Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)

By goddessofgreatness

27.8K 707 620

You are from the sea, and he is from the land. People from the land and sea don't mix... or do they? What hap... More



1.5K 53 25
By goddessofgreatness

"Rin," Kaname said. "I was looking for you."

"Lord Kaname!" Rin exclaimed. "_____ is missing! We were supposed to go to the movies hours ago, but she's gone! She went to the park to wait for her missing friend, as she does almost everyday, and she never came back! Her phone is still on the beach and she's missing!"

Kaname nodded. "Rin, I need you to do me a favor."


"Go find Sasuke, and come back to the shrine."


A woman laid lifelessly in the sand, crawfish, and other sea scavengers crawled over her lifeless form.


"I'm so sorry, Sangwoo," you said. Your hands trembled behind you.

"It's alright. You didn't mean it, I understand," he said soothingly.

You sighed and slouched in the tub. You were too afraid to fight back. You didn't want to lose control and hurt Sangwoo. You didn't wanna hurt anyone ever again.

The girl pulled her mother's arm, moving her to lay on her back. Blood trickled from her mouth, her wide, lifeless eyes were still filled with fear.

"I-I did this?" She said while choking back a sob. "Mother!"

"It's okay," he said. "All that matters is that you're here, with us."

"Us?" You muttered. "Bum!" You exclaimed.

Yoonbum limped into the bathroom. You smiled. "You're alright. I was so worried about you. What happened to your legs?"


"Bum had a little accident," Sangwoo said. "Kinda like that," he said as he gestured to the dent in the wall. "How about I get you that ramen while you two catch up?" Sangwoo said before walking away.

After that little outburst, he was sure you wouldn't try to escape. Without your powers, there's no chance in hell you'll be able to get away. He knew that you wouldn't risk hurting him.

"What happened to you?" You said. "I was so worried."

"I was here," Bum muttered.

"What did he do to you?"

"He-" Bum paused. You grabbed both of his hands. "You can tell me, Yoonbum."

"He kills people," Bum muttered. "And hurts them. Locks them in their basement and-"

"Did he do that to you?"

Bum nodded. "He broke my ankles so I couldn't escape."

"Oh no," you muttered sadly. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

Bum shrugged. "You don't need to apologize." Then, his voice got low. "With your help, we can escape. He usually keeps me chained up, but I'm not right now."

"If your plan involves me using my powers, I won't do it."

"What, why?!"

"I could hurt him," you muttered.

Sangwoo walked back into the bathroom with a smile on his face. "I brought ramen! Bum, go get her a change of clothes."

"From where?"

"Get one of my shirts."

"Your shirts?"

Sangwoo turned around and have Bum this look, and he walked away. Sangwoo smiled and knelt next to you. "I know, this will be a rough adjustment, but I won't put you in the basement as long as you give me a reason not to."

"The basement?" You said.

"Ah, right. Well, hopefully you don't have to find out about that, hm." He shoved the chop sticks in your mouth. You ate the noodles.

"I don't understand," you said. "I didn't think you'd ever hurt me."

Sangwoo caressed your cheek. "Sweet, sweet, _____. You're too naive, too trusting." His thumb trailed down to your bottom lip, then he grabbed both of your cheeks, squishing them together slightly, and pressed his lips against yours.

You were stunned. Completely frozen in place.

Sangwoo pulled away, his grip on your face got tighter. "You don't wanna kiss me?"


Sangwoo pressed his lips against yours again, this time, much harder. The kiss was rough, and it was hard for you to keep it. It was your first kiss after all. Sangwoo finally pulled away.

"That was my first kiss," you muttered.

He smiled. "I'm glad I'm your first. I wanna be your first everything."

"Well, you're not the first person to kidnap me," you shrugged. "I'll be outta here in no time."

Sangwoo's gaze on you seemed to darken for a moment, then he smiled. "There's that optimism I love so much." He kissed your forehead and smiled.

"Well," you paused. "You love my honesty too, and Sangwoo I'm scared! I-I'm scared of you! I'm scared that I'll accidentally hurt you because I'm so afraid!"

Sangwoo looked down. "You're scared of me?"

"I-," you paused. "Why wouldn't I be? I'm tied up in your bathtub and you won't let me go home! I have no idea what you're capable of or what you'll do to me! Bum said you- Are you going to kill me, Sangwoo."

Sangwoo thew the bowl of ramen in anger. Bum walked into the bathroom just as it happened. The steaming hot broth spilled all over the floor and him, and the bowl shattered upon impact. "I would never kill you! Don't ever fucking say that, I love you!"

'He loves me?' You thought. It never truly hit you until that moment. He's doing this because he loves you. That's not excusing how fucking crazy this is, but... love can make people do really fucked things.

"This isn't love, Sangwoo! This," you paused. "This isn't what I wanted. I like you, I truly do, but this isn't right."

Bum whimpered in pain as he kneeled by the bathroom door.

"Bum! Are you alright?" You asked frantically as you climbed out of the tub. You stepping on a piece if the glass plate, and hissed in pain.

"Be careful!" Sangwoo said. He lifted you and set you back into the tub, with your feet hanging over the side. "Bum are you good?"

"T-The ramen burnt my arm. The glass didn't hit me though." 'He cares about me again,' Bum thought.

Sangwoo looked over at him and studied his arm. "Run it under cold water, then bring the broom and a few bandaids."

Bum nodded and left the bathroom. Sangwoo gently grabbed your ankle and picked the glass out of your foot.

"'Im sorry," Sangwoo mumbled after a while of silence. "I shouldn't have gotten mad."

"Sangwoo, you need to control your temper." You said.

Sangwoo chuckled. "Blunt as always."

You shrugged and watched him pick the glass out of your foot. "What? Was I supposed to say it's okay for you to flip out like that? It's not. You hurt Bum and-"

Sangwoo squeezed your ankle and glared at you. "You need to know when to hold your tongue."

"No, I don't. If you would control your temper, then I'd have nothing to worry about."

Sangwoo gripped your ankle tighter. "The fuck did I just say?" He hissed. You whimpered, more in fear than pain, and sighed. "See what I mean."

You pulled your foot away from his grasp and sunk it into the water. It immediately began healing and glowing a light blue color.

"H-here are the band aids." Bum said as he walked into the room.

"No need," Sangwoo said before standing up. "Clean up this glass before ____ gets hurt again."

Bum nodded and began sweeping the floor.

"Are you alright Bum?" You asked softly. "Do you need healing?"

"You can heal?" He said.

You nodded.

Sangwoo stood and glared down at Bum. "Sweep." He hissed before stepping over the glass.

"Areum, you'll stay here tied up until you learn to behave," Sangwoo said before walking away.

You sighed. "At least I get to stay in the water."

Bum silently swept the floor and cleaned up the glass. "Do you want me to heal your burn?" You asked. Bum dumped the small dustpan full of glass into the trash before looking at you. "S-Sure," He said before slowly walking over to you. "But I can't untie you." He added.

"It's fine," You said. "Just put your arm in the water." He knelt down and put his arm into the water. "Oh, and you'll have to touch me, since I cannot touch you."

Bum hesitated for a moment before he gently put his finger tips against your calf. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Bum's injury glowed a bright blue, and his burn began to heal.

"All done," you said.

Bum lifted his arm out of the water and looked at it. Every scar was completely gone. No more burns, bruises, or cuts.

"Woah, it feels good as new."

You smiled. "It was the least I can do. It is kind of my fault you got burnt." Bum shook his head. "No, it wasn't. Don't blame yourself, and thank you."

"You're too kind," Sangwoo said. You both jumped in surprise. Sangwoo chuckled and inspected Bum's arms. "That healing power is quite amazing."

"It would've worked faster of I was in the sea." You said.

Sangwoo glared at you. You sighed and leaned back in the tub. "Maybe this wouldn't be such a drag if I was untied. And if there was more water in the tub."

"I told you you have to behave before I untie you."

"Sangwoo. If I wanted to leave now then I would've. Daughter of the sea god remember? I'm literally sitting in water. I'm at the advantage. You've seen what I can do."

"Yeah, but you won't hurt me," Sangwoo said with a shrug.

You glared at him.

"S-sangwoo wouldn't it be best if she were to go home? Won't this upset the sea god?"

"Shouldn't you be crawling around helpless somewhere?" Sangwoo snapped back.

You sighed and looked down at the ring on your finger.


Sasuke and Rin knelt before Kaname.

"It would seem that ____ is missing, and she's been hurt."

"What?" Sasuke said. "What happened?!" He looked at Rin. "I thought you were keeping her safe?"

"She went to the park. She does almost everyday, but this time she didn't come back."

Kaname showed his ring to the two. "I made this ring to match the one I gave ____ for her birthday. My ring glows colors depending on whatever state she's in."

"What's the blue mean then?" Rin said.

"Blue is it's default color. When it's blue, that means nothing is wrong."

"What are the other colors?" Sasuke said.

"Red means she's been hurt. Purple means her ena is drying up. Pink means she's healing." Kaname sighed. "When the color drains from the stone, it'll look like a diamond."

"Why would the color train from the stone?" Rin said.

"If there's no color, then-"

"She's dead," Sasuke said with wide eyes. He immediately got up from his seat. "I'm going to look for her."

"You don't even know where to start! I already looked at the park and near the beach. No signs of struggling, and she left her phone."

"Then I'll interrogate everyone that's come in contact with her."

"Her friend went missing a few weeks ago, what if whoever took him, took her?"

"I'll find whoever it is, and I will kill them."

"We should worry about getting her back safely, not acts of violence," Rin said. "____ wouldn't wanna use her power in this situation because she'll be afraid to lose control again. We'll have to go about this logically, so she doesn't get hurt."

"I don't need you or anyones help. I'll find her on my own." He opened the door to the shrine. "It doesn't matter how long it takes, I'll bring her home." Then, he left the shrine.

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