Twilight Princess: The Crosso...

By MysticonArcher

616 9 0

In this Mysticons/Legend of Zelda crossover, we'll see how long a couple's love can be kept secret until it's... More

The Ranger and the Wolf
The Ball to End All Balls
Ganondorf's Surprising Return
Meet the Princess
The Fight of Fights
To the Rescue!

Is this a Date?

58 1 0
By MysticonArcher

The next evening at the stronghold, Arkayna, Em, Piper and Choko were watching internet videos. They were busy watching the Evolution of Pit in Super Smash Bros, and when they got to Pit's Smash Ultimate star KO, they paused the video and laughed. "Say what," Piper laughed, "Pit never learned how to read?" "Hilarious, right," Em laughed. Even Choko seemed to be laughing too. "Guys, that's not funny, that's super depressing," Arkayna gasped. Everyone was too busy laughing to notice Zarya sneaking out of the room, wearing a light blue hoodie vest, navy blue long sleeved jacket,denim mini skirt, black leggings and bluish black knee high boots. Arkayna was busy catching her breath and saw her sister sneaking out. "And where do you think you're going looking like that," she sassily asked. Zarya faced her sister, revealing her slightly flushing cheeks and plum blossom lip gloss on her lips. "Ooh, Zarya's going out on a date," Piper cooed. "Says who," Zarya replied. "You look very beautiful," Em sighed, "Link would be very happy to see you again." Arkayna walked over to her sister and summoned a sack of jewels in her hand. "Here," she said, "for your troubles."

Arkayna gave the sack to Zarya willingly. Zarya opened the sack and saw fifty red rupees inside. "Each red rupee is equivalent to 20 individual rupees," said Arkayna, "so use it wisely." "I can't accept this," Zarya replied, "you need this more than I do." "Rupees are useless in Gemina," said Em, "even red rupees are worth nothing here. Take it while you still can." "Very well," Zarya sighed, "thanks, sis." "Have a fabtacular time, Big Z," Piper sang. Zarya just rolled her eyes and used her teleportation ring to teleport to Hyrule.

Meanwhile, Link was riding his horse through the forest. He stopped by a cliff and descended from his steed. He was anticipating his starmate's arrival when he caught a bright light by the corner of his eye. He turned around and withdrew the Master Sword and his shield from his back, only to sight in relief when he saw Zarya again. "Hey now, put those things away. It's me," she said. "Zarya, thank goodness it's you," Link replied, "I was hoping I would see you again." "Didn't I say I would," Zarya joked. Link gestured to his horse that he needed a bit of privacy, and the horse walked past a few bushes nearby. Zarya noticed a fruit tree next to her, then said, "These fruit look pretty delicious. Do you mind grabbing two?" "Sure," Link replied. He then took out his grappling hook and grabbed two fruit with ease and without hassle. He gave the one fruit to Zarya, and the two started eating right away.

As they were eating, Zarya noticed a piece of fruit on Link's cheek. "Oh, let me get that," she said, and she removed the piece from his cheek. Link inexplicably placed his hand on Zarya's hand, and guided it towards his cheek. He then cupped Zarya's cheek with his hand. There was a glimmer in their eyes, and their hearts were beating faster and faster with every passing second. "Should we," she asked. "I think we should," he replied. "But how about we," she said. "Alright," he sighed. They let go of one another and looked up at the sky. "So, Link, that was quite the fight last night," said Zarya. "It really was," Link replied, "you are quite the majestic wolf if I do say so myself." Zarya giggled, then replied, "You are quite the majestic wolf yourself, Link." The two then sat in silence and looked up at the Full Moon. "It really fascinates me," said Link, "that some people tend to utter the sound of the wolf on nights like these. Why do you think they do this?" "I think," Zarya replied, "that howling at the Moon makes them feel better. Heck, sometimes I would do it." "You did," Link asked. Zarya nodded in response to his question. "If that is the case," Link sighed, "then, shall we?" "Alright," Zarya replied, "but let's do it right."

With that, Zarya turned into her wolf form. Link stared for a moment, then smiled. He then turned into his wolf form and joined Zarya. The two wolves howled at the Moon, and soon other wolves joined in the howling. Link and Zarya turned back into their normal selves and laughed when they heard the commotion they caused. "I think we've done a bit of damage," Zarya joked. "We? You mean you, right," Link laughed, "you're the one with the power to control anybody." They both ended up laughing so hard that Link burped a bit. He suddenly blushed when he heard himself burp and said, "Sorry. Stuff like this happens." Zarya just giggled in response to that disgusting remark.

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