By ohbrosey

143K 3.3K 1.9K

Twin telepathy is when one twin can assess the thoughts or feelings of another twin without the other twin gi... More

00 → blurb
01 → first freshman captain
02 → hanging on the edge
03 → bestiary
04 → emma's first party
05 → emerald green
06 → apology accepted
07 → emma the helicopter mom
08 → honey baked ham and lemon jello
09 → emma and mason save the pack
10 → the end to the dead pool
11 → will brake for ducks

12 → i heart mexico

5.1K 140 52
By ohbrosey


⇠ ✽ ▧ ✭ ⇢

Emma was a great listener; she was. However, when Emma and Liam were told that they were not going to Mexico. They chose to ignore it. It hurt Emma's soul to break the rules and did not follow directions. Emma and Liam rode the bus to Scott's house.

"I don't like this," Emma muttered to herself; they were walking from the bus stop. They were told the plan, not purposefully; Stiles made a new group chat and included Emma by accident. Stiles and Malia were going to Scott's to catch his scent. So naturally, that's where Liam and Emma decided to go.

"I know Emma, and this is the 30th time you've said this. During our ten-minute bus ride — I know," Liam replied in annoyance. Emma wanted to say he was exaggerating, but he sadly wasn't. Emma was freaking out, so that means she was rambling on and on about how bad of an idea this was. You couldn't blame Emma. She didn't want Liam to come face to face with Berserkers unless he was ready. He was still terrified of them. The next reason why she was hesitant was that Kate and the Berserkers also scared Emma.

Of course, she wants Scott and Kira back. She wants them to be safe and sound. Emma was still a fifteen-year-old girl. She still has fears and hesitation. Emma didn't know what she was supposed to do, especially with Liam's second full moon. Everyone planned on leaving her alone with Liam on his second full moon; she was very tiny and crumbled into pieces when somebody yelled at her. What does Stiles think is going to happen when Liam roars at her? Emma's most likely going to move out of Liam's way or cower in the corner.

However, if they manage to get Stiles' approval to go, then that leaves another question. Where were they going to put Liam? He was a very angry and strong Beta on the last full moon. What if Liam decides to keep that same energy and rip apart the whole back half of Stiles' jeep? Stiles yelled at Brett from spitting up the yellow wolfsbane in his back seat; what was he going to do if Liam rips up his entire jeep?

If she is left alone with full moon Liam, she's calling Brett to help her. This might upset angry, full moon Liam, but there was no way she could keep Liam under control without werewolf strength.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous," Emma apologized, looking down at her sneakers, her shoes crunching the leaves below her. Liam bit his lip as they turned onto the street where the McCall house stood.

"Trust me, Emma. I know, okay? I can feel it too," Liam replied as he fixed the sleeves of his long-sleeved shirt. Emma bit her lip; despite her uneasy feeling, she still kept walking. As long as Liam kept walking, she did too. "We're almost there, though," Liam said; it was a subtle way of making sure she was still up for this.

Emma didn't like confrontation, and they weren't sure how willingly Stiles and Malia would let them come. Liam wanted to help his Alpha, but he also, most importantly, didn't want to go through the full moon alone with Emma. If she couldn't calm him down, and he broke free from the chains and hurt her or their parents, he would never forgive himself.

Liam was the first to reach the back door, and he opened the door, allowing Emma to walk in first. She could hear Stiles' voice upstairs talking to Malia. Emma looked around the house that seemed always to be grounded zero for the pack. Liam walked past her and leaned against the wooden table; Emma stood next to him as they waited for the couple to return downstairs.

Emma's ears caught on to the thumping of feet going down the wooden stairs, Emma could feel her heart drop. It was the moment of truth, whether or not they had to lie to their mom or not about spending the night at Mason's house.

"Oh! Liam, Emma, go home," Stiles said as he threw his hands up; Emma pouted her lip out. SHe at least expected a hello before they were kicking them out. Liam stood up straight, and Emma followed her brother's lead; believe it or not, he was the better talker out of the two. "You're not coming with us."

"Why not?" Liam questioned, his tone full of annoyance. Stiles and Malia walked past them. Emma followed his moments till he stopped to ramble on.

"Because it's a full moon, and I don't feel like driving down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out," Stiles ranted. Emma crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, me either -- you're leaving me alone with him. I've only been through one full moon Stiles. And I spent most of making sure everyone wasn't ruining Lydia's lake house," Emma replied. Her voice sounded a little annoyed. She felt it, but she didn't want it to come across that way. Everyone in their friend group was stressed. Emma wished to seem calm and cool, so nothing else was added to the stress. Emma, however, failed at that because she was not very good at hiding her emotions.

Stiles bit his lip and placed his hands on his hips, "I didn't think about that," Stiles stated, Emma quirked an eyebrow up at him. Malia looked over to Stiles for an answer. "We can't leave Emma alone with Liam," Stiles whispered to Malia.

"So . . . You can lock me up, right? Chain me down to the back seat or something?" Liam suggested; Stiles looked back over to the Beta as Malia answered Liam's question.

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia reminded him. Emma looked over to her brother. Emma was there to witness that, and it was pretty traumatizing for her. He didn't just tear through the chains -- he busted through them. Like the chains were practically just string, and then jumped through a window like it was nothing.

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there," Stiles said, referencing the Star Wars movie franchise. Emma had binge-watched all the movies one weekend when she was sick.

"Okay, then where do we get carbonite?" Liam quizzed, Stiles' eyes narrowed at the Beta. Malia looked at her boyfriend for answers.

"Seriously, you haven't seen it either?" Stiles replied, his tone full of disappointment as he shook his head. His hands still on his hips looking like a mom scolding her child. Emma wasn't aware that Stiles was a big Star Wars fan. She had never heard him talk about it before. At least Emma knew now, so she can make him Star Wars treats.

"It's from the Star Wars movies, Liam," Emma pointed out, Liam's jaw slacked a little in realization. His face drooped as his efforts to get the twins to Mexico were failing slightly.

Stiles whipped his head up, and his eyes had found a sparkle. "Emma, I knew you were my favorite or a reason -- come here" Stiles opened his arms wide. Emma furrowed her eyebrows as she looked over to her brother and then to Malia. Emma didn't want to hug someone's boyfriend unless they were okay with it. Malia shrugged her shoulder, and Emma walked up to Stiles awkwardly.

"So can we go?" Emma asked Stiles; he patted the top of her head a couple of times before letting her go. Emma took a few steps back until she was standing next to her brother.

"No, good try though, Emma," Stiles remarked before he turned and planned to walk out the door; Malia gave Emma a closed mouth smile and a shrug of her shoulder before following Stiles.

"Wait!" Liam called. Stiles sighed in annoyance as Liam moved to stand in front of the two juniors. Emma stepped forward, placing herself next to Stiles. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, "What if we put me in the trunk?"

"You'd get out of that, too," Malia stated. Liam was the strongest Beta that Derek had ever seen, and Emma assumed the rest of the pack hadn't seen one as strong as Liam either. The anger in him makes him strong and powerful. The downside to that, however, is he's that strong and powerful on full moons - maybe even more.

"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of five minutes. You don't have to do this," Stiles told him gently.

"I know I don't, but I want to. There's gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk, or something. There has to be," Liam ranted; Emma crossed her fingers in hope that Stiles would say yes.

"Plus, Derek's going to be there, right? Maybe he can help Liam with control, at least for the car ride," Emma added. Emma was aware of how long Stiles was alone with Scott when Scott first became a Beta. But Derek was there too, and he has more experience than Stiles.

"That's not a bad idea, and I think I know where we can get a bigger something," Stiles stated. Emma and Liam looked at each other with big smiles on their face, "It's not a yes, it's a maybe. Stop getting so cheery."

Stiles and Malia walked past them as Stiles pulled his phone out from his pocket, the twins didn't know who he was calling, but they were going to Mexico. Once Stiles was out of view, they high-fived each other before following Stiles to the jeep.

Emma's eyes wandered around the larger concrete structure of the warehouse, and this was where they were meeting before they took off to Mexico. It wasn't originally the meeting place, and the meeting place was Scott's house -- hence why Emma and Liam showed up there. To complete Stiles' plan, they needed a prison transport van. That's where Liam was going to be on the majority of the trip, and of course, so was Emma.

Emma was told that she would be in the front with Braeden; Emma nicely declined. She wanted to be in the back with Liam. That's what Stiles wanted as well. Scott and Stiles both figured that Emma was his anchor.

The large van pulled to a stop. The loud squeaking of the tires on the concrete made her cringe. "How did you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asked Braeden once she hopped out of the silver van. Emma stood in between Malia and Liam as her eyes danced over to the Toyota that just turned its engine off.

"I'm a U.S. Marshal," Braeden answered. Emma chewed on the inside of her cheek. Braeden had her head held high as she looked at the teenagers in front of her. Emma wished she had the confidence Braeden had. She knew it came from experience, and her skills were undeniable. She was a total boss, with claw marks traveling up her neck and the smirk you could never wipe off her face. Emma had only met her one time before, and she still radiated the confidence she was now.

Emma's fingers traced over the scar on her neck. It was small but still there. The front of her neck has gotten burnt the absolute worst from Violet's necklace. Emma wished she could wear her scar proudly as Lydia did, and like Braeden was now. She couldn't, she tried, but any looks had her putting on a necklace or pulling on the collar of her shirt to try and hide it. Emma had a feeling that one day it'll all be different; she just didn't know how or when.

"Yeah, I just thought that was just a cover," Stiles remarked; Braeden smirked wider. Emma was pulled out of her thoughts when the car door of the Toyota slammed shut. Derek walked into view in front of the bright sunlight. Emma smiled at him and sent him a wave.

"You're so cool," Emma complemented Braeden. The girl let out a chuckle. Braeden had been told that Emma was 'the nice one.' So far, Emma has lived up to that standard. Stiles looked over his shoulder at Emma. The blonde had a bright smile on her face, like usual. Emma made eye contact with Stiles, and she dropped her smile and tried to play it cool. Cool like Braeden.

"Are we really bringing them? Especially him?" Derek quizzed, referring to the twins. Emma brought her hand back to her side and glanced at her brother. Emma wanted to just shrink down into her clothes. She was aware that she was human and offered no real value to Kate and The Berserkers. But she was here to help Liam, and they couldn't get very far if Liam was wolfing out on them.

"Are we really bringing him?" Stiles shot back in defense, and he pointed over to Peter.

The blue-eyed werewolf walked up towards his nephew. "We're bringing everyone that we can," Peter shot; Emma's stomach began to feel uneasy. Peter left a bad taste in her mouth ever since what happened with Meredith. "And considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon, we should probably get going."

Emma furrowed her eyebrows, as well as almost everyone else. "What's that mean?" Malia asked the question everyone was wondering.

"If Kate took Scott back to the same temple that she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter offered in reply. Kate brought Derek to the church to make him younger. Why would she want to do the same thing to Scott?

"What, she wants to make him younger?" Liam quizzed, asking the question that Emma was about to ask.

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf," Derek added; Emma played with her fingers as she looked over to Stiles. Why would she want to take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf? What does Kate gain from regular human Scott?

"A werewolf can't steal a true Alpha's power. But maybe a Nagual jaguar, with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her – Maybe she can," Peter explained. Emma shuttered after hearing Peter's words.

"That sounds so evil," Emma commented. There has to be no way that someone who's that evil, who killed people, could steal a True Alpha's power. Scott became a True Alpha because he was good. He didn't kill anyone or steal their power. So, it's not fair for someone who isn't a good guy to steal it. "There's no way that someone with an evil plan like that can take a power that's so pure."

Peter looked frozen for a moment at Emma's words, and Stiles noticed it before anyone else did. He raised an eyebrow as he looked over to Emma, who looked way too deep in thought to notice. "Even if she can't. Kate still might end up killing Scott. So, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going."

"We can't. Not without Lydia," Stiles announced. Lydia was going to school to get a jacket out of Kira's locker. The sword wasn't a strong enough scent. Emma didn't know that people could leave a smell on a sword, so you learn something every day.  After Peter made a snide comment about figuring out where she is and what her ETA was.

Stiles grabbed his phone and began to call her multiple times. He was pacing back and forth, waiting for an answer. Peter, Braeden, and Derek were pacing like Stiles was. Emma assumed they racked up their nerves, and they were trying to soothe them by walking them off. Emma does that a lot, mostly if she feels self-conscious about her appearance.

"What's she doing at the school anyway?" Derek quizzed; he had his hands on his hips. Malia, Emma, and Liam looked over at Derek.

Malia showed him the sword in her hand, "We got Kira's sword, but we need something with a stronger scent. Lydia went to get a jacket out of her locker," Malia informed him. Derek nodded his head in understanding. Emma leaned back on Stiles' jeep, carefully she might add. Emma knew how much Stiles loved his jeep and how picky he was with it.

"Nothing," Stiles stated, dramatically showing his phone off, as she walked towards the group. The uneasy feeling began to bubble again in her stomach. Lydia was never flakey; she would've answered by now. Something had to be wrong; both she and Stiles felt it.

"If she has a car, she can catch up to us," Braeden added. Emma chewed on the inside of her cheek again. It was a possible idea, but it felt wrong to leave Lydia without checking to see if she was okay or without hearing from her.

"That's a good point. We'll call her from the road," Peter said as he pointed towards Braeden in agreement. Emma was confused as to why Peter was so adamant about getting to Mexico. From past reports from Stiles, he helped sure. But he wasn't always happy he was doing it. Probably because he was usually left alone with Stiles, but Emma's been left alone with Stiles plenty of times, and it's been just fine.

"No, what if something happened?" Stiles asked. Emma nodded her head in agreement.

"Yeah, what if she's in trouble?" Emma added from her spot. Peter rolled his eyes and exasperation at Emma and Stiles' withdrawal. 

"Fine. You two stay, you find her. We're going to go on without you," Peter snapped; Stiles narrowed his eyes at Peter the same time Emma did. Peter's behavior was rubbing Emma's the wrong way. She was hoping he just really wanted to save Scott and put an end to Kate Argent. Emma wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him another chance, but it felt like her gut instinct was fighting her.

"I could call Mason. He has a study group at school. Maybe he could look for her?" Liam suggested. Emma nodded her head in support of the idea. If they couldn't go and check on her, at least Mason could.

Stiles let out a sigh, "All right. Fine," Stiles groaned, he looked like he was fighting himself with agreeing to Liam's idea. Emma and Liam walked over to the prison transport van. Derek and Braeden followed them. Malia and Stiles talked to each other before they departed, and Stiles walked over to the van.

"Remember what we're dealing with. It's not just Kate, it's Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls. Do not assume that there's any humanity left," Peter ambled as he put on his jacket. Peter's eye fell onto Liam, "Oh. This little one is terrified of them, aren't you? Don't worry, my friend. It is that fear that will keep you alive." Liam looked down, a little embarrassed by Peter calling him out on his fear.

Emma cupped a hand onto his shoulder for moral support. "Don't worry about it, okay?" Emma reassured Liam. She didn't want the words of Peter Hale to freak him out, mainly because the full moon was a couple of hours away. More specifically, the full moon was a couple of hours away, and they had to be locked in a van with him.

"A reminder to everyone. You do not fight Berserkers to survive; you fight to kill," Peter stated. With that sentence, he turned on his heel and walked towards the car with Malia. Emma waved bye to the werecoyote; Malia waved back before she got into the SUV.

"Okay, Emma, are you riding in the back or the front?" Braeden asked the freshman. Braeden opened the door to the van; she was almost ready to get in the van.


"Front," Emma said back at the same time that Liam and Stiles said front. Emma looked over to the two boys. There was a barrier that she could talk to Liam through, but she felt like that might hinder their bond. Emma knew that Liam was afraid to hurt her, that why he wanted her in the front. Stiles felt the same way. Stiles and Derek had more experience with teen wolves. Emma so far had little to none. "Liam, I'm confident that you won't hurt me, okay?" Emma stated, she sent her brother a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, well, I'm not" Stiles raised his hand before placing them back onto his hips. Emma pouted her lip, looking over to Stiles.

"Well, that's not a very nice thing to say to him, especially when we're a couple of hours out from the full moon," Emma said in a mom's voice. Her hands shot to her hips as well. Derek let out a sigh as he leaned on the van, growing impatient. "I'm riding in the back."

Emma linked her arm through Liam's, and they walked to the back of the van, climbing in. Liam followed after her. He pulled his phone out once he sat in the surprisingly roomy van. He pressed Mason's contact as Stiles and Derek filed into the van. Braeden got into the front seat and looked over her shoulder at the group.

"Hey, Mason, could you do me a favor?" Liam asked Mason; his face didn't give on any expression as to Mason's reply. But she could imagine Mason was chewing his ear off first, and then he would untimely say yes. "Could you go and see if Lydia's car is in the parking lot?" Liam looked over to Emma. He pulled the phone away a bit. "What kind of car?"

Emma took the phone and put it up to her ear, "Hi, Mase. It's a dark blue Toyota," Emma answered, "Either a Corolla or Camry," Emma finished. Stiles nodded his head in agreement with what Emma said. Emma could hear some movement on the other side of the phone; she knew that it was Mason making his way to the parking lot. "Okay, here's Liam again. Great talking to you!" Emma handed the phone back to her brother.

"Yeah. Call me as soon as you find her," Liam replied. He gave the nod to Braeden, who turned the car on. She then signaled Peter and Malia. The van began to move, and they were off on their trip to Mexico. If her mom found out where the twins were going, she would have a cow. The ride was quiet for the most part; Emma looked out of the window, watching the busy city streets turn into abandoned dirt roads.

Emma sat across from Stiles, who looked down at his phone, with no texts from Malia and Lydia. Emma and Liam had tried to call Mason back many times too, but only got voicemail, which scared them. First, Lydia was going radio silent, and then Mason. Something weird was happening down at the school; Emma could feel it in her bones.

Getting stopped at the border was fun too. Emma's passport fell under the bench she was sitting on, and she almost had a panic attack. Stiles found it, and the tripped resumed as usual. Once they were past the border, Derek put the handcuffs on him; they handcuffed him to the bench seat.

"All good?" Derek questioned as he tugged on the cuffs to make sure they were sturdy. Liam nodded his head before glancing at his sister. Her slightly worried expression turned into a smile and thumbs up. "Okay. I brought something to help you. This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful, supernatural talisman. We use it to teach Betas how to control themselves on a full moon."

Derek explained as he held out a thick, rusted silver circle, with a triskelion on the front and the back. He handed it to Liam, Emma leaned over to look at it in his hand. Emma felt calm listening to Derek's words. She wasn't sure if it was her feeling relaxed or Liam. Either way, it was less stressful about the full moon, knowing that Derek was there to help, especially with the talisman.

Emma had a good idea of having Derek help Liam with control. He helped Scott with control, right? Scott didn't even look phased by the last full moon. It felt quiet in the car; Emma looked up to see Derek and Stiles staring at each other. Stiles had his eye narrowed, and his eyebrows furrowed, "Yes, it's powerful," Stiles cleared his throat, "Very powerful."

"It's very pretty," Emma stated. She took it from Liam's hand and brought it to her chest, "If you put some wire on it, it could be a cool necklace." Emma giggled to herself before placing it back in Liam's hand.

"I'll remember that for next time, Emma," Derek replied with a nod of his head. He looked over to Stiles, who shrugged his shoulders.

When the sun met the horizon, the uneasy feeling began to set in again. With every inch of sunlight fading away to away, the little bit of control Liam felt. Emma felt every sense of anger, nervousness, and fear began to pool inside her. It was Liam's emotions, and they all felt so heavy like they weighed her down.

Liam's arms jutted out, causing everyone, except Derek, to jump slightly. Derek's head immediately shot over to Liam. His fingernails pointed into brown claws. The talisman held tightly in the palm of his hand. Liam's chest heaved up and down as droplets of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Whatever you were going to teach me . . . I think you better start," Liam huffed out. He looked up towards Derek with golden eyes. Emma stiffened as she peered over to Derek. Emma crossed her fingers that the pretty talisman in her brother's hand truly worked.

Liam's head was lolled; his skin began to coat in sweat. He breathed heavily; Emma reached her hand out to cup his shoulder. She hoped a loving hand would help calm him down. "Liam, you with me?" Derek questioned; his head shot up to look at Derek. "We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it, and you focus on the words. It's like meditating." Derek stated; Liam looked over to Stiles and then to his sister. Emma wiped the sweat forming on her forehead. Emma was feeling the effects of the full moon, too, only because of Liam, of course. "You say the words until you feel control coming back to you."

"Okay. Okay, okay! What are the words?!" Liam exclaimed; his arms unintentionally pulled at the handcuffs. His grip around the triskelion looked so tight that it would snap in half at any given moment.

"Okay, look at the triskelion. See the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back. It's the same thing. Each spiral means something," Derek explained to him; Emma squeezed Liam's shoulder lovingly. Emma wanted to feel all of this anger for Liam, so he didn't have to.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega," Stiles muttered. Emma glanced over to the Stilinski boy before her focus remained on Derek. "It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another. Betas can become Alphas," Derek said.

"Alphas can become Betas," Stiles added shortly after. Emma was looking at a prime example of that right in front of her. Stiles had packed as much information as he could when he was explaining all about the supernatural world. Derek was one of the topics, more specifically his rise to Alpha and his fall to Beta.

"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Emma quizzed Derek, nodded his head. Emma couldn't remember being taught about an Alpha becoming an Omega. "Has it happened with this pack before?"

"Aiden and Ethan, they were Alpha's, then they became an Omega," Stiles answered her. Emma chewed on the inside of her cheek and nodded her head. She knew all she was going to get was a summary, maybe a short paraphrase. "Okay, Liam, all you have to do is say the three words. And with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. Emma say it with him; it'll only help him gain more control," Derek told the blonde-haired girl; Emma nodded her head quickly. Liam looked over to Emma, and she smiled at him. Giving him the impression that she wasn't going anywhere, "Go ahead."

"Alpha, Beta –" Emma and Liam began but were cut off shortly after by Derek.

"Slower," Derek instructed.

"Alpha . . . Beta . . . Omega . . ." Liam and Emma chorused together; Liam let out a painful groan. Emma felt pain shoot up her body; she assumed that what was Liam was feeling. It hurt Emma, but she didn't let her expression show it.

"You're okay, Liam, you're doing great," Emma complimented him. She hadn't taken her hand off his shoulder. Emma knew that if Liam didn't like it, he would've shrugged her off a while ago.

"Alpha . . . Beta . . . Omega . . ." Liam and Emma repeated. Liam was still breathing harshly. Emma tried to calm her nerves as best as she could in hopes that it would calm Liam down as well.

"Good, say it again. Remember, every time you say the words, you're getting calmer," Derek told Liam. 

"Alpha, Beta . . . Omega" Liam's voice sounded deep and almost demonic. Emma could only get out the word Alpha before the voice made her jump. Stiles groaned and moved his feet onto the bench seat. 

"Say it again," Derek replied, his voice oddly calm.

"Derek, I don't think the powerful talisman of self-control is working," Stiles remarked, as every grunt and groan from Liam began to sound like a growl. "Emma, I think you should probably come over here now." Stiles waved the blonde over. Emma saw his eyes turn golden yellow as he barred his sharp teeth.

"Liam, say it again!" Derek ordered, ditching the calm tone of voice.

Liam let out a roar that had Emma covering her ears. He lunged forward at Derek. He was throwing the car off balance, causing Emma to get flying to the other side. Stiles grabbed hold of her and wrapped her arms around the blonde to keep her in place and offer her some protection.

"Liam!" Emma called for him. His eyes faltered over to her before he let out a roar and lunged at Derek again. The handcuffs were offering some resistance. "Derek, what do we do?"

"Try and talk to him!" Derek exclaimed at her as he tried to catch his balance from the car shaking.

"Liam, I need you to calm down, okay? You don't want to hurt anybody; I know you don't! just breath!" Emma told him; she went to lean towards him, but Stiles pulled her back.

Liam let out a roar ignoring Emma's words, he lunged forward again, and this time his right arm broke free from the cuffs. He threw his body towards Derek, who gripped his wrist tightly.

"Derek?" Braeden called over her shoulder, waiting for his word on what they needed to do.

"I think we're gonna need to go a little faster!" Stiles added as Derek looked to be struggling to hold back Liam's wrist. Liam let out vicious growls that had Emma and Stiles cowering in the corner. She didn't want to cower in the corner; Stiles was holding her away from Liam. Emma had told Liam with confidence that she was not scared of him. That she knew he wasn't going to hurt her. Emma wanted to show him that maybe it would help calm him down.

"Keep going!" Derek yelled over to Braeden. 

Emma moved forward; she reached out and put a hand on his wrist that was still chained. Stiles had his hand wrapped around her arm in case he needed to yank her back. Emma was pretty bold, getting up and close with an out-of-control werewolf, especially one with Liam's amount of rage. "Liam, you need to breathe. Relax, you're okay; everything is okay."

Liam's head shot over to her; Emma thought for a second that she had done something and that he was beginning to calm down. That was not the case at all. Liam let out a roar, and his hand broke away from the handcuffs and was going towards Emma. Emma was pulled back quickly by Stiles. Liam's right hand wrapped around Derek's neck. Stiles grabbed hold of his left as they tried to push Liam back down onto the seat.

The back of Emma's head rung in pain, when she was pulled back, her head hit the doors pretty hard. It wasn't Stiles' intention. He was trying to help her. Emma's hand found the spot on Emma's head; she looked at her fingers and found no blood, so she hopped back up.

"Liam! Liam," Emma called. She grabbed onto Liam's wrists, trying to help pull his hands away from Derek's neck. Emma could vaguely hear Braeden scream that they were almost there. Liam's hands were pulling away slowly until Derek got a grip back on Liam's wrist.

"Keep focus!" Derek yelled at Liam, who just snapped back at Derek. Alpha, Beta, Omega wasn't helping at all. Emma had a grip on his other hands, and she was letting out puffs of air. She was growing out of breath, trying to stop her brother. Emma felt anger pool within her. She wanted to scream and hit something. Her plan to try and calm herself down was useless.

"Derek, I don't think Alpha, Beta, Omega is resonating with him," Stiles pointed out to Derek. Emma groaned in frustration. Stiles was pointing out the obvious. Emma peered out the window, hoping the church would come into sight soon enough.

"You know any other mantras?" Derek shot. Emma's hand slipped a bit on Liam's wrist. Emma knew there was another mantra. There had to be. She had heard something similar to Alpha, Beta, Omega before.

The mantra had fallen from Brett's lips: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth. Brett was muttering that after Dr. Deaton had made the incision to release the wolfsbane in his bloodstream. When Violet almost killed both of them.

"Yeah. I do. Liam, Li!" Emma called. Liam's attention moved from Derek's neck and over to her. "What three things cannot long be hidden?" Emma quizzed. He ignored her and continued to pursue Derek. He let out a threatening growl as his claws inched closer to Derek's neck again. "Liam! Liam, look at me! What three things cannot long be hidden?" Emma shouted. Stiles took her spot, holding onto his other arm. Emma moved Liam's face to look at her, "What three things?" Emma said calmer.

Liam grunted a few times before she heard the words, "Sun . . . The moon . . . The truth," Liam said, his voice still had a growl to it.

"That's it. You're doing great, Liam. Repeat it; I'll say it with you," Emma encouraged with a reassuring smile on her face. Emma could see him slowly grab ahold of control.

"Sun, the moon . . . The truth," Liam and Emma chorused, making sure to say it with his pace. Emma watched as his claws went away slowly. His eyes returned to the blue color.

"Derek?" Braeden asked in worry looking over her shoulder.

"We're okay," Derek let out a sigh of relief. 

"Sun . . . Moon . . . And the truth," Liam said one more time. Liam was back to normal. Emma let a huff of air as she sat down next to her brother. Emma patted his back lovingly.

"Thank you, Brett," Emma muttered to herself. Her brother shot her a weird look. Emma noticed and pushed his head away from her. Emma wasn't in the mood to explain why she thanked Brett. She was exhausted, and all she wanted to do was take a nap.

Emma leaned her head back against the side of the van. She closed her eyes for what seemed like seven minutes before the van pulled to a stop. Emma peeked her eyes open and looked out the window. Her eyes landed on a broken-down church, Emma was sure looked beautiful in its prime. Emma loved beautifully constructed architecture.

"I can't believe I did it," Liam spoke up. He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. Everyone turned their head from the window to Liam. "For a minute there, I thought I was gonna tear the three of you apart."

"Yeah, that would've made for an awkward ride home – so, thanks," Stiles remarked sarcastically. Emma bit her lip to hide her laugh.

"Mom would've killed you if you did," Emma added. She patted his shoulder. Liam nodded his head with wide eyes.

"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia?" Derek asked Liam. The Beta's eyebrow quirked up, Liam held his hand out. He unclenched his fist and his nails popped out. Emma smiled proudly. She was impressed by her brother and his current ability to keep control.

"All right, we might be able to do this," Stiles muttered. Emma nodded her head. The blonde looked back out the window, she felt calm, and her stomach was no longer feeling uneasy. Derek stood up and opened the doors to the back of the van. The sound of growling caught her attention. Derek had met with a Berserker. The Berserker reached out and pulled Derek from the car. Emma let out a scream as Liam pulled her back towards him.

Emma's eyes were wide. She had heard stories and seen the claw of a Berserker. She hadn't ever encountered one face to face. They were huge, and their growls stuck more fear in her than Liam's just did. Every part of their body was covered in bone. The Berserker picked Derek up from the ground and threw him against the large boulders.

"Braeden!" Emma shouted as she saw the Berserker lift up his arm to the sky. The bone that was used to stab Scott was no pointing down at Derek. The berserker lowered his arm with a blunt force that sent the claw into Derek's chest. Emma let out a squeal, and Liam pulled Emma into him, so she didn't have to watch Derek getting stabbed.

Gunshots made Emma jump; she pulled her head away from Liam's shoulder and watched as Braeden shot bullet after bullet, and the Berserker looked untouched. The monster ran away from the crime scene. Braeden ran over to Derek; Stiles jumped out of the back of the van.

Emma and Liam followed; Malia and Peter soon met them. The blue-eyed werewolf stood there in shock, staring at his injured nephew. Emma placed a hand over her mouth as her heart began to clench as she watched Derek struggle in pain.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked Braeden. Emma pinched her leg in hopes to keep her tears back.

"I'm fine, I'm fine – just get to Scott," Derek breathed out, "Just find him. We'll be right behind you, go." Everybody stayed frozen as they looked at Derek. Nobody believed his words, maybe if he was still a werewolf. Not while he's a human, she's never heard of any human surviving that many stab wounds. "Go!"

The words made Emma jump; she looked over towards the church to see Peter running in. Emma felt Malia grab hold of her arm and tug her slightly. Emma looked to Malia. She nodded her head to the church. Emma began to walk towards the large church with Malia. Liam followed behind them.

"Save him" Derek's words stuck within Emma. They had to save Scott, or else none of this would've been worth it.

Emma ducked through the church's door. Emma froze at the sight of the inside of the Church. The ground was covered in rubble from the ceiling caving in. A lot of the woodwork stayed intact. Liam nudged her along. "This way!" Peter called. Emma continued to follow Peter, making sure not to step on any wood pieces with nails still sticking out of them.

The teenagers followed Peter until they were under the church traveling through the maze that lay under the church. "Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!" Peter yelled, everyone bumped into the person in front of them. Emma had bumped into her brother, which sent Liam into Stiles. "We gotta figure out where we are, and then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

Emma leaned back on the wall catching her breath; she was never a good runner. She was always the last on the lap when they had to run them for PE.

Stiles' phone began to ring, which made Emma jump. Gosh, Emma was jumpy today. However, it wasn't her fault, though. She was in a new place that she's never been, with bad guys and her brother trying to rip their heads off during his full moon. "How do I even have service?" Stiles muttered to himself as he moved away from the group to talk to his dad. Peter scoffed and held his arms out, questioning why Stiles answered his phone during a time like this. Emma shrugged her shoulders; parents can be scary sometimes. "Hi, Dad. Okay, Dad, I know you're angry . . . okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me. You want me to lie? Lydia, she's not answering her phone. She was at the school when we called Mason to look for her, but now we're not hearing back from either of them. I don't know, Dad, I don't know what I'm doin'. You know, I'm just . . . I'm trying to save my friends."

"Stiles, tell him I said hi, and if you could ask him nicely not to let our mom know we went to Mexico, that would be great," Emma called Stiles. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows looking over to Emma. He faced forward again and put his hand on his hip. "I don't think he's going to tell him."

"Dad, if it's one of the Berserkers at the school, you're going to need firepower. A lot," Stiles informed his father. He hung up and moved back towards the group.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked Stiles and Peter.

"Duck!" Malia shouted; Malia's hand grabbed the back of Emma's neck and pushed her down, out of reach from the Berserker trying to stab her.

"Get down! Get back!" Peter began to yell, Malia pulled Emma up, and they began to run away from the attacking Berserker, "Go! Go, go, go, go!" Emma didn't even know where they were running. She just followed. Emma wanted to look back to see how far away the Berserker was from them. But as far as what Emma had seen in movies, she had known that looking back is the worst possible thing to do.

They finally entered a large room, the columns covered in weeds, spider webs, and moss. Emma looked around the dark room, trying to let her eyes focus on the space. "Go find Kira and Scott!" Malia had yelled to Stiles. She had thrown Kira's sword at him. "Emma, you got too! Go!"

Emma had run over to Stiles. He looked back before he ran down a hallway. Emma followed after him. "Scott? Kira?" Stiles yelled out. Emma used the flashlight on her phone to help her see down the dark hallway.

They began to pass cells, with iron gates closing in rooms filled with bones and rubble. Emma's eyes widened, "What the heck went on in this church?" Emma muttered. She tried to push open the gate. With no luck, she kept going. She pushed on the doors of every gate. "Kira? Scott?"

Stiles froze, and Emma's heart dropped in fear. Until he turned his flashlight, and the light is shown on Kira. "Oh. Are you okay?" Stiles asked Kira as they made their way towards her. Kira's skin was covered in a mix of sweat, dirt, and blood.

"I just took a first aid class online. Do you need help?" Emma quizzed as she examined her body for any severe cuts.

"Em, I'm fine! It's Scott. Guys, it's Scott," Kira stated; Emma furrowed her eyebrows as she looked over to Stiles. What about Scott? Was he alive, dead, or hurt?

"What?" Stiles questioned.

"The Berserker, It's him. Kate did it."

"What are you talking about?" Stiles quizzed, Emma was just as confused as Stiles. Why was she talking so vaguely?

"She made him into one of them. I don't know how, but it's him. If they don't know it, they could kill him," Kira spoke. Emma's spine straightened out as she began to realize Kate's evil plan. It was no wonder that Lydia wasn't here. She can sense death. She would've felt it was Scott and his death. Kate's plan made her sick.

"That's why Lydia's not here," Emma added as she looked up to Stiles.

"They won't know they're killing Scott," Stiles finished, the sound of roaring caught their attention. "We gotta go. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," Kira nodded her head, Stiles handed Kira her sword, and they began to run back to the group. Kira was leading the charge, Emma wasn't sure how she could see without the flashlight, but she was running. Dodging out of the way of fallen rocks, Emma and Stiles followed her movements.

"Take him! Aim for the skull!" Peter shouted. Emma's eyes widened. They were close to the group, but would they make it in time before the pack kills Scott. "Kill it. Kill it now!" Liam and Peter had Scott pushed up against the wall, and Malia stood in front with the Berserker claw.

"No, wait, wait. Malia, wait!" Stiles yelled to her; everything felt as though it was in slow motion. The claw was hurling towards Scott's chest, even after Stiles' words. Kira ran up and swung her sword down, the sword and claw speaking before it dropped out of Malia's hand. Malia looked over, confused at Kira. The blonde took a few steps back.

"It's Scott . . . It's Scott," Stiles informed the group. Liam looked over to Scott, who was struggling against Liam and Peter's hold. Scott started to growl, and he broke free of their grasp, throwing Peter and Liam to the ground. Stiles pulled Emma back as Scott marched up to Malia and punched her. Emma's jaw slacked as he began to menacingly walked towards Liam, who was crawling backward away from Scott.

"Scott? Scott, don't!" Kira called. Emma went to pull Liam up. 

"Scott, it's me," Stiles said as he walked up towards his best friend. Scott threw a punch at Stiles, ending him to the ground. Emma moved in front of her brother. She grabbed a long piece that must've fallen from the columns holding up this structure. She threw it at Scott. It bounced off his armor chest and fell to the ground.

"Sorry," Emma apologized as she was thrown backward towards Stiles. She landed right in front of him. Emma groaned in pain as she sat up. Scott clutched Liam's shirt tightly in his fists. He pulled Liam up and threw him against the wall. "Scott! Don't!" Emma yelled.

Scott lifted Liam by his neck, and Emma felt pressure on her beck. Emma's hands raised to her neck as she looked over to Stiles with wide eyes.

"Scott," Liam grunted painfully. Emma let out a painful gasp as the pressure became tighter on her neck. "Scott, Scott, listen, listen, listen! You're not a monster!"  Liam yelled; Emma felt some tension release on her throat. She took in deep breaths because she wasn't sure if Scott would continue choking Liam or not. "You're a werewolf! Like me."

Scott returned Liam to the ground and released his throat. Emma let out a cough as she leaned back into Stiles, "Are you okay?" Stiles asked Emma softly. Emma nodded her head as she caught her breath and stopped coughing.

They all peered over to Scott, and his head jerked suddenly, inciting a loud cracking noise. His hands covered in claws and bone reached up, not the mask on his face. Emma and Stiles stood up and moved out of the way as he walked backward. Scott lifted his hands to his face and turned them a few times, and he began tearing the skin, fur, and bones of his body. 

Emma looked over to Peter, who had a stern and unreadable look on his face. Emma's bad feelings were pointing to Peter. There was a reason why Peter was so persistent in going to Mexico. He didn't' want to save Scott. He wanted to kill Scott. It wasn't just Kate's evil plan. It was Peter's too.

Emma turned her head to peer at Scott, whose hands were gripping at the animal skull on his head as he tugged. His arms trembled as he used all his power to pull off the mask. The pack watched as the mask began to split, and from those cracks was a bright golden light. The mask was torn off as Scott let out a loud and menacing roar.  His roar echoed off the cement walls before it went quiet, only for a moment. Scott's red eyes locked onto Peter Hale.

"You," Scott spoke quietly, the Pack followed Scott's eyeliner to Peter. Scott's words were defending almost, as they just waited for the next move. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers -- about the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power."

"For my family's power. To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he won't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power," Peter spoke in a threatening tone. His words were drawn out into a growl. His eyes glowed an icy blue color that sent goosebumps down her spine, "Not power like this."

Peter looked behind him before he jutted his head back to face Scott, his face contorted into one of a werewolf. He let out a room-shaking roar, which was met by one of his daughters. Peter turned to her before throwing her across the room into a large cement block that had fallen from the roof. Malia let out a painful grunt as she landed hard against it. Emma let out a gasp and covered her hand over her mouth.

"Oh, sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later," Peter remarked before he took another step towards Scott. Emma pulled away from Stiles and ran around the columns over to Malia. Emma bent down next to her as Malia groaned in pain on the ground. Kira swung her sword in her hand before running towards Peter.

However, Scott stopped her by calling her name, "Kira!" Scott yelled, stopping his girlfriend in her tracks.

"You okay?" Emma asked Maila. She nodded her head, letting out a couple of coughs before Emma helped her up into a sitting position.

"I'll heal," Malia reassured her.

"You were my Beta first, Scott. It was my bite that changed your life. And my bite that can end it," Peter spoke slowly as he paced back and forth. Emma chewed on her lip as she cupped a hand onto Malia's shoulder. Emma knew this had to be hard for Malia, seeing her father turn out to be the villain and fight Scott, her Alpha. Emma could only imagine the emotions Malia was experiencing. The only thing Emma could do was to be there for her, even if she has no experience in this department.

"Then, end it, Peter. Because you won't get another chance," Scott threatened. In a blink of an eye, they both growled and jumped at each other. Kira walked over to the girls and bent down next to Emma, so she was out of the way of the fight.

"You okay?" Kira asked Malia. The Werecoyote just nodded her head quickly, her attention secured onto the fight between her father and her Alpha. Scott was launched backward by Peter, but only a second later, he flipped himself back up. He threw a punch towards Peter, trying to strike him with his claws. He scratched Peter's cheek, and then Peter dodged the second attempt. Peter seemed strong, and he looked strong. Emma was confident in Scott's ability, but she wasn't sure how much energy was drained from him when he transformed from Berserker to himself.

Peter responded to Scott's punches with a punch of his own, right into Scott's gut. The Alpha let out a grunt; Peter swung at him. Scott dropped to his knees. Scott sliced at Peter's stomach, earning a loud groan from Peter. The blonde werewolf threw an uppercut, which threw off Scott's balance sending him backward. Scott's instincts kicked in, and he did a couple of flips back till he landed on his feet.

Peter followed after him menacingly, every step he let out an ear-piercing roar. Emma let out a gasp as a punch landed. Scott flipped back to his feet again, "Come on, Scott. Come on!" Peter treated as he walked toward Scott, waiting for his former Beta to make the first move.

Scott threw another punch; Peter caught his wrist not before punching Scott in the gut again. Peter gripped his hand around Scott's throat before throwing him into the column nearby. Emma's hand clapped over her mouth as she watched Scott get picked up and thrown against the cement column mirroring the one he was just launched into.

"Fight like an Alpha, Scott," Peter snarled as he picked up and exhausted, looking Scott and held him against the cement column. His words seemed to strike a nerve in Scott. He pushed Peter backward until they needed the wall. Scott used the wall to run up it to gain leverage on Peter. He threw Peter against the wall; Peter laid on the ground, stunned for a minute. Emma dropped her hand from her mouth, and she silently begged herself for Peter not to get up.

Scott snarled at the man. He threw a powerful punch to Peter's stomach, which shook the ground with the punch's power. He there a second ground shaking punch before Scott pulled Peter from the ground. Once Peter was to his feet, Peter knocked his head into Scott's. Emma groaned in pain as she looked over to Liam, who had the same expression on her face. Liam looked distraught and upset; she should be over there to support her brother and be there for him. Emma stood up slowly. She didn't want to attract attention to herself. She made her way over to Liam.

"I'm okay," Liam whispered to her as he reached her. He had answered her question before he could even ask it. Emma approaching him with her face contorted in worry was predictable. It was also predictable that Liam was going to jump in at any moment. These two twins knew each other quite well at this point.

Peter now had the leverage against Scott again. He threw punch after punch. He punched Scott's knee, sending the Alpha to the ground.

"You want to defeat me? You're going to have to kill me!" Peter yelled as he picked Scott up and threw him against the upper part of the wall. Scott's body smacked against the cement, and he fell to the floor.

Emma had never seen this, and she'd never truly witnessed a werewolf fight. She'd never seen Scott fight, nor had she seen Peter fight until this fight. She wasn't sure how much Scott could take or how long until Peter had grown tired. Emma's body shook in fear that the only way to end this fight was death. And the fact that she had to choose a side for death was beyond her. She wished nobody had to die. She didn't want Scott to die; he was her friend, Liam's friend, and his Alpha. Emma couldn't imagine what would happen to both Liam and her if Scott could not make it out of this Temple alive. No matter how evil Peter was, she never wished for him to die. She just hoped that they could just chain him to the police van and put him in his werewolf cell.

Liam looked over to Scott and then over his shoulder at his sister. "Liam, don't," Emma warned as she grabbed onto his wrist. That didn't stop him. He still took a hesitant step forward, ready to jump in to protect his Alpha. Peter's attention hooked onto Liam. He looked for the nearest thing, which happened to be a broken church pew; he gripped the leg of the chair before hauling it towards the twins. Liam's eyes widened. He quickly gripped the hand that held his arm and pushed his sister out of the way of the pew flying towards them. Emma landed on the ground and slid backward till she hit the cement wall behind her. The rubble of the chair combusted from hitting the column. A few pieces landed on her but not as much would have if Liam didn't push her out of the way.

Emma let out a groan as she tried to stand up; Peter growled at Liam, who was still in his ducked position staring back at Peter. In a second, his attention changed, Scott was to his feet again. Liam ran over to his sister and helped her up. He wrapped an arm around her to keep her steady. Peter threw punch after punch, but Scott dodged it, and even if his claws broke Scott's skin. The Alpha didn't show pain, and it continued again and again as Peter took one step back each failed punch, while Scott took one step forward with each successful dodge.

Scott punched Peter in his stomach, which caused Peter to stumble. Scott then threw an uppercut with power to send Peter flying into the rubble of concrete and broke church pews that had fallen from the roof above them, and Peter landed on the pile with an audible grunt. Scott jumped onto the cement table, the one with leather straps, and fractured Berserker's bones. He stood over Peter, showing the wounded werewolf who was in charge.

"You were never an Alpha, Peter. But you were always a monster," Scott said to him. His words sent shivers down Emma's spine. Peter let out a growl as he tried to push himself up. Scott lept off the table and delivered the final punch of the evening, which knocked the werewolf out.

Finally, Emma felt like she could finally breathe again.

When sunrise came and shown through the broken church, it reminded Emma how long this day had been. Also, the fact that she hadn't slept yet or had an actual meal. The pack stood outside the church, and they watched as the Calaveras and Mr. Argent had finished up searching for Kate until the sun peaked back over the Horizon. Mr. Argent had delivered a shot of yellow wolfsbane. The same wolfsbane Garrett had used on Brett. He assured the pack that the dosage wouldn't kill him. Well, he mostly assured Emma and Malia.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back," Mr. Argent informed them. She bit her lip as she watched all the hunters look over their conversation, "But be careful."

Emma was aware the people surrounding them were all Werewolf hunters. She was mindful of Mr. Agrent's past. She couldn't believe how civil they were. The reason she was so amazed was that a couple of weeks ago, anybody was lining up to pull out a gun to shoot the Supernaturals for money. She was on edge, walking down the school hallways, wondering who would be the next person to try and shank her brother. And now, the fact that loads of hunters were standing around with guns with no intention to use them on her friends was oddly comforting.

"You're going with them?" Scott quizzed Mr. Argent. Emma looked down at her body, just now realizing how dirty she was. Her shirt was filthy, her hair was a mess, and her arms were covered in dust and dirt. She had no idea how she was going to explain this to her mom when she gets home.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you alone," Mr. Argent reassured the pack. No wonder they were so civil. It was Mr. Argent rushing in to save the day. "All of you." Mr. Argent looked over to Liam, Stiles, Emma, and Malia, leaning on the church wall, watching the scene unfold. "But only if I help them catch Kate."

"What if you can't?" Kira asked the hunter.

"I'll find her; someone has to," Mr. Agrent replied calmly. It settled some nerves in Emma. Knowing Kate was still out there scared her. Who knows where she was or when she would come crawling back to Beacon Hills to finish what she started. Mr. Argent nodded his head before turning around and made his way over to the Calavera's before heading to his truck. Malia, Liam, Emma, and Stiles walked over to Kira and Scott, who had an arm wrapped around each other.

Their attention then focused on Derek and Braeden, who were getting into their SUV. Derek held the door open for Braeden. Emma was surprised to walk out of the church to be met with Derek. She and everyone else had left him outside on the rocks, slowly dying. Derek had explained to them that he was evolving. He turned into a black wolf. Like an actual wolf, Emma had asked him to change into the wolf, Derek declined sadly. He told Emma he had just found these clothes in the back of his car. He didn't have any extras.

Liam had nudged Emma, and everyone else had made their way back to the van. Emma made her way to the back, leaving the front open for Parrish, driving, Scott, and Kira. Because they've been through a lot in the last two days, and they needed something comfy to sit on. Emma was pretty sure they sat on concrete and rubble for the past two days, so their butts needed some comfort.

That means that Liam, Emma, Stiles, and Malia were in the back again. Emma sat down on the metal bench and leaned her head back against the metal wall. The car shook slightly as Scott and Kira piled into the car. Scott turned around to look at his friends through the metal gate. A warm smile appeared on his face before he spoke. "Anyone else hungry?" Scott quizzed. Everyone in the back seat raised their hands. Scott smiled to himself, "Great."

Emma and Liam stood outside their house, and they were dressed in shirts that read 'I heart Mexico.' They had purchased them in a gift shop during their many stops at the gas stations. Their mother would interrogate them about the shirts; they were just going to lie as they have been.

Emma looked at her brother, who seemed just as hesitant as she did to enter their house, "You good bub?" Emma quizzed, she elbowed him gently in the side.

Liam nodded his head, "Yeah, I feel good. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders," Liam commented. Emma chuckled to herself. She knew what he meant. Not to a certain extent, but due to their twin telepathy, she had experienced it. The first time when he learned to control himself during the full moon, and the second when Scott and Kira were safe, and they could finally go home.

"I feel it too," Emma commented, "You know we did this same thing after the game against Devenford Prep." Emma had realized it just now; she almost called it Dejavu. The twins were standing in the driveway, staring up at home. The only thing different was the fact that Emma's massive cut across her neck was a near scar, and Liam had just played his archnemesis in a lacrosse game while an assassin was on that same field.

The two twins were thrust into this world unintentionally. Emma had wondered if her life would ever go back to normal after this. The short answer -- it wasn't. This was their new normal now, the supernatural. It was scary, but their friends made it worth living. The future with the unknown un Beacon Hills should have them running for the hills. It's their family and friends that keep them here. Unbeknownst to them, they are Beacon Hills's protectors; they're the Avengers of the supernatural world.

"You know -- we should probably figure out why our twin telepathy is like ten times stronger than anybody else's twin telepathy," Liam mentioned as he crossed his arms across his chest. Emma furrowed her eyebrows. That was probably a well thought out idea but for a completely different day.

"Yeah, maybe after we sleep," Emma nodded her head with a smile. Liam snickered as he threw an arm around his sister. "I feel like this our coming of age moment right now, and I've always wanted one of those." Emma teased with a giggle.

"You ready to go inside?" Liam asked. Emma, let out a sigh as she took in her house again. Her home was filled with all of her favorite people, her family.

"Yeah, are you?" Emma looked over to her brother. He seemed happy. She missed seeing him this happy, and he seemed always to receive hit after hit in life. Emma had taken every hit right there next to him, and she plans on doing that until the day she dies.

Liam took in a deep breath. Emma rolled her eyes at how overdramatic her brother was acting. Typically it's the other way around. Liam is rolling his eyes at his sister for being overdramatic. "Yeah, let's go," Liam took the first step forward, and Emma followed.

"If mom asks about the shirts, just tell her we went thrifting with Mason," Emma said to Lima, it was the only lie she could come up with, and it was a pretty good one. However, there was a reason Liam had to say it, and she was tried and easy to fold right now if her mother questioned them anymore about it.

"Okay," Liam nodded his head as he reached for the door handle, "Mom, dad, we're home!" Liam screamed as they entered the door.

That felt great to hear Liam say. It had any sense of doubt and anxiety flutter away cause they were safe, and they were home.

⇠ ✽ ▧ ✭ ⇢


I haven't written the first chapter yet! But I will be getting onto it since I'm fully done with this book!



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