Darth Father

By NaluXGaleforever

13K 312 256

While in Ben's old hut, just after constructing his light saber, luke is suddenly sent back in time. Darth Va... More

(1)from Tatooine into Naboo
(2)Who's Your Vader
(3)Your Making Him Cry
(4)Ben Gets Hiched
(6)leia gets mad
(7)breaking news for all
(8)Well That's Anti Climatic
(10)New Beginning?

(5)shell we dance

1.1K 36 11
By NaluXGaleforever

Vader walked behind Padme quietly, trying not to get in her way. While Obi-Wan and Anakin was fighting he was protecting Padme. She would sometimes talk to him, but never about who he is. She knew he was anakin, but it was so complicated.

For Vader it was complicated because she didn't know how she died in the last timeline. He didn't know how to tell her, so he just left it.

Padme was at a meeting with her fellow senator, bail. "Could we have some time alone Ani?" Vader bowed, and left the room. She still called him Ani, Vader thought that it was her way of telling him that no matter how much he had changed he was still the Ani she knew. It felt good to know she didn't hate him, even after learning he had brought down the republic. Still it felt weird, after over 10 years with out her, now to have her so near hurt. Ahsoka was right, he should move on, and the truth is he was. He still loved Padme, but his Padme was dead. He knew what his Padme would tell him, yell at him that is, "I don't want you to live in misery."

At that thought he smiled. Of course now was the time that he would bump into something, or in this case someone.

Papers fly into the air, and flutter to the floor. Vader had landed on his butt, so did the girl in front of him. He looked at her and was surprised. He had not felt her coming through the force, he felt in the force where she was supposed to be, and found nothing. 'is she force blind?'he thought. He released he was staring, and quickly stood up and helped her up.

"do you come here often or do you only fall for me?" She asked with a wink that said she was joking. He looked at her flustered

"Here are your things, I'm sorry for tripping over you my lady."

"You can make it up to me by taking me out to dinner."

he smiled, he had a line he had been wanting to use for ages,"It would be my honor to take such a fine specimen of beauty, such as yourself to dinner." He said with a koi smile. 'that's better then what my first attempt at flitting' he thought wryly.

She laughed, "how long have you saved that line?"

He chuckled, she had called him out."A few years", they laughed together. "When do you get off work?"

"Six, today if that's alright?"

"That works out for me as well, my lady."

"Well then I see only one problem left. "

"And what is that, my lady? "

"I don't know your name."

"My name is Vader my lady, nothing more or less."

"My name it Sheltay Retract, but all the people I know calls me Shelly."

"Not your friends?"

"You can not know someone, and still say they are a friend."

"You are right there, my lady." At that moment Padme came out and told Vader she was done with Bail. Vader nodded and turned to Shelly and bowed,"good day, my lady". She gave a nod, a smile and went on her way.

"Who was that Ani?"

Vader started walking forgetting that he was guarding Padme, and not on the death star. "A lady I am taking to dinner tonight." He said with a faint smile.

Padme looked at Vader with a face that was full of relief. She had been worried about Vader, he had looked so lonely when he didn't have his son with him, which was after, sense Luke had started training with master Yoda. She had been worried that Vader had nothing to do with his life, but a date was something.

"I'm glad to hear it, Ani."

Vader had arrived a few minutes early only to find that Shelly has done the same thing. Now he was driving, not as recklessly as he used to, him and Shelly to a fast food place. They got some burgers and milkshakes, then parked out side her house. Vader and Shelly both did not want to be seen. It's true that most would not know them, but those who did would spread the gossip. They eat mostly in silence, other then the occasional car, or drunk.

"Okay," Shelly had finished and had turned to Vader with a expecting look, "tell me about your self." Vader didn't know what to say, what wasn't classified, or wouldn't make him sound crazy or both.

"I'm 46, I used to be a jedi, I got kicked out due to not fallowing the code, got married, she had a son, she died, I ran away from everyone in my life, a friend from the Jedi too him to live with his uncle, now my son lives with me and he's training to become a jedi."

"Wow, that's a lot."

"Yeah, so how about you?"

"So this is where I scare all the boys who won't be worth it." She said with a straight face. Then burst out laughing, "in all seriousness, I'm 37, never been married, I work for Bail Organa, no parents, or siblings. I've been working for most my life and had no time for dates till now. So your son what's his name?"

"Luke." They continued to talk till it was past 8 when she said she had a early morning and had to go.

"But here's my phone number, I hope we can talk soon."

Vader hyped up on adrenaline, decided to do something stupid. "Same time and place next week?"

Shelly looked surprised, then a small smile, and nodded. She went inside her apartment, not looking back. Vader didn't know it, but the reason why was she was worried that she had started blushing.

Time skip: 6 months, Vader's and Lukes apartment.

"Are you sure this is alright, Luke?"

"Yeah dad, you should get a girlfriend."

"She isn't my girlfriend yet, I haven't asked her yet." He knew it was ridiculous, they had been seeing each other for months, but still would call each other girlfriend or boyfriend. They had wanted to take it slow.

"Still, you disserve a someone. I just hope she likes me."

Vader smiled at his son,"of course she will." Luke was so much like Padme, if she was a a boy she would be luke, Vader thought happily.

"You'd better get going, you don't want your girlfriend waiting." Luke had stressed the word 'girlfriend' just to get his father.

Vader looked at his watch and made his way to the door. "Okay, but don't forget that Obi-Wan and the other skywalkers are coming over as well." Satine had wanted to come but was busy with her planet, and the constant state of chaos it was in. Luke got to cooking. They had alot of people coming over so he had to get cooking. His aunt baru had taught him how to cook from a very young age, all though he wasn't as good as her.

Soon enough came the door bell, " it's unlocked." He hollered over his shoulder. "I can't come to the door, I can't leave with this stir fry." He heard the opening and closing of the doors. He looked over to see Obi-Wan and the skywalkers had all come to gether. In Obi-Wan's hands was a apple pie, one of his homemade verity. While Anakin and padme had obviously bought their cherry pie at a store seeing as it was still in the box.

"Would you like some help luke?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yeah could you start the chicken? I want them grilled please."


"And mom, dad just sit down and make yourself at home." Looking reliefed they didn't get the chance to blow up the kitchen on accident today, they put down the pie they brought on the counter. They went to the living room and waited. Another opening of the door.

"I'm home luke, are the others here yet?"

"Yes, father, dad and mom are in the living room and Obi-Wan is with me." He knew that Vader had told her about the time travel, but didn't fully believe it yet. Shelly walked into the kitchen with potato salad in hand.

"Where should I put this, luke?" She asked nicely and warmly, he already liked her. It felt like the force was telling him she was a good person.

"Right next to the pies, if that's all right, ma'am?"

"Please, call me Shelly." He smiled at her and agreed. She went to the living room where Vader, Anakin, and Padme were all sitting. They were talking about everything except the war. Anakin and padme knew it was a hard subject for Vader.

Anakin and Padme sat together on a love seat, while Vader sat Kris Kross on the front leaning back contentedly. Shelly sat next to him in the nearest chair. She looked to Anakin and Padme. Vader had told her on their second date that he was from the future, but to see his younger self made it seem real, but there was still apart of her mind that didn't believe it. To be fair time travel is not a every day occurrence.

They continued their conversation. She listened in, Anakin and Vader were arguing over something really small. Padme looked to Shelly, barely shifted her head towards the boys, and rolled her eyes. Shelly almost imperceptively nodded in agreement. They giggled at their joke at the boy's expense.

While Anakin looked confused, but Vader look almost relieved. Shelly knew how much this had ment to him, and how much he was worried that his old wife would feel about Shelly.

"Dinner's ready guys! Father want to eat in the living room again?" Everyone looked at Vader, he looked embarrassed.

"I think we should put that table to use, young one." Everyone laughed at his joke. They went to the table, and sat down, as Obi-Wan and luke brought out the food. They also sat down and they started to eat and to talk.

"So," Shelly looked to vader, "I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but can you prove your from the future?"

Vader looked to Luke,"well, young one, do you mind?" Luke just shrugged and pulled up his sleeve. Before Shelly could ask what he was doing, he pulled away his skin. Shelly sucked in a breath, she didn't know what she was looking at. It looked like machinery under real skin, but that was impossible not in that day and age. She looked at Vader, who had a patient smile.

"You were telling the truth. "

"I won't lie to you, especially when I'm trying to build something meaningful with you."

Shelly looked to Luke, "how did you loose your arm?"

Luke looked at Vader, who nodded. "Vader cut it off. During the battle of bespin, right before he told me he was my father."

There was silence no one knew the exact details how Luke had lost his arm. Now that everyone knew they didn't know how to react. Luke acted like he loved his father so much, but Vader was the one who cut off his arm. It didn't add up.

"I did say I was sorry." Vader said, like a child who had been caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.

Luke laughed, "I know father, and I said I forgive you."

Everyone looked very confused at The exchange. Finally Anakin spoke, "how could you forgive me, I mean Vader. He chopped off your arm."

"He did cut off my arm. But he did not kill me I was hanging on to railings at the time. with one sweep of his lightsaber he could've chopped my head off at that moment, but he didn't. I knew, after much meditation, that it showed he still had good in him. He needed just a little faith."

Everyone was looking at him as if he was crazy, including Vader. Finally broke the silence, "I don't care, I'm with Luke. You are a good person. I'm pretty good at reading people. I can tell you are a good person.

Vader once again was at the verge of tears not only did his son believe in him, but also his soon to be girlfriend did as well. He looked at Shelly, and impulsively asked her the first thing to come to mind. "Will you be my girlfriend?" The people in the room took a paused silence looking at Shelly to see what she would say.

She burst out laughing, "that was so cute, yes, I will be your girlfriend." Everyone laughed at that. Except Vader who looked confused on how he was 'cute'. Luke re-put on his synthetic skin, and rolled down his sleeve. They all cheated like old friends. That is untill a call came in on the communicator of Obi-Wan. He excused himself to take the call. He came back white.

"The Chancellor has been kid napped."

Everyone was worried except for luke and Vader. Vader burst out laughing, " I guess he's moving his plans up. We shook things up luke." He continued laughing.

Vader had already told the council and Anakin who the sith was, but they were working to find evidence of him being a sith. So far they had had no luck. Now they were running out of time.

"Have fun boys!" Vader said happily. "I'm glad I'm not on that mission again." After that everyone went home, Vader took Shelly.

"What did you mean by 'your glad'?"

"That mission, was really complicated, and dangerous. Plus I'm not a big fan of politicians, the only politicians I like were in that room. Don't worry, they will have 'another happy landing" he laughed at his joke.

When he got home, it was only then did he let the feelings of foreboding come in. Both him and luke could feel it something big would happen on this mission, something that hadn't happened before.

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