The Alpha's Racer.(editing)

By Florahkie

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Scarlet Summers has been alone half of her life when her family was murdered when she was eight.She has been... More

Alexandre and Scarlet.


896 28 5
By Florahkie

I was getting worried.I went to the office so I could finish off some work and I left Scar at the guest houses.How come she hasn't came back home yet.

Alpha the Luna is at the clinic.

What the hell is going on.I quickly sprint to the clinic and the nurse shows me the room she is in.When I get there I am relieved when I see that she is not injured,but she is however sleeping in those uncomfortable chairs next to an unknown little boy.

I picked her up and sat on the chair.She cuddled into me for a while before her eyes opened.She looked around for a while and I saw her sigh in what I could say was relief when she saw that the little boy was sleeping.She pulled me into the hallway and slowly closed the door behind her.

"Alex this little boy was chased by vampires into our pack.His father hits him and tells him to go look for his mother when she is cheating on him with other males.I don't know how he survived all that.I-I thought I was worse but......he was abused."I pull her close to me trying to comfort her as she holds me close.

"Well then let's go in there so we can be here when he wakes up and then he will tell me what happened.Then we will take it from there okay?"She nods and we walk back in.I mindlink the guards to bring an extra bed so we can sleep in it.As soon as they brought the bed and sheets I pulled Scar to me.

She quickly fell asleep and I soon followed.

I woke up and found Scar talking to the little boy who was grinning widely.I sat up and they both looked at me.The boy froze looking at me skeptical of my intentions.

I sit next to Scar and kiss her temple.I look at the boy and smile softly.

"Hey buddy.Whats your name?"He smiles a little and scoots closer feeling a little more comfortable.

"My name is Bradley."I hear Scar chuckle at his confidence.He seems very comfortable around Scar.

Please bring bacon and eggs for me and your Luna.

"Hey Bradley what do you wanna eat."His eyes instantly light up.

"WAFFLES!"I chuckle and nod.

And bring waffles with syrup for little Bradley.

Yes Alpha.

I get to know Bradley more.His favourite colour is sky blue,because he feels calmed by seeing the sky reminding him that he made another day alive.I learned that this child has been through alot and I respect him for his bravery.

The maids bring the food and we eat in peace.Brad scuffles down all the food and drinks his apple juice.He reminds me of how I was when my father died.I was starving myself and I was in a dark place,but nothing I went through could compare to what he went through.

When we were done eating the doctor discharged Brandon.We took him to the house and I asked one of the guards to buy him some formal kind of clothes and he was going to get ready with me while Scar got ready in another.

While we were getting ready the little guy needed to go potty so I went with him to bathroom.When we got there and he was done I was about to walk out when he pulled me back in.

"Can I please ask you a question."I nod and crouch down to his size.He looked nervous and scared.

"A-Are y-y-you going to be my d-daddy?"Well that's a suprise.I have thought about it and I guess why not.I just have to talk to Scarlet first.

"I have to talk to my mate first and I will tell you.However we can be one big family okay."He nods and grabs my hand pulling me back to the room.I fell in love with this child when I heard all he has been through.

I got dressed in my tux.Bran was dressed in black jeans and a white dress shirt.He looked really handsome and I was a little jealous at how good he looked.I chuckled at my thoughts as my wolf laughed.

When we were done getting dressed it's when the nerves kicked in.I felt like I was getting married and what if Scar decides she doesn't want to be here anymore.What if she decides to marry another man.I growl at my own thoughts.

Calm down Alex.I am not going anywhere with anyone.I will be here and we will grow old together.

How did you know that I am freaking out?

I can read everyone's thought and feel all emotions.I found that my white wolf power was mind reading,emotion feeling,heightened senses,speed and healing.

Wow and you found out all this how.

I have been reading people's thoughts and feelings emotions.In the morning Amanda slipped and almost fell before I picked her up.I can hear racing going on about a five hundred miles away and I am currently looking at a rabbit two miles away in the forest.Need more examples.

Nope.I am quite convinced.How are you feeling though.

Quite excited actually.I can't wait for after the ceremony.

Ohhhh I see.

I don't mean that you horny little boy.

That's not what you'll be saying when I pound my big man dick in your tight hot vagina.

Oh my goodness.Can we please stop the sex talk cause we need to get going and start this ceremony.

See you out there sunshine.

See you out there babe.

I felt relieved that Scar was not backing out and quite excited for tonight.I walked out the room to the stage that was decorated in the backyard.The whole yard was decorated and the garden added the beautiful finishing touch to the whole theme.

There was white rose petals on the white mat Scar is going to walk on when she comes to the stage.I sighed and calmed myself when I heard the announcement being made that Scar was coming up here.

When I saw her walk out of the house I couldn't believe my eyes.She was wearing a White lace jumpsuit.Since I knew her hatred for dresses and love for jumpsuits I asked my mom if we could let her wear one.She agreed knowing that Scar would probably burn the dress after the ceremony if she was to be forced to wear one.

I couldn't help,but think of the many ways I can rip the dress off.

Keep your nasty horny thoughts to yourself.

I chuckle when she looks slightly aroused.She stood beside me.We were standing in front of a sacred bowl that was placed on on a high table.This bowl was made so when we get a new pack member or the Luna ceremony is held we mix blood in it and the moon goddess would create a bond.

"We are gathered here to welcome Luna Scarlet into the Black Thorn pack.Anyone who wants to challenge the Luna in a fight for the Luna position."I stiffened when I smelt a familiar scent that I have not smelt in a while.

"I WILL!"We all looked at Lilly.She smirked as she saw me glaring at her.I didn't want Scarlet to find out about Lilly and my rebellious teen adventures.

"I Lilly Thompson challange the oh so heavenly Scarlet Winters."I could feel Scarlet raging at the disrespect this werewolf was showing her.The pack were looking at Lilly in disgust as they all knew exactly why she was doing this.I hate how the whole pack could hear Lilly's moans the day we had sex over and over and over again.

"I accept."We went to a private room where Lilly has to sign a pledge that of she agrees to take place in this fight to death.The same went with Scar and I could tell she wasn't worried since she knew that she was way stronger than Lilly.

"I can't wait to get this over and done with then I can finally spend time alone with my mate."Lilly smirked when Scar said that I can could feel the comment she is about to make is going to make chaos.

"Just how Alex used to finish me off with his rough fingers inside my pussy."I feel Scarlets hurt and betrayal as she puts two and two together.

"Scar I-."She stops me and signs the papers before we led the two outside to fight.They will be fighting in wolf form and Scarlet is angry.I held my head down in shame and regret when I realise that I was technically cheating on my mate when she waited for me.

When we got to the training grounds they both shifted and I heard people gasping when they saw Scarlet white wolf.I could see Lilly shaking a little,but tries to remain strong.They circle each other and I could see that Scarlets wolf,Zendaya was out and she was looking for blood.

It didn't take even three minutes and Lilly was dead.A pack member brought Scar some clothes and as soon as she was dressed she walked into the pack house.I ran after her.

She ignored me and when I tried to touch her she pushed me away.

"Scar listen to me please."She had tears in her eyes and I hated seeing my mate like that.I want her to always be happy.

"I need to think Alex.We need a break."She then walked out the pack house and I saw some guy picking her up then she left.

What the hell just happened.

Hey guys.

I just thought we need a little absence makes the heart grow fonder moment.Yeah?

I actually would legit feel heartbroken.I mean you should wait for your mate seriuosly.

Anyway what would you do if you just found out that you have an Alpha werewolf mate who just found you and he wants to make you the luna😊?

Or guys what would you do if a hot werewolf girl told you that you are her mate😉?

I would definitely have a moment where I would jump in excitement since I am hoping I have a mate out there.But what can I say I have a big imagination.

Anyway love ya'll😙😙


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