Glitched Hero

By fuck-you12345

37.7K 1.4K 1.1K

Error lands in the MCU close to Avengers. I don't think Error will like anyone there. Let's find out! Warning... More

Causing Problems Makes You Famous
All The Violence Makes a Statement
Thats What I Call Entertainment
They Tell Me You Touched The Face Of God
The Sound of a Whip Cracking on Your Neck
Dinner & Diatribes

Punch Your Lights Out, Hit The Pavement

8K 246 391
By fuck-you12345

Error was in the anti-void, knitting a lilac purple scarf but it slowly had a gradient into a navy. It was going to be a gift for Nightmare when he first started it. He decided it would be put to better use in being his own. Afterall, why give a gift to your enemy?

    Nightmare was set on destroying him, even going to the length of teaming with Squid. The Bad Sanses were Determined to kill him. Error was their biggest threat. Error was the only one (of their knowledge) that could destroy entire Universes. Of course, Error could destroy Multiverses but that wasn't his job. He only needed to destroy AUs.

    When Error first met Nightmare on the opposing side was when he learned that Nightmare was planning to kill him. Ink was very proud that he had the monster on his side. Error had been starting to become friends with the gang, as the result of the scarf. Had Nightmare openly declared his intent, Error would've probably still trusted him.

    Now with a majority of his allies gone, he only had safety with the Chara's and Blue. He knew none of them cared though. It was only a matter of time until they joined Ink.

    All of the multiverse thinks that he is insane and he only kills for fun. Some might think that he believes that only the original was supposed to exist. Which he will never deny. Fate stops him from admitting her presence. He never told Blue or the Charas. If he tried talking about Fate she made his voice incomprehensible. If he tried to write about her she erased it. If he signed about her, she would cause him enough pain to last thousands of years.

    So he never mentioned Fate. To anyone. But Blue never asked and never cared. They were friends anyway. The Charas didn't care either, they saw him as a fellow scapegoat and that was enough for them.

            Error sighed. The scarf was almost finished, but he knew he had to leave. He could feel the balance of the multiverse shifting. A small sting in his chest growing until his entire body was filled with pins and needles.

Opening a portal to a spare AU he went to work.

           Error killed monster after monster, filling the AU with dust. It was an Underfell AU. With Frisk more on the morally grayscale. The human attempting to fight him as revenge. It never mattered. Their soul was his in the end.

           He left for Outertale to gaze at the stars. It always cheered him up when he was sad.

           Putting his glasses on he looked up to see the stars shining with glee. Twinkling in delight. He sat down at the edge and looked for hours. Almost feeling happy at the sight. It was a shame that he had to leave. But he needed to. To work on the scarf. So he left the beautiful sight of stars. Back to the endless white. Back to the voices.

           The Anti-void was actually warm compared to most places. Not as warm as Hotland but more like the Hall. It had a false sense of security. Like if you just closed your eyes and slept you would never want to leave. It felt like basking under the sun on a rock.

            Error never cared for the heat, but it seemed to put the souls at ease in this prison. If it was one comfort he could give them, then he didn't mind.

            The voices were as annoying as always. Telling him his worthlessness. Screaming obscenities. There were few that were nice but they were always silenced. He never knew how. Assuming that the others made them. He was quite curious on how disembodied voices can commit premeditated murder.

            He found the scarf he left and began to pick up his knitting again.

After a while, he heard Fresh teleport in. Fresh was always neutral, never leaning in favor. Error ignored it in favor of knitting.

            He never saw Ink's brush before it hit him behind the head. His mind falling into a welcome unconsciousness. It seemed as if in an attempt to capture him was being put in motion.

            After days he awoke to water being splashed on his face. Moving to wipe the water from his eyes, he realized that he was bound by rope. His back, hands, and legs were tied to the stiff chair he was in.

            Slowly regaining cognitive function, he noticed that he was before the judges of the multiverse. Even Nightmare and his goons were given seats.

            "Error, you have been accused of the destruction of thousands. How do you plead?" Ink asked.

            He was still quite confused. It took him a few minutes to comprehend and gather a response.


            No one seemed surprised by this answer. No one talked in favor or against him, the quiet consuming the Star Sanses base.

"Error, why do you destroy?"

            Ink has asked him this question many times. What does he think will change now? Even if it is a lie every time.

            "ONly oNe iS mENt To bE heRe. THaT Is ClaSsIc, The ReSt oF yoU aRE fIltHY gliTcHES."

           "So you kill because only Classic is allowed to live?" Dream asked from behind Ink.


            "If you succeeded in your goal wouldn't it be you AND Classic left? What would you do then?" Ink asked in curiosity.

            "WeLl In tHiS SiTUatIon I AlrEaDy KiLlEd ThE rEsT. WhAt'S onE MorE Glitch? Me?" His voice losing the glitching at the end. Speaking clearly for once in his long life.

            With this said the room went silent for a few minutes. The judges staring at each other in a range of emotions, from sad to horrified.

           The room's tension being snapped like a wire, voices went all around the room.

            "He is clearly mental, we need to give him a quick death."

"If we kill him then that brings us down to his level!"

"Kill him!"

"Make him suffer for what he did!"

"ENOUGH!" A voice called.

"Let Ink speak." It was Nightmare. The bastard playing up his loyalty to the Stars. Error knew that he would rid himself of them the moment he was dead.

"Thank you Nightmare." Ink spoke. "Error will be executed by the void."

With this, voices called out in rage. Others with delight.

           Error didn't know what he was thinking, other than that there was no way that these fuckers were going to get the satisfaction of killing him. Not when he himself has been trying for years.

           So he teleported out of the rope, to Outertale. He sat down one last time to gaze at the stars.

             Ink and hundreds of other Sanses arrived in the forest after a few minutes.

"Error! I will not let you destroy this AU as revenge!"

"DoN't WoRRy, I Won'T."

With that, he smiled. Feeling the happiest he has in ages.

"GoOdbye, Ink."

Blue rushed to stop Error but he was held back by Fell and Classic.

           With that final note, he simply pushed himself off the edge. The void of stars closing in on him.

           The void tore him part by part, atoms slowly decaying. The pain was unbearable, causing Error to scream in pain. It was unknown how long he drifted in emptiness, he never felt the warmth of hands like some would think. He never heard caring words to him while in the void. All he could think of was pain. His eyes always blind with error signs. Body scattered throughout time and space.

           Until he didn't. There was no pain anymore. His vision slowly returned. When he could see as well as he could without glasses he was startled. He was falling. From thousands of feet up. He knew he could survive this, he had before after all. He tried to off himself many times with many methods.

           Back to the problem at hand. Some he was close enough to the roofs of the large buildings, he pulled up to his eyes and pulled. Strings encasing everything, making a net to catch him. It worked, but now he was stuck in between roofs on his strings. Wait.

           He was fucking stupid, he could teleport. Error teleported to the ground, his body going on to one knee to find balance. It was strange to teleport now, it seemed as if his own magic core was changed by from the time in the void. He stood up again.

Error was suddenly struck with the fact that he LIVED. He wasn't supposed to live. He was fully expecting to die. The void kills all, no matter rank. Could he have lived due to his supposed godly status? Curious, Error Checked himself.

*Error, God of Destruction, Balance, The Void, and Strings

Ok, that was new. Also, how could he be a god of strings? That was fuking weird. The balance part was new too.

*ATK Error 404: Reload DEF Error 404: Reload

That was normal.

*Much older than this universe.

That normally didn't show? He knew it was true but it didn't matter. He was older than Classic himself. Not chronologically, but time worked strangely in the Anti-void.

*Stronger than any Celestial, Eternal, or God.

That was definitely new. What even was a Celestial? A deity like Fate? While in thought Error could hear a gun being loaded.

"Who are you?"

He looked up to see an adult human in dark clothing and an eyepatch. He was pointing a gun at him. That was strange, usually, all living creatures were warned of his existence. Mostly subconsciously. He knew that it probably had to do with the fact he was a skeleton. However, he had proof. One time he had tried to drown himself in the sea, all animals avoided him like a plague. It didn't work sadly enough. So he waited for a shark to eat him. It never came. He did hear an amazing sea shanty while waiting though.

"I'll ask you again."

He shot a warning shot near him.

"Tell me who you are and what you want."

He didn't say it like a question, more like a command.


His voice was even more cracked than what it used to be. Must be from all the time in the Void.

"Excuse me?"

Error had to stifle a laugh. It was hilarious to him that he was conversing with a human that wasn't a Chara. And he wasn't even trying to kill them! It was a strange concept to him. Anyway it would be arrogant to assume that everyone knew of him.

"SoRry. UmM. tO ansWeR yOuR QueStIon, My NAme iS ErRor."

"Well, now Error, why are you here?"

"It WaSn'T ON purPoSE, SoRrY. I Was bAnIshEd For LaCK Of A BEttEr TerM. I caN LeaVE IF yOu WaNT?"

Error needed to get back to the anti-void. Needed to check the balance. Was Ink even alive? Could he have somehow been transported... Was that the finished scarf he was working on around his neck? He doesn't remember jumping into the void with it on?

Error felt a sudden stinging in his neck. He reached up to the pain. It was a small vial of something. Tranquilizer? What was stranger was his hands were human by the look of it. Attention shifting to his hands he poked his own hands. They felt fleshy. Strange. He was wearing fingerless gloves with the pattern of his bones on them.

In a sudden rush of panic, he pushed up his sleeve. He had flesh arms as well. There were tattoos on his skin. Mimicking his skeleton. No matter how he moved his arm it seemed as if the tattoo stayed in the same spot, even shifting with his ulna and radius.

The human was saying something, but Error didn't listen. He had practice with Ink.

He sat cross legged on the pavement. He lifted his foot closer to his eyes. It was obvious that he lost his shoes in the void, but the pattern of the drawings continued. The tattoos at feet showing where his bones would be. Error lifted up his black pants to his knee. Suddenly, Error shot his hands up to his face patting it.

Running to a nearby building, he looked in the window. Barely seeing his reflection, Error could see that his new skin was lighter shade than the man with the eyepatch but darker than any Frisk or Chara he had ever seen. His eyes were blue but in the right light the center looked yellow. The area around his eyes looked tinted a dark maroon red. It looked like the tattoos continued to his face, giving him the appearance of skull teeth, and the cheekbones.

Before he could inspect his appearance anymore he had another sharp pain in his neck. It was another vial. Error looked back to the eyepatch man. The man seemed shocked. Like he was looking at a ghost. With that, his vision began to blur more than what was normal. Error took out his glasses and put them on. Error was beginning to black out again, he knew it.

So, in a final retaliation, Error used his strings to tie up the man. Error's strings can't be broken, snapped or moved unless he wanted them to. Even Ink's red paint couldn't corrode them. He gave the man a final smirk, knowing that when he wakes up, the man will still be tied.

Error fell to the ground, in his fading vision he saw a red and gold robot land beside him.

A/n You've made it! I am so fucking sorry. So for what error looks like, yes he looks like a human. I drew a picture. Why does his he look like a goblin man? I don't fucking know. He is a garbage man though.

I am so sorry for making you look at this. Wattpad hates my drawings so sorry if it doesn't load.

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