My siblings and them (CH x re...

By FarrahKeks

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You're a 19 years old adult who was just doing their own things. Living life and that kind of stuff. And one... More

Chapter 2 I hate you
Very important for the story
๐™ฝ๐š˜๐š ๐š•๐š˜๐š—๐š ๐šŠ๐š๐š˜...

Chapter 1 The begin of your adventure

894 26 19
By FarrahKeks

[Author here, if I wrote a word wrong, have no idea what something is called and/or made grammar mistakes, please point it out and say what I did wrong. I want to improve my english because it's not my first language.]

You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock on your nightstand. It says 6 A.M.
What a terrible time to be awake.

You may be wondering why you're waking up this early in the morning if you could spend the morning in bed sleeping.
I can explain that!

Reason 1: You need to make breakfast before your sister does. Your sister is for some reasons incabable of cooking.
Nah jk. You just have high standards when it comes to food.
You're the Gordon Ramsay in your home.

Reason 2: Being first is cool.

Reason 3: You have to pick your friend up for college.

Reason 4: There is no reason four.

You sit up and look out the window. It's November now and the sky outside is dark. 

You turn the light, that is on your nightstand, on and blind yourself.
It's just like turning your phone on at 3 in the morning.

After regaining back your vision, you get up from your bed and slowly walk outside your bedroom into the hallway and close the bedroom door behind you. The hallway is really dark. You can't see anything right now.

You've been living in this mansion your entire life, you know where every furniture is placed and know which step of the the staircases creak.
So, you don't really need light to nevigate yourself around your home. You know it just like your vest pockets.

You walk forward, then you turn to the left, put one of your hands on the wall and begin to slide it around the wall. You're trying to find the light switch.

Jackie told you to turn on the lights in the hallway so she knows that you're already awake.
Turning on the lights in this hallway so she knows that you're awake is stupid. You know very well that she told you that because she doesn't want to walk into the furniture here. You've heard her cursing out furniture a lot in the past. And you were down in the kitchen making or eating breakfast whenever this happened. The poor furniture.

You find the light switch and turn the lights on. You're blinded once again. Rip.

You walk down the stairs and look at the picture hung on the walls. They're all just pictures of your family members achieving big things such like an article that has been ripped out of some newspaper and framed.
It's about your aunt Stacy tracking down a criminal and there is a picture of your brother standing on top of a stage playing his violin. He gives off a weird face expression in it. After your brother saw the picture, he began to play every intrument he played in front of a mirror. He was so embarrassed because of the face he made while he was on stage.

Arriving down the stairs you walk to the kitchen and inside there you begin to make breakfast for you, your sister and your brother.

Timeskip because you're just cooking and nothing interesting will happen while you're cooking

You stand in front of the kitchen table with pride because you're very proud of yourself. The food just look too beautiful to be eaten and the table has been set by you. The whole table itself just screams the word aesthetic.

You made pancakes that should be enough to fill three empty stomaches, made earl grey tea for your sister, coffee for your brother and (y/d) for yourself.

You also put a bowl with berries on the table. And you made whipped cream just in case. Of course you didn't forget to add the maple syrup that you bought yesterday while you were out shopping with your sister.

And it all took you only half an hour! You deserve an applause.

"Oh wow, breakfast!" You hear a mans' voice say behind you. You don't need to turn around to see who it is.
"Morning bro." you say, still looking at the breakfast table. It's so beautiful, you can't take your eyes off of it.

"Morning (N/N). You've cooked breakfast again."
"I always cook breakfast Jack."
"Can't deny that."
"Is Jackie awake?"
"I think she is. I heard cursing at her bedroom door a moment ago when I walked downstairs."
"Why do I even turn the lights on when she picks up a fight with the furniture anyways?"
"Our sister and her fights with furniture."

"Morning!" you hear your sister sing.
"Talking about the devil, there she is." your brother says before appearing into your view and sitting down on the table.

Your sister comes inside and lets out a gasp followed by a squeal.
"I have to post this on Insta. Take something from the table Jack and you will have to starve for the rest of the day." Jackie says just as your brother was about to take a fork.

"That's a fork. Am I not allowed to take a fork?"
"Yes. You'd ruin the aesthetic if you did."
"I don't care about aesthetics. I care about hunger."
"Well I think otherwise. So you have to wait before you can eat something."
"You can't say no when I'm about to take a picture of the table."
"Yes I can."
"Well I don't allow you to. It's illegal to say no now."
"Guess I will become a criminal now."

You sit down on the table and take a few pancakes from the small pancake tower that you made.

"(Y/N)! You can't do that!" Jackie says to you, the look of betrayal on her face.
"Yes I can." you say.
"No, you're not allowed to!"

You let a shocked gasp. "Jackie! You're a criminal now!"
"What?" she asks confused.
"You've just said that it's illegal to say the opposite word of yes. The word that starts with n." you say in an exaggerated high pitched voice.

"Haha you've tricked yourself into saying the illegal word no. And you were the one who even made this rule in the first place!" your brother says. 

"Shut up you gay ass." your sister says, annoyed that she can't take a picture of the breakfast that you set on the table. 
"My sexuality has nothing to do with this argument." your brother says.

"Can we eat now? I'm going to swallow up the whole table at once if we don't begin! I'm hungry!" you whine. It's true, it feels like you could just swallow the whole table up if your sister won't sit down if and eat something.

Seriously, why do you even wait for your sister to sit down? You could just begin to eat breakfast without her.

"Alright alright. Geez, you guys are so impatient." your sister says and finally sits down.
"You were the one who started it all." you point out.
"Did not!" Jackie exclaims.


"Jackie we're leaving now!" your brother screams into the house.
"Take care of the house while we're gone!"
You can hear a faint "Will do." coming from upstairs.

You open the door and are immediately met with a small gust of wind.

"November sure is windy here." your brother comments behind you and gently pushes you outside.
"No shit Sherlock." you say in a voice that sounds exactly like the Google Assistant.
"You and your parrot voice." he says and rolls his eyes to which you stretch out your tongue.

No one knows how, but you're able to imitate other peoples' voices and you love it. You sometimes prank other people by talking to them in different voices from somewhere where they can't spot you immediately.
You love your talent. It got you the nickname "Human Parrot" in high school.

You realize that your brother isn't behind you anymore and you begin to turn your head around to try and find him. The only vehicles here are your brothers' car and your fathers' car. And you're not allowed to drive either of the cars and it would be a bad thing if your brother got eaten by bear.

For context, you live in a mansion that is like in the middle of nowhere and the only things that surrounds it is forest, fields and a river that takes a 5 minute walk to reach.
And in the forest, according to your dad, lives an old bear that will kill anything that it sees.

The story scared you to death when your father told you it. You were a naive 5 years old when he told you the story. You even had a nightmare about being eaten by that bear, even though you've never seen any bears in your whole life.
Your mother wasn't very happy with your father after she found out about the bear story.
Neither was your father after he and your mother had a 'talk'.

"What are you doing there?"
Oh wow! You found your brother! He was standing behind his car the whole time.
"Sorry, you disappeared all of a sudden so I was confused where you went." you say while speed walking towards him.

"Ok." he only says.

You open the passager seat, climb into the car, sit down on the seat and put the seat belt on.

"Are you ready?"
"Yeah! Faye! Faye! Faye! Faye! Faye! Faye! Faye! Faye!"
"Did you eat toothpaste or something?"

Timeskip [I didn't have so many time skip in one chapter before...]

You arrive at your destination, aka the house where Faye parents live.

You see Faye standing outside on the sidewalk, looking at her phone and typing something on it.
She's wearing dark colours today. It's mainly black but other dark colours are also present.
You also see a big suitcase next to her.

Right, you forgot for a moment that today is the day where Faye will move into the mansion that you live in. That's why you were so hyped up back there.

To explain the situation, Faye never had the best family home. Her parents always ignore her. No matter what she does, her parents don't care about her.
Even after the one of the doctors phoned her mother, telling her that Faye is in the hospital and broke her bone, Fayes mother never came by. Neither did her father.

The most of attention that Faye ever got from her parents was them scolding her for bringing in a stray cat.
Faye was 16 when she brought in the stray and she was very cabable of taking care of a pet. And she still is. 

And all that her parents do is arguing all day long.
You once asked her if there was ever a time when her parents loved each other and didn't argue. Faye said that she has no idea if there ever was a time like that.

Shit went from 0 to 60 real fast.
Anyways, once your brother parked in front of Faye, you get out of the car, walk to Faye and give her a big bear hug. [wtf? I wrote bear head instead of bear hug at first]

She returns the hug.
"So, today is the big day. No more loud arguing and no more empty dining table." you say to her.
Faye hums and gives you her typical happy smile. But the smile that she's giving you right now, it's more happier and she looks more relaxed than normally.

It's a good thing that you decided to do something about Fayes' family situation.
Of course you don't bust down their door and march in with a lawyer to solve this.
The best that you can do, is to find Faye a different place to live at so she doesn't need to continue living with her parents arguing voices.

So, you and Faye were trying to find a place that would be a perfect place for her to live at.
Faye lived her whole life surrounded by loud noises, these noises being her parents arguing and sometimes even screaming.
Faye said that she wants to be surrounded by people. Because it will get lonely when no ones around.

So a place where she lives with other people and shares the rent with them, but it should be somewhere quiet.

A place where Faye lives with other people? No problem to find.
A quiet place? Easy cheesy.
A quiet place where Faye lives with other people? Not easy.

None of the places that you and Faye looked up online didn't fit in into both criterias.
It was either somewhere in the loud and busy parts of a city or it was a lonely small house on the other side of the world.
And when it did fulfill both creterias, which was only once, the rent was too expensive!  Despite being shared by two other people!

Project "Find Faye a place to live" was difficult. But then, Jackie happened.

Your sister asked you two what you're doing and you told her what you and Faye are doing. Finding Faye a place to live in.
"We can just let Faye move in here. Our mansion fulfills both creterias. Here are already three people living and if it gets too loud to Fayes' liking, she can just go upstairs where the library is or go outside in the garden." Jackie said and after you listened to your sisters' word, you just felt like an idiot for not thinking of your own home.
It was perfect for Faye to live in.

This happened weeks ago and ever since that day, Faye has been bringing her belongings to your home and you and your siblings put it into a room. That room will be Fayes' room when she moves in.

It's not on the same floor as yours and Jackies' room, which surprised your siblings a lot.
It's on the floor where Jacks' room is.

You put Fayes' suitcase into the luggage space of the car. You slam it close and go back inside the car where your brother and best friend are waiting.

"Today is a great day!" Faye says.
"Agreed!" your brother says.
"Today is finally the day that I waited for so long. Leaving my parents for my own good and starting a new life."
"Well, more like continuing your life without them in your life."
"I prefer new life over what you just said (Y/N)."
"You suck (Y/N)!"
"Yeah! You suck!"
"This is bullying."

Timeskip [I love the german op of sailor moon]

Jack has now dropped you and Faye off at college and drove away for work.
And now you're in your class, listening to the professor.


Now that I think about, isn't your life a bit dull, (Y/N)?

Like, don't you ever wonder what your life will be after college?

What are you going to do? Work for the rest of your life? If not, what do you wanna do?

.... that's a bit lame of you.

How about this, I bring you a bit of, excitement, in your life.
Something that you will always remember.
Somethinh that will be burned into your memory.

It's just going to be a small adventure.
It could take you some time until you finished this adventure, but you're going to love it (Y/N)!

And? What do you think?



Well, too bad.
I'm not going to accept no.


It's the end of the day now, you and Faye went to McDonalds for lunch, took a walk in a park, went to a mall and looked at everything that was on display.

It was a very chilling day. Nothing too exciting happened. The most exciting thing  that happened was Faye walking into a glass door.

And now you two are waiting for Jack to come by and pick you two up.

"When he is coming now? I can't feel my butt anymore!" You hear Faye complain next to you.
"Faye, my butt is also frozen. But why are you circling me?"
"To keep myself warm."
"I don't circling around me to keep yourself warm doesn't bring anything when you can't feel your bottom anymore."

You look around, hoping to see your brothers car driving around. But there's no car that looks familiar to you.

"Is that Robin?" you ask. There is a person on the other side of the street and they look just like Robin.
"What? Where?" Faye asks and stops circling around you and stands beside you.
"There." you say and point with your eyes on the person on the other side of the street.

Faye squints her eyes and looks at the person on the other side.
"That's not Robin. It's some guy who looks like Robin (Y/N). The only difference between that guy over there and Robin is that Robin has two different coloured eyes. The guys over there only has one eye colour."
"Oh... Wait, how are you able to see his eyes from here?"
"Magik." Faye says and makes jazz hands.

You two stand there for a while and watch the people pass by.
Faye occasionally takes a sip from her hot chocolate that she bought from a coffee shop.

There are many kind of people on the street.

There is a group of goth, some of them have rainbow coloured clothing pieces or accesoires, leaving the bus. Happily talking with each other.

A group of small children, with two adults, who are being super loud and annoying and they won't go away.
"God, why are children so loud?" Faye asks quietly, annoyed by the presence of those kids.

A lonely person just passing by.

A guy with suit looking down on his watch.
You elbow Faye on the side and ask her: "Do you think that his jacket has a heater inside there?"
"Could be possible. Oh look! That car looks like the car of your brother." Faye says you and points at a car, which looks exactly like the car of your brother and is driving towards your direction.

"Maybe it looks like my brothers' car because it is my brothers' car." you say to Faye, a bit dumbfounded that she didn't realize it.

"He finally came! Now my ass will finally melt." Faye says out loud, gaining weird looks from some of the people around you two.
"Faye what the fuck?" you say and hear a child gasping and screaming at you that you mustn't say bad words. You hear a few chuckles from the people around after the child screamed at you.

The car stops and Faye opens the door of it and takes the the seat next to the driver.
Haha you have to sit alone in the backseats.

You also get inside the car and the car begins to move as soon as you close the door.

"Finally, warmth. I can begin to feel my butt again. Why did you come so late Jack? Did something happened?"
"Actually, I just forgot about you two."
"Ouch. Forgotten by own brother."
"Sorry, work got the better of me."
"You're not forgiving."


The car ride was a lot of fun, you three were just goofing around while the radio was playing.

"All I heard was miffled screaming in my office and I was getting concerned about what was happening in the other room. And me being the good boss that I am, decided to go down and see what is happening. So I walk downstairs, walk into the room where all the screaming is from and open the door, only to see a few workers running around the room. Turns out that they found a big fat spidet and one of them took the spider into their hand and began to chase away the other workers by walking behind them and with the spider on full display." your brother tells you. It's about an incident that happened earlier in the company.

"This is too funny! I wish the spider would appear in the school building! There's going to be utter chaos if those little children find it."
"You really love to give those kids a good scare Faye."
"Of course I do. Those little shits deserve it."

While your friend was talking to your brother, (and still is) you got Fayes' suitcase out of the luggage space and are unlocking the front door.
You open the door and you're met with the weirdest thing you've ever seen.

You can't say or do anything because of the scene you're seeing right now.

"Is there anything (Y/N)?" your brother asks you from behind, confused why you're not walking into the house.
He looks over your shoulder and stops every movement of his. Even his breathing.

"What are you two looking at?" Faye asks, but stops and does the exact same thing as Jack.


"Jackie? Who are these people with coloured faces?"


Fun fact: I sometimes write Gaye instead of Faye

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