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I felt hurt,betrayed and beyond furious.When Russo picked me up I was relieved.I needed to race and get this pent up anger out.When we got to the race track I saw my racing car and immediately got into it.I was racing a barbie looking girl.She was busy telling guys that she is the best and that she would not be beat by some tramp aka me.

She doesn't even know how to properly park her car.Looks like this one is going to be easy.When we were starting she tried to flirt with Russo asking him to boost her car too since she saw him boosting mine.

He just shrugged her off and walked away.When we were starting I revved my engine and you could hear the powerful roar.I looked at the girl and she was smirking.Dang girl doesn't know what she is getting into.

I revved my engine.
I clipped my seat belt in.
I put on my game face.


I zoomed past her and drove all my anger out.She tried to overtake me but I kept on driving in front of her and I could tell she was getting irritated.She started bumping into my back and when she did it the third time I was getting angry more.When we had to turn she saw that as her opportunity,but I drifted in front of her.

As soon as I turned I hit the booster so I could put some distance between us.When I crossed the finish line I got out of the car.She got out of hers too and stormed towards me.

"YOU CHEATED YOU-YOU TRAMP!I AM SUPPOSED TO WIN!I AM THE RACE QUERN!"She tried to slap me but I caught her hand and twisted it in a weird angle.I came close to her face and looked her right in the eye.

"Try that again and I will make your life a living hell."She whimpered and I left her hand.I walked away and got into my car.I drove to the hotel I was staying in before I left.

When I got to the reception I found the same receptionist who had attitude.When she saw me she rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here.We gave your room to another person since you couldn't afford to pay for it.Get your poor self out of this hotel."I was about to kill her when I saw Alex's twin Alexandra.When he saw me he walked my way looking relieved.

"Alex is looking everywhere for you.What happened Scarlet and why did you leave with another man?"I sighed when I realise what it looked like to Alex.It probably looked over I was leaving him for another man.

"It's not what it looks like.The man I left with is Russo he helps me organise races and boost my cars.I was so upset when I found out that Alex had sex with another girl so I needed to race just so I could clear my mind.Russo fetched me and we went to the race.I immediately came here after cause I needed to talk to you so I can find out what happened."He nods in understanding and we would have forgot that the receptionist wasn't here if she didn't clear her throat.

"Sir should I tell her to leave.I advice you not to feel sorry for her she looks like a slut."I couldn't take anymore of this girls disrespect.I could feel my eyes change colour as I looked at her.She whimpered a bit feeling my powerful aura.

"KEEP YOUR UNWANTED THOUGHTS AND ADVICES TO YOURSELF OR I WILL KILL YOU AND MAKE SURE YOUR BODY DISAPPEARS."She quietly nods and looks down in submission.Xander pulled me away from the receptionist as I tried to calm my wolf.We both hate being disrespected.

Xander and I walked to his apartment.When we got there he told me I could freshen up in one of the guest rooms.I found out that some of the clothes I left in my old apartment were in here and Alex was supposed to fetch them tomorrow.I am not ready to see him.I saved myself for him and yet he didn't.

I got dressed in some leggings and one of Alex's hoodies that I have on me.I sat on the bed and actually cried and sobbed when the pain finally kicked in.The thought of him actually kissing her and fucking her makes me want to hurl.

Xander walks in and doesn't say anything as he pulls me and let's me cry on his shoulder.I don't understand why he didn't wait for me.Didnt he think I was worth it.Couldnt he just keep it in his pants.

"Scar I know you are hurt,but he was in a dark place.He made a reckless decision of having sex with someone he doesn't love.Lilly was just the pack whore along with Genevieve.They only wanted to be Luna and they would have done anything to make sure they get that.As soon as he was done with her Alex felt guilty and tried to shut her off,but she seduced him again."

"He loves you Scarlet.He used to come here alot drunk wondering why he hasn't found his mate yet.Thinking he doesn't deserve happiness.When he found you he was over the moon.He cut of ties with Genevieve.He made sure you were happy with everything he does."

I guess I can't really keep the past in the present.I have to forgive.Forgetting however is going to be more hard.I need to talk to him.When he comes tomorrow I will forgive him and we will work on our relationship.

"When he comes tomorrow we will talk and try to work on our relationships."I hope it all works out.I miss him dearly and I really want us to work.

I have never felt this way about anybody ever.I am head over heels for him and I can't wait till we start our own family.Have our own future and watch our children meet their mates.

I am ready to start a family with him.

Hey guys.

We are getting to the end of the story and I decided that if this book gets about nine hundred readers I will post the second book.I am already working on it and decided to publish it when it is down so you don't always have to wait for an update.

Anyway love ya'll guys.


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