Avatar "True Love"

Von DannyDecker_1

4.3K 134 74

Republic City is experiencing rapid growth, as are difficulties. Will Aang, Katara and some of their friends... Mehr

You and me
Fears of the Heart
No Hurries
Something Inevitable
The Island Air Temple • Part1
The Island Air Temple; Part 2
Darkness Falls
Old Memories
Shadow Maze

Sweet Melodies

403 9 5
Von DannyDecker_1


With you, Minister Zhanxi. He heard a minion of the Earth King say.

With this he managed to see a woman of about 22 years old, with pale skin as the clouds, green eyes and black hair braided to her waist.

She seemed somewhat agitated. Maybe it's because of the meeting.

"Good morning, Minister, it's a pleasure to meet you," Aang said, noticing that she was looking at him intently, as if she were scared.

That expression was what some children used when they met him, but she was already an adult.

"Minister, are you okay?" Aang thought she felt bad, the girl could faint at any moment from how pale she was.

"Yes, yes, of course," she replied cheerfully.

That reassured him a bit.

The meeting will last for a few hours. He had to make sure that she is capable of carrying out a position of that level. 

While King Kuei had confidence in her, he still didn't know her at all. Talking about some situations would let him know who was in front of him.

I know when there is good in people, she for now seems to be a reliable person. He thought, considering what had happened with the last councilor.

The same thing cannot happen again, this time it will be me personally who is sure that she is the one.


It is one of the few places where he feels relaxed, after all, he was one of the councilors in charge of representing the citizens of the water tribe, without adding that now that he was 23 years old, his responsibilities and obligations to his tribe were becoming more and more  greater.

Sokka would return from time to time to visit his father, who had already spoken with him about his future as Tribal Chief of the Southern Water Tribe.

Although Hakoda still did not unleash the charge of him.

It's overwhelming, I can't believe how things have changed over the years.  Before we were only dedicated to transferring families to their respective nations, now we have helped build this city, practically from nothing. He said to himself with some feeling.

"Are you okay, Sokka?" Suki approached him with some concern. He had been somewhat pensive for a long time. Something extremely rare about him.

Sokka went to the small school that the Republic City police had given Sukki every day.

Chi blocking is something that a few years ago gained popularity among Nonbenders, but over time that interest dwindled, now there were only 5 people taking classes.

Sukki looked a bit disappointed, that's why Sokka went daily, maybe to make his girlfriend's morning a little more enjoyable.

"Yeah, I'm okay" The Warrior released a smile to downplay it. "It's just that I've been thinking about how things have changed for all of us."

"Yes, I know, I have also thought about it many times. She responded understanding that feeling "But, we are fine, isn't it?  I mean, I feel good, I am with you, I have a job that I like to do, although for now it is not working as I would like.  I couldn't ask for more, and I'm glad you're here, sokka"

Sukki would always be with him, no matter what.

At times, in the middle of training, Suki and her students would take the time to eat either in that place or in the suburbs of the City.

"Hey, Sokka, we're going to have breakfast at the downtown market."

Can you come with us?  You must be hungry by this time of day" She knew perfectly well the appetite that her boyfriend had.

The boy released a sigh.  "I would really like to go with you, but I promised Aang that he would bring these plans to his apartment." He said while pointing and looking for his things to get ready.

"I'll have breakfast with Katara, don't worry." Sokka was already starving by that time, there was an uncomfortable emptiness in his stomach that did not let him feel comfortable.

Warrior Kyoshi just nodded and left the place with her students, leaving only Sokka in place. The boy put his bandages on his wrist, readied his brown boots, and headed for the exit.

At that, she ran into a boy, about 18 years old, with golden eyes, wearing a dark uniform, similar to those of the Fire nation.

He seemed to be looking for someone.

"Excuse me, I came to see Instructor Sukki." She is she now she?" Said the boy somewhat agitated.
He seemed like a nice young man, sure he's coming to take Chi-blocking classes. That kind of encouraged Sokka.

"Oh, friend, I'm sorry to tell you that 5 minutes ago she went out for breakfast, but don't worry, she won't be long in coming back, she will ...

"Oh I see, I understand," he interrupted disappointed.  "Look, I'm a little busy now, I'll come back later. You could tell her that Nau came to visit her"

"Um, yeah, sure." He answered confused. "I'll give her the message, don't worry ...

"Thank you, man. I'll be back tomorrow. !!" He interrupted once more.

Sokka just answered, the boy vanished into the crowd of people that crossed the streets.  "Strange ... well."  I guess he was excited"

Once the place was closed, he went to the apartment where Katara resided.

"I just hope she has something to eat" Sokka regularly visited Katara, he knew she had a very good seasoning, remembering all those times she prepared food in the Tribe and on his travels only made him hungrier.

I'd better hurry.


His headaches were gone, the night before had served him well. Now she was much better, with more spirits.

"Is that all we'll take?" Asked one of the acolytes as he carried with him a couple of bags full of vegetables.

"Yes, I think that's all" Katara kept an eye on all the food she was carrying, verifying that nothing was going to be forgotten.

They were in the center of Republic City buying groceries and some ingredients for the breakfast they would prepare. 

She knew that Sokka would drop off some things, so she would surely stay for lunch.

Once they arrived at the apartment, she prepared to prepare breakfast together with two other acolytes.

While they were preparing to prepare some Tofu, the Master was in charge of cooking a large sea slug, typical of her culture in the South.

She knew that her brother was fascinated by these kinds of dishes.

Cooking felt strange, there was no good humor and little jokes that Aang always made.  The Avatar, used to offer to help in the kitchen, although his skills in it were not the best, Katara appreciated the effort

She was very excited, finally, after a whole month, he will return.

"Today is a month since Avatar Aang left, isn't it?"  Hei-Won, one of the acolyte primaries, asked.

"That's right, a month ... it feels like a whole year" Katara confessed somewhat distressed.

"Do you think it will arrive this afternoon?" Hei-Won asked with remarkable emotion.

"It could be, but it's not safe."  She commented to her trying not to trust him too much that that day would come, as it was not a fact yet.

"There are always complications and delays.  But we have to trust that he will arrive very soon" Katara said as she heard a dry sound at the door.

"That must be Sokka!" She said raising her voice.

When she opened the door she could see him as usual, the boy gave her a smile from side to side.

"Nice to see you again."  She said while she hugged him tightly.

Sokka was almost as tall as Aang. He had grown a little beard. At first he was teased by her, but over time she got used to seeing him like that.

"Good to see you little sister." He answered seeing the kitchen with both blue eyes. 

"Tell me, did you make something to eat?" He asked while he smelled the food.

"We just finished breakfast, you can help yourself to whatever you like." Katara knew beforehand that the first thing Sokka would do is eat.

The Waterbender sat next to him to talk a bit and catch up on what had happened in recent days.

"Hey, haven't you seen Toph lately?" Katara asked her brother, she hadn't seen her for months, she knew she was at the police station, but her work was a lot.

Little time was the one she had free to visit her friends.

"The time of the attack was the last time I saw her" replied the councilor.

"We chatted a bit. I think I never saw Toph so committed to something, I think she does that job well"

"Also, she is in her environment, you know, there she can yell at everyone" He chuckled. "You should visit her, don't you think? Sokka said while he enjoyed his food.

She and Toph had a good friendship, it was like that rebellious little sister that she never had. Toph somehow balanced out the rough side of her sisterhood.

"I should, one of these days I'll do it." Visiting the Chief of Police from time to time wouldn't be bad.

After finishing breakfast, Sokka handed Katara some papers.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot" he said looking in the bag that he had been carrying.

"Here are the plans that Aang asked me for, it's the final part of the Library and Appa's shelter."  Sokka mentioned as he brushed his teeth with his finger.

Katara didn't know why, although she was fascinated by the idea of ​​going to live there, she was a little worried about Aang, worried that he was not sure about taking the next step with her.

Maybe he would be too burdensome;  She thought she was ready for it, but she still didn't know if her boyfriend was.

"It's almost ready, right?" Katara didn't know how to feel; If she was happy because the Air Temple project on the island was about to end, or because she looked far away that day when she and Aang were together.

"Yeah, it's practically ready."  - Sokka noticed something in Katara, an expression between melancholy and joy.
"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy."

"And I am!" It is just that...

"Katara ... Is everything okay between you and Aang?"

"Yes, everything is fine ..." It would be somewhat uncomfortable for Sokka to know how she felt. Even so, her thoughts did not let her rest at all, what if Aang never decides to ask me to marry him? What if he finds someone else with whom the future of his nation is assured?

Katara knew that since she was a waterbender and Aang an airbender, his lineage was not assured.

Those thoughts rarely came to her mind, especially when she and Aang had a little quarrel that ended up being resolved almost immediately.

Seeing him sad about the fact that I can't give him airbenders ... I don't know if I can handle that.

You must talk to him" her brother replied quickly, not believing in her response" he will surely arrive tonight" he admitted without further ado.

Had I heard correctly?  Would he arrive today?

"Seriously?!" Katara's face changed completely.

"Yes, I think so, everything went well in Ba sing se, so he must be on his way by now," he said, standing up in search of his things. "Well, Katara, I must go. I have some work to do"

Katara had a smile on her face, it was official that he would be arriving today" Well OK. Be careful and say hello to Suki for me.

"I'll do that," he replied saying goodbye to Master.


The meeting had turned out excellent, she didn't know how, but she had answered each and every question that Avatar Aang and the Fire Lord Zuko had put to her.

"It is my pleasure, Minister Zhanxi, to appoint you as the first Earth Kingdom Councilor in Republic City," Aang mentioned proudly.

Those words filled the young woman with joy, she was proud of herself. Swore that she would give her all to give back to the people of the Earth Kingdom.

Once morning came, Avatar Aang mentioned to her that he would take her to Republic City if she wished. She couldn't miss that opportunity, she could ride the bison, alongside Aang.

Without thinking twice she accepted, she went quickly to her house, a small house located in the upper part of the city, comfortable and homey, but empty in many respects.

Zhanxi packed what her bags could and headed up to Aang.

Amid the luminous power of the sun, she managed to clear her sight.

There was him, always so gallant, leaning against the bison's front leg, it was like a dream to see him there, so close to her, but at the same time so far from her.

The minister released a sigh to relax.

I can't do anything, I'll just be her friend. Zhanxi knew that the Avatar had a relationship for many years with a Waterbender.

She could not break that, if Zhanxi proposed it to her, she knew that she would achieve many things, but break that committed relationship ...

No, I am not capable of doing something like that.

However, the Avatar had something, something that made her obsess over him.

"How lucky is that Waterbender" Zhanxi thought somewhat annoyed.

"What can she have that I don't?"

"Are you ready, Minister?" Aang said when he noticed her presence "He's my bison, his name is Appa. He and I will personally take you to Republic City.

He was a majestic animal, one of a kind of him.

"Oh, nice to meet you Appa" she said stroking his fur with one hand, to be answered with a great furry roar.

"But Aang ..." the Minister began, "call me Zhanxi only."  She said trying to gain more confidence with him.

The Avatar nodded to agree with her.

"Fire Lord Zuko isn't accompanying us?" The Minister was looking for the Master without much success.

"No, he will stay a few more days in Ba sing se." In a month he will visit us there, in Republic City" He replied, approaching her.

"Give me her hand" Aang said seeing her with a big smile on his face.

Zhanxi took his hand with nervious, the Avatar took her by the legs and raised her placing her on Appa's mount.

"I hope you're ready, it'll take us all day to get to Republic City," said the Avatar with something close to exhaustion.

"Of course I'm ready, I love traveling by air." Zhanxi hated heights, but she had to feign pleasure to travel in Appa. It would be perhaps her only chance to be alone with Aang and become his friend.

With a smile, Aang told Appa to take flight.

It was a pleasant enough morning, the sky was clear and the wind allowed a perfect flight.

After a few minutes of flying, Zhanxi was curious to ask Aang a lot of things, it was her time.

She was nervous, "come on Zhanxi, you can lose. She finally made up her mind to ask.

"Hello," Zhanxi said turning to see the Avatar, he was leaning on Appa's head.

Aang suddenly turned around, apparently he was wanting to rest.

"Hello, Zhanxi, what can I do for you?"

"It's nothing, I was just wondering, since you're the Avatar and all that. It must be tiring trying to solve all the problems the world is facing, right?" She asked leaning on the top of the mount.

Aang looked at her with some intrigue, as if her words had surprised him.

"Well, you're right, it's not easy. Sometimes I just want to stay home with my girlfriend, not have to save the world, not worry about anything.  But ... I know it's not like that, I can't just relax like that"

Aang kept a serious demeanor as he watched the landscape from above.

"I see, but to a certain extent I understand you." Too much pressure for him, he was maybe two years younger than her and he was already carrying everyone on his shoulders, it must be scary.

"And how is your life without being the Avatar?" Zhanxi asked curiously.

"My life without being the Avatar?" Aang didn't understand her question.

"Yes, you know, what do you do when you don't save the world?"

"Oh well," he murmured without knowing what to respond to that. "Well, at this moment I'm finishing what in the future will be my home, The Air Temple of the Island" He said proudly.

It is located in front of Yue Bay, in Republic City, you will surely see it when we arrive. I plan to make it the home of Katara and the acolytes of the Air. Aang's emotion was undeniable, his words did not reflect anything else, he was excited.

So that's her name. Katara. She lost herself in her thoughts when she learned the name of his girlfriend.

The emotion in Aang's words was remarkable, Zhanxi was happy for him, but she couldn't hide her displeasure at hearing him talk about that Waterbender.

What am I doing, what right do I have to feel jealous of that bender, he is already with her. Aang would never notice someone like me. Our love can't be, right?

"It's exciting Aang, I can't believe you're already engaged"

"What? No no, I'm not yet" Aang said quickly correcting her mistake.

"Oh sorry, it's just that I assumed, since your girlfriend will live with you;  that they would be married very soon.

He's not engaged yet, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Maybe after all, if I get a chance.

"But I hope to be soon." The Avatar confessed. "You know, in a few days Katara and I will be dating for eight years." I would like the temple to be finished by that day" said the monk.

Her smile faded as quickly as it arrived.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I still have time.

Zhanxi's mentality had changed, seeing the Avatar during that time seemed so relaxed, but she knew that he carried a lot of pressure on his shoulders.

You may never find someone like him. I know it is wrong to try something like that, I don't know how it will turn out, but as long as I have even a small chance, I will try.

It's strange, it was as if a spell had fallen on her when she met the Avatar in person the day before, he was not simply the protector of balance in the world.

It was more than that, his person, his attitude and personality were unique.

Maybe I'm acting like a silly girl. She spent several minutes analyzing it, but her maturity was enough to disprove that.

It wasn't a silly crush like the ones from her teenage years, that could be something deeper

She had been amazed by his face; Manly and perfectly shaped. His eyes and his smile were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

She would win the Avatar by being herself, she won't pretend. She will work like this or it won't work.

He will fall in love with me for who I am.

"And you, what do you do when you're not a Minister?"  - Aang asked making her come back to reality.

"Well ... not really, my father lives in Gaoling, and visiting him is the only thing I do when I'm not working Normally that happens about two times a year"

It was the only time that her work allowed him to get closer to her father

"I would like to visit him more often, he has supported me throughout my life. It seems right to me to repay you with something” the minister answered honestly.

The Monk analyzed her words for a few seconds, a father was something not entirely unknown to him. Oddly, Gyatso was what came to his mind when someone spoke of it.

"I'm happy for you Zhanxi" he confessed sincerely. "I'm glad to see that you care about your family and at the same time do such a good job in the City."

"I love my job, it's what I always wanted to be her" she admitted as they both shared smiles.

'There is nothing that I propose and I do not succeed" ...You for example.

A few seconds passed before the Avatar spoke.

"Well, you'd better rest, we'll be there in a few hours." Aang said that he was the one who wanted to rest.

"Okay, rest you too." Zhanxi spent in the saddle, it wasn't long before she fell asleep.


That must have been Councilor Sokka, he's not very impressive seeing him head on.

He seems ... a normal guy.

It would be the first time that Nau would dare to take Chi block classes, after everything that happened in the last few weeks, he had to be careful.

Damn, for the first time I dare to come, and it turns out that she is missing. It doesn't matter, I have to be ready.

Nau was fully committed to being a martial master, mastering the sword, and being more agile than anyone who stood in front of him.

Councilor Sokka is a good swordsman, he must help me, he will have to. He thought as he headed to the outskirts of Republica City, he would train his physique until he couldn't.

I must be ready, this will be the greatest thing I will do in my life.

After training hard, until his muscles couldn't take any more, he went to his home, undressed, and began to bathe.

He was starting to get some cool, summer was coming to an end and he was living partially alone, his father had retired a week ago to make some plans.

You must be ready, my son, I know that you will be able to do it. Had told his father before he left.

He's right, I'm capable, no one but me."

I am the one. He said to himself as he enjoyed the warmth of the water on his body.

With Sokka on his way, it would be easier to get closer to the Avatar. Little by little the farce of him will fall, so everyone will realize the monster that hides behind that lie that had done so much damage to his family.

The Avatar will not take long to fall, I promise you.



Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko 💕😁


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