From Victim to Lover

נכתב על ידי spencerreidluver224

660 34 9

She was the victim and now she's in love with the fellow agent that rescued her. Will it last or will their j... עוד

The Rescue
Come Back To Me
The Return
Hannah Evans
I'd Wait for you
Ghost from my past
Wedding Day
Girl's Night Out
Old Friends

Lover's Lane

24 1 0
נכתב על ידי spencerreidluver224

Hey there will be some Sexy scenes throughout this chapter and maybe some language that should be advised. Enjoy.

Hannah's POV 

On the jet on the way I home I get up to grab coffee. I look around at the team and realize everything in my life has lead up to this moment. I couldn't be more happy, even though there were hardships on the trip there were plenty of good moments with not just Spencer but the team. I get lost in thought and I am staring at the coffee pot for 135 seconds when JJ and Tara approach.  

"Can we see it again?" JJ asks grabbing my hand. For a second I was confused but than I remember the ring. I lift my hand and show her. It was this basic ring with 2 diamonds intertwined at the top of it to represent me and Spencer's love has grown deep in both of our hearts and that we are stronger together. "It's so beautiful. It's hilarious to think how nervous Reid was when we left to get you! He was pacing across the floor and everything." Tara walks away with JJ smirking. 

I stare back at Spencer, he looks so peaceful when he is sleeping. I put down my cup down on the counter and walk over to the couch laying my head on his lap and falling into the dream world of our future. 


"Babe it's time to get up. Let's go. It's the first day back. I want to get in early." I say jumping on the foot of the bed. "I love you but give me like 10 more minutes." he says pulling the covers over his head. "No. Spencer get out of bed now." I demand pulling the covers off the bed and kissing his forehead. "let's go breakfast is ready. Be an adult and get ready. We aren't on vacation anymore." I laugh walking away 

We are one of the first people to arrive to the office, of course Emily being Unit Chief was in there before us. I drop my bag and walk up to Emily's office with her favorite coffee. 

 "Hey sister. Have you written the report on our sabbatical?" I ask handing her the coffee "I am finishing it now. Don't worry I didn't mention you dying and coming back in the report I don't need to be down an agent. How does it feel to be engaged?" She asks looking at my hand. 

"Well ya know. We move into our apartment this weekend and I finally feel like everything in my past doesn't have to be relived because Spence accepts me for who i am. I mean it is nice though to be with someone on the same brain level as me. I hope you know you're going to be my maid of honor at the wedding if you accept though." 

 "Wait seriously. Of course I accept. Why me though?" she asks giving me a hug and sitting back down "Well i mean even after my abduction you were there for me. You made sure I went to therapy and saw my doctors and I got back to work. You made sure everything was alright even from across the world you checked on me. You are the closest thing I have to family besides Spencer. I love you Emily." I tell her. 

 "I love you too Hannah. Now get out of here so I can finish the report and send it to the director." she says patting me on the back 

As i leave the office I look down and see Luke standing there with Penelope. "Spence I am telling you. They are just disappearing. I came to Luke knowing he would come to you guys but I figured I could talk to Emily and run surveillance as a guest technical analyst from my old office." she says sitting down. "Who is just disappearing?" I ask looking at Penelope whose look of concern spread across her face. 

 "Oh my girl. Ahhh let me see the ring." I lift my hand and show her "Ahhhh it's so pretty. Right disappearances. It's people at my new job their kids. They put them to bed and when they wake up in the morning they are just gone." Garcia says concern all over her face. "How long has this been happening Pen?" I ask her grabbing my notebook. "Maybe a month. There have been no signs of the kids, no ransom demands and nothing linking the children. They don't go to the same school, or participate in the same extra curricular activities. The only thing linking these kids are there parents" she says 

I bring her to Emily's office and the three of us sit down and talk about it. We get a hold of the city police and send them the information they want our help. 

"Call the rest of the team in Evans. We have a case and you are helping me run point." She says as we rise I gather the team at the round table and go over the specifics of the case.  "Since this case is in Virginia we are working it from here. Penelope will be our guest technical analyst helping us with any information we need on the company. Okay so let's discuss the case, we know there is nothing connecting the children except for the fact that all their parents work at the same company as Penelope. What are we thinking?" I ask looking around the table. 

 "Maybe it's an ex employee with a grudge against the company. Garcia can you pull records on all the employees who have been let go from the company in the last 4 months." Matt says. 

"It'll take me like an hour to get into those files pull the names and pull their records." she says pulling out her laptop.  

 "That's fine. We will start our own investigation. Since Lewis is teaching a Seminar we will have to fill her in when she gets back tomorrow. JJ, Rossi you guys go talk to the victims families. Simmons Alvez go talk to the company's manager and owner see what you could get out of them about who this could be. Evans Reid you guys stay here and make a geographical profile about who this could be and where they could be staying. Penelope me and you will get started on those records. And guys keep local law enforcement informed on your findings." Emily says we all nod and get up from the table. 

Me and Spencer get back to his desk and start pulling out maps and doing calculations on how far the unsubs could've traveled. 

"Okay So i think we can assume he is taking two kids a night probably both from the same general neighborhood here. Which means he would need a car to control the kids and move quickly enough to get in and out without parents noticing indicates he has to be strong enough to get up the stairs... Hannah are you listening to me. Babe hello?" Spencer asks. 

I didn't hear a thing Spencer just said. When he gets into rambling about the case i tend to just stare and lose all focus on anything but him and how cute he looks using his big brain. 

"what yeah. I agree but I mean there isn't much more we can do with this profile until Garcia gets us those names and files." I say sitting back down in my chair. 

 Looks down at his watch "Well i mean we still have half an hour before she should be done. What do you want to do." he asks walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh pretty boy if I actually told you what I wanted to do we would be here for that half of an hour." i say and Spencer raises an eyebrow at me. "Oh really. I mean you can show me?" he says whispering in my ear 

I grab his hand and walk towards the file room. 

"I mean we are gonna have to 'gather files' anyways" i say staring at him unbuttoning his vest. "You want to do this here we can do this here." he gives me a seductive smile. He picks me up and sits me down on the old desk that is in there. After he locks the door he removes my hair from the bun that it is in and begins to unbutton my blouse I lean in and start kissing down his neck and slowly run my fingers down his back. He lays me back on the desk and gets on top of me. He starts at my stomach and runs his lips up my body. As he gets to my neck I can feel the air between his teeth as he starts to suck the bare skin on my neck. I kiss his shoulder and work down his body He moans in my ear and grasps my hair. 

 "My bad. Umm I can come back." Emily says looking down and I laugh. Spencer's face goes bright red and his cheeks got hot with embarrassment. "Shit! Sorry Emily. Umm we will be right out." We hear the door close and Spence sits up and looks at me. Cheeks still bright red. I am still laughing "Of all people to walk in on us at least it was Emily and not like Matt or Rossi." I smirk throwing my hair back up and putting my shirt back on. I pick up Spencer's shirt and vest and throw it at him.  He grunts behind me and I hear him follow. 

"Ayo pretty boy? How are things going?" Derek asks looking Spencer up and down Derek looks from Spencer to me and back to Spencer. I realize that Spencer's hair is all tangled and he has my lipstick smudged on his collar of his shirt. Derek laughs "You may be outdoing me boy wonder. IN the file room. Damn you know what. This deserves drinks. On me later." he pats Spencer on the back and gives me a hug "Nice going kid." and walks away laughing.  

"You really are cute when you're embarrassed." I say running my fingers through his hair while he works at getting the lipstick off his collar. "Reid Evans we have a break through in the case." Emily says As we turn to head towards the round table Spencer is a step ahead and she walks up besides me. "Way to go Hannah. I probably should've realized it was locked for a reason. I had the key so I assumed maintenance locked the door before they left the other day." She says giving me a fist bump and smiling. 

 "Okay crime fighters. So I have narrowed it down to 2 possible suspects. This first one is Richard Nelson fired 3 months ago from the company for verbal abuse against another coworker. Second is Charles Johnson fired 2 weeks ago for assault and battery but no charges were ever filed." Garcia says "Okay guys we can assume Richard is out of the picture he picked up another job right after being fired and has been a model citizen ever since but Charles has gone off the grid. So Rossi Evans JJ. You guys go to the mom's house. Simmons Alvez and Reid will go to the father's house. Morgan is in my office so if you need me text me first he has important information. Let's go." I head to the car with JJ and Rossi. 

We arrive at the house 20 minutes later. We talk to the family and search the house finding nothing. Of course the mother doesn't know where he son is but we have a halt on her phone lines so she can't call him. I call Simmons and he says he got an address of a buddy he heard Charles was staying at. I tell him we are closer and will see them there. 

We get there and wait for the other three. Rossi takes charge of the situation. 

 "Alvez, JJ go to the back. Simmons and I will check the garage. Reid Evans you guys go through the front. Proceed with caution we don't know this friend and Charles could be armed inside" Rossi says. Me and Spence look at each other and I run towards the front door with Spence on my heels. 

"FBI Open up. James Hewing we just want to talk to you." I say banging on the door. We wait 2 minutes and I kick the door down. I enter the bedroom and see Charles sleeping on the bed.  "You know it's rude to not invite company over when they knock on your door." Spence says kneeling on the bed beside Charles flipping him over and placing handcuffs on him. 

When we return Emily tells us the good news, Morgan will be returning to Quantico as a consultant for the BAU whenever we feel his presence is necessary for a case. I see Spencer squeal, he gets his best friend back. I am standing by the coffee pot when Derek Approaches me.

 "Hey kid. So I hear you are moving into the new place on Saturday. I can help you guys move in. Move the heavy stuff ya know be there for you and pretty boy over there." Derek says after hugging me. "First I have to tell Luke not to flirt with my girl now i am worried about you Morgan." Spencer says walking over and puts an arm around my shoulder. "I am married with kids pretty boy I don't want your girl. I was offering to help y'all move in tomorrow. and I want to have a guys night. We need to celebrate like men about you finding and getting a fiance." Derek says laughing. "I am not a prize to be won. I am a human Derek. But sure the help would be wonderful. I'll have Spencer send you the address of the new apartment be there at 11am sharp." I say. 

"Well that beautiful brain of yours really has a lot going on don't it if you think I believe you are a prize. Sweet girl I know Spencer was lucky to find you, you're like a rare gem in a desert waiting to be found and brought home." Derek says laughing. "Okay that's enough I will see you tonight Derek. Tell the other guys and we are going to walk away now." Spencer says grabbing my hand. "Have fun on Lover's Lane. Pick you up at 7 tonight bro." he laughs as we grab our stuff and leave. 


Most of Spencer's apartment is packed up and ready to go. The boxes from my apartment are in the corner of the room lined against the wall. 

 "So baby. While you are out with the guys tonight I am going to finish packing. I know guys like Derek, he is going to get you to drink. Please for the love of god be safe and I don't want to hear about an incident like Aruba taking place. We are back in the States I am the law I will fight any bitch who comes near my man." 

He laughs kisses me on the top of the head to go shower. I think to myself for a minute why not finish what we started in the filing room today. I wait for the water to begin running and take my hair down. I go in the bathroom. "What a pleasant surprise." he smirks looking me up and down and grabbing my waist to pull me in "I mean we never got to finish in the filing closet today." he says pushing me against the wall I wrap my legs around his waist and lose track of time. Every time we kiss I fall a little bit more in love with him. He sees the good in me where I see darkness. I see good in him where there is darkness. We are equals. 

 "Do you have to go tonight? I mean you could always stay here with me. Once we finish packing the last of your stuff up we could just cuddle together on your patio and fall asleep holding each other" I say in between kisses and moans. "He definitely has to come with us tonight. Kid change your locks if you give your friends a key and are expecting company. I told you 7." Derek laughs closing the door. I look at my watch and realize the last 45 minutes has been nothing but the two of us in here. I don't realize my cheeks went red until I see Spencer grinning.  "Now who is embarrassed. But we are moving and he isn't getting a key. Now we have to get out before he comes back." he says running his thumb over my cheek and kissing my forehead. 

We get out and I watch him leave with Derek he tells me he loves me and I begin packing up the last of Spencer's books. 

"Wow I really thought he was never going to leave. Now we can finally have a little heart to heart. ALONE." I hear the closet slam behind me. I cringe as a wave of chills is sent up my spine. 

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