Hospital for souls (Kohnnie)

By endlessgoodbyes

128K 5.1K 1.1K

Kyle David Hall you may know him as just a happy little teenage, or is he, you see Kyle isn't has happy as he... More

Coming soon
Chapter 1 (reedit)
Chapter 2 (edit)
Chapter 4 (redit)
Chapter 5
Author note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17 trigger warning (I'm An asshole)
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
it's up
New edit is now up

Chapter 3 (reedit)

5.8K 247 155
By endlessgoodbyes

I have been at this hospital, for about an hour. I didn't want to be here, I don't need help.

"Kyle?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the same lady, that I was signed in with.

"Come after me..." I climbed off my bed, following her out the room.

"Doctor Fuentes, would like to talk to you." I nodded, my plan was to not talk to anyone. These people, don't need to know my business.

She opened a door, I walked in behind here.

"Good even Kyle." 

"I'm Vic Fuentes." He held out his hand, I simply looked at him.

"Anyways.." He pulled back his hand.

"We should of done this when you came in, but that little incident caused us a step back." I knew what this was about, he wants to go through my bag.

"I'm going to go through your bag, make sure you-"

"To make sure, I don't have anything to harm myself, or other with." I rudely cut him off.


They looked through my stuff, and surprise they found, nothing! You really think I'm stupid, to have something like that on me?

"All right, all clear." I rolled my eyes.

"One more thing, do you have a phone on you?" I wasn't about to give up my phone, that's the only thing I have left.

"No, sir." I lied.

"Are you lying?" I shook my head no.

"What makes you think, I'm lying?" I looked down, pretending to look at the ground. I was actually checking to make sure, my headphone wasn't showing..

"Because, you remind me of one of my former patient." His expression changed.

"All right, seems we cover everything....." He looked over my file.

"I'm going to give you a couple of rules. 1: The crew is at 9 o'clock, and no later. You must be in your rooms at nine."

"What about bathrooms?"

"The door will remind unlock, nurses will be along every hall." I nodded.

"Rule 2: Harming yourself, or anyone else. You will be placed in a paddle room, our task here is to help keep you, and others safe."

"Rule 3: You will remain here, until you are better. If we feel you don't need the help, we'll let you go."

"What if I don't get better?"

"You stay here until you do."

"But what if I don't?"

"Do you feel like you won't get better?" I looked at the wall.

"I don't need help."

"Then why are you here?" I shrugged my shoulder."

"Everyone needs help at some point." He said.

"Everyone is placed with a person similar, with similar problem. You are placed with Johnnie Guilbert."

"I don't have a problem."


"I don't want to hear it." I got up, walking out the room.

I ran into the room to see Johnnie laying on the bed, he must of heard me enter. He turned and looked at me. I walked over to my bed, laying down I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

I honestly just wanted to listen to my music, but I couldn't don't do that. I looked over to see Johnnie still looking at me.

Why does he keep looking at me, I'm nothing special.

"Because your a fucking freak."

"Shut up." I was fighting with the voice inside my head.

"He thinks you're a freak already, you won't stop looking at him."

"He was looking at me first."

Goodbyes are never endless

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