MHA x Male Reader

By Insertion5432

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One day in Musutafu, Japan, there was a disaster that ended the lives of thousands of people. It was also on... More

Info Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Special Chapter
My Hero Academia: Futari No Hero
Halloween Special
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Updated Bio
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

517 20 5
By Insertion5432

(Yo, I'm back from the grave. Holy fuck this took me a while. Not even sure why either. Anyways, I just wanted to give a quick thanks for 1k reads before starting off the chapter. Thanks and enjoy.)

Bakugo and Uraraka were staring at each other as they prepared to face each other.

Iida: What was that counter-strategy you came up for her to win against Bakugo?

Izuku: Oh, that! It's really not all that brilliant or anything. It's just, Kacchan is undeniably strong! And in a close-quarters brawl, he's got almost no openings to speak of. And if you factor in the mobility his quirk gives him, he's even stronger. That being said, while it's true that he has mobility in the air as well, if she can cause him to float, she can take the initiative from there. So that's why...

Present Mic: START!!!

Izuku: She needs to strike fast!

Uraraka began by rushing at Bakugo, keeping her body low to the ground. Bakugo brought his right arm out for what looked like a right hook, but once she drew close enough he sent a powerful explosion right in her face, launching her back. The crowd of heroes was already acting like they did near the end of Y/n's fight.

Y/n: That was quick. I don't know if I could turn the crowd against me this fast if I tried.

Bakugo saw a rustle of movement in the smoke and reacted quickly, bringing his hand down on it while creating an explosion, only to see that he had hit her jersey.

Present Mic: Wow, she made her jersey float as a decoy!! Yooo, she musta done that on the fly!

Uraraka came out of the smoke from behind Bakugo, hoping to be able to touch him, but Bakugo quickly shut this down by swiping his arm back with another explosion, launching her away.

Sero: He's keeping a sharp eye out before making any moves...

Kaminari: With that reaction speed, not even a smokescreen's any use, huh.

Izuku: Uraraka's quirk only activates if she touches her target. Against those ridiculous reflexes, the odds are definitely stacked against her.

Despite this, Uraraka continued to charge in and continue to get blown back by explosions.

Present Mic: Yet undaunted, without pause, Uraraka pushes anew!!

The crowd continues to watch Uraraka get hit with explosion after explosion.

Tsuyu: Ochako...

Jiro who is next to Y/n had already covered her eyes.

Y/n: If people can't handle this, then how do they expect to fight against villains?

Present Mic: She's pressing on her charge without a moment's rest, but... Seeing this...

Y/n: Come on Bakugo, I expected better from you.

It got to the point where one of the heroes in the stands stood up to yell at Bakugo.

Hero: Hey!! Do you mean to be a hero with that kind of conduct!!? If your strength level is that much larger, just blow her out of bounds already!!! How dare you toy with a girl like that!!!

The crowd seemed to agree with him as they began to boo Bakugo.

Y/n: These are the heroes we as people have to rely on? Maybe heroism is nothing more than a joke. Maybe the Symbol of Peace really is the only one worthy of the title of "Hero."

Present Mic: And the stands stand to boo him! Yeah, I've gotta say I agree... Oww- Huh? You elbowed me!

Aizawa: Who just said he's toying with her? You, a pro? For how many years? If you said that in your right mind, then there's no meaning for you to keep watching. Do us all a favor and go home. In fact, you ought to keep watching the match at a career turn-over site.

Izuku: Aizawa-sensei?

Y/n: Now that I think about it, Aizawa-sensei is definitely worthy of being a hero. What am I doing get all cynical? If I'm not careful, I'll end up as a villain again.

Aizawa: He clearly recognizes the strength of an opponent who's reached this far and is on guard as a result. It's because he's doing everything in his power to win that he's refusing to let his guard down or stay his hand.

Uraraka put her hands together to use her quirk as Y/n just watched in interest. 

Y/n: I expected better from you Bakugo. Those worthless pros somehow didn't realize her strategy. She stuck low to the ground in order to limit his field of vision while gaining a smokescreen from his attacks. Meanwhile, she was able to stockpile "weapons" of her own.

Above the stadium were countless pieces of the arena floating out of sight. They began to all come crashing back down to the earth.

Present Mic: A meteor shower!!?

Aizawa: Pay more attention.

Izuku: She made such a desperately risky plan... Uraraka!!

But this plan was shattered in an instant as Bakugo took it out with one explosion.

Present Mic: He must be content with himself with that explosive showing!!! He took Uraraka's secret strategem and unreservedly crushed it!!

The two get ready to fight again but Uraraka collapses. Midnight runs to her side to check on her before calling the match.

Midnight: Uraraka is unable to move. Bakugo advances to the next round!

Uraraka is taken to recovery girl.

Present Mic: Awww, Uraraka... Uh, oh, yeah, Bakugo breaks past the first round...

Aizawa: If you're gonna do it, do it right.

Present Mic: Alright, now that I've collected myself-

Aizawa: Aren't you supposed to be an impartial judge?

Present Mic: -The first round is now over!! We'll get right back to it after a short break!

Bakugo soon shows up to the stands where the rest of Class A is.

Sero: Yo, hey, that was nearly as tough as your face is villain-y!!

Tsuyu: It was a weird matchup, but you played an amazing little heel nonetheless, Bakugo!

Bakugo: Shut up, just shut your goddamn mouths!!

Kaminari: But damn man, you're able to blast a fragile little girl with abandon. Knowing me, I'd end up not going through with it despite myself.

Bakugo just threw himself into the chair next to Y/n.

Bakugo: Hmph!! Where do you see fragile...?

Y/n: Nice match, Bakugo. It was definitely the most entertaining one so far.

Bakugo: Piss off. I don't need your congratulations.

Y/n: Haha! Come on Bakugo, don't be like that.

Bakugo: Fuck off!!

Y/n: Alright, alright.

Yaoyorozu: They seem to... get along?

The tie between Kirishima and Tetsutetsu was decided through arm wrestling which Kirishima was luckily able to win. After that is Izuku vs Todoroki which I'm not writing. Sorry, but I really want to finish this arc and move on and this chapter took me a really long time to just get started on due to lack of motivation. But that's enough excuses from me. 

So the fight happened and everyone is staring into the arena in shock. 

Y/n: Fuck... Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!! I only stood a chance because Todoroki refused to use his flames. Now what the hell am I supposed to do!!? No, I need to be calm. Control your emotions. Rid yourself of anything unnecessary. Only focus on the goal and nothing else. That's all that matters. Just erase the target.

Jiro: L/n?

Y/n: Huh?

Jiro: We've been trying to get your attention for a while. We were going to check on Midoriya, do you want to come with?

Y/n: Yeah. I'll go.

He got up and left with Iida, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Mineta, and Jiro to see Izuku in the infirmary. They all soon get there and burst through the door, each person calling Izuku as they usually do. In the room with Izuku is a skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs. He has Blonde hair that kind of juts out everywhere.

Izuku: You guys... What about the next match?

Blonde guy: You surprised me...

Uraraka: Nice to meet you...?

Iida: It seems because the arena is so large, it will take a long time to rebuild.

Uraraka: We were worried about you.

Jiro: You got beat up pretty bad.

Y/n: It was one hell of a match.

Mineta: Pro's aren't gonna want someone that scary, Midoriya!!

Tsuyu hits him on the back of the head with her tongue.

Tsuyu: That sounds less like admiration and more like rubbing salt in the wounds.

Mineta: But am I wrong!?

Recovery Girl: Pipe down! It's good that you're worried about your friend, but he needs an operation after this.

Uraraka/Iida/Mineta: He needs surgery!!?

They were freaking out while Y/n, Jiro, and Tsuyu remained calm. They were all pushed out of the room while Izuku seemed to be talking to the blonde guy. As they're walking, Y/n decided to go to his waiting room.

Y/n: I'm going to go to the waiting room. I'd appreciate it if you could all leave me alone until the tournament is over. I need to clear my head.

He leaves as the others watch him.

Uraraka: Is something wrong with him?

Jiro: I think this tournament is getting to him. I've never seen him want to win something so badly.

Iida: It's understandable. Winning this tournament guarantees he gets seeked out by the best agencies. If you'll excuse me, I must also go and prepare myself for my match with L/n.

And now Iida leaves and everyone returns to the stands to watch the fight and place bets on who will win.

Soon enough, it's time for the match and Iida and Y/n walk onto the stage to fight.

Iida: I look forward to a good fight, L/n!

Y/n: Yeah...

Iida: Hmm?

Iida noticed a strange look in Y/n's eyes. They seemed to be dulling, most of the emotion in them vanishing, but slivers remaining. 

Present Mic: And START!!!

Iida's engines began to rev up before he took off, running right at Y/n, hoping to grab him and quickly throw him out of bounds. When Iida was right in front of Y/n and reaching to grab him, Y/n sent a jab right at Iida's face, making him dodge the hit before Y/n leaned his body back, his hands touching the ground before bringing his legs up to kick Iida, hitting him in the chin.

Y/n continued the motion until his feet touched back on the ground and went to swipe at Iida with his legs. Iida jumped over this and used his recipro burst to spin kick Y/n who raised his arm to block just in time. Y/n was flung a small distance but flipped to land on his feet. The moment Y/n's feet touched the ground, Iida was already at his side with another kick prepared. Y/n barely was able to dodge this by leaning his body back and followed up with a kick of his own, aimed at Iida's head.

Iida was able to recover from his missed attack and dodge the hit before his vision went black. He immediately felt a kick connect with his stomach.

Iida tried to attack in the direction he felt the kick come from but hit nothing. He heard a sound on his left and went to attack there, but once again hit nothing. He then felt an attack hit him in the back of the leg, making him kneel down before a kick hit the back of his head and he fell unconscious. 

Y/n is called as the winner and he walks off stage to be by himself until his fight with Todoroki. Soon enough Bakugo's fight with Kirishima ends and the final four are decided.

Present Mic: And Bakugo advances to the third round through a downright nasty carpet bombing!! With this, we have the top four assembled! That's it for the quarterfinals! On to the next match!

Todoroki and Y/n walked to the stage, ready to fight. Todoroki noticed the look in Y/n's eyes. It wasn't his usual self. They were cold and completely empty. Nothing remained.

Y/n: I need to get rid of irrelevant thoughts. I do my best when all I have to focus on is the target in front of me.

He begins to grow tunnel vision, everything around him disappearing as he only focuses on Todoroki. His body grows more relaxed and he cracks his neck a couple of times.

Y/n: Todoroki.

Todoroki: Huh?

Y/n: Try not to die for both of our sakes.

Present Mic: START!!!

In an instant, Y/n disappears from sight. In an instant he appears on Todoroki's left side, aiming an attack right for Todoroki's throat. Midnight was about to step in until Todoroki jumped back, sending ice right at Y/n who jumped in the air to avoid it. An ice attack went straight into the air where Y/n was to try and hit him while he couldn't dodge.

Y/n held out his right arm and the ice came into contact with it. His arm immediately began to get coated in some thick ice but before it could travel too far up his arm he began to twist his body. Todoroki's eyes widened as the sickening snap of bones resonated in the arena. In the process of twisting his body, Y/n broke his right arm in multiple places. He kicked where his arm was connected to the main pillar of ice and broke away, his arm still covered in ice. He landed next to the still surprised Todoroki and used his broken arm as a bludgeoning tool. He hit Todoroki in the side, pushing him back a small distance.

Present Mic: He used his broken arm as a weapon!!?

Aizawa: L/n's always been resourceful. His quirk doesn't make him strong or fast and he can't launch powerful attacks either, so he makes use of everything he can.

Y/n blinded Todoroki with his quirk, hoping to be able to get him out of bounds before he gets hit with another attack like that, but the moment Todoroki goes blind, he allows his right side to go wild, freezing everything around him and encasing Y/n in ice. Y/n's quirk deactivates and the match is called. Todoroki begins to melt the ice around Y/n, freeing him.

Y/n: So close, but so far. Well, I need to go to the infirmary.

He left to the infirmary on his own, telling the robots carrying the gurney to piss off. Admittedly, he was still a little upset about losing. After getting a hefty lecture from Recovery Girl, she did a little surgery to set his bones in the right place since after removing the ice, his arm looked like a mangled mess. She used her quirk to speed up the recovery and then a cast was placed on his arm.

As soon as he was allowed to, he got up and left to see Jiro waiting outside. As soon as she saw him she was immediately at his side.

Jiro: L/n! Are you okay?

Y/n: I'm fine. How long have you been out here?

Jiro: Since your match ended. I came with the others. Even Bakugo came by, but he left the soonest.

Y/n: Huh. Guess we are friends. 

Jiro: The others didn't leave that long ago, we can probably catch up with them. 

Y/n: Cool.

The two began trying to catch up to their friends.

Jiro: What happened out there? Why'd you do that to your arm!? I was worried sick!

Y/n: Oh, sometimes I get tunnel vision and just kinda focus in on one thing. I didn't even feel the arm break, but I messed it up pretty bad.

Jiro: What!? How bad?

Y/n: I just needed a little surgery to make sure the bones didn't heal the wrong way. I broke it in a couple different places.

They soon caught up with the others and saw Izuku, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kirishima, and Sero.

Izuku: Y/n!

Y/n: Looks like we were able to catch up.

Kirishima: What happened out there, man?

Y/n: Ah, I get like that sometimes. I focus on one thing and nothing else registers. The crowds, the rules, pain. None of it processes.

Sero: That's kinda...

Kirishima: Manly!

Uraraka: That's one way to look at it.

Y/n: After all, I aimed for an artery in his neck. I almost killed Todoroki out there. I'm certain Midnight noticed and a few other pros probably did too. I should just consider myself lucky I wasn't disqualified.

Izuku: So how's your arm?

Y/n: I'm not as messed up as you are, but I did need surgery. There won't be any permanent damage but I'll need to go easy on it for a couple of days.

Toga: Y/n!!

Y/n: Shit! Uh, you guys go on ahead. I'll catch up.

They all look at each other, a little confused but comply. As they're all leaving they look back to see Toga jump on Y/n, giving him a hug.

Mineta: That bastard, does he have a girlfriend!?

Jiro: A girlfriend!?

The others looked at her with a deadpan expression as it was pretty obvious why she was so loud about this.

Izuku: He's never mentioned her, though he never really talks about anything. He's pretty secretive about his private life. If you want to know who that girl was, you can try asking him.

Jiro: Right...

Back with Y/n and Toga.

Toga: You looked so cool out there!! Especially when you broke your arm!

The blush on her face seemed to intensify.

Y/n: Keep your weird fetishes away from me. 

Toga: Eh!? It's not weird!!

Y/n: Keep lying to yourself. I need to get back to the stands. You can leave if you want, it's not like I'm fighting anymore.

Toga: Okay! If you ever want to do something, just give me a call! But don't ignore me or I'll break into your new place.

Y/n: Why am I not surprised? I'll keep in touch. 

They both went their separate ways and Y/n returned to the stands where he took a seat next to Jiro. Currently, Bakugo is demolishing Tokoyami.

Jiro: H-Hey...

Y/n: Hm?

Jiro: So, who was that girl earlier?

Y/n: Oh, her. She's an old friend. We've known each other for as long as I can remember.

Jiro: She's not your girlfriend or anything... Right?

Y/n: Nope. Why, are you jealous or something?

Jiro: I-I'm not jealous!

Y/n: Your tone suggests the opposite. If you say so.

Soon Tokoyami is beaten by Bakugo.

Midnight: Tokoyami surrenders! Bakugo wins!!

Present Mic: And so that means... Todoroki and Bakugo will face off in the finals!!

Uraraka: That's gotta be frustrating for Tokoyami...

Sero: I thought Tokoyami would advance.

Kaminari: I didn't think he could be beaten either.

Kirishima: Light is his weakness? I get it... Bakugo likes to aim at those kinds of spots...

Izuku: I wonder how their match will turn out...

Iida: Let's watch closely so we can get our revenge later!

Izuku/Uraraka: Yeah!

There was two sources of buzzing that startled Izuku, Uraraka, and Jiro.

Iida: It's my phone.

Y/n: I'm getting a call?

Y/n checked the caller I.D and immediately got up and started walking away. Once he was far enough away from people that could be eavesdropping.

Y/n: Shigaraki, what do you want?

Shigaraki: I'm sending Kurogiri to get you. We're going to be bringing a new person to the League and I want you there for it.

Y/n: A new person? Sure. I'm still at the stadium. I'll be waiting at the west exit.

He walked off to the west exist and made a call. The other end picked up and the same squeeky voice from the rooftop answered.

???: Hello! Do you need something?

Y/n: I'm heading off to the League. They're getting a new member and this new person is important enough for them to call me in.

???: Okay! I'll make sure Aizawa excuses you from class. You'll have the next two days off of school so enjoy them.

Y/n: Right... I'll spend one of those days murdering people. The other will be spent relaxing.

???: If that's what you wish to do. Please meet us all in the faculty office when you have the chance. Oh, I have to go now!

The other side hangs up and Y/n continues to the west exit when he sees Kurogiri waiting for him a short distance away.

Y/n: Let's go. It'll already be suspicious that I'm missing the final match. But I'll also be missing while being one of the candidates for third place.

Kurogiri: Of course. We will try and conclude our business as soon as possible, but from our research, you and our new prospective member are acquaintances of sorts.

Y/n: Well that narrows things down. The only people like that are Chisaki and Stain. And Chisaki would never agree to work for a group like this so that means the new member is... The Hero Killer Stain, huh? You guys got quite the big fish this time.

Kurogiri: And your investigative skills are nothing to laugh at. I'm impressed. Allow me to take you to Shigaraki. After that, I'll get Stain.

Kurogiri turns into a portal and Y/n steps through. When he comes out the other side, he's in a dark room with some  monitors. He can see Shigaraki in a chair watching the sports festival.

Shigaraki: Take a seat. It'll be a little while before Kurogiri gets Stain here.

Y/n: Ok.

He takes a seat next to Shigaraki who's just munching on some chips while his hand mask is still on.

Y/n: How the hell do you eat with that on?

Shigaraki: You get used to it. Want a bag?

Y/n: Uh, sure.

He grabs a nearby unopened bag and tosses it to Y/n. They watch the fight between Todoroki and Bakugo on the screen.

Shigaraki: Soda?

Y/n: Ooh, thanks.

He accepts the soda and they just monch and chips and drink their sodas. 

Y/n: By the way, the U.A. students are doing internships soon. The info isn't worth anything, but you can do what you want with it.

Shigaraki: I'll keep that in mind. Have you heard anything else?

Y/n: Well, it's pretty far off into the future, but U.A. is planning a summer training camp. I don't have the location yet and I also don't know what teachers will be involved, but when I do, I'll let you know.

Shigaraki: Now that's some good info! We'll send eight-hundred thousand over to you in cash. When you get the rest of the info we'll send more.

Y/n: Thanks!

Soon enough they were watching the awards ceremony. The medals were awarded to Tokoyami who got third, Todoroki who was in second, and Bakugo who was in first. All Might was the one who gave out the medals.

Y/n: Man, now I wish I was up there.

Bakugo had to be chained down and muzzled due to his rage at not getting to fight Todoroki at his full strength.

Shigaraki: Hmm...

Y/n: You thinking of something?

Shigaraki: That Bakugo kid... He looks like he would be a great villain.

Y/n: He does, doesn't he? The training camp might be a good chance to take him.

Shigaraki: How come you didn't wait to get your medal? Weren't you supposed to be in third?

Y/n: I would have had to compete against Tokoyami if I wanted third. We both know it would be a hard fight with this arm of mine. I'm not nearly strong enough... I need to get stronger.

Shigaraki: Maybe Sensei will be able to help you with that.

Y/n: I'd appreciate it. Sensei? Is Shigaraki not the one in charge?

Back at U.A. Everyone is in class now aside from Y/n who's at the League's hideout and Iida who is checking on his brother who was hospitalized from an attack.

Aizawa: Since you've all earned a rest, you have tomorrow and the next day off. I'll organize all the nominations from the pros and present them after the break. Be sure to get some rest in, even if your heart'll be pounding.

Class was dismissed and Jiro approached Izuku.

Jiro: Hey Midoriya, do you know where L/n is? I tried to ask Aizawa-sensei but he just told me to not worry about it.

Izuku: I don't know. He left without saying anything.

Jiro: Something's going on with him and I think the school is in on it. Or at least the principal is. Aizawa-sensei didn't seem to know either when he told me that.

Izuku's phone buzzed and he pulled it out to see he got a text from Y/n.

Izuku: It's from Y/n. He said he won't be home until late tomorrow. I wonder what's going on.

Back at the League's hideout, Y/n and Shigaraki had moved to the bar area of the hideout. Y/n had changed into his villain outfit which was made up of a black trench coat that had all of his knives lining the inside of it, a white tank top, black pants and boots, and a gas mask. He took his right arm's cast off, though he was going to avoid using it as much as he can. Y/n took notice of a monitor with a blank white screen but paid it no mind.

Kurogiri soon returned with Stain. Stain is a tall man with a muscular build. He has messy black hair, a long pointed tongue and a flat face with no visible nose.

Stain: I see... So it was you bastards who raided U.A. And you wanna add me to your little gang too!

Shigaraki: Yep, if you would. You're the great senpai of us criminal filth.

Stain: What is your goal?

Shigaraki: First of all, we want to waste All Might. Then we'd like to destroy all the things that aren't to our liking. Like say... these little shits... All of them.

He holds up a few pictures of Y/n's classmates. He's a little relieved when he doesn't see a picture of Jiro among them, but is still worried about the ones he does see.

Stain: I was ill-advised to be interested... You... Hahhh... You're the type I despise the most!

Shigaraki: Huh?

Stain: You want me to rub shoulders with some childish temper-tantrum? What sense is there to bloodlust without a cause?

Kurogiri: Sensei... Is it alright to keep this going!?

Monitor: No, this is good! If I simply tell him all the answers it won't mean a thing! To make he himself think over his shortcomings! This will stimulate his growth! That's what education is all about.

Y/n: Who the hell is this "Sensei" person?

In an instant, Stain lashed out at the group, going for Kurogiri first. Due to the surprise attack, he managed to slash Kurogiri's left arm. Stain licked the blade, activating his quirk and immobilizing Kurogiri. Y/n threw a plethora of knives into the air, grabbing them as they fell and throwing them at Stain, mostly catching and throwing with his left arm. Many left small cuts as they were barely dodged while a few lodged themselves into his arms.

Y/n: Come on Stain, make this easier on yourself.

Stain: I'm disappointed that you've aligned yourself with a group like this, Blackout. 

Y/n: What can I say? The pay is great.

Stain runs straight at Y/n who has a few knives in both hands. Stain swings a couple times and Y/n dodges while throwing a knife with each dodge. Most missed, but Y/n was able to hit Stain with a few. But Stain noticed Y/n was avoiding using his right arm and took advantage of this. Stain swung at Y/n who was sadly too slow to dodge the attack that was aimed at his mask. He pulled his body back to dodge the hit and the blade split his mask in half, leaving a decent gash starting from his chin  going up, splitting his left nostril, and traveling all the way up to his hairline. 

Y/n: Shit!

Stain licked the blade and Y/n fell over, immobilized.

Stain changes course and goes straight for Shigaraki while wielding two machettes. One goes into Shigaraki's shoulder and the other is right next to his neck.

Stain: In order to accomplish anything, you need a creed... A mind! Weaklings who lack both are culled. It's only natural. That is why you will die.

Shigaraki: Hahaha! Ow, you're too damn strong! Blackmist! Send him back.

Kurogiri: My body won't move! This must be the work of the hero killer's quirk.

Stain: The word "hero" has lost all meaning! In this society overrun by fakes, even villains who are just aimelessly throwing their power around... Hahh... They become targets to purge...

Stain's blade moved closer to Shigaraki's mask.

Shigaraki: Just, just wait a sec... This palm... You can't...

Shigaraki wrapped his right hand around the blade and it began to disintegrate into nothing.

Shigaraki: I'll kill you. You're awfully talkative. A conviction? A creed? I ain't got anything so dramatic... Though, if I were forced to say... It's All Might. I want to crush the society where that trash is set up so high and mighty to the goddamn ground! That's what I've been thinking!

Shigaraki tried to grab the hero killer and kill him right there, but Stain jumped back out of Shigaraki's reach in time.

Shigaraki: Grah, right in the spot that last scar'd finally closed up... We don't have a healer in our party!! Why don't you take responsibility for it?

Stain: So that's what you're about. It seems our goals lie at polar opposites... But destroying today's society is one goal we have in common.

Shigaraki: Are you fucking kidding me? Get the fuck out and die. Aren't I the type you despise the most?

Stain: I tested your mettle. Those at death's door always express their true colors. You're an odd one, but... a "mind"... The sprouts of a crooked creed dwell inside you. I wonder what fruits it will bare... I might save disposing of you for after I've ascertained you with my own eyes. It probably won't be too late...

Shigaraki: Dispose of us... I hate the idea of having such a nutjob as a party member...

Kurogiri and Y/n began to move again.

Kurogiri: Shigaraki Tomura, if we add him to our ranks, then our battle power will magnify! The negotiations have come through!

Stain: That order of business is settled! Now, return me to Hosu! There's still something I have left to do there.

Kurogiri went to Stain and took him back to Hosu while Y/n slammed his fist on the bar stand.

Y/n: That motherfucker! How the hell do I hide this!? I'm going to gut him!

Shigaraki: Calm down. Just use makeup. That girl you hang out with can get you some.

Y/n: Right... Right. I'm heading out, Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Do you want to wait for Kurogiri?

Y/n: No, it's fine. I have a couple stops I need to make.

He exits out the base and pulls out his phone before dialing Toga's number.

Toga: Y/n!!

Y/n: I need makeup.

Toga: ... What? You getting into drag?

Y/n: Shut the hell up.

She could tell by his tone of voice he wasn't playing around.

Toga: Did something happen?

Y/n: I'm gonna have a nice big scar down the center of my face and I need to hide it. It'll create too many questions.

Toga: Kay~! I'll go buy some concealer for you!

Y/n: Thanks.

Toga: Hehe~ You thanked me!

Y/n: Just get the concealer.

She hangs up as Y/n just shakes his head.

Y/n: What am I going to do with her?

He continues walking, going through back alleys until he reaches U.A. No one is around anymore aside from staff. Y/n entered the building and walked to the staff meeting room, blood dripping down his face. He opened the door to see all of the teachers in there. Present Mic, Midnight, Aizawa, Snipe, Vlad King, Ectoplasm, Recovery Girl, and his tiny informant Nezu.

There was one person there he didn't recognize. It was the same skinny blonde guy that visited Midoriya in the infirmary.

Midnight: L/n!?

Aizawa: What are you still doing here? The hell happened to you?

Recovery Girl: Why is your cast gone!?

Present Mic: Yo, and what's with the outfit?

Nezu: Everyone, I'd like you to officially meet our informant on the League of Villains. The villain who went by the name of Blackout. Though, I must ask Y/n, what happened to your face?

Y/n threw himself down in the last vacant seat and stabbed a knife into the table, surprising everyone with the personality change.

Y/n: That fucker Stain!! You know, the Hero Killer in Hosu everyone's talking about? He decided to attack us during negotiations and sliced me! When I get my hands on him, I'll-

Nezu: Please, calm yourself Y/n. Recovery Girl, can you heal him?

Recovery Girl: Right away.

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and her quirk activated. The wound closed, leaving behind a scar. Even the section where his nostril split had sealed itself.

Aizawa: Would you like to explain the part where one of our students is a villain!?

Y/n: Oh, he seems upset.

Nezu: Of course! Y/n L/n, former resident of Ergastulum and current resident of the Midoriya household. Known by the villain name Blackout and wanted for a multitude of crimes, such as murder, theft, human trafficking, assassination, and terrorism!

Y/n: Though, terrorism really wasn't my strong suit. I sucked at it.

Nezu: It was what got you caught!

Y/n: So, who's the skeleton?

Y/n pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

Toshinori: I-I'm just staff. My name is Toshinori Yagi.

Y/n: Hmm... I don't believe you, but okay.

Midnight: We should be taking him in!

Snipe already had a gun trained on Y/n while the others were had their quirks ready.

Nezu: Please, calm down everyone. Y/n here is on the path to becoming a hero after all!

Y/n: *yawn* Yep, I'm becoming one of the good guys. I've learned quite a few things by the way.

Nezu: Please, go ahead then.

Y/n: Well, first of all, the League has successfully recruited the Hero Killer Stain. Stain's quirk is called Blood Curddling. It allows him to paralyze anyone as long as he's ingested their blood. I don't know the downsides or limitations yet.

Nezu: Excellent work as always! Is there anything else you've learned?

Y/n: I learned that Shigaraki isn't the one in charge.

This news surprised the whole room.

Nezu: What do you mean by this?

Y/n: There's this person he calls "Sensei." I haven't seen him, but I've heard his voice. It's not enough for me to identify him, but Shigaraki talked about having me meet this "Sensei" to make me stronger.

Nezu: Be careful. There's a strong chance of you not coming out alive if you're caught.

Y/n: When am I not careful? Oh, I also want any information you can give me about the summer training camp. I know it's a long way off, but I need to have some information on it prepared for Shigaraki. He's already paying me 800k for what little you already told me.

Nezu: I'll get it to you as soon as possible. Does anyone have any questions for Y/n?

Aizawa: Yeah. Why does a villain as awful as you want to be a hero?

Y/n: Hm... Aside from a get out of jail free card? All Might.

Toshinori: All Might?

Y/n: Yeah. When I was little, I was a part of a terrorist attack. My parents died and I was certain I was next, but he saved me with a smile on his face. He would visit me in the hospital and tell me that I could become a great hero one day. 

Toshinori: Young Y/n? It's really him...

Y/n: Honestly, I was too young to remember them so I just go on pretending I never new my parents. When I went to the orphanage, one thing after another happened and I ended up in Ergastulum. I did what I had to and survived, becoming a villain. I like to think that if I never went to Ergastulum, I'd never have turned out this way, but there's no point in thinking like that. But, there's one thing I want to do. I want to reform this society we live in, so places like Ergastulum are snuffed out completely. So no one else has to become what I am. That's why I want to be a hero!

Aizawa: Alright. I'll see you in class then.

Y/n gets up and leaves, but not before getting hit on the head by Recovery Girl as she takes him to get a new cast, all while lecturing him on the way there.

Nezu: So, what did you think?

Toshinori: Young Y/n has the heart of a hero. He just needs to shed his past as a villain.

Aizawa: But that will take a long time. He's spent his whole life being a villain. Habbits like that are hard to break.

Midnight: But you aren't saying it's impossible.

Present Mic: That's unlike you, Eraser!

Aizawa: Class wouldn't be the same without him. Also, he's already accepted his role as a double agent.

Snipe: It's our job to teach the little varment so he won't get caught.

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