Dog warriors dark side of lig...

By Sapnap1507

157 0 6

After the battle with Phantompaw Shepherdstar leader of Fireclan Flamestar leader of Iceclan Rabbitstar leade... More

Chapter 2
Allengiances update
Chapter 3
Allengiances update #2
Chapter 4
Allengiances update #3
Chapter 5
Allengiances update #4
Chapter 6
Allengiances update #5
Chapter 7
Allengainces update #6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

11 0 0
By Sapnap1507

Leafshade was walking through the forest till she seen a dark black male wolf Leafshade:What are you doing on my territory? Cry:Youre territory Leafshade:Yeah this is Fireclan territory then the starlight warriors Jack and Goldpup came Goldpup:They look cute together great uncle Jack Jack:I know they were destined to be mates Leafshade:Oh i havent intruduced myself to you havent i? Cry:No you havent Leafshade:Im Leafshade Cry:What a beautiful name you have Leafshade im Cry its nice to meet you Leafshade:You too Cry so you wanna be mates? Goldpup:Say yes say yes say yes Jack:Goldpup! Goldpup:Sorry Cry:Sure Leafshade:Yes i love you Cry Cry:I love you too Leafshade Leafshade:Come on Cry you can come with me to the clan im sure Shepherdstar will let you join Cry:Ok Leafshade then Leafshade and Cry walked to Fireclan camp which Shepherdstar Wolfheart Rowantail Coyoteclaw Spiketail Sorinwing Nightmare Darkwolf Spiderfang Twistedfate Nightwing Robingrayson Gingerwing Darktail Foxclaw Houndleap RedHood Wolfbite Stormheart Blazestep Coyotetail Mintleaf Snakefang Cloudtail Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail and Hawkwing seen them Shepherdstar:Leafshade youre back Hawkwing:Cry! Cry:Hawk! Hawkwing:Its Hawkwing but its great to see you again Cry:You too Hawkwing Swifttail:You have a brother Hawkwing and i thought i was your only brother Dovetail:I have 3 brothers now i could get use to Swifttail Hawkwing and Cry Leafshade:So Shepherdstar can Cry stay? Shepherdstar:Sure he can Cry:Can i keep my name Shepherdstar? Shepherdstar:Sure you can Cry but theres a gathering tonight so we should rest Wolfheart:Fine by me Shepherdstar then Shepherdstar went in his den to sleep Rowantail went in the medicine dog den to sleep Wolfheart Coyoteclaw Spiketail Sorinwing Nightmare Darkwolf Spiderfang Twistedfate Nightwing Robingrayson Gingerwing Darktail Foxclaw Houndleap RedHood Wolfbite Stormheart Leafshade Blazestep Cloudtail Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing and Cry went in the warriors den to sleep and Nightpelt Frostfur and Softfur went in the nursery to sleep and Leafshade got pregnant with Crys pups

end of chapter

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