From Victim to Lover

By spencerreidluver224

660 34 9

She was the victim and now she's in love with the fellow agent that rescued her. Will it last or will their j... More

The Rescue
Come Back To Me
The Return
Lover's Lane
I'd Wait for you
Ghost from my past
Wedding Day
Girl's Night Out
Old Friends

Hannah Evans

24 2 0
By spencerreidluver224

Hey guys sorry the last chapter took so long to post i've been busy. But here's a new one. I am not cruel I am not going to take Hannah away and bring in a new protagonist. But as the story goes on and on from here the couple will have fights that are going to be very cruel. I love you all. 

Spencer's POV 

I am in shock. I see Hannah and Emily walking towards the table again. I don't see anyone else in the room besides Hannah. Honestly this girl is getting under my skin, she won't leave me alone. 

 "Second will you dance with me?" is the only thing I hear come out of her mouth and out of the corner of my eye Hannah shifts in her seat and her leg starts going 100 mph. The team starts shooting this girl warnings. She sits on my lap and I freeze up, I don't want to do anything. I tell her I have a girlfriend but it doesn't seem like she cares. Luke leans in "Hannah is about to snap" I nod and try pushing Brittany up but before I can Hannah is flipping out on her. The girls grab her and I stand in front of her. 

"Hannah. Hey baby she doesn't listen you heard me say I have a girlfriend." I turn to Brittany, "Don't call my girlfriend a troll." I don't realize what comes out of my mouth after that because Hannah takes off outside. 

Emily tells me not to follow her I am concerned.  "Give her time. Brittany was really getting under her skin. She gets jealous super quickly." Emily says. I don't blame Hannah. "Han has no reason to get jealous she is 50x more beautiful than Brittany ever could be. I am not just talking about her looks either, Hannah would never do something like that Hannah has self respect and respect for others. Brittany is rude and egotistical. and clearly doesn't know when to stop." I say as I see Brittany walk out behind Hannah. I see the table looking towards the door and I get up and slowly move towards it. As soon as I get there Hannah takes off running and I beckon at the team to follow. 

She is fast, like fast fast. We follow what we assume are her foot prints. We get to the beach like 10 minutes later, I see her dress and a figure quickly driving away in his convertible but no Hannah. "She was here. Cause here is her dress." I walk along her footsteps that end at the shore line. Is that blood on the sand? I ask myself looking down 

It all comes hitting me like a wave. I run and jump in and swim down as far as I can. Keep swimming, you have to find her. I see her i push myself, I manage to grab her hand and forcefully push us both out towards the surface. I gasp for air when I get up and she just keeps floating. I'm sorry Hannah. I keep apologizing to her. With assistance from Luke I pull Hannah on to the beach and Matt starts CPR. The CPR continues for 10 minutes before I hear Hannah cough out water. As she sits up I see blood in her hair and where she was just laying. 

"Spencer. Where is Spencer?" she questions looking around. I leave my spot next to the tree and walk up kneeling beside her. "Hey baby. I lost you there for a minute and I didn't know what to do with myself." Hannah's eyes are filled with shock and sadness when she realizes what just happened.  "I promise I didn't try to commit suicide, I was running and i felt something hard hit my head and then saw red. I am sorry I didn't want to leave you guys there at the restaurant but I was so angry and I just needed some distance and swimming helps with that." Looking back at me crying "Spence I am so sorry. I shouldn't have flipped out on her like that. I know you and I know you would never do anything to hurt me." she says as JJ hands her the dress and heels. 

I hold her there. The team walks away back up to the villa's but we just sit there curled up on the beach.  "When I was going down you and the team were all i could think of. Mainly you I got to see our future together, and your smile was constantly in my mind. I thought about your tempting offer to move in together. I even thought all the way back to when you saved me from Gary Cole." She says twisting her body so she can lay her head on my lap while my fingers play with her hair unconsciously. "This future, what did it look like? Were there kids, dogs, how many kids?" I ask really anxious to see what her vision of our future looks like. I've thought about it more times than I would probably like to admit outloud. "There were dogs, 2 of them Honey was a Golden Retriever and Lady was a German Shepard. In the vision, I saw 3 children running around a playground on a house right outside of the city. 2 girls 1 boy. I didn't catch their names but I have a few ideas of what I would like them to be." She says staring up at me. I look back down at her and see everything I ever wanted in life. "And what would those names be baby girl? " I ask raising an eye brow at her. 

 "Well first I was thinking for a boy I know you lost your mentor a while back, Jason Gideon, I remember you talking about him and seeing his name in a bunch of files. So i was thinking Jason. For a girl I wanted Grace. and I was leaving any other names up to you." She laughs. Honestly for someone who was dead she has the most peaceful essence a person can have. "I love that idea, all of it. Are you okay you would think a deathly experience like the one you just had would cause you to have some stress. You seem to be glowing." I say staring down at her. "No I realized that death is inevitable everybody eventually has to die. I hoped this wasn't my time but if it was at least I went out with your face in my head. I realized life is full of difficult choices, if i didn't join the FBI I wouldn't have needed to get rescued from Gary Cole. I wouldn't have joined the BAU and I would not have met the love of my life. True I do have past trauma and I am not saying I am over it, but I have finally realized that I am not alone in life anymore. I have you Emily is like the closest thing I've had to a sister, the team is my family and you are my everything. So when we get back to Virginia I am giving up my apartment and moving my stuff in with you until we can find a place of our own." She says kissing me and grabbing my hand. 

I think about life with Hannah, how simple things would be if we had met under normal circumstances. But that's what makes this amazing, we aren't normal. We are two geniuses who fell in love and have hit hardships but no matter what traumatic experience comes our way we face it together. 

Emily comes running down the hill laughing, I am assuming already drunk, "The team was drinking I mean thinking that if you're up for it sister to play us a little bit of the piano. I remember you telling me that you could play." she laughs sitting on the ground next to us. Hannah looks up at Emily laughs and stands grabbing Emily and looking back towards me.  "Come on wonder boy. Are you coming?" she says. I gather up her dress her heels and anything else of ours that might've been left outside. As we walk inside I think up the most extraordinary idea, but i need the guys help and an assist from JJ. By the time I get inside and gather my thoughts up Hannah is playing a whole new world from Aladdin on the Piano. We laughed all night while the girls sang Jasmine's part and the boys sang Aladdin's part.


Everyone crashed in our villa, Hannah fell asleep in my arms. I manage to get out of bed without waking her. As I walk out onto the trellis I see Rossi standing there. "That is one strong amazing women you have laying in there. But you already knew that. You didn't just come out here to stare at the stars. Boy genius what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?" Rossi says. "I wanna propose to Hannah here in Aruba. I know we only have a few days left of this trip. But after today's events she made me realize life is too short to wait. I have found the right person and I don't want to wait any longer for us to start our lives together." I say leaning against the balcony looking up into the stars. "I think with a little help from the team and secrecy on your part we could make this happen. How about in the morning I take you to the jewelry store and we pick out the perfect ring. We will bring Emily with us since she knows Hannah almost about as well as you do." he says patting me on the back. 

Emily comes with us and while JJ and Tara set up the girls Villa. Luke and Matt are keeping Hannah company. When we return from the store and we made a stop at the library so I could print out pictures of our times together I see JJ sitting with Hannah on the couch, they are watching some medical drama that has a cheesy love triangle. I walk behind Hannah and wrap my arms around her neck. She flips me over and laughs. She moves me off of her and gets up to grab coffee. I hand JJ the pictures and she gets up and leaves. "JJ where are you going? We are about to see if he is going to sign the divorce papers for his wife or stay with her." she says. "I will be back Emily texted me and said that I have to go grab something from her." JJ says smiling.  

 "Oh I will come with you I have to change anyways." JJ looks at me and I grab Hannah by the waist and pick her up. "You have clothes in my drawers. Why don't we go see what's in there." "Fine but only if you shower with me." she says spinning in my arms and kisses my cheek. "Well i can't turn down that offer." I laugh picking her up and walking towards the bedroom with her making an escape for JJ.  

When we get out of the shower I see Hannah walk out in her favorite purple going out top and black jeans with cute little ankle wedges. I see her leave her hair down to cover the hickeys down her neck. We walk out and there is nobody around. 

 "I am gonna go see where everyone went. Stay here and finish this episode so you can tell JJ what happens when she gets back." I say pointing to the couch. I kiss her cheek and walk away.   "Okay baby. I love you come back quick I miss you already." she says sinking into the couch 

"I love you too." I yell as I walk out of the villa. Before I can even walk into the house my nerves go crazy, I enter and everything is just how i pictured it would be. The rose petals leading all the way out to the balcony overlooking the water, the pictures of our time together all hanging in order of which they were taken of course. The fairy lights to bring out the small hints of green in Hannah's eyes. Emily set up and video camera to record, Rossi has Italian music playing in the background. JJ made a slideshow that she has playing and I couldn't ask for a better place to do this. 

 "She is going to love this. But me and JJ are gonna go over there so she doesn't get curious and wander over here before you are prepared." Tara says as her and JJ walk out. Emily comes from the back with another screen that has my best friend who is also an alumni of the team Derek on it and Luke's girlfriend, another alumni of our team Penelope Garcia on it. Smiling I begin pacing back and forth. "Hey Pretty boy, I can feel your angst from here. Calm down and breath. You have everything set up beautifully and you are super lucky to have found someone like Hannah. Now when Y'all come out we can go on double marriage dates." Derek smiles. "I am so happy for you. Honestly my kids are all grown up" Penelope says smiling her eyes filled with tears. 

 "You ready Spence?" Emily asks. I nod. 

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