Marichat Smut Story

By cosmxc_mxrk

52.4K 289 412

Miraculous Ladybug, but make it about Marinette and Chat Noir having sex:) More

I'm Sorry
For Infinity

Play Date(Adrienette and Ladrien chapter)

6.2K 34 69
By cosmxc_mxrk

"Marinette don't be a pussy! You're coming with us, end of discussion." I rolled my eyes. "Please don't embarrass me if I do? I'm not falling for one of your stupid plans again."
"How dare you think so low of me, be there at 7." Alya hung up the phone. I sighed and slipped my phone in my purse. Tikki looked up at me. "Adrien is going to be there, Marinette. It'll be fun."
"Yeah, but knowing Alya it's going to be a nightmare. It's bad enough we're all going to be in our pajamas."
"Thought you would like to be in your pajamas around Adrien. Especially the silk ones with lace." I looked down at Tikki angrily. "I'm not going to wear those!"
"Why not! Adrien will have to fall in love with you like that." I couldn't help but smile. My ass did look bomb in those little silky shorts. Chat Noir told me that a few weeks ago. Shit! Chat Noir! I totally told him he should stay the night tonight. "Tikki, Chat is supposed to come over tonight. I can't go."
"Marinette, you haven't had proper hang out time with Alya in weeks! Chat will understand!" I looked away and groaned. "Ok, fine. I'll leave a note saying I won't be there tonight. Hopefully a horny Chat Noir won't pounce on me tomorrow night."

Adrien's POV

"Come on, dude. Tell your dad it's for school."
"I can try. You know it won't work. I'm better off sneaking out." I widened my eyes and looked over to Nino. "I'll sneak out. It's brilliant. I can be back home early in the morning. They won't even know I'm gone." Nino smiled at me. "Righteous, man we're going to have so much fun. First sleepover, and we're with the ladies." He reached over to me with a fist. I smiled and bumped it.

Nino opened the door to Alya's apartment. I walked in holding my bag and looked around. Alya was in her kitchen fixing up all sorts of snacks. "Wait, where's Marinette?" Nino said. "She'll be over later, you know how punctual she is." Alya giggled. Marinette. Fuck! Chat Noir was supposed to spend the night. Good thing she'll be here. Can't be disappointed when Chat doesn't show. I bit my lip nervously. How happy I would be if Marinette showed up in those sexy little shorts. Maybe Adrien can have some fun with her tonight.

Marinette's POV

It was nearing 6:30 and no Chat. I sighed and picked up my notepad. "Won't be home tonight. See you tomorrow, my Chaton." I stuck the note on my bed and grabbed my bag. "Don't be so stressed. You're going to have a fun night with your friends. And look totally hot for Adrien." I shooed Tikki away into my purse and headed out the door.

I knocked on Alya's door nervously. I brushed myself off and made sure I didn't look like a total loser. Alya opened the door and I looked at her nervously. "Adrien's already here, Mari. Put on your best smile." Alya winked at me amd leaned against the door way. I turned bright red and pushed through the door. Nino and Adrien were sat on the couch playing Ultimate Mecha Strike 3. I looked at Adrien longingly. He turned to look at me and side smiled. I blushed deeply and walked into the kitchen with Alya. "Be chill, Marinette. Be approachable. And fix your damn posture." She hit the bottom of my back making me stick up straight. Adrien and Nino looked over. I squeaked and waved nervously to both. "Marinette, dude." Nino got up and walked over with Adrien. "H-Hey...I uhh..." I slipped on the tile and fell into Adrien's arms. Of course. I blushed and stood up quickly. "Sorry, hehe." He winked and patted my shoulder. Tonight was going to be a rollercoaster ride of emotions. "Now that Marinette's here, we can finally play the game Nino and I came up with." Alya looked at me and Adrien evily. Shit. "I'm going to go change clothes, hehe." I quickly ran into Alya's bedroom and closed the door. I dug into my bag and pulled out my pajamas. Great. I actually listened to Tikki and chose the sexy ones. Tikki flew out of my bag and looked at me smugly. "Come on, Marinette. They're waiting on you."
"This is a disaster, Tikki! I knew Alya would pull something. And she has Nino to back her up!" Alya knocked on the door and I quickly opened it with an interesting grin. "Hi, Alya. I'm totally ok. Let's play this stupid game you made." I walked out making the stupidest smile I could possibly make. I sat down on the floor where Adrien and Nino were. Alya joined.

"Alright, let's begin."
"I technically came up with it, but it's much more fun to play as a group." Nino eyed Alya. "It's literally just two truths and a lie, but you strip everytime you get one wrong." I gulped hard and looked over to Adrien. There's no way I'm doing this. But imagine how lame Adrien would think I am if I pussied out. This game would be much more fun if I wasn't a loser around him.
"Since you two are new to this, I'll go first. Nino can't answer though." I groaned and made an angry face at Alya. "Sorry, I've never played two truths and a lie." Adrien scratched the back of his head. "Even better, Marinette will answer first." I wanted to pass out. I would be the first to strip if I got it wrong. It's Alya though, I know everything about her.
"Ok, Marinette. My favorite place to visit is the Eiffel tower, I hate vanilla icecream, my first date with Nino was at the movies." She looked at me very evilly. "Easy, you're fave place to visit is the Louvre, not the Eiffel tower." I looked at her confidently. "Nope." Fuck. "What do you mean, nope?"
"I do like the Eiffel tower, my first date with Nino was not at the movies." Adrien and Nino giggled. That's right, I totally locked them up in the zoo. The three of them stared at me waiting for me to choose what to take off. I looked down and pulled off a sock. I threw it to the side and smiled. "You only have two socks, Mari. Be careful."
"Ok, now I'll ask one to you Adrien." Adrien looked around nervous. "Fire away."
"I've been akumatized, I've never been out of the country, and I'm totally the coolest DJ in all of Paris." Adrien looked down at the ground and thought for a minute. That third choice was totally based off of opinion, could that trip him up? "Nice try, you're from Morocco. You have been outside the country." Nino shrugged and slipped off his belt. I smiled and looked around hoping this was as far as the stripping would go. Just little accessories. "Adrien, ask Marinette." Alya pointed to me. I looked to Adrien and blushed. "Alright, I'm a hopeless romantic, I can play instruments, and I've never been outside Paris." I knew everything about this fool. "You've been outside Paris. Can't fool me." I flipped my hair back confidently and Alya clapped. I looked back over to see Adrien slipping off his white jacket. My heart blew up. I looked over to Alya. "I guess I should go." She nodded and sat back against the couch. "Ok, uhhhhhh. I've never met my grandpa, I've been akumatized, uhhhhh...I hate macaroons as much as I make them."
"I know you've never met your grandpa, you aren't the biggest fan of macaroons, AHA! You, Marinette Dupain-Cheng have never been an akuma victim!" I looked at her surprised. Fuck. I blushed and quickly took off the other sock. She made an unamused face.

Seems like forever has past when Alya had no pants, Adrien was shirtless, Nino was nearing being naked, and I had barely removed a thing. It was going well. Alya looked at me quite annoyed. "Ok, Marinette. Answer a question from Nino." I didn't know too much about Nino. I can't take my shirt off. I will literally die. "I absolutely hate your fave song, I totally had a crush on you before hanging with Alya, I don't have an instagram." I laughed. "Nino, you love music, there's no way you hate that song, and you have to have social media."
"Gotcha. Strip." I looked at him angrily. "Don't you even say that."
"I do hate your favorite song. I don't have instagram. Strip." Alya laughed. I looked over to Adrien and he looked at me with a smug face.

Adrien's POV

Marinette was about to strip. My stomach was churning. I know I've seen her naked multiple times, but like this when it's so cheeky, I got excited. She frowned and nervously lifted her shirt over her head. I bit my lip and watched as her breasts slightly bounced. Her tight pink shorts hugging her hips. Her ass was so plump and filled the shorts like water balloons. I slumped over hoping I wouldn't get a boner. Marinette blushed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know what would be even better, Nino?"
"What's that?"
"Whoever ends up with the least amount of clothes, goes in the closet."
"Alya, you're literally targeting me and- Uhh..." I looked over to her with a crooked brow. She smiled and turned away. Hell yeah I wanted to go in a closet with Marinette. I looked at Alya and smiled. "Bet." She smiled back. "Ok Adrien, I'm Creole, I'm dating Nino, I don't have a blog."
"Come on, that's not fair." Marinette whined. "Oh god, I don't know." I joked. Marinette looked over to me very shocked. "You're not dating Nino, that's the lie."
"Wait, what?" Marinette looked around confused. "Adrien, you silly! The lie was I don't have a blog!" I giggled and quickly took off my pants. "Look at that, Marinette and I are the most naked." Marinette gasped and stood up nervously. "I don't understand, is this a joke?" I stood up with Marinette and walked towards the closet near the front door. "Come on, Mari. We lost the game." I winked and stepped into the closet. Alya pushed her in behind me and closed the door. I looked at Marinette, her face slightly lit up from the lights outside. She looked up and stared at me scared. "So, this is uhhh...awkward?" I reached down and lightly placed my hands on her hips right above the elastic in her shorts. She let out a gasp and looked down. I pulled her closer to me and slipped my fingers below the elastic. She moved her head up and held her hands on my shoulders. "Seven minutes, Marinette." I moved my hands back up and rubbed them up her back to her bra. I leaned my head down and bumped foreheads with her. She stared at me seeming very distraught. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her lips to mine. Her lips were soft and warm. They usually were. So perfect and pink. She kissed back slowly and held my shoulders. I reached my hands around her back and unclasped her bra. She pulled away from my mouth and looked up at me. "A-Are you sure?"
"I'm positive." I pulled the straps down her arms as I kissed her neck.

Marinette's POV

My whole body was hot. I couldn't believe this was happening. His hands on my body drove me mad. They were so big. My bra fell to the floor. I moaned as he grabbed one. He massaged his thumb over my nipple. I leaned my head back and put one hand in his hair, the other on his shoulder. He bit my neck and I squirmed. It felt so similar to Chat, everything he did. It made me even more horny. "Adrien..." I moaned out. He groaned and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and reattached my lips with his. His hands held my ass firmly. I felt his bulge near my pussy. He pulled away and butted his forehead against mine. "I love those little shorts." I froze, Chat did too. "T-Thanks..."
"But I want them off." I looked at him surprised. A loud knock startled us. He put me down quickly and I picked up my bra. "It's been seven minutes, lovebirds. Unless you wanna stay in there, hmmm?" Alya said teasingly. I put my bra back on and looked over to Adrien. "We'll continue later." He winked at me and opened the door. He walked out and left me standing there. Alya looked at me with a very evil smile. "I hope you had a wonderful time stuck in a dark small closet with your naked crush."
"You're the worst and best friend I've ever had, you know." I stepped out and took my shirt out of Alya's hand. "Even if you didn't do anything, you enjoyed it." I wasn't sure if I should tell Alya what happened or not. I'm still pretty surprised anything happened. The only thing I've ever wanted in my 18 years of living just happened. And he wants to do it again?

It was getting late and I've avoided eye contact with Adrien since earlier. Alya and Nino said goodnight and walked into her bedroom. She made a side smile at me before closing the door. How perfect for us. NOT. Alya planned this night against me. I really looked over the whole 'sharing the guest bedroom with Adrien' part of the invite. I think I was in so much denial that he'd show up that I didn't think twice about it.
I looked over to Adrien who was making his way into the bedroom. He looked back with a smile. "You coming?" I felt my stomach cramp. This was obviously a dream right? Tikki flew out of my bag and pushed me from the back. "Chat Noir's waiting for you, Marinette!"
"Chat Noir?" She froze and widened her eyes. "I-I mean, Adrien. Adrien's waiting for you." I giggled and shoved her into my purse once more. I walked slowly into the room to see Adrien standing next to the bed. I looked at him nervously and closed the door.
"I told you we'd finish later, Mari. I don't wanna start over. Take off your clothes." His force turned me on. Without a word I began pulling my shirt off. I could tell he was watching me. I dropped my bra to the floor and looked down sheepishly. Before I even knew it Adrien was right in front of me grabbing my hips. He lifted me up and threw me onto the bed forcefully. He climbed over me and smashed his mouth into mine. He pinned my arms back and grinded his hips against me. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him and thrusted forward along with him. His mouth slowly moved down to my jaw and neck. I couldn't help but think of Chat Noir. His movements were so similar. There's no way he's him. Their both so different. Chat is so cunning and extravagant. Adrien is soft and sweet. At least I thought he was, he was being so demanding right now.
I let out a loud moan as he bit down on my nipple. I gripped the sheets tightly and arched my back. His hands rubbed up and down my sides. "Adrien, p-please." I whimpered out. He smiled and kissed down to my stomach. He pulled my shorts down slowly and looked my in the eyes. I looked down at him with a red face. My legs were spread apart. He gripped the shorts in his hands as he kissed around my thighs. Suddenly he turned my hips around causing me to sit up on my knees. I laid my head down and kept my ass in the air.

Adrien's POV

I held her pussy lips apart with my thumbs and flicked my tongue at her clit. She squirmed and let out a squeak. I giggled before going back in with a groan vibrating her. She reached back and grabbed my hair pushing me into her. I stuck my middle finger into her entrance and slowly pushed it in and out. Her moans became louder and heavier. A few 'Adrien's' escaping her lips. I quickly stood up and pulled my fingers out. She turned around and looked at me looking very disappointed. "Don't worry, we aren't done yet." I knelt behind her and held her hips against me. "Please fuck me, Adrien." She called out with a whimper. "Tell me what you want, you little slut." I leaned down to her ear and bit the lobe with a grin. "Fuck me, I want you, Adrien." She moved her ass against my boner. I quickly entered and slowly thrusted into her. "You like my cock inside you, huh?" I moved her hips against me and slightly spanked her. "Faster, I wanna cum on your dick."
"You're so dirty, Marinette. Where'd you learn all this." I reached in front of her and held her throat. Something about her made me go mad. I never got tired of her. Even as Adrien I wanted her.
She still hasn't told me she loved me. I know I shouldn't play with her feelings, she needs to tell me before I do anything else. After tonight, I will only see her as Chat. When she's ready to tell me I will decide.
I stood up on my knees and held her against my chest by her neck. I reached my other hand down rubbing her clit, continuing to thrust into her. Her hands holding onto the one around her throat. Her head leaned back on my shoulder. I leaned into her ear and groaned deeply. "Adrien, I'm going to cum." She let out a soft moan. She was shaking violently. I turned her neck around to look at me. I rested my head against hers and looked her in the eyes. I balled her hair up in my hand and kissed her jaw.

Marinette's POV

My whole body was limp. I felt myself start to quiver. I let out a long moan and released onto him. I felt it drip down my leg. Adrien giggled into my ear as he pulled his hand away. He licked my cum off of his fingers. He laid my down carefully and pulled a blanket over me. "Adrien, did you finish?"
"Don't worry about me." I looked at him embarrassed and and sat up. I reached below the blanket and wrapped my hand around his boner. He looked at me confused and put his hand on the bottom of my back and leaned his head back. I began pumping him quickly while watching his face. I felt him buck his hips forward with each pump. I smiled and blushed as he groaned my name. Before I knew it my hand was covered in cum. I pulled it out of the blanket and looked at my hand surprised. He blushed nervously and smiled at me. I laughed and licked my fingers. I laid back down into his chest and nudged my head into his neck. for a few minutes we laid there calming down. I didn't know if I should go to sleep over what. "Adrien?" I said quietly. "Yes?" He answered back immediately. My heart sank. Should I tell him? What if he doesn't feel the same way and makes fun of me. Caught feelings right after fucking? But I've loved for years now.
"What does this mean?" He sat quiet for a minute. "You're such an amazing girl, Marinette. You mean a lot to me." I blushed. But that didn't mean anything, right? He just fucked me as a friend like Chat did? Should I say I love him now? My head was going crazy. I needed to talk to Chat about it. He would know.

I woke up wrapped up in the sheets with no Adrien beside me. I sat up and looked around. Tikki appeared beside me. "Wakey wakey."
"Shhhh...where's Adrien?" I whispered. "He's in the bathroom. Make yourself look good, Mari!"

Adrien's POV

"What do you mean you aren't ready?" Plagg groaned at me. "It means that I still can't decide what I want. Marinette or Ladybug. I don't know, and I won't know for a while." Plagg looked at me incredibly annoyed. Why was he? Did he know something I didn't? I opened the bathroom door to see Marinette smoothing out her hair in bed. I smiled and walked towards her. "Did you sleep well?" She blushed. "No...I mean yes! I slept like a rug. I mean a bug? I mean...what?" I laughed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "You're so stupidly cute." I sat down next to her. She looked at me with a very kind smile. I made a smug face and grabbed her thigh. "What would Chat Noir think?" She nearly exploded. She looked at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen. "A-Adrien...I...I don't know what you're talking about." She was bright red and was nearly hyperventilating. "It can be our little secret. Let's just say Chat and I are good friends." I got up and left the room. Leaving of course very distraught. Which was my favorite thing to do.

I quickly packed up my things and checked the time. 7:00am. Hopefully my father wasn't up yet. Maybe I'll have time to see Marinette and drive her nuts. I turned around to see a meek Marinette standing in the doorway wearing only a t-shirt. I smiled and winked before opening the door to leave.
I climbed into my window as Chat Noir and quickly detransformed. I set my bag down and flopped on my bed. "You've got some nerve playing with Marinette like that."
"Technically, she didn't say anything about loving me so I'm oblivious. I'll see her later as Chat Noir. She can express her annoyance to him." I shoved Plagg away and picked up my phone. I unlocked it to see several pictures of Ladybug. My heart stopped. Everything about her was what I wanted too. I scrolled through the pictures feeling myself harden. I scoffed and looked down. Plagg was probably in the cheese cabinet. I reached my hand into my pants and began palming myself.

Marinette's POV

Alya handed me a glass of orange juice. I looked at her happily and looked back down blushing. "What's with you, girl?" Nino stood next to Alya holding her waist. I stayed silent and looked at them both blankly. "Little shaken up after your night with Adrien?" I froze. Should I tell them? I didn't even tell Adrien I loved him. And based off what he said to me, that was a friendly fuck. Which made me angry.
"No. I uh...I'm fine." I took of orange juice and stared at her trying not to look guilty. She furrowed her brow. "That's not what it sounded like." Nino said. I nearly threw up. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Sounded like?"
"We aren't deaf, Marinette." Alya said nudging Nino. I looked at them both embarrassed. "It was totally platonic. I couldn't even confess. Now my heart is even MORE in tatters." I banged my head on the counter and made an irritated noise. "Girl, people don't usually fuck as friends. Maybe he's slowly coming around." I felt my eyes well up with tears. I can't handle this. I calmed down and looked up at the two. "I should probably head home, guys. I said I'd help my dad with an order today." Total lie. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.

I walked inside my room and set my stuff down. My heart was aching. I wanted Adrien to fuck me as a lover, not a friend. I shouldn't have done it. I should've stayed home. I picked up the untouched note on my bed. Chat didn't stop by last night, huh? I plopped on my bed and berried my face into my pillows. It was so stupid. I've loved Adrien for four years now, and we slept together, AS FRIENDS.
Maybe an hour had passed of me pitying myself. I sat up and wiped my cheeks of tears. I looked out the window at the cloudy sky. The rain reminded me of him. Great. A drop hit the glass and ran down. I wonder if Adrien was watching the rain too. Did the rain remind him of me? I wanted to see him. I opened the hatch to my balcony and climbed out quickly.

Adrien's POV

Rain started to fall. I was unsatisfied with my sexual ease. As usual. Nathalie walked in my room. "Good morning, I've brought you your breakfast. Time for piano." She set down a tray and walked out closing the door. I frowned and got up with a groan. I wasn't even hungry. I sat down at my piano bench and began playing. I can't believe I'm 18 and still having to do shit I don't want to do. I turned my head to see Ladybug leaping through my window. I gasped and looked at her in awe. She walked up to me and put a finger over my mouth. "I'm not here." She whispered. I continued playing the piano and tried not to miss a note. She straddled over me and rubbed her ass against my dick. I looked at her shocked as she help my neck with both hands. She leaned into my ear. "I want you, Mr. Agreste." She whispered. I felt my face get hot and my dick throb against my jeans.
She kissed my jaw down my neck and continued to grind against me. I looked over to Plagg who was staring at me smugly. I gave him a sour look and he flew into his cheese cabinet. Ladybug moved her hand down quickly, palming my bulge. I made a wrong keystroke and widened my eyes knowing my dad could hear if I played off. She slid down my waist and took off my shirt. She kissed my boner threw my jeans and hummed into it. I tried not to look down at her. I heard my jeans unzip. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. This is everything I've ever wanted. How lucky am I. I felt her slick elastic gloves against my dick. I let out a groan and looked down quickly. Her tongue flicked my tip and it twitched. I felt warm liquid drip down from her mouth onto my shaft. I quickly shut the piano and grabbed her hand. I walked into my bathroom and quickly shut the door and turned on the shower. Our mouths clashed as we began tearing each others clothes off. I ripped at her latex suit and roamed my hands over her nipples. I grabbed her arms and held them over her head against the wall. I lowered my hand to her pussy and rubbed it through her latex suit. She moaned and leaned her head back with a smile. I kissed down her neck leaving a few bites. I eventually tore the rest of the suit off. She gasped. I watched as the water dripped down her body. She rubbed her hands over herself and turned her back to me. I grabbed her hips and kissed her neck. She reached a hand back and held my hair, the other hand on top of mine. She rubbed her ass against my erection. I moved my hand down to her clit and rubbed it slowly. She let out a slutty moan and gripped my hair harder. She lifted up a leg and rested it against a wall, spreading.
"Fuck me like I'm your little slut, mr. Agreste." I felt my stomach churn as she whispered those words to me. I reached down lining my dick up to her entrance. She looked back at me and held my hair firmly as I pushed into her slowly. I held her leg up and fucked her slowly. She smelled similar to Marinette. Everything about her, actually. The way her voice sounded and how she moaned my name, it was like I was fucking Marinette. There's no way it was her.

She let out a loud moan and her legs shook violently. I picked her up and held her against the wall, her legs on my shoulders. I thrusted deeper into her and groaned deeply. She put her arms around my neck and butted foreheads with me. I felt her shake as her cum dripped down my shaft. I snickered and held her up as I came on her stomach. She panted and continued squirming against me.
There was a soft knock at the door. "Adrien, you didn't touch your breakfast."
"Sorry, not feeling well." Ladybug held onto me tightly as I set her down. I felt her brush her lips against my neck and run her fingers over my skin. Nathalie finally left. I turned off the shower water and she made a sour noise. "Now I'm all wet." She said squeezing her hair. I grabbed a towel and began drying myself off. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me tightly. Her forehead on my shoulder.

Marinette's POV

Who knew Adrien was into Ladybug. I knew he always acted shy and cheeky around her, but maybe he liked her. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. And he had just fucked me as Marinette last night. I didn't want him to play with my feelings as Marinette. Something about him did remind me of Chat. I just have a type I guess. Blonde's with Green eyes. Their bodies were also very similar. Speaking of Chat...
"I should probably go now, I uhh...have some stuff to do." My suit reformed on my skin. Adrien smiled at me. "I guess I'll see you later then." I smiled back with a bush. "Y-yeah." I quickly left out the bathroom window.

I landed on my rooftop balcony hoping Chat wasn't here waiting for me. It'd really fucking suck if he was and was angry. This is not how I'd want to reveal my identity to him. I hopped inside my room and quickly detransformed as I looked around for a very sad and neglected Chat.


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