Harry Potter and the Cursed C...

By x_SeekerofStories_x

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The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well ...Or was it? Albus Severus Potter finds himse... More

CHAPTER 1- All over Again
CHAPTER 2- Slytherin
CHAPTER 3- The Invisibility Cloak
CHAPTER 4- Grandfather's flying car
CHAPTER 5- Green Ball of Fire
CHAPTER 6- Malfoy Manor
CHAPTER 7- Medeor
CHAPTER 9- Quidditch House Cup
CHAPTER 10- The Three Broomsticks
CHAPTER 11- Astoria
CHAPTER 12- Broken
CHAPTER 13- Detention
CHAPTER 14- Creating Spells
CHAPTER 15- The Ministry of Magic
CHAPTER 16- 1940
CHAPTER 17- Collision
CHAPTER 18- Aftermath
CHAPTER 19- Confession

CHAPTER 8- The Sorting Hat

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By x_SeekerofStories_x

LILY HAD SPARKED AND IDEA IN ALBUS'S MIND. Just go and ask the Sorting hat. Lily and James went back to the Gryffindor common room and Albus went back to his. That night once everyone was asleep Albus took the invisibility cloak and went to McGonagall's office. He climbed the spiral staircase and saw the Sorting hat on a shelf in the office. The sorting hat was peacefully sleeping. Albus didn't know how to wake it up. He put the hat on his head and then put it back. Nothing happened. He reached out his hand to do the same thing again but just then the Sorting hat opened its "eyes".

"WHO DARES AWAKEN ME FROM MY SLUMBER!?" yelled the Sorting hat.

"Shhh... It's just me Albus," said Albus looking around to see if anyone heard the Sorting hat yell.

"Ahh.... Albus Severus Potter," said the Sorting hat "I've been waiting for this conversation since I sorted you three years ago."

"What?" said Albus surprised.

"You've come here to ask why are you in Slytherin," said the hat.

"Yeah," said Albus. He waited for a few minutes for the hat to say something but the hat was quiet, so Albus continued "So, why am I in Slytherin?"

"You were so worried," said the Sorting hat "So worried that you would get sorted in Slytherin. I couldn't quite get a grasp on anything. You see your worries might have... muddled my thoughts."

"So it's a mistake that I'm in Slytherin?" said Albus. The Sorting hat was silent for a long time and then it finally spoke.

"No," said the Sorting hat "It is not a mistake."

"Why do you say that?" said Albus

"I've looked inside your mind. I know your thoughts and fear and qualities," said the hat "You are not like the other Potters no, not like James, not like Lily, not like Ginevra nor Harry . You're different. You want to get out of the shadows and prove yourself to anyone and everyone, no matter the risk."

"That's not true," said Albus after a long time of thinking "Most of it is but there are some risks I just won't take."

"Don't forget I have seen inside your mind. You can lie to yourself but you cannot lie to me," said the hat and then it went back to sleep. Albus wanted to wake it up again but he refrained from doing so. The Sorting hat would have told him nothing else. Albus left the office and started heading towards the Slytherin dorms. He saw someone from the corner of his eye. He turned around and saw Lena.

"Adelena, hey," he said. She stiffened and looked around but she saw no one. Right the cloak thought Albus. He took if off and said "Hi Adelena."

"I thought I told you to call me Lena," she said.

"Yeah, Sorry. Lena," said Albus.

"Nice cloak by the way."

"Yeah, my dad gave it to me on my birthday," said Albus "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I found an owl nest in my back yard back home and the mother owl died so I took the eggs and I kind of looked after them in the summer and now that I'm here I'm going keep them in the owlery. What are you doing?"

"I went to ask the sorting hat why I'm in Slyther-" Albus was cut off by the sound of footsteps in the distance "Quick come here!" said Albus and he put the invisibility cloak on the both of them. The footsteps that they heard belonged to Filch. He was on the night rounds with Mrs. Norris. Filch lingered in the hall way for a few minutes and left. Albus and Lena breathed a sigh of relief and Albus removed the cloak.

"Thanks," said Lena "I would've landed in detention if it wasn't for you."

"No problem," said Albus.

"Do you want to come with me to the owlery?" asked Lena "But if you'd rather get some sleep I totally understand."

"Nah, I'll catch up on my sleep during history of magic," said Albus and they both laughed. They headed up to the owlery and Lena kept the owl eggs in an empty nest. She cast incendio under the nest to give the eggs some warmth. They were about to leave when one of the eggs started hatching. The top of the egg hatched and a small head poked out of the egg. It was white in color and its small beady eyes were fixed on Lena. Soon, the other eggs hatched and three other snowy white owls were staring at Lena. She stroked one's head with her fingers and the owl made a small hooting noise. She pulled out a small pouch from the pocket of her robes and fed the newborn owls a worm. One of the owls went to far and bit her finger and she winced in pain.

"Here, I have some bandages in my pocket," said Albus "I used to get hurt quite often as a kid so I always have some bandages with me."

"Thanks but um.. I could just do this," said Lena. She pulled out her wand and she cast episkey "The healing charm was the first spell my mum taught me. I managed to get hurt a lot too but I don't carry bandages."

"I carry around bandages and you carry around worms," said Albus and Lena laughed at that.

"Do we just leave them here?" asked Albus

"Yeah," said Lena "The other owls will take care of them."

"Wow, I didn't realize it was getting so late," said Albus looking out the window of the owlery. The sun was rising which meant that it was six in the morning.

"Yeah times flies," said Lena "Before I forget, I've been meaning to ask. Is Lily alright? I heard about the... incident."

"Yeah, she's okay," said Albus "But the others..."

"I know," said Lena "Fifty-six students in three years. That's bad."

"Horrible!" said Albus.

A/N: This is the longest filler chapter. The next ones are really short. I just needed to have a few filler chapters because I don't know how to map out my plot. Plus, the filler chapters give me a chance to establish a few relation ships.

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