All About Gruvia

By just_a_writer_x

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Gruvia More

The Unforgettable Mission
Just a Dream
That Time of the Month
The Dry Spell
The Amusement Park
Gray's Date
The Kidnapping
The Bake Sale
Beach Day
A Grand Ball
Finding Juvia
Daddy-Daughter Time
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Trouble in Paradise
Into the Future
Terrible Things
Gray's Imagination
Quick Announcement. (Not Gruvia.)
Water Park Date
A Family Picnic
Fighting the Darkness
Gruvia Week Day 1: Hair
Gruvia Week Day 2: Quiet
Gruvia Week Day 3: Bloom
Gruvia Week Day 4: Demons
Gruvia Week Day 5: Dancing
Gruvia Week Day 6: Light
Gruvia Week Day 7: Sweet
Juvia's Sick Day
Poison & Reunions
An Explanation
First Check-Up
The Sunshine and The Warmth
Gruvia Prompts!
"You did all of this for me?"
"Kiss me."
"Do you... well... I mean... I could give you a massage?"
Okay, What the Frack Wattpad
Meeting the Ex-Boyfriend
Saying Goodbye
Late-Night Walmart Run
Little Announcement
New Fanfic Update!
Is Anyone Out There

6 Months

4.9K 100 71
By just_a_writer_x

***Disclaimer: These are all Gruvia one-shots. They do not connect in any way, unless I put in the title that it is a sequel to something. Also, you can't change the rating per chapter, so I will leave a rating at the beginning of each story. Okay. Enjoy!(:***

Rated: PG-13/PG

**Maybe more like pg-11 but idk read at your own risk lol. It's not too bad just some bad language and kissing stuff. Okay, enjoy(:***

It had been 6 months.

6 whole months that Juvia and Gray had been dating. Juvia was ecstatic. She jumped out of bed that morning bright and early. She needed as much time as she could get to pick out a special outfit and prepare Gray's gift.

She got out of the shower and got dressed. She wore a white, strapless tube top with blue polka-dots on it. She also wore a flowy skirt that stopped right below her knees, and it was the same color as the blue polka dots. Instead of her usual brown combat boots, she wore them in white. She had on a snowflake necklace. She get one she and Gray first starting dating. She had her hair down and wavy like usual, but wore a white headband instead of a hat. She had planned bright colors for this specific day, so she could express her happiness.

Juvia skipped and whistled her way to the guild that morning. She brought both of her hands and opened the guild doors, trying to be elegant and confident, but really just looked kind of silly.

"Oh, Gray-samaaa" She sang loudly, and the whole guild turned. Gray was sitting at the bar. His jaw dropped and his eye bulged. His cheeks were flushed with pink. "Gray-sama must like what he sees!" Juvia thought and smiled brightly. Really, though, Gray was embarrassed.

"Eh-uh-" He stuttered, and that was all he could say before Juvia was sitting next to him at the bar. Her hooded eye sparkled with happiness.

"Good morning, Gray-sama!" Juvia squealed and wrapped her arms around him. She planted a big kiss on his lips "MWAAHH!" She added sound effects to the kiss, and Gray still had his eyes opened.

"What's up with you this morning?" Gray wiped his mouth and almost fell back in his chair. Sure, she was usually like this, but today it was more than usual.

"Juvia is happy!" She smiled even wider than before. "How does Juvia look today?" She sat up and began to spin around. Her skirt was flowing.

"Wow." Gray thought to himself "She does look really good." Gray thought again, and smiled. He was lucky to have such a beautiful, great girlfriend.

"You look great." Gray said casually, and smiled. Juvia squealed. She put her face up to her cheeks and started dancing like an idiot.

"Gray-sama approves! Gray-sama approves!" She quietly screamed to herself. Even though it had been a whole 6 months, to her, it feels like the first day everyday.

Gray used to get annoyed with her obsessive antics, but he was used to it now. Sure it annoyed him at times, but now he just mostly thought it was cute. Juvia sat back down next to him at the bar. He leaned over to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"How're the love-birds doin' this morning?" Natsu shouted and wrapped his arms around both of their necks, accidentally grazing Juvia's chest. Gray saw it instantly.

"WHY DON'T YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND FLAME BRAIN!" Gray stood up and got in Natsu's face.

"HEY I GOT MY OWN GIRLFRIEND, ICE PRINCESS!" Natsu yelled right back. Natsu and Lucy had been dating for almost a year now.

"Settle down, guys." Lucy walked over and went between Natsu and Gray, prying them off of each other.

"Sorry, Lucy." Natsu said and wrapped his arm around Lucy's shoulder. She kissed him on the cheek. Juvia sighed. She wished Gray would wrap his arm around him like that in public. Gray was very bad at expressing his emotions, so when he did, it was in private.

"So, Gray-sama, what do you say we go for a walk in the park?" Juvia got closer to Gray and put her hands up to her face, intertwining her fingers.

"Nah. Don't feel like it. Maybe another time." Gray closed his eyes and put his arms behind his head. Juvia's heart cracked a little.

"How about lunch? Are you hungry?" Juvia was trying to get him to agree to something, even though it was still pretty much breakfast time, and she already ate.

"Nope. I'm good." Gray got up and started to walk to the pool table.

"Well then, can we just hang out. In private." Juvia followed Gray, and sat on the pool table.

"Juvia, I'm about to play pool. So 1, No, and 2, get off the table." Gray frowned. She was starting to annoy him.

"Juvia can play pool, too! Why don't you love Juvia, Gray-sama?! Why?!" Juvia clung on to Gray's arm, and started to dramatically cry. Had he forgotten what today was? No. He couldn't have.

"You're starting to piss me off! Stop being so clingy!" Gray shook her off of his arm. He didn't feel like dealing with her being so happy-go-lucky this morning. He just wanted to relax at the guild, and hang out. Juvia calmed down.

"So. You don't want to see Juvia today?" She put emphasis on "today" hoping it would trigger something.

"We can hang out, just don't piss me off! I just want to hang around the guild today. I can't be devoted to you all the time, Juvia. If you're gonna' be all clingy like usual than just leave before I get mad." Gray didn't mean to say it so harshly like that, but that's how it came out.

"Okay. Juvia is going now." Juvia trembled in sadness, and as soon as Gray saw the sadness on her face, he was going to say something. But she was already out the door.

"Idiot!" Gray face-palmed, and sat back down at the bar.

"Gray!" He turned and saw Lucy's brown eyes looking angrily at him. She witnessed the whole thing. She marched over to him. "Do you not know what today is?"  Lucy put her hands on her hips.

"What?" He was confused. He picked up his drink and took a sip.

"It's you and Juvia's six month anniversary, you moron!" Gray heart stopped.

He remembered. On this day, six months ago, he asked Juvia to be his girlfriend.

It started when Gray lost a bet, and was forced to ask Juvia on a date. She didn't care that it was because of a bet, she was happy anyway. Surprisingly, he had a really good time. A couple dates later, he asked her to be his girlfriend.

"Shit." Gray said "I'll talk to her later. I don't feel like it right now." He leaned back on his chair and took another sip of his drink. He did want to talk to her, but not right now. He didn't have the energy. He knew Juvia would understand.

"You don't feel like it?!" Lucy was flaming. She hit Gray in the back of the head.

"Ow!" Gray rubbed his head, and turned around his chair.

"Juvia was talking about this day for weeks, Gray! She had everything planned! What she would wear, what she would get you, where you guys would go! And you're just gonna' 'talk to her later'?" Lucy yelled, and Natsu heard.

"That's cold man. Even for you." Natsu snickered and walked up to them.

"Shut it, Sergio." Gray growled and got up from his chair.

"Just, go talk to her, Gray." Lucy softened her voice.

"Alright, I will." Gray mumbled. He did need to go talk to her, even if he didn't feel like it. Natsu and Lucy walked away, and Gray glanced at where Juvia was sitting. There was a little blue gift bag with tissue paper in it. Gray picked up the bag and reached in it. He found a silver locket. It was in the shape of a sun. Inside the locket was a picture of him and Juvia. Juvia was smiling brightly with one hand on the camera, and the other around Gray. Gray looked at the camera and cracked a smirk. He hated pictures. 

He went into the bag again and found a little card. It read:

Dear Gray-sama,

Happy 6 months, Gray-sama! These have been the happiest 6 months of Juvia's existence. Juvia decided to get you a sun locket. Juvia knows it's not really Gray-sama's taste, but it means a lot to Juvia. To Juvia, it symbolizes when she first met you. When you brought the sun into Juvia's sad and gloomy life. You are Juvia's sunshine, Gray-sama. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you, very much.

Love, Juvia.

Gray could see on the letter where Juvia almost wrote "Juvia loves you" But erased and changed it to "I love you."

Gray tightly held the locket, and ran out the guild door. How could he be so inconsiderate? Juvia loved him so much, and he forgot all about their anniversary. He was such an ass.

He ran until he saw her. Juvia was sitting at a park bench, facing a lake. She was playing with the water in the lake. Making waves and bubbles with her hands. He chuckled at the sight. Juvia heard and snapped her head around. She quickly stopped what she was doing and brought her hands down to her lap. Gray walked up and sat next to her.

"Well. I'm a dumb-ass." Those were the first words that came out of his mouth when he sat next to her. She looked up to him. Her face was red, and her eyes were blood-shot. He frowned when he saw she had been crying.

"Juvia shouldn't have made a big deal about this." She quietly mumbled, and looked back down. "Sorry." She quietly whispered.

"Don't be stupid." He frowned "It's my fault. I should've remembered. Sorry I didn't get you anything." Gray stretched his arm around the bench, and the tips of his fingers grazed her shoulder. She shuddered.

"It's okay Gray-sama." She paused "Juvia- Juvia just wanted to be with you." Her lip quivered and Gray could tell she was fighting back tears.

"I know. I'm sorry." Gray was truly sorry. He had to learn to be more considerate when it came to Juvia. She was very emotional, and Gray was still getting used to it. Gray let his arm drop, and he pulled her into his shoulder. Juvia looked up at him with cute puppy dog eyes.

"Can we take a walk now, Gray-sama." Gray softened his face. She was so stunning, no matter what the circumstances.

"Well." He said and flipped his head back. "I had a better idea." Juvia looked at him, confused. Gray stood up, and turned the big lake in front of them into ice. He lifted up Juvia's shoes and attached ice blades to them. He did the same to his.  Juvia's eyes lit up, and Gray loved that look in her eyes.

"But, Juvia can't ice-skate very well." She tried standing up, and lost her balance, but Gray steadied her.

"That's alright." Gray lead her onto the ice by her hands. He went backwards, holding onto both of her hands. Juvia was nervous. She didn't want to make a fool out of herself in front on him. Juvia started to get the hang of it quickly.

"This is fun, Gray-sama!" Juvia looked up at him and laughed. God, he loved her laugh.

"Hey, you're doin' pretty good." Gray returned a smile and let go of his hands, suddenly. Juvia began to wobble and almost lost her balance, but landed in Gray's arms.

"Spoke too soon." Gray laughed, and steadied Juvia. This time, only holding her left hand so they were both facing front.

They were skating all over the lake. Gray broke hands with Juvia for a moment so he could show off and do a trick. Juvia laughed and began to applaud.

"Gray-sama is so talented!" Juvia smiled and flew into his arms. Gray stumbled back a bit, but caught his balance. Juvia looked up at him, and Gray planted a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled in the middle of their kiss. They broke the kiss and began to skate again.

Juvia could now skate on her own, and was doing pretty good. Gray tried teaching her a simple trick.

"Just go like this." Gray did a simple jump, and landed it beautifully.

"Juvia doesn't know, Gray-sama..." She sounded nervous, and stumbled into the beginning position.

"Come on, just try it." Gray smiled, which gave her a determined look in her eye. She nodded and started to skate. She leaped in the air, and almost landed it, when her feet hit the ice she stumbled.

"Wa-waahh!" She yelled and landed right on her butt. Gray was concerned, and quickly began skating towards her. He got caught up in his worry for her and stumbled as well, landing on top of her, causing her to bang her head on the ice.

"Oww..." Juvia winced when Gray landed on her. She rubbed the back of her head.

"Juvia! A-are you okay?" Gray spat out. He was so embarrassed. Here he was claiming to be some ice skating genious, and then fell right on top of his girlfriend. He gently replaced Juvia's hand with his and began to rub her head.

"Juvia is fine." Her eyes met his when they opened. His dark, intimidating eyes were staring into hers. He carefully brought her head up and kissed her. This kiss was more emotional and deep than the previous one. Still mid-kiss, he brought Juvia up so they were sitting upright. Gray had his legs open, and Juvia was on his lap. Her legs were spread open and her waist was pressing against his stomach. Once comfortable, Gray folded his legs so he was sitting pretzel-style, and Juvia bent her legs so her knees were under his armpits. They broke the kiss, and pressed their foreheads against each other.

"Thank you for the locket. I love it." He kissed her forehead and smiled at her.

"Really? You like it?" Juvia got excited and brought her face even closer to his.

"Yeah." Gray paused and put his index finger under her chin and brought her in for another kiss. "Happy 6 months, Juvia. I love you." He said once they pulled away.

"Happy 6 months, Gray-sama. I love you, too." Juvia giggled and kissed him. The kiss quickly started to intensify.

"You know Gray-sama..." Juvia whispered while he was nibbling on her ear. "Juvia's behind hurts too! You can rub that, if you wish!" Juvia hopped out of Gray's lap and bent over, putting her butt in Gray's face and shaking it.

"Eh-" Gray blushed "Why don't we save that stuff for the bedroom, ya weirdo." Gray pushed Juvia's butt down, so she was sitting on his lap again, but this time her back was on his chest.

"If that's what you want, Gray-sama." Juvia purred and giggled at the same time. 

Gray wrapped his arms around her tightly. He was lucky to have spent 6 months with such an amazing girl.

They both hoped to be togther for a very, very long time.

***Hope you enjoyed! Also, idk if fairy tail has a pool table (im pretty sure they dont) but I just added it in there because, why not? Tell me how you liked it in the comments, and please favorite! Thanks!(:***

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