Then You Look At Me

By blackNdeadly1989

31K 541 80

Adelaide Potter has always known who her soulmate is, as she has his name embedded on her skin. However, with... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Five

2.1K 66 17
By blackNdeadly1989


So, I was in the middle of trying to complete this chapter when I got the news about the Late Mr Boseman. My heart broke as I read of his struggles with cancer, all the while keeping his professionalism and dignity. He didn't let it get him down, and he worked so hard to put smiles on other peoples' face all the while fighting a terrible disease.

In my culture (I'm an Indigenous Australian: Aboriginal, as most would call it. My tribe is Derabulang Bunda), we don't say the names of those who have passed on out of respect for them, hence why I say Mr Boseman, instead of his full name. We respect those who have passed by having a smoking ceremony – to cleanse the body of bad spirits and send them on. Then we do what we call Sorry business – which is where we take the time to grieve and to remember the person that has passed on. I may not be an African American, but I do know what it is like to be black...and white as I'm a fair skinned Aboriginal.

Black Panther was among the first of movies to change the perspective of so many. An all-black main cast with the white people being the supportive cast? BP didn't just change things for African Americans, but for all black people around the world. And Mr Boseman's role as King T'Challa was brilliant, powerful and inspiring.

It would be safe to say that Mr Boseman will be missed by all – fans, friends, and celebrities alike.

So please, enjoy this chapter. I will try to finish this story to the best of my ability and honour Mr Boseman at the same time.

I own nothing but the story. Everything else belongs to JK Rowling and Marvel respectively

Then You Look At Me

Chapter Five

Hermione's POV

Driving into the carpark of the Leipzig/Halle Airport, I saw that it was mostly empty. It was strange for an airport to be empty but we didn't have time to mess over the details. Steve drove past a white van, parking a few spots down from it. He turned off the car, and looked at me, giving me a tight smile. He then got out, and I followed, opening the door on the passenger side, and pulling the seat forward to allow Sam and Bucky to hop out. The sound of another door opening and I saw Clint Barton walk around the white van, and that Wanda was getting out of the van as well.

Clint walked over to Steve, holding out his hand. "Cap...Hermione..."

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice." Steve spoke, shaking Clint's hand.

"Hey, man, you're doing me a favour." Clint shook Steve's comment off. He looked to Wanda, and to me. "And besides, I owe debt."

"Thanks for having my back." Steve said gratefully.

Wanda shook her head. "It was time to get off my ass. Besides, we didn't come alone."

Clint scoffed, sliding the van's side door open. "Wanda is right. Thought you might need some friends."

I gasped in delight as Bill Weasley and his wife Fleur hopped out, and I raced over to them, giving them a hug.

"You got my patronus." I murmured, hugging them both.

We broke apart and Bill sighed. "Yeah, but there is something you need know. Dad sent us a message. Both Ron and George are with Tasha. Ginny wanted to come as well, but she's about to pop."

Sam cursed. "Dammit...I should be there with her."

I turned to him. "We will. When this is all over, we'll get you home to her."

"I don't like this Hermione. I love my brothers, and I don't want to hurt them. I know that Steve has a valid reason but I'm scared that someone is going to get hurt in all this." Bill confessed.

"I know. So am I. I just need you to keep everyone at bay while we try to the chopper." I remarked. "Hopefully no-one will be injured...well not that much anyway."

Clint cleared his throat. "Uh, we have another recruit. Put a bit of coffee in him but he's rarin to go."

He slammed on the side of the van, and a man who was lying down on the seats got up suddenly, shocked at the gesture of being awoken. He saw us all standing outside the van and quickly got up, walking out of the van.

"What time zone is this?" He asked, confused. He stared at Clint as he walked over to Steve. He then went from confused to awe, holding out a hand to Steve. "Captain America!"

Steve shook his hand. "Mr Lang."

Scott Lang, who was suggested by Sam, still kept a hold of Steve's hand, shaking it. "It's an honour. I'm shaking your hand too long."

He stopped, dropping Steve's hand.

"Wow, this is awesome! Captain America." He looked around the group, recognising Wanda and once he set eyes on me, he smiled. "I know you...I know you too...You're great, both of you. I mean, magic and reading minds...what's not to like?"

He then placed his hands on Steve's arms, before dropping them.

"Look, I know you know a lot of super people, and so does your wife, but I wanna say, thinks for thanking of me." He mumbled, before noticing Sam smirk. "Hey man!"

"What's up, Tic-Tac?" Sam greeted.

"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I—"

Sam sighed. "It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again."

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked, changing the conversation.

"Something about some psycho-assassins?" Scott answered.

Steve nodded. "We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man. Same goes for you Bill and Fleur. You don't have to do this, as I know you have children to look after and you're going against family."

"Yeah, well, what else is new?"

"Well, as much as I hate harming my family, I also have to remember that Hermione is family too, so that makes you family as well. If you say there is psycho-assassins that would kill potentially everyone, then we'll help you stop them." Bill remarked, and Fleur agreed with him.

"We should get moving." Bucky pointed out.

"We've got a chopper lined up." Clint added.

Suddenly, the sound of a man speaking over a loudspeaker could be heard. The words were German, and I frowned, wondering what it was the speaker was trying to say. Luckily, Bucky answered for me.

"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky translated.

"Stark." Sam said.

Steve nodded, agreeing with him. "Everyone, suit up."

Oh Merlin...


We were all in position – ready to apprehend anybody that got in our way. We had a plan, of a sorts. We decided to split the team up into twos, with Sam and Bucky pairing up, Clint and Wanda finding another way for us to leave, along with Bill and Fleur, who were under the disillusionment charm and setting up magical booby traps, just in case Tony had brought the rest of them, which most likely he would have. Steve and I, along with a pint-sized Scott, aka Antman, was running towards the tarmac towards the helicopter. We decided that if Stark did show up, we could distract him while the others worked their part of the plan. Steve, dressed in his Captain America suit, gave me a swift kiss. I was dressed in my blue leather pants, red blouse and white leather jacket – a homage to my husband's title. I used to wear the standard SHIELD catsuit, but then one day Addie had started wearing all black to missions and I followed her example. Ginny also had her own leather outfit, and George, well, he scrubbed up well in the leather pants and jacket.

We ran, nearly reaching the helicopter when all of the sudden, an energy bolt hit the engine, causing it to electrify itself, thus rendering it useless. I then saw Tony in his Ironman Suit, along with Rhodey behind him in his War Machine suit. Then the sound of cracking was heard and I stopped, staring at the face of Addie, who was dressed up in her black leather gear. Tony landed on the tarmac, his face shield going up and Rhodey followed suit.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport." Tony muttered, turning to Rhodey and Addie. "Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird." Rhodey agreed. Addie didn't say anything, but kept looking at us both.

"Hear me out, Tony." Steve began. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

Addie looked to Tony, about to say something but then out of nowhere, a man dressed in a cat-like suit jumped over a car, landing next to Addie. I knew from before that it was T'Challa, the prince – well now I guess I could say king of Wakanda, as his father had yet to wake up from his coma.

"Captain." T'Challa greeted.

"Your Highness." Steve acknowledged.

"Anyway, Ross gave Addie and I thirty-six hours to bring you, along with Hermione and the rest of your team, in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony stated, moving around Rhodey, so that he was in between Rhodes and Addie.

"You're after the wrong guy." Steve remarked.

"Besides the point Cap. I hate to say it, but your judgement is askew. Barnes killed innocent people yesterday, and despite the fact that he's your old war buddy, he still needs to be brought in." Addie stated.

Steve sighed. "And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Addie. I can't."

"Addie, please believe us. If the doctor succeeds, then it won't just be Bucky. Bucky is innocent." I murmured, looking to her. She gave me a look but then the arrival of both Tasha, George and Ron come up from the side near Steve.

"Hermione, both know what is about to happen...Do you really want to punch your way or cast your way out of this one?" Tasha asked.

"Come on 'Mione, be reasonable." Ron muttered, walking so that he was in between T'Challa and Addie. George stayed with Tasha.

I grimaced, giving my two best friends a forlorn look, before raising my wand. "I'm sorry."

"Alright, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Tony called out and we all frowned, when suddenly, a being in a red skin tight suit shot out what looked like a spider's web from its hands and grabbed Steve's shield, and also placed some of the webbing around Steve's and my hands, causing me to drop my wand. It then landed on top of a small forklift, holding the shield in its hands. Addie called my wand to her, and it flew into her hands.

"Hey everyone." The man in the red suit said. His suit was in the design of a spider's web and his eyes were arch like, covered in what looked silver.

"Nice job kid." Tony commented.

"Thanks. I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just...New suit. It's nothing, Mr Stark. It's perfect, thank you and thanks Miss Potter for helping me out." The man, who sounded like a young boy, spoke.

Tony waved his hands as Addie tilted her head. "Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."

The man nodded his head. "Oh okay...Cap...Captain. I'm Spiderman. Big fan. Same as you, Miss Potter. Big fan of you as well."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later." Tony held his hand, trying to stop Spiderman from talking. "Good job...just shush for a second."

"You've been busy." Steve remarked.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Even you Hermione, as I thought you would have more sense than Steve. Both of you have been idiots." Tony snapped, facing us again. "Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave – a safe place. And then, Tasha tells me you guys might have gotten in contact with Bill and Fleur. They have kids themselves and you...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed." Steve spoke.

"You didn't think about anyone else but yourself Tony. If those Accords get set in place, it's not just Wanda that is affected. Addie, Ginny, George and myself would have been affected as well, along with the magical community." I pointed out.

"I would have protected us Hermione! I would have fought tooth and nail to ensure that magical community would still be safe." Addie snapped, walking up to the both of us. "I had a plan, one that could have gone well but no. That option went well out of the window before you both decided to go after a terrorist. I don't care if he's being framed – you both could have handled this differently! But instead, you didn't think and went after Barnes without even thinking of the consequences and how it would affect us! Because of you both, any chance of me protecting the wizarding community has gone out of the window."

Steve sighed. "You don't get it. Yes, you could have protected the community, but I couldn't take that chance. You broke the Avengers when you decided to sign away our rights. To me, that's more of a betrayal than going after Bucky."

"Enough of this!" Tony growled, reaching over to Addie, gently putting her behind him. He turned to Steve. "You're gonna turn Barnes over, and you're gonna come with us, because it's us – or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite. Come on..."

There was silence, until Sam came in over the comms.

"We found it. Their quinjet is in hanger five."

Then we heard Bill. "Don't worry about us. You just handle Addie. Fleur and I will handle George and Ron. Good luck Hermione."

Steve turned me before raising his hands above him and I followed suit. Two swift arrows headed our way, and cut through the web-like bindings that were on our hands. Steve ordered Lang to appear while I called out for my wand. It flew out of Addie's hands, and into mine. Steve then whispered underneath his breath, ordering Scott to emerge. I then looked at Steve's shield, watching as Spiderman lifted it, sensing that something or someone was there.

"Hey guys...something—" Spiderman began before being hit in the face by an emerging Scott in his Antman uniform. His suit would have to be something I could look at later, as it was truly fascinating how a muggle could create shrinking technology without the help of magic.

Rhodey was the first to react at the growing body of Scott.

"Okay, what the hell was that?!" Rhodey shouted, watching as Scott handed Steve's shield over to him.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America." Scott said, handing the shield over.

"Oh great..." Tony sighed, giving up in apprehending us and push off the ground. "All right, there looks to be four people in the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, and I think the other two are magical, going by their heat signatures. Ron, George, with me – you get the magical duo and I'll grab Wanda. Rhodey, you handle Cap."

George pulled out a stick in his pocket, whispering a few words underneath his breath as the stick grew into a flying broomstick. Ron, sighed, turning to me and giving me a look. "You had to bring in Bill and Fleur, didn't you? Hermione, why? What happens if something happens to them? Or Merlin forbid, one of them dies during this mission of yours?"

I stared at him, but didn't say anything.

Addie scoffed. "Of course she got them involved. More people to support the cause...Maybe it slipped her mind that they have a family. How selfish are you?"

I sighed. "I wouldn't do this unless I had to...and I had to."

"Addie, you can handle this. Ron and I got Bill and Fleur." George said, looking at me sadly, before taking off on his broomstick.

Ron sighed, before apparating away – no doubt going to fight his brother. I saw that Rhodey was up in the air, and he must have said something about James and Sam, as I saw T'Challa quickly squeeze Addie's arm, before running away, shouting out that Barnes was his target. Steve then threw the shield at Rhodey, trying to gain his attention, just as Spiderman asked aloud what he should do. I didn't have a moment to think before a red light headed my way and I ducked, missing it just in time. Steve then stopped, frowning, ready to protect me but I knew who it was.

"Go fight Rhodey and the new kids...I've got this." I assured him. He didn't have much time say anything before Rhodey started to attack, and nodded as he went off to fight our friends.

Addie stood there, watching, her wand raised.

"I thought the rules of the duel was to bow first, and then fight." I snapped, readying my wand.

Addie shrugged. "Yeah, kinda threw the rule book out when you decided to break the Avengers up. And besides, it was a simple stunning spell. You ducked in time."

I rolled my eyes. "Now is not the time for humour. You know me. You know I wouldn't have thought about this without so much of a plan."

"I thought I knew you...but now I'm not so sure. I had a plan! And now thanks to you, the world will want our blood. They will want the secrets of our world – they are ready to expose us all...I had a plan. And now you've ruined it. So yes, I did know you but this new you – the Hermione that is sacrificing everything? No...I don't know her. And now I have to do the one thing I don't want to do." Addie remarked.

"Oh, I think you've already begun to..." I stated.

"I won't hurt'll still have your pretty face." Addie commented.

I sighed. "Can you at least try to be serious about this?"

She smiled, before bowing and I did the same. Then, we duelled, with me casting the next spell, and I casted an Expelliarmus charm on her, hoping to disarm her but she dodged and casted a spell of her own. I then gasped as the white light hit me, and I felt my body froze and she rushed towards me, catching me before I fell. I couldn't move, nor speak. She had used the Petrificus Totalus spell on me...and I should have known better.

I tried to portray my emotions with my eyes, wondering if Addie could understand and she did.

"I'm sorry. This is the only way. I'm not playing this time, Hermione. I used the Elder Wand on you, so the spell is a lot stronger. Don't worry, I have a plan..." Addie whispered.

Then the crackle in my hear indicated someone speaking and I frowned, hearing the shocked voice of Bill. "Hermione! Are you okay? I can see you! What did Addie do?"

Then, there was a chorus of people speaking over the comms, including my husband but I couldn't focus on what they were staying. Then, I heard a CRACK! And I moved my eyes to see Ron.

"Is she ready?" Ron asked.

Addie nodded. "I used a body bind spell on her. Get her out of here, and hopefully George will soon be by with Bill and Fleur. The quicker we get we get our family out of here, the less chance we have of Ross finding them and locking them up."

"I still think we should have told the others the full plan..." Ron murmured, and he leaned, smiling at me. "She looks confused."

Addie looked at me. "Like I said, I have a plan...I was never going to bring you in. I only acted like I would. If I bring you in, Senator Ross will do everything in his power to expose magic and experiment on you or someone else with magic. I can't have that. So, I came up with a plan while I was with T'Challa. I told him and while he was hesitant, he knew that I needed to protect you and magic. I could never fight're my best friend. I am so sorry for my harsh words."

"George, along with Tasha know too. So does Tony, Rhodey and the new kid, but only part of it." Ron told me. "Addie informed us by using the Patronus charm. Tony, Rhodey and the new kid don't know about the second part of the plan. Tony was reluctant but he's with not exposing too much of the magical community. The world doesn't need to know everything about us...well at least not yet anyway."

"Don't worry, I will deal with the repercussions with Tony and Rhodey about the second part of the plan." Addie remarked. "They won't like what I do next but desperate times call for desperate measures. Now, Ron has a portkey that I created to take you to a safe place, so he'll apparate you and him to the portkey and then he will remove the body-bind spell before the port-key takes you to a secret place. T'Challa chose it the place – I gave him the object and casted the spell as he thought about a place, as anywhere that is familiar to me will be compromised, except the Burrow but Bill and Fleur will go there, once George and I body bind them."

"Brilliant plan..." Ron murmured, he grabbed onto me, ready to leave. "I hate fighting against family."

I must have shown panic in my eyes, as Addie tried to soothe me.

"I know...but this is the only way I can all magical beings safely out of here. Don't worry about Steve, I'll help him – even if I'm currently pissed at him." Addie assured me. "Now, don't hex Ron when he releases you from the spell. And take the port-key! I have it sorted, so don't come back!"

Ron nodded one last time. I blinked, and I saw my husband running towards me and I wanted to scream out but alas, with a CRACK!, Ron and I were gone.


Adelaide's POV


"Hermione!" the panicked voice of Steve shouted as Ron, with a binded Hermione, apparated out of the area. "Addie, what the hell?!"

I yelped in surprise as Steve's shield flew past me, hitting an airport carrier, and whipping back to Steve like a boomerang.

I turned to him – the look on his face angry. "I did what I had to do! I am protecting her, which is more than I can say for you! Did you even think about this before you decided to go ahead with this ridiculous plan?! Can you imagine what they, and I mean Senator Ross and his band of soldiers will do if they manage to capture one of us?! We are of magic Steve!"

"Hermione can handle herself! She knew what she was doing! Where have you taken her?!" Steve growled.

"Somewhere safe. I know she can handle herself. But you have made it so much worse. Senator Ross is not playing nice. Yes, he wants the Accords, but you know what he wants more? Us...the magical community. I know for sure he wants my head, and no doubt Hermione's." I snapped.

"Hermione –"

"Gladly followed you because you're her soulmate. But can you imagine if Senator Ross and his merry band of dark op soldiers would do if they capture us? They'll experiment on us...this isn't about the Accords anymore. And by you rescuing your best friend and trying to save his life without even thinking of the consequences doesn't help. Why do you think I went through this whole Accords thing? I was trying to keep the Magical community out of it. And now thanks to you, my world, Hermione's world will be exposed even more. Because it's not just my head or my magic that he wants. It's all of it – the entire Magical community. And if he gets his hands on one of us, he will start a war even bigger than you and Barnes. I don't care what kind of agenda you have right now, but I'm trying to prevent another war."

"How I do I know she's safe, and you just have an agenda? How do I know you're not playing me?" Steve snapped, gripping onto his shield, ready to attack.

I scoffed. "Like you have in the last few days? Risking everything to save your best friend, not even minding or thinking about the consequences? Right...because you're so perfect."

He sighed. "Where is she? Where has Ron apparated her to?"

"Somewhere safe."

"I don't believe you."

I snorted. "Of course not. But unlike you, I wouldn't knowingly put my best friend's life at stake all because of some guy I use to know many years ago. So, just know that Hermione has gone somewhere safe. And despite me really wanting to punch you in the face, I'm now helping you."

"Wait what? Uh, that wasn't the plan, Witchy! I allowed you to take Hermione and whomever else she managed to obtain to help her but no! We bring Barnes, along with Rogers in! That was the plan!"

"Sorry Tony...I made a promise." I said, taking out my ear piece, and dropping it. I then crushed it with my boot. I turned to Steve. "Believe me now?"

Steve sighed. "Addie..."

"Don't...just don't." I sighed. "What do you need me to do Captain?"

He nodded, but then bullets started firing our way and we both ducked behind the airport carrier car. "I need you to create path. We need to get out of here. The more time we waste, the more that doctor gets close to waking up the other soldiers."

I frowned. "You said that before. So, they're like Bucky, but worse. Okay, I'll help. Just a question -what was the plan in case you didn't stop the doctor?"

He sighed in relief, and I knew he was grateful to have my help. "So you're really helping us?"

I tilted my head. "For Hermione. I keep my promises – though you'll have to let me slap you after all this as retaliation for bringing Hermione into this."

He snorted. "Deal. So, Hermione was going to put them all in a sleeping spell so deep and then figure out a way to not make them assassins."

I saw that Tony had landed onto the solid ground, and I raised my wand. "I deal with the others – I have to body bind Bill and Fleur and send them back to the Burrow."

"Is that where Hermione went?" Steve asked.

I shook my head. "No. She's going somewhere more special but don't worry – she'll be safe. Well, at least that's what T'Challa told me. Now, you just handle Tony and the others and I'll help all magical beings leave this place."

Steve nodded. "See you at the quinjet? You kinda sent away our magical help, so we need you."

"Just go and annoy Tony. I'll be there when I get there." I said to him. "By the way, who was that small little man you had helping you? Where did he get the shrinking magic?"

" apparently...and his name is Antman...also, I'm sorry about attacking T'Challa..." He stated, before running off, leaving me confused.

"What do you mean you attacked T'Challa?!" I called out after him.

"He didn't attack me – well not much. I'm fine." My soulmate's voice spoke behind me. I turned around, sighing in relief. "I see that you are helping the Captain. I may knew about this part of the plan, but I must admit that I don't like the idea of you going somewhere with Barnes. He tried to kill you and my father."

I sighed. "I know. But he didn't do it. Hermione informed me that it was the doctor – Zemo is his name. He was the one behind the bombing, and why Barnes went all psycho on everyone."

"I see..." T'Challa murmured. "But why run away?"

"Because there more winter soldiers hiding somewhere and Zemo wants to wake them up." I informed him.

"But where is the proof?" He snapped, sighing as I flinched. "I am sorry. I want to believe you but considering recent events, I need to hear it from Barnes myself."

I sighed, nodding. "I understand. But I believe Steve and Hermione...if they are more out there, then Barnes would be the least of our problems."

He sharply inhaled. "Adelaide, I must continue my quest. Barnes may be innocent, but I have to know myself."

I couldn't see his face as his mask covered it, but judging by his stance and posture, I knew he wouldn't stop until he had Bucky in his grasp.

"I know...which is why I'm really sorry to do this. Don't hate me okay?" I remarked, raising my wand, casting a silent bird-conjuring charm. He flinched as the sound of a gun was fired off, but it was just really from the spell I had casted.

Small birds emerged from my wand, making T'Challa tilt his head sideways. With an apologetic look on my face, I casted another spell, making the birds charge towards him, ready to attack. T'Challa jumped, racing backwards as the birds made their way towards him. Then, I noticed lights coming from the carpark and I quickly waved my wand over me, apparating to the carpark – in the direction of lights.

I landed just as a blasting spell flew past me, hitting the wall.

"Sorry Addie!" George called out.

"You call that a blasting spell? Come on George, have some class!" Bill shouted, chuckling.

George looked to me. "A little help please?"

I sighed, before raising my wand again, and casting a body bind spell towards Bill. Bill didn't expect it, and the look of shock on his face was almost comical as he fell. Fleur cried out, rushing towards her husband, and so, I took my chance, again, casting another body binding spell at Fleur and I heard her gasp before falling flat onto the ground, next to her husband.

"Why couldn't you just do that before we started this whole mess?" George rushed over to Bill and Fleur, looking down on them.

There was an explosion, causing as all to pause and the carkpark shook a little, and I watched in horror as cars began to fall from the carpark, and onto the ground. I knew it was the work of Wanda, as she would be the only one able to drop cars or move objects without the help of magic.

"We're running out of time. We have to be quick – it's getting ugly out there." I stated, joining George. I crouched down, waving my wand over both Bill and Fleur, securing the spell so that they couldn't move. "You'll be fine. I was never going to bring you in. No, not when that bloody idiotic senator is out for our blood. Senator Ross would have a field day if he captures someone that has magic. Who knows what sort of experiments or tests he would have done you both or Hermione. It's easier this way."

Bill frowned. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "You'll be safe. Both of you. Well, all of you. George will take you to somewhere safe and then from there, he will release you from the spell. It had to be this way. I can't risk magic being tested in the hands of Senator Ross and his task force. George will explain everything. But you all need to leave now. Tony has found out the plan for me to help Steve."

George sighed and then jumped as another explosion went off, this time much closer. The dropping off cars had stopped, but we needed to get out of the carpark.

"We expected it to be a fight but it's turning into a bloodbath. We need to go... Good luck Addie." George remarked.

George crouched down, and placed his hand on Bill's shoulder. Fleur was already holding Bill's hand, and so she would be following him. With one last look at me, and a smile, George apparated himself, along with Bill and Fleur out of the carpark. The sound of footsteps could be heard and I looked up, seeing Sam heading my way.

"So Steve was are helping us..." Sam muttered, looking torn. "You're getting anyone with magic out of here..."

"I can create a portkey..." I began, standing up. "It will take you straight to Ginny. Just say the word."

Sam sighed, before shaking his head. "As much I would love to take you up on the offer of you creating the portkey, I gave my word to Cap and despite the fact I may end up in jail, I have to see him make it to stop Zemo. Ginny will understand."

"So will Steve, if you leave now." I remarked.

Sam then frowned, putting his hand to his ear. "Cap, I can't ask..."

I frowned. "What is it?"

Sam looked at me. "He wants me to go. He states that now that he has you, you can stop the others. He doesn't need me."

I knew what Steve was doing – afterall, I had the same idea when I was trying to send away Hermione, Bill and Fleur. If we could get Sam out of here, then it would just be myself, Steve and Barnes. And Steve was right – with the right spell, I could put a stop to Tony and the others.

I waved my wand again, summoning a shoe from thin air. I knew that it would have come from somewhere nearby, as with most summoning spells, the objects would be nearby. I then whispered the Portus spell, watching as it glowed blue before it settled. The shoe hummed, and I knew that the spell was working. The spell needed time to work, and so I placed it down, looking to Sam as I did.

"As you know, the portkey will need to time to work but once it glows again, then you'll be able to use it. So, you have time to make a decision. If you want to say and help Steve, then by all means but no-one will blame you if you decided to go to Ginny. I know you're loyal to Steve, but you love Ginny more. That I can see." I informed him

Steve must have been speaking in his ear as Sam sighed. "Steve wants me to go. He can hear you through the comms. He states that my work here is done. It's just him, Bucky, Clint, Wanda and you now. But –"

"I know. Your loyalty to him is astounding. Despite me wanting to punch him in the face, I can understand." I remarked. "Go. I'll make sure no-one gets hurt...well not so much."

He nodded. "You better get down there – Vision just showed up."

I looked through the panels of the metal that enclosed the carpark, and saw that Tony, Rhodey, Tasha, T'Challa, Spiderman and Vision were all on one side, and Clint, Antman, Wanda, Steve and Barnes were on the other – all facing towards each other, like a battle line had been drawn. Sam looked torn, wanting to take the portkey but then he sighed, before looking to me.

"Ginny will understand. You ready?" Sam held out his hand. "Your way is quicker getting there than me flying there."

I sighed, but nodded my head and taking his hand. I waved my wand around me, apparating us both out of the carpark and landing next to Steve. Everyone, except Sam and myself, jumped at the sound of the CRACK, but I composed myself. Sam took a few deep breaths, composing himself and then turned to face those opposing us. I looked at Steve, who gave me an appreciative smile. I turned to Tony, who looked disappointed.

"So that's how it's going to be?" Tony muttered out loud.

"I made a promise...." I murmured, hoping he could hear me.

Steve then turned to me. "Is there some way you can render them all unconscious without harming them?"

"There is but if I do it, there's no going back. We'll officially be enemies after I cast the stunning spell." I warned him.

He sighed. "I know. Hermione said the same thing when I asked her the exact same question. But we have no choice."

I looked at him, seeing the tired blue eyes and the look of a man not wanting to hurt his friends. Any anger I had for him was gone – replaced with pity. Steve's loyalty to his best friend was idiotic but it was also a little heroic. He had gone against being the righteous soldier he was raised to be when he decided to save his best friend, and while I didn't approve of his method of how he went about it, he was just trying to save people and his best friend.

"Well, hopefully my soulmate will be able to forgive me for doing this." I murmured. "That's twice now I've used magic against him..."

"Sorry Addie..." Steve whispered. "If there is any consolation, I know how he feels. Hermione's magic can pack quite a bite."

I raised my wand, and I saw a look of panic come across Nat's face. With an apologetic look, I casted a silent sleeping spell, over her and the others. While Tony, Rhodey, Spiderman and T'Challa all had their suits on, and Vision was still hovering in the air near them, the spell quickly took affect and I noticed them all swaying. Vision landed softly on the ground, lying down, with all the others following. Soon, Tony, Rhodey, Tasha, Spiderman and Vision were asleep on the ground. I then watched as my soulmate followed suit, dropping to the ground, asleep and I sighed, mentally cursing myself for putting him under a sleeping spell.

"So...okay...what do we do now?" Antman asked.

"Okay, seriously, who are you?" I asked him. "Antman can't be your real name."

"Oh...Scott Lang...Wait...forget name is Antman, so use that." Scott muttered.

"I know your name is Antman but I like knowing your real name. Antman is—"

"Awesome!" Scott tried to finish for me.

I tilted my head. "Not where I was going but okay."

"What do we do now?" Sam asked. "I know what the mission is, but I don't like the idea of leaving them here while we're off fighting super assassins. It's not like we can fight them now. Do we leave or do we wait around?"

"No. Steve, Barnes and Addie goes. It's much their fight, well Steve's and Barnes's fight than it is ours. I overheard Addie creating a portkey, so it's figuring out who stays behind and who leaves." Clint remarked.

Steve shook his head. "I can't ask you to do that."

"He's right. We have to go. Zemo is probably halfway to Siberia by now. The longer we stand around talking, the closer he gets to waking them up." Barnes uttered. He hadn't spoken – quiet till now.

"I take it you're James Barnes?" I asked.

The man, scruffy hair, military suit and a metal arm, nodded. "Call me Bucky. Neat spell, that sleeping one. Got anything stronger to wipe out some soldiers like me?"

"Did you not hear Hermione's talk about Adelaide? Dude, she's one of the most powerful witches out there and she stopped a war when she was seventeen. Trust me, she'll be able to take care of your friends." Sam muttered.

"Thanks Sam. But perhaps another time for a showcase of my magical abilities." I remarked. "So, do I need to make more portkeys to send everyone home or—"

"No, just Sam, Wanda and Scott will be leaving. They can take the portkey. I'll stay behind." Clint said.

"Clint. I can't ask—" Steve began but was stopped by Clint.

"No. As much as I hate to do this, some of us – or one of us will have to stay behind and lose. After all, this wasn't the big fight. That fight is yet to come." Clint pointed out.

"You'll not be alone. I too will say behind, if that is alright with you..." Scott stepped up, standing next to Clint.

Clint nodded. "I won't ask anyone to stay with me. If you do this, there is no going back. You might get in trouble."

Scott took off his mask. "Well, I've been in worse situations before. It's not the first time I've been in jail."

"Clint, Scott, this won't be like jail. Senator Ross will be taking you guys off somewhere that is probably not on the books – after all, he thinks that he'll be gaining a magical being." I exclaimed.

Clint frowned. "That's why you were helping us. You wanted all the magical beings out of the way so that they wouldn't be captured."

I nodded. "Yes. And now I've made a promise to Hermione, so I'll be helping Steve."

"We don't have much time. Wanda, follow Sam to the portkey." Steve ordered. He turned to me. "I assume that the portkey will head to the Burrow, because that's where you were going to send Sam?"

I nodded. "Yes...but Sam, take Tasha with you. George will be worried about her."

Sam sighed, before running over to where the others slept. He crouched down, gently lifting a sleeping Tasha and carrying her bridal style. He then stopped near T'Challa, and looked to me.

"What about him?"

I shook my head. "He can handle himself. And besides, if they find T'Challa missing, his people will assume we've kidnapped him and start a war with us. The sleeping spell will wear off but we'll be gone by then, so with Clint and Scott staying behind, I'm sure he'll be okay. Whether he will forgive me is another matter, but like I said, no-one magical is getting captured today, including Wanda."

Wanda gave me smile, and took off running with Sam, heading towards the carpark where we had left the portkey I created for Sam.

"You ready for this?" Steve asked both Barnes and I.

Barnes nodded. "Yeah."

I sighed, taking one last look at my sleeping soulmate before turning to Steve, my stomach twisting in knots.

"Let's do this."

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