scared
For some reason I can't find the words
To take away your fear
And somehow in this moment
The night sky comes alive
A symphony of fire
Reflected in your eyes
And in this very moment
There's only me and you
We'll let it burn around us
And watch the world undo
Step into the dark
You know we'll make it through
Hand in hand, to hell and back
I will follow you
If this is the end of the world
Then I wanna spend it with you
There is not a single thing
That I would rather do
Than kiss you and tell you I love you
And watch as it goes up in flames
Take my hand, don't say goodbye
Forever and always

Written By Wolves- Forever & Always


In somewhat of a daze, Ben stares at the now solid cave wall he just pushed you through. The pain in his chest is telling him that letting you go was a mistake, but his mind is telling him it's for the best.

He doesn't realize he's on the verge of crying until his vision starts to blur. Before the tears can fall he quickly wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, he turns his back to the cave wall, and faces the knights.

Not one to waste any time, Ben meets them halfway across the large cavern. He reaches over his shoulder and removes Anakin's lightsaber from his holster. Without igniting it, he holds the hilt  at his side. His thumb twitches with anticipation, ready to activate it at a moment's notice.

Hatred for him rolls off of his former knights in waves as they spread out and circle around him. It's in that moment he realizes where their loyalty has always lied, with Snoke. The loyalty they showed him was merely feigned, lulling him into a false sense of comfort. Their camaraderie was just another form of manipulation by Snoke.

"It's true then, you're a kriffing traitor!" Cardo yells through his mask. "Vicrul said you turned for the girl, but we didn't believe it."

"Our master, surrendering to a girl because she paid attention to you. Is that it?" Ap'lek laughs, mockingly. "If we had known getting your cock wet is all it would take to stop your whining we would have done it ages ago."

"Speaking of whores," Ben says, glancing between each of the knights.

"Did you at least wait until Ren's body was cold before whoring yourself out to Snoke, or was he one of his whores too?"

Cardo's fists clench with barely suppressed rage over the degrading remark about their former master. Ben smirks, happy to know the comment had the desired effect.

"If memory serves me correctly, all of you swore an oath swearing your loyalty to whoever held Ren's lightsaber, which is technically me. You were Ren's little bitch and Ren lived his life by that  code, at least he did until I plunged my lightsaber through his chest," Ben smiles smugly.

"Kylo Ren, the Jedi Killer. You don't deserve to call yourself Ren," Trudgen growls through his mask. "You're not our master."

"You're right, I'm not your master, and I'm not Ren. Kylo Ren is dead," Ben shrugs. "But Ben Solo is very much alive."

Ben activates his lightsaber and quickly strikes each of them with enough force to push them backwards, giving him more space to move freely.

He lunges towards Cardo first. Not expecting to be Ben's first target, he's caught completely off guard. Ben flips over him, plunges his lightsaber into his back, and roughly pulls it out.

While twirling the lightsaber with his wrist, Ben spins and holds it behind his back. A second later, Trudgen brings his vibro-cleaver down towards his shoulder blades. The blade clashes with Ben's saber instead of slicing him open as the knight intended.

The force of the impact causes Trudgen to stumble backwards. Ben seizes the opportunity and spins around. Using the Force, he launches him clear across the room, and into the wall.

Suddenly he hears your voice emanating from the cave wall. He isn't sure if it's actually you he's hearing or a trick of his mind. Even though he knows you're not going to be there, he pauses and glances at the cave wall. He realizes too late that the source of the voice isn't nearly as important as the reason he heard it.

Ushar raises his weapon and slams it in between his shoulder blades. Pain shoots down his spine and radiates outwards, bringing him to his knees. His lightsaber falls from his hand, lands in the dirt, and rolls out of reach.

Leaving his back unguarded is the one mistake that could tip the scales in their favor, and of course, it's the mistake he just made.

Ben does his best to even his breathing while the remaining knights form another circle around him. His eyes glance to the cave wall again. It shouldn't be where his mind wanders to but he can't help but wonder where you are and whether you've gotten your answers. If it was actually you that called out to him, are you watching him right now? Can you see what's happened to him, or what's about to happen to him?

Ushar could have easily hit him in the back of the head with enough force to kill him but instead, he chose to merely bring him to his knees.

Snoke wants him alive and has given them strict orders not to kill him. It's the only reason they would hold back. The thought of what awaits him back on the Supremacy nearly makes him dizzy with dread.

He's not sure which fate is worse, being killed on the spot, or being dragged back to his former master. He knows how cruel Snoke can be and he's well aware of the pain that awaits him. 

Although he had a few impromptu and rushed lessons on how to guard his mind with Luke, he's doesn't think he's strong enough to block out Snoke.

Ben's heart races as he thinks about the painful scenarios he would face once back with Snoke. He doesn't notice Vicrul standing away from the circle the other knights have once again formed around him.

Although their oath was severely lax and could easily be interpreted a number of ways, Vicrul felt as if his loyalty to Kylo was something he couldn't suddenly denounce. Whoever killed Ren became their new leader, and even though Snoke was pulling the strings, it was Kylo who made the kill. This didn't matter to the others, but it mattered to him. Their self preservation was more important to them than their beliefs, but it wasn't to Vicrul. He wasn't afraid to die, and he wasn't one to change his beliefs according to his situation. If he was going to die it was going to be while fighting for what he believed in.

"Do it! C'mon you know you want to help him! Do it you handsome asshole!"

His head jerks towards your voice and he stares in your direction. When you don't come barreling out of the cave wall, he turns his attention back to the scene unfolding in front of him.

Ushar raises his weapon again, intending to slam it into the back of Ben's head to render him unconscious.

"Kriff," Vicrul sighs through his mask.

Ben glances over his shoulder at the sound and watches as he stops Ushar's weapon centimetres away from his head. Vicrul swings his scythe with enough force to not only stop Ushar's club, but to knock it out of his hand. Instead of stopping there, he pulls his scythe back once more and slices Ushar straight through the middle, killing him instantly.

The unexpected attack gives Ben enough time to jump back to his feet, as quickly as his injured leg allows. Ap'Lek knocks the scythe out of Vicruls hand, giving Kuruk the opening he needs to fire his rifle. At the last second, Vicrul leans backwards, narrowly dodging a blast to the face.

Ben calls the legacy saber to his hand while pulling his cross guard out of the satchel at his side.

"Vicrul!" Ben yells.

Vicrul turns his head towards Ben as he throws the cross guard in his direction. The moment it lands in his hand, he activates it, and raises it in front of his face. Seconds later, another blast from Kuruk's rifle flies towards him but is stopped by his new weapon.

"Oh hell yeah!" Vicrul yells. Slightly power hungry with the new weapon in his hand, he charges Kuruk.

Ben lunges at Ap'Lek. His lightsaber clashes against Ap'Lek's axe as he blocks each of Ben's blows.

The sound of heavy metal hitting the ground gets Ben's attention. He quickly steals a glance at Vicrul who is now maskless. His dirty blonde, sweat drenched hair, hangs in his face and his bottom lip is bleeding down his chin. He wipes the blood with his sleeve, and smiles.

"We should have done this sooner. I haven't had a good fight in years," Vicrul yells to Ben. Trudgen, irritated at how nonchalant Vicrul seems to be, charges him along side Kuruk.

"I'm glad you're having fun," Ben says through gritted teeth.

While blocking another blow from Ap'Lek, Ben aims his left hand in Vicrul's direction and knocks Kuruk backwards, and away. Now they're evenly matched, Vicrul and Trudgen, Ben and Ap'Lek.

Ben drops to the ground to dodge a swing of Ap'Lek's axe. Instead of immediately climbing back to his feet, he sweeps Ap'Lek's legs out from under him. Before Ap'Lek's back fully hits the ground, Ben drives his lightsaber through his chest.

Movement out of the corner of his eye catches Ben's attention.

Moments later, blaster fire rings out throughout the cavern.

Unable to dodge the blast in time, Ben is hit in the abdomen. The pain instantly brings him to his knees and takes his breath away.

Two blasts hit Vicrul simultaneously, one to his right shoulder, and the other to his left knee. His legs give out from under him and he falls. He yells out in pain when his knees hits the ground. The sound echoes around them ominously.

A large group of stormtrooper's jog towards them with their blasters aimed at both of them.

Trudgen uses this to his advantage and knees Vicrul in the face hard enough to knock him unconscious. Kuruk approaches Ben but instead of knocking him unconscious he lifts his foot and stomps on Ben's already injured leg, hard enough to break it. His scream echoes off of the walls round them, drowning out the sound of his leg snapping. Ben writhes around in pain, unsure what hurts worse, his abdomen or his leg.

He stares at the ceiling above him, knowing what's about to happen, and how powerless he is to stop it. A familiar sound rings out, a sound he didn't think he'd hear again. Slowly, he turns his head towards the cave wall. The wolves are once again running in a circle, slow at first, but quickly accelerating.

Hope blossoms in his chest, but so does dread. He desperately wants you to jump through that wall, proving that you chose to come back to him, despite what you know is awaiting you.

However, your fate will be the same as his. Even if you were uninjured you wouldn't be able to take on two knights and the stormtroopers alone. You will be taken to Snoke alongside him and likely suffer the same fate as he will. Despite how badly he wants you in his arms again, he can't wish that fate upon on you.

Groaning, he pushes through the pain, and rolls onto his stomach. Doing his best not to jostle his leg much, he puts his weight on his hands and one of his knees before pushing himself up into a crouching position. It's nearly impossible to stand up straight, but he tries. Gritting his teeth, he hobbles towards the cave wall, falling several times in the process.

When the center of the archway ripples, and the wolves are at full speed, he calls out to you. Amused, the knights watch as their pathetic former master crawls on the ground.

"No! Stay where you are!" Ben rasps, trying his best to get back into a somewhat standing position.

He hopes you can hear him, and that for once, you'll do as he says.

When he's a little over halfway and the rippling in the wall intensifies, a light emanates from the center. Ben is forced to squint and close his eyes when all at once the brightness increases, and with a flash, it's gone.

He feels you before he hears you hit the ground with a thud.

When he opens his eyes, you're standing in front of him, a little disoriented, but prepared to fight. Your lightsaber is ignited, aimed ahead of you in a very familiar stance, ready to attack.

Despite the dire situation you're both now in, he smiles.


More dramatically than intended, you barrel roll onto the dirt covered ground, and jump to your feet, immediately bringing your lightsaber in front of you, ready to strike.

You quickly scan the area to assess the threat, and to find Ben. There are stormtroopers standing across the room, blasters up, and aimed at you. Two knights stand near them, the bodies of their former companions lay scattered around them.

Your heart rapidly beats with fear when your eyes don't immediately land on Ben. When they do, your relief is short lived.

Ben is on his hands, and one knee. His other leg is lying limp on the ground behind him. When your eyes meet he's staring back at you with a crooked, yet pained smile. You can feel the warring emotions he's experiencing. Fear, dread, relief, and adoration.

"Ben," you whisper.

The pain in your side is back and just as intense as it was before entering the World Between Worlds. Your breath hitches when you take your first step, not expecting it to hurt as bad as it does. Doing your best to conceal the pain, you deactivate your lightsaber, clip it to your belt, and quickly close the distance between you and Ben. Once directly in front of him, you drop to your knees, wrap your arms around his neck, and bury your face into it.

Still in an awkward crawling position, he grunts in pain and tries to balance on one arm to wrap the other around you. Reluctantly, you pull yourself away from him. Wincing, he quickly rolls onto his back, and pushes himself up into a seated position.

The moment he's sitting in front of you he places his hand on the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him. You wrap your arms around him again and hold him against you tightly. Tears fall onto his shoulder as you inhale his familiar scent. You run your hand through his sweat soaked hair and keep it there, happy to feel it between your fingers again. Blinking away tears, you glance up towards your audience and realize just how bad things are.

Ben's hurt, badly from what you can tell, and so are you. If they haven't killed him that means they're taking him, and now you, back to Snoke. You need to think of a way to get you both out of your current situation alive. However, the large man whose practically vibrating with equal parts fear and relief, is making it extremely hard for you to focus on anything but him.

"I thought...I thought you were gone. I didn't think you'd come back to me," Ben says against the side of your head, nuzzling your cheek.

"What happened to 'where you go I go,' you asshole? Never push me through a portal to the epicenter of all space and time again, not unless you're planning on coming with me."

His chest shakes against you as he quietly chuckles. Despite the situation, and the pain he's in, he can't help but laugh. Turning his head slightly, he kisses you on the temple, and sighs with relief.

One of the knights point in your direction and the obedient stormtroopers start walking towards you.

"They're going to take us to Snoke and I don't have the strength to protect you. I don't even have the strength to finish off the troopers, and neither do you. We're both too injured to fight," Ben says against your cheek. Your lips part as you prepare to argue but he cuts you off before you can. "Don't bother arguing, I know you're hurt."

You huff and close your mouth.

"I don't know how we're going to get out of this," Ben whispers as the troopers approach.

"We'll figure it out, together."

Using the hand still in his hair, you angle his head towards you. You bring your lips against his and kiss him with as much passion as possible. He deepens the kiss for what feels like a fraction of a second before the two of you are roughly pulled apart.

One of the troopers hooks their arms under yours and lifts you to your feet before standing to your left and grabbing your arm roughly. Another one approaches you, and does the same to your right arm.

It takes two to lift Ben, and when they do, they're not gentle. They roughly lift him to his feet but pause when he yells out in pain.

It's then you realize he's hurt a lot worse than you originally thought. His leg is very visibly broken, and he's been shot in the abdomen. The charred and damaged skin is visible through the hole in his shirt made by the blast.

"Don't be so rough with him!" you yell through gritted teeth, trying to hide how much pain you're also in. You were planning on going with them without a fight but you're not going to sit by and quietly watch as they purposely hurt Ben.

"Things will be a lot easier for both of you if you shut up and come quietly," the stormtrooper directly in front of you says over his shoulder.

Frowning, you use the two holding your arms as leverage, lift both feet, and slam them into the back of the trooper.

"Is that quiet enough for you?" you say smugly, wincing as the warmth on your side spreads.

Ben snorts, barely containing a laugh as the trooper falls face first on to the ground.

"What happened to Vicrul?" you ask.

The two of you are being dragged side by side towards the two remaining knights. You're not sure what's going to happen next, you might as well ask while you still can. Vicrul's the reason Ben's not hurt even more than he already is, it's hard not to worry about him.

Ben cocks his head towards you questionably, silently asking how you knew Vicrul helped him.

"It's a very long story but I saw Obi-Wan and I got my answers. I saw when Vicrul decided to help you but I didn't see anything after that."

"So it was you I heard," Ben smirks.

He closes his eyes, doing his best to even his breathing. He's sweating and nearly out of breath due to the amount of pain radiating throughout most of his body.

"Of course it was me. Do you have another girlfriend in the World Between Worlds whose constantly having to save your ass that I don't know about?"

You're both dropped onto the ground roughly, right at the feet of Kuruk and Trudgen. Ben groans and rolls onto his right side, taking as much pressure off of his leg as possible. Once on his back, he chuckles.

"No one else sweetheart, just you."

"Damn right," you huff.

Applying pressure to your side, you watch as the knight with the large rifle-like weapon circles you until he's standing directly behind Ben. You crane your neck, knowing better than to turn your back on your enemy. Kuruk raises his hand, preparing to bring it down on Ben.

"No! Don't touch—"

There's a sharp pain in the back of your head and everything goes black.


Jerking awake, you sit up as quickly as the pain radiating from your side will allow. The first thing you notice is how red the large room you're in is. The floors are black and so clean, you can almost see your reflection. The very faint humming sound and slight vibration on the floor underneath you suggests you're in a ship, but you're note sure whether or not you're back in space or still on Lothal.

Directly to your left, Ben is kneeling as much as his broken leg will allow. His face is angled towards the ground, curtaining his face with his still damp hair. He's sweating, not because he's exerting himself, but because of the pain he is in. His shoulders rise and fall with each labored breath he takes.

"Ben," you whisper, hoping to get his attention.

His eyes never leave the floor and his head continues to hang down. Between the strands of his hair, you can see a small part of his face. There's a gash near his eyebrow that looks like it barely stopped bleeding and his lip is cut. You're not sure how long you've been unconscious for but it was long enough for them to rough him up some more.

A series of explosions go off outside of the room you're in, close enough to nearly rattle the walls. You can't see what's happening outside but a rising sense of dread is tells you that whatever it is, it isn't good.

You try to scoot closer to Ben but stop when your hand lands in something warm and red.

If anyone noticed you bleeding out while transporting you from the temple to the ship you're on, they didn't care enough to do anything about it. You're not sure how much blood you have to lose before you die from blood loss but you're pretty sure you're close to meeting the requirements. The fatigue and drowsiness suggest as much.

"Ben, look at me," you mumble, hoping to get his attention.

"Our guest of honor has finally joined us," a deep, raspy voice says from across the room.

With one last lingering look at Ben, you turn your head in the direction of the voice.

Ahead of you is a large throne like fixture, and on it sits a grotesque and decrepit looking man. Next to him, on the arm rest of his ridiculously large chair, are Obi-Wan and Anakin's lightsabers.

You don't have to be introduced to know who he is.


Seeing him in the World Between Worlds was one thing but seeing him in person is different.

"So much anger! So much power!" Snoke chuckles. "We've never met yet the hate you have for me is nearly palpable."

"You're a piece of shit and I've hated you for a while now. You really think meeting you in person would change that?" you ask through gritted teeth, while slowly inching towards Ben.

The sound of a door sliding open echoes throughout the large red room followed by multiple sets of heavy footsteps. Snoke diverts his attention from you to whoever is approaching you from behind.

You steal a glance at Ben, hoping to see at least a small change in his demeanor, but there isn't any. He's still breathing heavily and staring at the ground.

You're about to look over your shoulder when Vicrul is roughly thrown on to the ground to your right. Groaning in pain, he slowly sits up. Having taken a couple blasts himself, he's almost as injured as Ben is.

"Kriffing assholes," he shouts.

Turning his head, he spits a mouthful of blood onto the foot of one of the knights. He faces forward momentarily before turning his attention to you.

You roll your eyes when a flirtatious smile spreads across his face.

"Well, hello beautiful," he rasps, angling his body towards yours slightly.

He holds out his hand to you, but instead of shaking it, you give him a sad smile then glance to your bleeding side where your hand is currently applying pressure. His eyes widen then dart between you and Ben.

Thankfully understanding what you're trying not to say, he brings his hand back to his own side and smiles flirtatiously again.

"You're more beautiful than I thought you'd be. I get why the kid told the corpse to go to hell," Vicrul laughs and gestures towards Snoke.

You smile, but your smile slowly fades when you remember why he's there and what's about to happen to him. Snoke needs you and Ben, well, he needs one of you. Vicrul is nothing but a traitor, and Snoke has no need for traitors.

"Hey kid, d'ya hear me? Your woman is fine as kriff. I'd have killed Cardo and Ushar in a kriffing minute to see what's under those clothes," he chuckles again.

Ben, shuffles slightly but keeps his eyes trained on the floor. He doesn't react when you call out to him but he reacts when someone makes a pass at you. Typical.

Snoke looks over your head again, and nods. Vicrul takes a deep breath, preparing himself for what he knows is about to happen.

He leans towards you and whispers in your ear. "I know your tough as shit darlin' but you don't need to watch what's about to happen."

Quickly kissing you on the cheek, he pulls back and winks. Trudgen and Kuruk stand directly behind him. You hear Trudgen lift his cleaver, and for once, you decide to do as your told and turn your head away.

You hear the blade swish through the air as Trudgen brings it down on Vicrul. There's a small grunt followed by two thuds, one quieter than the other. You have a pretty good idea of what caused the sounds but you're doing your best not to think about it.

Dread washes over you out of nowhere. It's not because of Vicrul's dead body somewhere nearby, and it's not because of Ben's nearly catatonic state. It's your spidey sense telling you something horrible is about to happen.

You're not sure if the sound snaps him out of his stupor or if the creeping sense of dread does it, but the moment Vicrul's body hits the ground, Ben lifts his eyes and finally speaks.

"Supreme Leader, Please...please let her go. I'll...I'll do whatever you want for however long you want. Please...please just release her."

The desperation in his voice almost brings you to tears. You're not sure what was done to him or what was said to him while you were unconscious but whatever it was has him terrified.

"Shut up Ben. I'm not leaving you. If you're staying, I'm staying," you whisper angrily.

Snoke might think you're whispering in a poor attempt at being sneaky when in reality, you're just tired and whispering doesn't take as much energy as yelling does.

Explosions continue to go off outside somewhere, some louder than others. Some catching your attention while others fade into background noise.

The creeping sense of dread, and who you're feeling it for becomes obvious.

Luke, Leia, Poe, Finn, Chewie, and the Resistance in general. They're outside, fighting for your lives and theirs. The explosions you're hearing are ships firing at one another, hitting their targets, and eliminating them completely.

After one particularly loud blast, your head snaps in that direction. Of course, Snoke notices.

"Worried about your friends, are you girl? As a gesture of kindness I suppose I can show you how they're fairing."

With a flick of his fingers a large view port opens at the far end of the room, giving you a view of what's taking place outside of the ship.

One by one, Resistance ships are being shot down, and the few that remain are outnumbered. Still not particularly skilled in sensing peoples Force energy, you do your best to hone in on Luke and Leia, finding them both inside Leia's ship.

"The general and Skywalker are alive and well," Snoke smiles. "Let's see for how long shall we?"

Ben's eyes dart from Snoke to the view port. Leia's ship is far enough away that you can't see exactly what happens, but you feel it.

Luke and Leia's signature in the Force vanishes.

Leaning forward, you cover your mouth with your blood-free hand and choke back a sob. Ben gasps and falls forward onto his hands. The loss of his mother and even his uncle hit him hard. The air feels like it's been physically knocked from his lungs by the intensity of Leia's loss. His head falls further, curtaining his face with his hair once again. Although it wouldn't be the first time Snoke has brought him to tears, Ben doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how hurt he is, even if he already knows.

More of what Obi-Wan said starts to make sense. Ben is the last Skywalker, which is why the Mortis gods continuously referred to him as such. You're not sure if Ben ends up being the last of the Skywalker's in every time or if it's this one in particular. Either way, Obi-Wan and the Mortis gods knew Leia and Luke would die.

You take a deep breath and focus on Finn next, hoping he's still with Poe and Chewie. If Finn's okay then the other two probably are as well.

All three of them vanish the moment you find them in the Force. You don't bother concealing your grief this time, there's no point. The closest thing you've ever had to a family, aside for Obi-Wan, is gone. You didn't even get to say goodbye and that makes the pain of their loss even worse.

It's just you and Ben now.

The anger and total despair Ben feels is rolling off of him in waves. You're trying not to feel hopeless, but there's really no way out. You're both too hurt to fight, and now there's no one coming to your rescue. Aside for Ben, everyone you know is dead.

You can't see his face through his hair but you don't need to see it to know he's crying. The tears are dripping off of his face and forming a puddle on the floor in front of him.

The First Order has won, the Resistance is gone, and you failed. You failed Luke, you failed Leia, you failed Anakin, and you failed Obi-Wan. They gave you a chance at a family, a chance to alter someone's future for the better, but you only made it worse. The last Skywalker, Organa, and Solo is kneeling beside you distraught and broken in more ways than one.

Snoke says nothing as he relaxes into his throne and watches the emotional spiral Ben is slowly going down.

Taking a deep breath, you scoot next to Ben until your body is pressed against his, sliding through a puddle of your own blood in the process. You're definitely going to bleed to death soon and if that happens Ben will be completely alone with Snoke, again. Only this time you don't think he'll be able to survive it, not just physically, but emotionally, and psychologically. You're all he has left and if he loses you, he'll lose himself.

"Ben, I need you to look at me. This is important and I don't think I have much time left."

You don't want to worry him or upset him more than he already is, but it's the truth. You're lightheaded, tired, and you're getting cold. You're not a medical expert by any means but you've seen enough movies to know what that means.

His head snaps towards you, finally acknowledging you. His red rimmed eyes widen as he glances from the hand at your side to the puddle of blood underneath you.

Easing off of his knee, he does his best to keep all of his weight on one side. He lifts his broken leg with both hands and sets it down straight in front of him. The moment he's seated flat on the ground, he quickly lifts you into his lap. It should hurt but it doesn't which is definitely bad.

Shakily, he brings his hand to your side and lifts your hand away, replacing it with his. His breath hitches when he feels how utterly soaked with blood you are. Panicked, he looks away from you to address Snoke.

"Supreme Leader, please. I will do anything you want, anything. Please just get her to the med bay. Send a med droid, something, please. I'll take you to the Lothal cave. I'll—"

"No Ben! Stop!" you protest.

He ignores you and continues.

"I'll give you any information you want."

His voice trembles as he begs for your life.

Snoke laughs, "Why should I do as you ask? You have nothing to offer me."

Ben's lips part, preparing to bargain for you life using the information you both have worked so hard to keep away from him, but Snoke cuts him off before he can speak.

"You think I need to bargain for the information you have," he laughs cruelly. "Your mind is weak. Any training your pathetic excuse of an uncle could have given you in such a short amount of time is no match for my power. As long as you're breathing I can take what I want from you. Her mind is stronger, and less damaged than yours. Through your bond you've shared quite a bit of information, even without realizing it. There's really no reason to keep her alive," Snoke says casually, as if he was talking about the weather and not your life.

Ben's lip trembles while he stares at his former master with hatred. There's no talking Snoke into anything and it's clear he has every intention of letting you die in his arms. A new wave of panic crashes over him. His eyes leave Snoke and land on you as he pulls you in closer to him.

"I can't be alone again, you can't leave me," he whispers against your neck as he buries his face into it. Your shirt is rapidly getting wetter as his tears start to fall. "You promised we'd always be together. You're all I have left and I don't think I can live without you."

"Look at your former master," Snoke says to the two remaining knights. He sneers with sadistic joy while watching Ben breakdown in front of him. "Blubbering over a woman like an infant desperate for its mother. Pathetic."

Slightly uncomfortable, you try to reposition yourself in Ben's lap but stop when something digs into your hip and Ben's thigh. Both of you look down at the same time, confused over what could be making you both so uncomfortable.

One of the explosives Chewie had clipped on to your belt is pressed between you. You stare at it for longer than necessary as an idea idea quickly flashes through your mind.

It's the only way you can keep Palpatine and Snoke from the World Between Worlds. You can't completely wipe out the First Order but you can wipe out the leaders at least. Leia and a majority of the Resistance may be gone, but there will always be those willing to fight for what they believe in.

What you're considering, is basically suicide. The thought alone, the word alone, nearly makes you cringe. It's not suicide, if it's a sacrifice right? The line between them is thin and unfortunately in this case, the two would be hand in hand.

Even if you're prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the multiverse, it's not your choice to make alone.

The absurdity of your situation, once again, nearly makes you laugh. The multiverse, all time and space, is depending on you and the damaged man whose lap you're sitting in.

When you lift your head and meet Ben's eyes, you know without a doubt, that he's thinking the same thing you are.

Ben knows you don't have much time left and he knows what will happen to him once you're gone. Snoke will painfully tear into his mind until he gets all of the information he needs. He will sift through every intimate memory he has, every moment he's spent with you, and taint them with his darkness. Once Snoke has the information he needs, he won't need him anymore and he will kill him. Snoke now knows Ben Solo can never truly be Kylo Ren, he'll never be heir apparent to Darth Vader. He can't use him for his power anymore which means he's outgrown his use.

Ben wasn't being dramatic when he said he didn't think he could live without you. You saved him from Snoke, and from himself.

When you leave him, so will the light. However, the dark no longer beckons to him either. The feelings you've invoked in him are stronger than the call to the dark side. Once you are gone, he will have no one, and he'll have no place in the galaxy. He will truly be completely alone in every sense of the word.

Snoke has taken too much from him, he won't let him take his life. It's the one thing he still has that belongs to him and if he's going to die, he's going to do it on his terms, and he's taking them with him. If you're going to die, he's going with you. As terrifying as the uncertainty of death is, being alone in the universe scares him far more.

He swallows hard, and searches your face for any sign that you both aren't on the same page. There's not the slightest hint of hesitation or uncertainty on your face. When he sees the resolution in your eyes, he nods slightly. Anyone watching the two of you wouldn't know you're communicating with looks alone.

Ben pulls you against his chest even more, and plants kisses on your neck and the side of your face with near desperation. One hand stays at your back to support you, while he slides the other upwards to the back of your neck. His fingers comb through the hair at the base of your skull, holding you close as if at any moment you might jump to your feet and make a run for it.

Snoke is talking but neither one of you are listening because neither one of you care about what he has to say. At this point his voice sounds like background noise, faint, and distorted.

He thinks he's won and you want him to keep thinking that.

"Ben look at me," you whisper.

Reluctantly, he pulls away from you but only enough to stare into your eyes. You must look worse than you did a minute ago because his chin starts quivering the moment he sees your face.

"Okay?" you whisper, searching his face.

He stares into your eyes before leaning forward, and kissing your forehead. "Okay," he says against your skin.

"Do you hear me boy?!" Snoke yells, interrupting your thoughts.

Ben continues to ignore him, choosing to silently stare at you while he awaits further instructions.

"Can you shut up? I'm dying for fuck sake. Give us a minute," you huff, scowling at him.

To your complete surprise, and delight, Ben starts to laugh. A genuine smile spreads from ear to ear as he laughs deep from the pit of his stomach. Hearing him laugh and seeing him smile before you die is one of the greatest gifts the universe could give you. The sight of his dimples and his slightly crooked teeth make everything you've been through completely worth it.

You bring your hand up to his face and trace his dimples with your thumb as he smiles back at you.

"I wish I could have seen you smile more," you whisper. Your vision begins to blur as tears threaten to spill.

"If I had met you sooner, you would have," he chuckles.

It's getting harder to stay awake and your eyes feel heavier by the second. Ben notices but doesn't make any move to follow through with your plan, not until you tell him to.

"I saw Obi-Wan and Anakin in the World Between Worlds. Do you want to know what they said about us?"

Ben nods.

Snoke is suddenly quiet, eager to hear what you have to say about the World Between Worlds, eager to find out just how much truth there is to the myths.

"There are multiple timelines and universes, and in every one of them, you and I are always orbiting each other."

He stares at you in silence while absorbing that information. You omit the "star-crossed lovers" aspect of your fates. He doesn't need to know you're usually dead before you can actually meet.

"You're my soulmate," you sniffle and smile.

Ben's smirks.

"Tell me something I don't know sweetheart. You didn't need to go to the World Between Worlds to figure that out," he chuckles.

His smile slowly fades when you start to nod off.

It feels like you're fighting sleep, only you're fighting off something far more permanent.

Ben needs to do it now or you'll be gone and you're not sure if he'll have the courage to do what needs to be done without you. You smile at him and run your finger down his scar and then across his bottom lip before meeting his eyes.

He pulls you close to his chest tightly and rests his chin on your shoulder. You rest your chin on his and glance behind him at the knights. You can't see their faces behind their creepy masks, but you know they're watching the two of you. With a smile on your face, you slowly raise your middle finger to both of them.

One of Ben's arms is firmly wrapped around you, keeping you firmly pressed against his chest.

With his free hand, he reaches between you. Three different patterns of beeping emanates from your waist. It takes everyone in the them a moment to realize what's causing it. Ben un-clips one of the bombs from your belt and tosses it over your head towards the knights. He tosses the other towards the door, and the third he tosses at Snoke's feet.

Taking your eyes off of the knights, you lean back and turn your head towards Snoke.

His eyes are wide in disbelief and panic. Out of all the possible outcomes he had not anticipated this one.

Ben outstretches his hand towards Snoke and calls both Obi-Wan's and Anakin's lightsabers to him. He places them both on your lap for safe keeping. Even though they're going to suffer the same fate you are, it feels wrong to leave them within Snoke's reach.

"Hey Snoke," you call out, getting his attention. "The Skywalker's send their regards," you say smugly.

If only someone knew the brilliance behind what you just said and how badass you feel because of it.

Ben chuckles deeply, stealing your attention from Snoke.

"What's so funny?" you ask, confused.

"I understood that reference," he smiles and kisses you on the cheek.

The beeping grows louder and faster. Ben's grip on you increases exponentially.

Wanting to see his face, you comb your fingers through his hair and tug it slightly. Taking the hint, he slowly leans back until he's staring into your eyes.

"I love you," you whisper. You've never said the words out loud to anyone before. If anyone deserves to hear them it's Ben.

"I know," he says, smiling through tears.

The small glimpse of Han and Leia's past immediately comes to mind.

Cradling his face in your hands, you use your thumbs to wipe away the stray tears he can no longer hold back.

"We'll find each other again. I found you in this life didn't I? Apparently I'm stuck with you," you smirk.

"I told you, I'll follow you anywhere," he whispers, smiling sadly.

Placing his hand against your cheek, he presses his lips against yours as the excessive beeping stops and with a blinding flash of white, everything fades away.


Authors Note:

So...I'm sorry

There's the epilogue though so maybe don't hate me until the story is completely finished.

Side note: I actually found the song Forever & Always after the end of this chapter was written. Then sobbed for an hour because it fit so well. I HIGHLY suggest listening to it after reading this chapter. Then let me know how hard you cried.

Also, if it makes any difference, I wrote this chapter before writing chapter 2. All the in between is what changed. This is the first story I've written the first chapter and last chapter before writing the middle and it was a rough ride.

The epilogue is mapped out in my mind and in some incoherent notes on my desktop. I just have to organize them and type them out and that will be the end of Save Me A Spark.

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