Lover Vs. Lover ✘

By persehades

206K 7.8K 2.2K

Guys. I hate them, they are the most confusing, idiotic and annoying things on the planet and my proble... More

Casting List
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twelve

5.5K 226 39
By persehades

~ The funny and amazing Cara (Aspen) <3 

"See it wasn't that scary!" I tell him as he takes my hand after the movie has finished.

"Yeah of course it wasn't, only because I had you cover my eyes for nearly the whole movie," Jonathan admits under his breath as we walk pass a group of young teens.

I laugh as I give his hand a squeeze in mine.

"So let me see," I begin using my other hand to count. "One, you're scared of spiders and two you're scared of non-scary movies," I tease him. "Is there anything else I should know?" I ask as we wait for the others to meet us out front.

"Hmm.." he says tilting his head as to though he is thinking about it. "Not that I can think of at the moment, but you'll be the first to know."

"Ugh! I'm so tired!" complains Summer yawning as her and Mike come to stand beside us.

I'm about to ask where Aspen and Sean are when I hear a loud crash behind us.

Everyone around us including me, turn our heads to see Sean laughing on the floor with a bucket of popcorn on his head. I spy the bin laying on its side beside him, with rubbish falling out around him.

"Should we even ask?" I ask Aspen as she comes to stand on the other side of me.

"Probably not, it's best to just let it be," she answers smirking.

"I'll get you back for that," Sean warns once he gets back up and dusts himself off. "Now my butt is sore!" he mumbles making us all laugh.

"Perhaps you should get Aspen to kiss it better for you," suggests Mike jokingly.

Jonathan quickly moves to stand in front of me just as a bucket of popcorn comes flying towards Mike's head. Sadly he ducks before it can hit him and the popcorn lands on the ground behind him.

"Hey!" Jonathan yells. "Watch where you're throwing this stuff," he continues in an angry voice but there's a smile tugging at his lips.

"You've got to be kidding me!" another voice says from the corner of the room.

We look up to spot one of the workers looking at the mess we've created on the floor and then at us.

"And looks like it's time to go guys," says Aspen as she makes a run for the main door.

"Wait for me too," adds Mike running behind her, Summer on his tail.

There's not many people around here tonight but the ones that are however are looking at the six of us like we're trouble makers shaking their heads or laughing like its the funniest thing ever to happen. Oh wait, well it is pretty hilarious.

"Quick!" I urge as Jonathan and I run off too, with Sean right behind us.

I can still hear the worker yelling at us, something along the lines of 'fricken teenagers'.

"Ops sorry!" yells Sean as he runs into another person who was standing in front of the double doors watching us.

Once we're out the doors, we keep on running all the way back to the cafe and into safe territory.

"Phew!" says Aspen as she stops for breath. "Wasn't that a workout," she adds laughing.

"You got me in trouble!" Sean huffs coming to stop beside her. "And.." he adds rubbing his fingers through his hair. "Is that melted butter in my hair?"

"Probably," she says shrugging like its no big deal.

"Yuck! That's gross!" he cries looking down at his yellow sticky fingers. "It's all sticky."

"Think of it as a leave in shampoo or like a home remedy," I say trying to make it seem not as bad as it actually looks.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm calling it a night," Mike says once he's got his breath back.

"Yeah I think I've died like.. twice tonight," jokes Summer as she comes over to hug me. "It's s good to have you back for a bit, we'll plan something for tomorrow okay?" she tells me and I nod my head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Aspen," I hear Mike saying beside us. "It's funny to see someone bully him for a change," he adds.

I look up to catch Sean mumbling something but he just shrugs when he sees me watching him. The others say their goodbyes and we watch as Mike drives Summer home.

"And that leaves the four of us," announces Sean just as I yawn tiredly.

Being on a long flight most of the day does that to you.

"Actually.." Jonathan says looking down to catch me yawning. "Make that the two of you, I'm going to take sleeping beauty home," he says wrapping his arms around me for extra warmth.

I hadn't even realised I had been shaking from the sudden wind that was starting to pick up.

"You don't have too," I mumble looking up at him. He smiles down at me before kissing my forehead, the heat of the kiss lingering there seconds after.

"Yes I do," he says taking my hand and his keys in the other. "It's my job to look after you petals."

"Okay guys enough of this adorableness, just take her home already!" cries Aspen pretending to shield her eyes. "Oh shit! Wait.. where am I going?" she asks frowning.

"I was talking to mum earlier and she said she'll set up the spare room for you," I suddenly remember. "Although it's a small room and single mattress, mums hoping to buy a bed sometime soon."

"Or you could stay with me?" Sean adds cheekily, a grin on his face.

"Uh I'll take my chances with claustrophobia, sorry sweetie." Aspen says patting his shoulder making sure not to touch the melted butter that was starting to drop onto his shoulders and shirt.

"You really wound me Aspen," Sean says shaking his head.

"I make it my mission to," she replies winking at him.

"Alright guys, come on let's head," Jonathan says pulling the keys out of his back pocket.

"I call front seat!" yells Aspen already racing towards the vehicle.

"No I want the front seat!" I yell as I let go of Jonathan's hand to chase after her.

"Girls!" I hear Sean say behind us quietly, laughing and I can just picture him shaking his head again.

"I need my Aurora in the front seat with me," Jonathan calls out after us and I can't help but smile at the my part.

"Ha!" I say poking my tongue out at Aspen when we reach the car. I open the side door and climb up in, wishing I had taken the jumper out of my bag first.

But now it's somewhere in my suitcase which is in the back under Aspen's, so I'll just have to wait to warm up.

"Aw Seanie-pie tell your brother to let me go in the front seat," she begs as we watch Sean get in.

"No can do sweetheart. He has the keys and this car is his so you're just going to have to get comfy in the back with me," he says winking.

"Ugh! You are the most.." she trails off as she gets in as Jonathan starts the vehicle up.

"Handsomeness guy you've ever set eyes on," he says laughing at the surprised look on her face.

"I'm going to kill you by the end of the night!" she threatens which makes him laugh even more.

"You cold?" I look up to see brown eyes looking down at mine worriedly.

"No.." I mumble trying to cover the goosebumps that have appeared on my arms and legs.

"Liar." His breath hits my ear making me shiver again but this time it isn't from the cold weather. "Here petals," I look up to find him shrugging off his warm looking grey sweater that he had thrown on during the movie.

"But you'll get cold," I tell him not accepting it.

"I won't. You need it more than me love," he says and finally I take it. As I'm pulling it up over my head, it gets stuck on my bun and I struggle to get my head through.

"You alright there Aurora?" I hear Sean ask behind me.

"I'm stuck!" I complain and I hear laughter.

I feel someone take the back of the sweater and help pull it over my head, I see Jonathan's face smiling back at me.

"Better?" he asks and I nod my head laughing too as I bring the sweater up over my knees. It smells like him. I continue to watch as he leans over and fiddles with the heater,  and I feel the warm air hit my exposed legs.

"Thank you," I tell him as I kiss his cheek when he moves back. "You know you're probably not going to get this one back either."

Jonathan chuckles as he starts the car and reverses out of the small alleyway beside the cafe.

"They look better on you anyways."

- - -

"Thank you for letting me stay in the spare room Miss H," Aspen says as Sean brings in the last of her bags.

"Oh you're welcome hun, I'm just glad to see Aurora with a friend," mum says as she brings in the extra pillow and placing it on the mattress.

"Hey! What do you call me?" Sean asks placing the bags down on the floor beside us. "A stranger," he jokes cracking a smile.

"Aw I'm sorry Sean, she just sees me as a better friend for Aurora is all," Aspen says flicking her hair as mum laughs. "Don't be jealous," she adds then stops to think about it. "Actually nah be jealous, I'm better than you!" she pokes her tongue out at him.

"You wish." Sean laughs turning his back to her and looking at mum and I. "Well I better go and get my brother and start heading home."

"It's a bit late for you and your brother to be heading back out there now," my mum mentions looking at her watch. "It's nearly midnight."

"It doesn't worry him, we'll be fine," he reassures her but my mum won't hear it.

"No no I'll throw a sheet on the couches downstairs for you two, I don't want you's on those roads at this time of night," she tells him.


"I won't take no as an answer. You're staying, now come and help me with the sheets," she says going out the door.

"Is your mum always like this?" Aspen asks me as Sean sighs but follows her out.

"Hmm.." I say pretending to think about it. "Most days she's a little crazy," I admit laughing.

"Ah!" she says as she flops back on the mattress, looking up at the white ceiling. "I'm so tired."

"Then get some sleep," I tell her shaking my head as she groans. "What's wrong now?"

"I can't sleep in here," Aspen declares suddenly, jumping up. I frown, watching her as she walks towards the door that's behind me.

"And why not?"

Aspen sighs like I'm missing the most oblivious thing ever.

"Duh! There's no lock on this door," she explains. I stare at her, trying to see what I'm missing here but I'm completely clueless.

"And?" I ask her, shrugging. It's an old door that's on my mums replacing list, she just hasn't had the time yet.

"I'm not going to be safe in here tonight," she goes on looking around the room.

"Why not?" Aspens eyes land on mine, and she walks over to me placing her hands on my shoulders and shaking me. "He's going to come in.." I hear her mumble quietly looking around.

Has my friend been taking drugs? Or watching other scary movies without me?

"Who is he?" I ask laughing, I can't help it.

"Sean." she says in all seriousness.

"Sean?" I repeat trying not to laugh again. Oh this is too funny. "You'll be fine Aspen. He won't come in when you're sleeping," I tell her. "And if he does then I give you permission to hit him over the head," I add.

"Oh can I?" she asks her eyes sparkling. I nod my head. "Now I'm hoping he does," she says rubbing her hands together with glee.

"You're evil bub!" I tell her and she winks before turning in for the night.

"Goodnight," I say before closing the door softly behind me.

As I walk out into the hall, I notice the lights are off downstairs so mum must have put the boys to bed already. I was hoping to talk to Jonathan about what happened earlier but I don't want to go down there if they're both asleep and wake them.

I walk pass mums room and see that her lights off too, there's one door left before mine and I quietly open it popping my head in.

"Goodnight Becky," I whisper about to close the door again but then notice her sheets down and the lamp is on. Tip-toeing into the room, I quietly bring the sheet back up and tuck it around her frame.

Something flutters on the ground before my feet and I lean down picking it up, I see that it's a photograph and a drawing.

The photo is one of Becky and I not long after her accident, her hair has just started growing back and we're down at the local beach. It used to be her favourite place, I was standing on the left facing her with my hands on my hip and my tongue poking out, Becky was doing the same to me with a huge smile on her young face.

It was the first time she had really smiled after the accident. The drawing was one she had drawn when she was around six, it showed her in the middle with mum on her left and me on her right, together we were holding hands. In her messy six year old writing was the words, 'I love my family'.

Picking up the two up, I touch the edge of the photo softly before placing them down on her side table before turning off the light.

Finally I make it to my bedroom, when I open the door I'm greeted with utter darkness. I guess Jonathan had turned the light off once he had dropped my bags off in here earlier. I'm too lazy and tired to change out of what I'm wearing, so instead I just feel my way to my bed.

"Shit!" I hiss as pain shoots up my left leg, I had hit it on the bed end. Limping to my side of the bed, I lift the blankets up and crawl under them. It's so cold.

I wrap the blanket around me and roll onto my side, staring at the window. I missed it here, I missed my friends and family too but I also miss my dad. What's going to happen when I come back in a few weeks, will I only see him once a year or special visits?

I know I haven't known him that long but I don't want to see him disappear, I'm just getting to know him. I guess there's always Skype and that but it won't be the same. My mind drifts off to another topic, and my eyes start to drop when I feel the bed dip and s hand wrap itself around me.

"Ah!" I scream loudly just as another hand covers my mouth softly. Without thinking I poke my tongue out and lick them.

That's one way of scaring a kidnapper, right?

"Seriously petals," a deep voice asks in the darkness.

"Jonathan?" I ask surprised, I thought he was downstairs. The hand pulls me closer to them, and I feel my back come to rest against their chest. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Waiting for my girl to come to bed," he mumbles tiredly his mouth close to my ear. "But I fell asleep waiting, your bed is too comfy." I can't help but laugh as his arms tighten their hold on me.

"Why aren't you downstairs mister?" I ask as I snuggle into him more not that I minded him in here with me.

"I couldn't sleep without you," is his reply I barely make out as his face is buried into the side of my neck. "I need you with me."

"I'm here now," I tell him resting my head against him. I wait a few seconds but I don't hear anything back from him. "Jonathan?" I ask softly but still nothing, he must have fallen asleep.

It's kinda hard to tell because his hold on me is still tight, not enough to choke me but enough to know he doesn't want to let me go. I'm trying to listen for his breathing but the fan is on swirling above us, and it's making a lot of noise. So instead I give up and get comfy in his arms, closing my eyes.

I'm nearly asleep myself when I hear a voice right by my ear, the words don't register straight away and I try to turn my brain back on. What did he say? It sounded a lot like..

"I love you."

Hii everyone I'm back,
I'm finally on school holidays now for three weeks *jumps up and down in utter joy* except the bad news is that I'm working and busy for most of it but oh well

I'm hoping to keep my new updating schedule happening from now on also (main word being hoping), you can find it on my bio (Lover vs. Lover will be updated on Fridays) so mark that on your calendars hehe

Last but not least, I have been working on a new story. Yes I know what you're all think, Amy why are you starting yet another new story when you still have like two other stories to finish. Well I love new stories, and I get new ideas every single day and I have so much inspiration for this upcoming story. Of course I will still be updating Libby and Matthew and this one, but I'm putting Beautiful Secrets on hold for a little while. I have also taken Finding Leona down as I feel it's too similar with Libby and Matthew which I didn't realise until now haha

The new story is called Annoyances, Accents and Heartaches which you can find on my profile. Please take the time to check it out and maybe give some feedback as I'm really trying to improve my writing.

Don't forget to comment, follow, share and vote (:
Amy xxx

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