Chapter 7

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Foxclaw Shrewpaw Houndleap and Sparkpaw were walking till they seen Foxfang Poppypaw Lightshade Leafpaw Lyratail Dawnpaw Frostfang Breezepaw Rainstorm Wolfpaw WolfFang Crowpaw Dominobreeze and Bunnypaw Shrewpaw:Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Breezepaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw Bunnypaw Sparkpaw:Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Breezepaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw Bunnypaw Poppypaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Breezepaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw Bunnypaw Leafpaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Breezepaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw Bunnypaw Dawnpaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Breezepaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw Bunnypaw Breezepaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw Bunnypaw Wolfpaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Breezepaw Crowpaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Breezepaw Bunnypaw:Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Breezepaw then Glaze came Glaze:Well i hope im not ruining anything Rainstorm:Glaze dogs attack then Foxclaw Shrewpaw Houndleap Sparkpaw Foxfang Poppypaw Lightshade Leafpaw Lyratail Dawnpaw Frostfang Breezepaw Rainstorm Wolfpaw WolfFang Crowpaw Dominobreeze and Bunnypaw fought Glaze which Spiderfang Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake Sharkfang Moonlight Silverfang and Cinderpelt came and attacked Glaze Glaze:Gah grrrrr then Glaze knocked Spiderfang Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Moonlight Silverfang and Cinderpelt on the ground Hawkwing:Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Cry:Swifttail Dovetail Shadowwolf:Moonlight Rosetail:Spiderfang Snowflake:Silverfang Sharkfang:Cinderpelt Glaze:Hahaha then Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake and Sharkfang felt anger which Hawkwings eyes glew white and stars appeared around him Crys eyes glew red and fire appeared around him Shadowwolfs eyes glew ice blue and ice appeared around him Rosetails eyes glew yellow and storm clouds shooting lighting bolts appeared around her Snowflakes eyes glew brown and dirt rocks appeared around him and Sharkfangs eyes glew blue and water appeared around him and Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake and Sharkfang barked stars fire ice lighting dirt rocks and water at Glaze Glaze:Gah! then Glaze ran away bleeding and injured and Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake and Sharkfang calmed down and their eyes turned normal Swifttail:I dont know what that was but it was pretty awesome to see Foxclaw:Lets head back to our camps besides Shrewpaw Sparkpaw Poppypaw Leafpaw Dawnpaw Breezepaw Wolfpaw Crowpaw and Bunnypaw should become warriors Houndleap:Ok Foxclaw then Cinderpelt Rainstorm Wolfpaw WolfFang Crowpaw Dominobreeze and Bunnypaw walked back to Waterclans camp Frostfang Breezepaw and Silverfang walked back to Earthclans camp Foxfang Poppypaw Lightshade Leafpaw Lyratail and Dawnpaw walked back to Lightingclans camp and Spiderfang Foxclaw Shrewpaw Houndleap Sparkpaw Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake and Sharkfang walked back to Fireclans camp which Shepherdstar seen them Shepherdstar:Spiderfang Foxclaw Shrewpaw Houndleap Sparkpaw Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake and Sharkfang you guys are back how did partol go? Spiderfang:Not so well we got attacked by Glaze Foxclaw:Hey Shepherdstar thought you should know Shrewpaw and Sparkpaw fought very well Shepherdstar:Really Houndleap how did Shrewpaw and Sparkpaw fought? Houndleap:Like warriors Shepherdstar Shepherdstar:Well in that case then Shepherdstar standed ontop of the high rock Shepherdstar:Will all dogs old enough to catch their own prey gathered around the high rock for a clan meeting then Wolfheart Rowantail Coyoteclaw Spiketail Sorinwing Nightmare Darkwolf Spiderfang Twistedfate Nightwing Robingrayson Gingerwing Darktail Foxclaw Shrewpaw Houndleap Sparkpaw RedHood Wolfbite Stormheart Leafshade Blazestep Coyotetail Mintleaf Snakefang Cloudtail Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake Sharkfang Nightpelt Frostfur and Softfur gathered around the high rock which Shrewpaw and Sparkpaw standed in fount of the high rock with Foxclaw and Houndleap standing behind them Shepherdstar:I Shepherdstar leader of Fireclan call upon my warrior ancenstors to look down on these 2 apprentices they have trained hard enough to understand the ways of your code and i command them to you as warriors Shrewpaw Sparkpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your life? Both:I do Shepherdstar:Then by the powers of starlight i grant you your warrior names Shrewpaw from this moment you shall be known as Shrewclaw starlight honors your courage and your spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fireclan and Sparkpaw from this moment you shall be known as Sparkfur starlight honors your courage and your spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Fireclan All:SHREWCLAW SPARKFUR!!!!!! then Shepherdstar jumped down from the high rock Foxclaw:I will miss training with you Shrewclaw Shrewclaw:I will never stop learning from you Foxclaw Houndleap:I will miss training with you Sparkfur Sparkfur:I will never stop learning from you Houndleap Shepherdstar:Theres a gathering tonight so we should get going Wolfheart:Ok Shepherdstar then Shepherdstar Wolfheart Rowantail Coyoteclaw Spiketail Sorinwing Nightmare Darkwolf Spiderfang Twistedfate Nightwing Robingrayson Gingerwing Darktail Foxclaw Houndleap RedHood Wolfbite Stormheart Leafshade Blazestep Coyotetail Mintleaf Snakefang Cloudtail Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing Cry Shadowwolf Rosetail Snowflake Sharkfang Shrewclaw Sparkfur Nightpelt Frostfur and Softfur walked out of camp to the meeting area which they seen Flamestar Cloudstorm Dapplestone Blackleap Snowdrop Spikewing Rabbitstar Aceheart Windspirit Cinderfang Longtail Sandtail Shrewtail Hazeltail Moonlight Heathertail Lightingstep Foxfang Lightshade Lyratail Poppyfrost Leaftail Dawnflower Snowstar Frostfang Silverfang Willowbite Firetail Dirtfang Blackmask Breezetail Kyle Firewolf Cinderpelt Danny Ethan Dustin Luna Waterleaf Holly Rainstorm WolfFang Dominobreeze Wolfblaze Crowfang and Bunnypelt which Shadowwolf was happy to see Moonlight Poppyfrost Leaftail and Dawnflower Snowflake was happy to see Silverfang and Breezetail and Sharkfang was happy to see Cinderpelt Wolfblaze Crowfang and Bunnypelt Shadowwolf:Moonlight Poppyfrost Leaftail Dawnflower Moonlight:Shadowwolf Poppyfrost:Dad Leaftail:Dad Dawnflower:Dad Snowflake:Silverfang Breezetail Silverfang:Snowflake Breezetail:Dad Sharkfang:Cinderpelt Wolfblaze Crowfang Bunnypelt Cinderpelt:Sharkfang Wolfblaze:Dad Crowfang:Dad Bunnypelt:Dad then Shepherdstar Flamestar Rabbitstar Snowstar and Kyle went on top of the frost rock Shepherdstar:Well i hope theres no more battles then Robingrayson had a vision and he seen dark forest warriors Scar Terrance Ross Blane Fox Wally Buzz Snap Pain Spot Koda Charlie Darko Max Jay Sora Ghosttail Phantompaw and Glaze walking in the real world with some unknown dogs and he shoke his head Robingrayson:The battle isnt over yet Ashshade:W-What do you mean the battle isnt over yet? Robingrayson:The dark forest warriors are coming then Jackie Skipper Shay Jewel Raven and the starlight warriors Skylar Dusk Rain Axel Patch Tom Fang Crow Slade Cold Jack Zack Zelda Cross Bow Link Chess Checkers Spade Demon Spark Foxleaf Cloudstar Stormstar and Goldpup came Jackie:If thats the case then we will assist you guys Raven:Yeah Jack:All of us will then Mintleaf noticed Goldpup and ran to him Mintleaf:Goldpup my baby im so happy to see you again Goldpup:You too mommy great uncle Jack takes care of me very well then Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail Dovetail Hawkwing and Cry went to Goldpup Duskheart:Hi Goldpup you wont know us but im your brother Duskheart Featherbite:Im your brother Featherbite Skyheart:Im your brother Skyheart Ashshade:I-Im your brother Ashshade Swifttail:Im your brother Swifttail Dovetail:Im your sister Dovetail Hawkwing:Im your brother Hawkwing Cry:And im your brother Cry but you already know Hawkwing and me Goldpup:Yeah i do Hawkwing and Cry but its nice to finally meet Duskheart Featherbite Skyheart Ashshade Swifttail and Dovetail Kyle:Well we should get ready to fight then the dark forest warriors Scar Terrance Ross Blane Fox Wally Buzz Snap Pain Spot Koda Charlie Darko Max Jay Sora Ghosttail Phantompaw and Glaze came as well some unknown dogs Scar:Indeed you should Terrance:Besides this is gonna be fun then Shepherdstar Flamestar Rabbitstar Snowstar Kyle Spark Cloudstar and Stormstar recognized the unknown dogs as Firestar Angel Daiman Bark Howl Mark Hop Harley Ray Simon Icestar Darknessangel Fly Heart Fin Heat Chill Pepper Steve Alex Lightingstar Fallenangel Bolt Thunder Ryan Sam Dean Ronny Skitter Seth Earthstar Devil Cane Perry Lost Fate Johnny Cassie Red Gold Waterstar Demoncross Soul Josh Edd Matt Tom Tord Paul and Patrick Shepherdstar:Is that the first Fireclan Flamestar:Is that the first Iceclan Rabbitstar:Is that the first Lightingclan Snowstar:Is that the first Earthclan Kyle:Is that the first Waterclan? Spark:Firestar Angel Daiman Bark Howl Mark Hop Harley Ray and Simon were the first Fireclan before they turned evil and Icestar Darknessangel Fly Heart Fin Heat Chill Pepper Steve and Alex were the first Iceclan before they turned evil Cloudstar:Lightingstar Fallenangel Bolt Thunder Ryan Sam Dean Ronny Skitter and Seth were the first Lightingclan before they turned evil and Earthstar Devil Cane Perry Lost Fate Johnny Cassie Red and Gold were the first Earthclan before they turned evil Stormstar:Waterstar Demoncross Soul Josh Edd Matt Tom Tord Paul and Patrick were the first Waterclan before they turned evil Scar:So us dark forest warriors are gonna take over the forest

end of chapter

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